My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AU

De BriannaLynnC98

243K 10.8K 6.5K

Niall Horan isn't like other boys his age. Some people say he's just immature, but they only say that because... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

8.3K 375 125
De BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

"Zayn! You've read this four times now! How can you not remember what it says?" Mr.Cowell huffed in frustration with me. I think he's starting to rethink his whole tutoring every Sunday thing, and it's only our first tutoring session.

Niall has just been sitting here giggled every time I got something wrong or don't read things the way I should. Mr.Cowell is trying to teach me skills to over come my dyslexia, but so far it's just resulted in me reading the same line in a book over and over again. He's already having a hard time working with me and we've only been in our tutoring session for forty minutes.

"It know I've read it four time, but that still doesn't make the words stop dancing like happy little leprechauns!" I told him and poked Niall's belly to make him giggle. I looked over at his face and saw it scrunch up as small laughs left his mouth and his hands curled up under his chin. I leaned over and kissed his forehead, but our sweet moment was cut short by a book being thrown at me by Mr.Cowell.

"Focus! I thought having him here with you would make you work harder like you do on the football field." He mumbled the last part under his breath, but I heard it and it made me realized I wasn't all that sneaky with woking hard to impress Niall on the pitch.

"Sorry, I'll try harder." I told him, but grabbed Niall's hand under the table and tangled our fingers together. I saw Niall smile, then continue to work on adding numbers on the worksheet he had.

I learned today that he was so behind all of us that he was just learning how to add numbers. Well, relearn how to add numbers. Niall is so slow that things that should stick with him, like they do with the rest of us, just don't. He also has a hard time holding the pencil and writing, so that's a barrier for him to learn. Also, he has the attention span of a four year old, but I personally believe that's how old his mind is telling him he is. It's still cute to me.

"Alright, what I'm going to do is start from the beginning. With this book." Mr.Cowell pulled out a book and my jaw dropped. I know how the read that book... kind of.

"That's a Dr.Seuss book." I told him like he was the stupid one here instead of me. He slid the book across desk to me, but instead of me reaching for it, Niall did.

"Niall's favorite." The blonde boy mumbled and started flipping through it. I looked at Mr.Cowell because I knew if Niall could read it then I could too, but I wouldn't enjoy it as much as him. My teacher just looked at me with a sarcastic smile, like he knew exactly what in was thinking. I hate him right now.

"I'll read it, but can I get better books later on?" I asked him as I moved back in my chair.

"I am giving you a book a day until you can actually read a novel. Throughout you're life, you've given up on reading because it's too hard. You need to build your skills up from the beginning." A tap on my shoulder brought me from giving my teacher a look that could kill him. I looked at Niall and saw he was handing me the book. I took it, but Niall stood up then sat down on my lap. He curled up and stuck his thumb in his mouth, waiting for me to start reading to him. I kissed the top of his head and opened the book.

"One f-fish, two fish, r-red fish, blow- no- blue fish." I started reading from some sort of memory and trying to actually read the book. Mr.Cowell sat back in his chair, crossing his arms with a smug expression on his face. He's really not my favorite person right now, have I mentioned that?

After a few more hours of reading different children's books to Niall and doing more English homework that the class was actually doing, Niall and I could finally go enjoy the rest of our day off.

I grabbed Niall's hand, as well as a stack of three Dr.Seuss books. The Irish boy was excited that I got really good books, but I was less excited because I hate reading and I hate reading books that are so stupid. But, I'll read them to Niall because it makes him happy.

I dropped Niall's hand when we made it to the dorm rooms and started looking around for that short blue eyed devil to be anywhere. When I didn't see him, I hurriedly hooked an arm around Niall's waist and led him to my room. Liam was sitting on his bed looking at his laptop and talking, so I assumed he was on Skype with his family. I told Niall to be quite, he listened to that part, but he still went and crawled next to Liam on his bed and gave him a hug. He's like this squishy cuddly little thing that wants to share it with everyone that will let him.

"Liam, whose that little cutie?" His mum asked as I went to get Niall off of Liam.

"That's Niall. Zayn is in L-O-V-E with him, but won't admit it." Liam told his mum in a sing song voice. I got a pillow off my bed and throw it at him, but there was a tap on the door so I couldn't throw more things at him. I went to answer it, but made sure Liam let go of Niall because he's mine. Niall is cute and cuddly, but only I can do that. Even if I haven't made it official yet. I'll only make it official after I can get Louis off my back to keep me fucking him. It's been two days since he's asked me to, but I'm guessing that's because I tried really hard to be so horrible that he couldn't even get off on it. I'm hoping that worked, that way I can try to figure out what exactly I feel about Niall.

