In Between

By Bails701

22.5K 553 2.7K

You're an FBI agent at the BAU, something you've always wanted to do growing up. And now, you've made it, at... More

1. The Beginning
2. The Beginning: pt. 2
3. An End to A Remarkable Begining
4. Unpredictable
5. Girls Day
6. Girls Night
7. The Hardest Thing
8. Inconveniece
9. Opening Statements
10. Proceedings
11. The End Result
12. The Celebratory Dinner
13. Surprise, Surprise
14. Choices
15. Decisions, Decisions
16. An Unexpected Case
17. John A. Monroe
18. Harley
19. Panic and Reassurance
20. Stella Rhodes
21. Nick Gray
22. New Colleagues
23. Thursday
24. Friday: The Party
25. Fourth of July
26. Ready
27. The One With The Wedding
28. Ivy
29. A Fresh One
30. The Talk
31. Betrayal
32. Moving Day
33. The 28th Birthday
34. Back In Virginia - Filler Chapter
35. The February Agreement
36. Official - Filler Chapter
37. Different
39. The End Of The Ghost Murderer
40. The Finale
41. Acknowledgements and Things

38. The Boston Reaper 2.0

179 5 179
By Bails701

Previously: After being in Wyoming for a year and a half, you finally came back to the BAU. You had went out with the girls.

It's been a few days since you came back from Wyoming. Lately it's all been paperwork. It's around three in the morning and your phone rings. You blindly feel for your phone and answer it.

Y/N: "Agent Y/N Monroe."

Hotch: "We've got a case, I need you to come to the BAU as soon as possible."

Y/N: "Alright. I'm getting up now." You say after breathing out a sigh.

Hotch ends the phone call and you get up from your bed to take a shower. After showering, you quickly throw on some clothes along with your holster, gun, and badge. Once you took Harley out and fed her, you went on your way to the BAU. Before arriving to the BAU, you stopped at Dunk's for your usual order.

You flashed your badge then went into the elevator. You heard a voice say "Hold the elevator!" then a brown bookbag swinging to stop the doors from closing. Once the doors opened again, you saw it was Spencer.

Reid: "Thanks." He said with his usually tight-piped smile.

Y/N: "You're welcome." You said returning the same smile.

Spencer pressed the button to go up and there was a silence until he spoke again.

Reid: "Are you excited to be back in the field?"

Y/N: "A little, yeah."

Reid: "Did you know that many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult?"

Y/N: "I did not, care to elaborate?"

Reid: "Well,  feet are enormously complex parts of the body. Each foot contains about twenty-six bones, as well as thirty-three joints and nineteen muscles, which work together to allow for a huge range of motion and movements. But many of these bones remain as cartilage throughout a person's childhood, slowly ossifying into bone as the years go on. According to the Ontario Society of Chiropodists, all of the bones in the foot don't completely harden until a person is about twenty-one years old! Isn't that amazing?"

Y/N: "Yeah, it is." You say giving him a polite smile.

The elevator bell dinged and you both walked into the bullpen. Besides Hotch and Penelope, you and Spencer were the only ones there. Slowly the rest of the team started to gather in the bullpen and into the   conference room.

Hotch: "Garcia?"

Penelope: "Right."

Penelope explained the entire case along with pictures of the victims. There's been an off and on murder spree if you will. The unsub has been murdering four victims every three years. The ages change, the unsub kills both women and men. No one's caught the unsub yet. He'd leave little notes at each crime scene, then after the fourth murder he disappears. This all takes place in Salem, Massachusetts during the halloween season.

Hotch: "Wheels up in twenty."

After Hotch says that, everyone gets up to get their go-bags and to get onto the jet. JJ and Emily sit together, Luke and Derek sit near each other, you sit with Tara, and Spencer sits near Hotch.

Tara: "I feel like we haven't sat next to each other on the jet."

Y/N: "Yeah, it's a nice change." You say smiling.

Tara: "It really is." She said returning the smile.

Y/N: "I'm actually really tired," you say while yawning, "Do you mind waking me up when we land?"

Tara: "Oh no, of course, you go ahead and catch up on some sleep."

Y/N: "Thank you Tara."

Tara: "No problem."

You lay your head on your seat and slowly fall asleep for the hour and a half plane ride. Once you all landed, Tara woke you up. You all grabbed your go-bags and Hotch grouped everyone in teams on the tarmac.

Hotch: "Alvez with Morgan, Prentiss with Reid, JJ with me, and Monroe with Lewis. We'll head to the police department first, regroup, then figure out the rest after."

Everyone nodded then got into the SUV's.


Once you all arrive to the police station, you walk into the station to be met by an officer.

Officer: "I'm assuming you're the Feds?"

Hotch: "Yes, we're from the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI."

He began to introduce you all to the officer.

Officer: "I'm officer Andrew Dalton, but you can call me Andy."

