Jotaro x reader oneshots

Par Normal_weebstuff69

16.9K 401 449

It's basically Jotaro x reader oneshots. Will contain!! -smut -fluff -angst -sensitive content but it will ha... Plus

I'm Sorry
I Like You
Fuck You
It's Gonna Be Alright
Forever Together
I Broke The Agreement
I Thought You Loved Me
The Hell!!?!?? Au
That Was..... Attractive Au
I'm Here
I Love You The Way You Are
I Don't Understand You Au
Forbidden Love Au
I Never Summoned You!!!
Him!? A Father!???!
It Must Be Fate
You Piss Me Off Sometimes
We Were Once Besties
The Hot Boss Au
The Nice Werewolf Au
Arranged Marriage Au
Let's Play Shall We?
Protect You
Thank You Au
Not Friends Or Enemies
Don't Get Attached Au
And They Were Roommates AU

Weird Days

291 9 19
Par Normal_weebstuff69

Where should I even begin with this story?.... OK.

You are quite nice to others, especially people you don't know, but to your friends you are their worst nightmare, why? You sent them memes at 3am, even though it's the end of 1980's you managed to make a few memes and sent them to them.

You are the prankster of the gang and the person with the most anger issues.

You remember one day, it was the first day of your new school, you heard a bunch of girls screaming and fawning over a guy, you looked over and saw a huge guy being circled by girls.

'kinda feel bad' you thought.

"SHUT THE HELL UP BITCHES!!!! GO AWAY YOU WHORES!!" he yelled and the girls squealed.

You shook your head and walked past them.

"hey you!!" you heard the guy yell, you turned around and saw him looking at you.

"help me out of here" he demanded.

"I don't know man, it's not my problem, it's yours, get out of this alone" you said and then left, the girls were mad at your behavior.

After you got in class you took your seat, you took out your phone and send memes to your friends and other stuff.

"you!" you heard the guy say again, you looked up and saw that he's angry.

"sup" you said as you put your phone away.

"I asked you something before" he said.

"yeah..... I'm not your servant or something or your partner in crime to help you out of trouble, why don't you just run?" you asked him.

"yare yare... What's your name?" he asked.

"it's deez" you said.

"deez what?" he said and you smirked like a villain.

"deez nuts! Ha!!! Got em!!!!" you said as you laughed.

And from that day on he hates you and you hate him, why you hate him? Because after that he tried to beat you up.

You were in P.E class and you were playing dodge ball, you were in one team and Jotaro was in another, you knew what that meant.

You both targeted the others in order to end up alone against each other, when that time came you looked at each other with menacing glares.

He took a few balls and you did as well, you glared at him and waited for him to make the first move, since he didn't do it you started annoying him.

"what's up man? Scared to throw a ball? Don't worry, I know you don't want to hurt a girl but don't you crave gender equality?" you asked him, he was clearly getting pissed, you smirked and continued.

"it's not late to chicken out you know, don't worry, I won't hurt your ego after you lose" you said, I guess that was it for him because he started throwing the balls at you like crazy, you easily dodged them and started throwing balls at him as well.

"go jojo!!! Win!!!" the girls of your class started yelling, some of them were cheering for you, it was the ones that didn't like Jotaro.

You dodged one of the balls he threw and with full power you threw one at him and it was a headshot!!!!

The whole room fell silent, you checked your shoes and saw that they were OK, you looked up and saw Jotaro glaring at you while his nose was bleeding, he then started running towards you.

You went to the right just in time and started running.

"I'm fast as fuck boy!!!!" you yelled as you run out of the class and he followed behind.

After that you decided to skip the rest of the day and treat yourself with something for winning against him and for the headshot.

The next day and for almost two months he wasn't at school, but that didn't bother you.

One day you were walking just to relax, you were at the park when you saw Jotaro, it seemed that he was fighting someone.

You got a bit closer and looked at them, oh cool it was a stand fight.

"didn't know he had a stand" you said as you sipped your drink.

After a while the stand user got away, Jotaro stood there while panting

"well that was lame" you said and he looked at you.

"shut it woman" he said, you rolled your eyes and stood there.

"sooooo.... I thought you died, kinda disappointed that you didn't" you said as you sipped on your drink.

"I still haven't beaten you up for that day in P.E class" he said as he got closer.

"maybe some other day we can fight, but with our stands... Yeah I saw you are a stand user as well" you said with a smirk, he glared at you and scoffed.

Suddenly a person in black came out from the bushes and hit the two of you with their stand and left, you tried to run after them but you felt dizzy.

In a blink of an eye your perspective was changed, you looked around and saw your body was still were it was before, you looked at you hands and noticed that it was different, bigger, rougher, you looked at your clothes.... Wait a minute.

"what the fuck!!?!???!" you heard your voice, you looked over and saw that whoever was in your body that they were kinda freaked out.

"we changed bodies!!!" they said, it then hit you, YOU CHANGED BODIES WITH JOTARO!?!?!!!????!??

"sheeesh, that's not good" you said, you looked at him looking confused down at your boobs.

"don't look at them!" you yelled.

"don't yell at me bitch!!!" he said, you looked around and saw people looking at the two of you weirdly, you grabbed Jotaro and dragged him somewhere else.

"i don't like people staring at me" you said and soon stopped in an alley.

"I'll need to contact the old man" he said.

".... I gotta explain this to my parents" you said and he looked at you.