I opened the door to some lady that looked like she was really sick with a cold or something, but she was dressing in a nice clothes none the less was standing there. She had light brown hair in a messy bun and dark brown eyes that had splashes of green in them. She didn't look like she was a day over thirty so I knew she was kind of young.

"Is Niall Horan in here?" She asked, then sneezed into a tissue she had. I nodded, but was really confused of why she was here. She must have noticed because she palmed her forehead and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so sick. I'm Violet Haley, or Mrs.Haley to the students. I've been helping him for the past year, but these past couple weeks I've really been slacking on my job. I was just wondering how he's doing? Mr.Cowell told me he has been spending allot of time with you and your roommate." I smiled at the sick lady and opened the door for her. She stepped in and smiled when she saw Niall sitting next to Liam while looking at the laptop with a sweet smile on his face. Niall didn't even look up, he just kept looking at the screen.

"He's been doing fine. I don't know him that well, but I'm getting there. He's really sweet." I told Mrs.Haley. I had seen her around a few times, but I never knew she helped Niall. Now I do, and it makes me feel a bit better that he has more people looking out for him than just me.

"He's a sweetheart. The day his parents dropped him off here, I knew I had to take care of him." She told me while turning to walk back out the door.

"His parents just dropped him off? Does he even hear from them?" I asked her before she left. I saw how sad she looked when I mentioned that, and I knew the answer without even needing to hear it.

"We can both take care of him now." I told her with a smile, hoping that would fix things a bit. She nodded and looked at me like she was trying to see what hidden agenda I had.

"Don't hurt him. He's like a son to me, if you're ready to have him and teach him what love is, please take care of my little boy. No one ever has, take care of him." Mrs.Haley told me. I gave her a smile and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I like him allot. I don't really know how it happened or if these feelings are romantic ones for him, but I know how he deserves to be treated. I'll take care of him." I saw how much relief my words brought her as she left my room. As I was closing my door, I heard Niall start giggling and felt my heart fill with fondness towards the boy.

I went and sat on my bed and watched as Niall laughed at the funny jokes Liam was telling him. I loved how his eyes were so focused on understanding every single word in the joke so he could laugh at it.

Liam's phone started vibrating on the table and I was about to get it for him, but he snatched it up quickly before I could. I looked at him as he read the text he got. The smile he just had fell, and his eyes filled with something that looked like dread. He got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, where I heard him rummaging through something in there.

"What are you looking for, Liam?" I called out as I got up to go to the bathroom. I walked in and saw him putting back the box of condoms we had in there. I wasn't sure if he got some out, or if he was just moving it out of his way to find something else.

"Nothing, just extra deodorant. Left mine in the locker room." I knew the second he opened his mouth that he was lying. Liam has this wonderful skill to always show when he's lying no matter how big or small the lie is.

"I don't believe you. What's up?" I told him, making him blush bright red and look down.

"I'll tell you when you tell me who brused up your face." He told me that because he knows I'm not telling him. He's been asking since it happened, and I haven't broken.

"Whatever..." He looked up and walked to me with his arms out. I hugged him for a few seconds, then he left he bathroom and soon left our room. I didn't know where he was going or what he was doing, but I figured this is Liam. The guy never gets in trouble, rarely does anything that's seen as unacceptable to others and everyone loves him. Whatever made him look so full of dread, must not be so bad.

I walked back out to the room and saw Niall sitting there quietly just looking around. He was so carefree that it rubbed off on me. I let go of whatever thoughts were running through my head and strsses I was feeling, and went to go cuddle up with the Irish boy.

"Read to me!" He squeaked after I had him wrapped up in my arms. He reached over for one of the books I had on the bed side table, which was Green Eggs and Ham, and gave it to me. I knew I couldn't say no to him so I opened the book at started stumbling through it, but I felt like Niall didn't really care.

I stumbled through the book like a first grader would, but Niall enjoyed it because he curled up to my chest with his thumb in his mouth and looked at all the pictures. I will never understand how anyone could be so cute.

A/N: do you guys feel like there's allot of mystery going on here? I do and I feel like I don't know where I'm going with this book any more. Is it good? Comment / Vote!
                              - Bri;)

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