Hotch: "Is there anywhere we can convene?"

O. Dalton: "Yes of course, follow me."

Andy shows you to a good sized room complete with a table, chairs, and a bulletin board.

Hotch: "Thank you."

O. Dalton: "If anyone wants coffee, I can have someone make a Dunk's run."

Hotch: "Thank you, but we're all set for now, just let us know if theres any fresh ones."

O. Dalton: "Of course."

Andy leaves and shuts the door behind him.

Hotch: "There's twelve old victims, and one new one over the course of around six years."

Y/N: "Do we know the trigger?"

Hotch: "No."

Alvez: "Well there's gotta be something. No one ever just starts killing for no reason."

Tara: "You never really know, someone out there could be killing right now, and we'd never know."

Emily: "Sorry Alvez, I'm with Tara on this."

Mostly everyone started to agree but then Hotch had to get everyone back on track. After discussing, he gives the groups tasks to do. You and Tara are going to the latest victim's house to ask questions.

Once everyone is given a task, you all go your separate ways. Tara offered to drive so you sat in the passenger seat.

Tara: "So, do you think we'll catch the unsub?" She asked while turning the car on.

Y/N: "I don't know. Maybe. Considering he seems to flee before getting caught, we have a fifty-fifty chance of actually catching him."

Tara: "Do you remember who we're questioning?"

Y/N: "Her name is Raelynn."

Tara: "What was the relationship with the victim?"

Y/N: "Girlfriend. Her and Natalia were together for two and a half years."

Tara: "Aha, gotcha."

The rest of the ride was silent. Once you and Tara arrived to the house, you both walk up and knock then she opens the door.

Raelynn: "Hello?"

Y/N: "Hi, I'm agent Y/N Monroe and this is my colleague agent Tara Lewis, we're part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. May we come in?"

Raelynn: "Of course." She said while moving out of the way to make room for you both to come inside.

Once you both come inside, she offers you water which you both respectfully decline.

Raelynn: "I'm assuming this is about Natalia?"

Tara: "You would be correct."

Y/N: "Our deepest condolences to you and her family."

Raelynn: "Thank you."

Tara: "What happened the day she was found deceased?"

Raelynn: "We had woken up the morning of and we had noticed that we ran out of eggs. She offered to go to the store to buy eggs and other things to make breakfast. The next thing I knew I heard on the news that someone had came across the store she was going to and there was an accident."

Tara: "Is there anything else you remember? Were there any preconceived notions about her attacker?"

Raelynn: "No. It was all so sudden." She said quietly.

Y/N: "Alright, well if there's anything else you can think of," you say while handing her your card, "call this number."

Raelynn: "Will do."

You both nod slightly then head out of the house back to the SUV.

Tara: "This might be more difficult than originally planned."

Y/N: "Agreed. Let's head back to the Police Department."

Tara reignites the engine and starts driving back to the Police Department.


You and the team are having a discussion about the unsub and what to do about him.

Alvez: "I don't know what's worse, the fact that no one has been able to catch this guy, or the fact that there's a nickname for him."

Hotch: "There's always been a nickname for him, people are just now using it."

Emily: "What're they calling him?"

Reid: "The Ghost Murderer."

JJ: "Why're they calling him that?"

Y/N: "Because he goes ghost after the fourth murder."

Morgan: "Don't they all have something better to do than to come up with a nickname for the unsub?"

Tara: "Apparently not."

Y/N: "I don't know what's more tricky, when the next attack will be, who it'll be, or where."

Emily: "I'll take all of the above for five-hundred."

There was a slight chuckle from everyone.

Reid: "Since he's only ever attacked in Salem, maybe we'll have people be in certain areas to watch out for him. He's made himself known so we all know what he looks like. And by the note he left, it sounds like he'll be attacking around sunset."

JJ: "Where's the note?"

Hotch: "Right here." He says holding up a note in an evidence bag.

Alvez: "Could you read it again?"

Hotch: "Nice to see the FBI agents are here, you shouldn't have, I feel special. Let's see if you can catch me. I'll even help you, seven-twenty-three PM. I hear the view will be spectacular. I'll be expecting you soon."

Tara: "Interesting."

Morgan: "He's gotta be at a viewpoint of some sort."

Hotch: "Reid?"

Reid: "There's the Salem Willows Park."

Y/N: "I guess we'll start there."

Morgan: "So, what's the plan?"

Hotch: "We'd need someone as bait, a target if you will."

Reid: "I think it would be a smart idea to have multiple targets."

Emily: "Okay, but who would be bait?"

JJ: "Good question."

Tara: "I'll be one."

Alvez: "Are you sure?"

Tara: "Whatever it takes to catch this guy."

Alvez: "I'll be one too."

Y/N: "So will I."

Morgan: "Are you sure Monroe?"

Y/N: "Absolutely."

Hotch: "Everyone who volunteered will dress as regular citizens, everyone else will be placed at random locations and keep an eye out for the unsub. Let's finish this in one piece."

Emily: "Agreed."


It's been about an hour since everyone left to get ready. You wore a black sweatshirt along with jeans and a pair of sneakers. You were all given one of those bugs where you could hear Hotch, and Hotch could hear you. Once everyone found their place, you took a seat on the stone wall that ran across the mini-beach. Some time went by, you checked your phone and noticed it was six-fifty-one PM. Almost show time.


It's inching closer and closer to seven-twenty-three PM. You weren't gonna lie, it was a bit scary. He could show up at anytime and strike anywhere, but you knew you were surrounded by your team, that seemed to calm you down a bit. After a few minutes, Hotch started to talk.

Hotch: "The unsub is in sight."

Y/N: "Where?"

Hotch: "You."

Y/N: "Oh." You calmly and nonchalantly look around, and that's when you see him. He makes eye contact with you.

Y/N: "We made eye contact, I think he's coming to me, what do I do?"

Hotch: "Just keep calm. Keep him distracted."

Y/N: "On it."

You remain calm while he walked up to you.

Unsub: "Hey there, are you waiting for anyone? Is this seat taken?"

Y/N: "Oh no, I'm not, feel free to take a seat." You say smiling kindly.

You felt weird being nice to him, but you had to do what you had to in order to catch him. Whatever it takes.

Unsub: "So, are you from around here?" He said while jumping up onto the stone wall.

Y/N: "No, I'm just visiting family. I figured I'd see the sunset, it's always been my favorite."

Unsub: "Another sunset junkie huh?"

Y/N: "Yeah," you chuckled, "how about you? Are you from around here or are you just visiting?"

Unsub: "Visiting, I like to come every few years."

Hotch: "Keep it up. We've almost got him surrounded."

Y/N: "Oh yeah? What do you like the most?"

Unsub: "Everything mostly, it's like no other place."

Y/N: "You're right about that." You say chuckling a bit.

Unsub: "You've got a great smile, and a great laugh too, what's your name by the way?"

Y/N: "Delilah, and thank you. What's yours?"

Unsub: "Quinn, Quinn Dalton."

Y/N: "Well it's very nice to meet you Quinn." You say extending your hand out.

Quinn: "It's nice to meet you too Delilah," he said grabbing your hand, "or should I say Y/N?"

Shit. He knows who you are. What're you supposed to do?

Hotch: "We're in the vicinity, go, now, Monroe."

You try to leave but Quinn tightened his grip on your hand.

Quinn: "Do you really think I'm that stupid? I know a fed when I see one."

Y/N: "What do you want?"

Quinn: "I want all of your friends to come out, now, before I blow your brains out."

He kind of spins you off of the wall and places his gun on your head. There were screams coming from the civilians.

Quinn: "I know you're all here, come out, or she's dead."

Everyone started to come out and show themselves, guns drawn.

Hotch: "Put the gun down Dalton."

Quinn: "Or else what?"

Morgan: "Come on, you can either make this easy, or extremely difficult."

Quinn: "You should already know how this is going to go."

Emily: "Put the gun down, now."

Quinn: "Why? She'd be the second victim of mine, she seems worth it."

Alvez: "Why use the gun? Are you not strong enough to take her down?"

Quinn: "I'm more than capable of killing her without the gun, but where's the fun in that? Plus, it would take too long."

After a few minutes of arguing with Quinn, he still didn't give up. He eventually pressed the gun harder against your skull. You could feel the coldness of the gun. You just wished this would end already. That's when you heard it. The gun shot. Your entire body froze. Did you get shot again? Or did Quinn get shot? Did he fire a warning shot? What happened? You were afraid to move.

You kept your eyes shut tight in fear of what you might see. You've seen and been through a lot, but right now was the scariest moment of your life, considering everything you've gone through. From being in an abusive and toxic relationship, to getting shot for the first time, to losing your Dad, to being completely heartbroken, but right in this moment was the scariest moment in your life.

~ End of Ch. 38 ~


HEYY, I HOPE THIS MAKES UP FOR THE FILLER CHAPTERS💃 As I'm writing this, I had my first day of my Senior Year! Honestly, it was okay. I'm just kind of scared because this is the last year of High School, then whatever happens will happen. Anyways, THANK YOU AGAIN FOR 1K READS!!! I honestly did not expect that, like at ALL. But, I am truly grateful for each and every one of you. If you've been here from the start or near the end, I still appreciate you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you guys are okay, remember to drink some water, eat a snack, make sure to take care of yourselves <3 If you need someone to talk to, my DM's are ALWAYS open. Have an amazing day/night/afternoon <3


Ch. Started: August 18th, 2021.
Ch. Finished: September 2nd, 2021(I procrastinated a lot and it was hard to write😀).

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