"they're both stand users so they'll understand..... But they won't like the fact that a weird ass boy got in my body" you said and he glared at you.

"shut up shorty" he said.

"hey!! I'm not short anymore, you are!!" you said and he growled.

"let's go and explain this to them, they might help" you said as you started dragging him again.

When you got home your mom opened the door, she was shocked to see you with a boy.... Wait until she finds out!!

"I see you brought a friend, come in" she said.

"there needs to be some explaining, I'm not (y/n), I'm Jotaro, an enemy stand user attacked and moved us to each other's bodies" Jotaro said and you nodded.

"oh... I'll go and get your father" she said and she left, after a while she came back with your dad.

"did it have to be a boy that changed bodies with her? Ok, we'll figure everything out" he said.

After a while you guys made a plan, Jotaro that's in your body will stay at your house, your dad made sure to threaten him that if he does anything with your body that he'll kill him, and you agreed

"so how do you act while being at your house?" you ask him.

"I'm distant, I go to my room, that's all, my mom will greet you but don't say anything" he said, his face then turned in one of pain as he held his stomach.

"oof.... Yeah, so I'm on my period so.... You better pray we change soon because you'll be in pain for 6 more days, make sure you change the pad frequently and sleep on your side" you said with an awkward laugh.

After that he gave you directions to his home, when you got there you sighed and got in, you were greeted by his mom as soon as you got in, you didn't expect her to be this cheerful, she kissed your cheek.

"how was your day?" she asked with a smile.

"fine" you said and then left, you felt bad but you had to act like Jotaro.

"dinner will be ready soon!" she said but you kept walking to jotaro's room, when you got in you sighed.

"this is going to be a pain in the ass" you said as you sat on his bed, you got your phone out and texted your friends

You: you won't believe what happened to me!!!!

F1: what happened?

You: I was attacked by a stand user!!!!

F2: didn't know you had enemies

You: I don't but it happened because of someone!!!

F1: spill the tea

You: so I was on a walk, and I saw that kujo guy fighting with someone, and I watched the fight!! Then we fought together, with words, but out of nowhere someone attacked us and now he's in my body and I'm in his!!!!

F2: damn!!!!! You lucky~

You: no I'm not!! What if he does something to my body?! What if he touches my boobs or my no no square!?

F1: he might be thinking the same, what if you touch his pp or his big mommy milkers?

You: now that I think of it, he can't touch my no no square unless if he wants to touch blood

F2:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! you changed bodies while being on your period!?!? Does he even know what a period is?

You: nah, I had to explain it, it was so awkward.

F2: wow.... Send a d pick~

You: NOOOOO!!!!!!!

F2: I was just kidding!!

You: I'm punishing him for calling me names, you should of seen his face, he was in so much pain

The next day when you went to school you were surrounded by his fangirls, you were struggling to get away so when you saw him walk past you smirking you wanted to punch him, but then you remembered that it was your body so you better not do it, in the end you yelled at them and shoved them away and left.

At lunch you met with Jotaro at the rooftop.

"you better not touched my body in any weird way!" you said.

"I'm in too much pain for that" he said.

"serves you right" you said.

"is it always like that?" he asked and you nodded.

"for me it started when I was 12, and it'll continue for at least when I enter my 50's or later, remember, it's once a month and it goes on for 1 week, for some women is more" you said

"I hate it, I haven't felt pain like this before, not even when I got stabbed" he said.

"search through my bag you'll find what you need" you said and he started searching.

"what is that shit?" he asked.

"a heating pad, put it on your lower belly and it'll help with the pain" you said, he did it and sighed in relief.

"we need to search for the person who caused this, I can't stay in your body for this long, I tripped multiple times while putting your pj's on because I had to close my eyes! And then the same thing for today" you said

"and here I thought you were going to look, maybe you're lying" he said.

"I'm sorry but I'm not looking at other people's half naked bodies without their consent" you said.

And this thing went on for over a week, your parents couldn't find the person who did it neither jotaro's grandfather could.

You two were at the park sitting and talking about what would happen next.

"I hope my mom doesn't annoy you" he said.

"what? No, you're mom is actually very sweet, I don't understand why you're so distant from her" you said.

"she's too.... Cheerful" he said.

"and what? You want her to be sad all the time, if she's cheerful and happy then don't complain, and after we change back you better be in her life more" you said and he groaned.

"your parents are not that bad as well, they showed me some of your baby pictures" he said and you gasped dramatically.

"oh they're in for a scolding when I get back" you said.... "I've also seen your baby pictures" you said and he immediately glared at you

"who thought that you were a cheerful child" you said while holding your laughter.

"you bitch!" he yelled

"relax, you've seen worse" you said.

The two of you have actually gotten closer after what is happening, you actually started being great friends, like right now, he's telling you about the trip in Egypt.

"and then iggy ate Polnareff's hair" he said and you chuckled.

"that Polnareff guy seems interesting" you said, it was like his whole mood changed.

"well, he's not, he's a flirt, probably gonna flirt with you if you ever meet him" he said a bit angrily

"I don't know, he seems nice though, I feel like if you tell him no he'll understand" you said.

"let me continue" he said sternly and you let him continue

After that the two of you made your way back, but you saw someone running past you

"catch him!!! He's the one that changed you two!!!!" you heard your dad say, the two of you run but thanks to the long legs you were able to catch up, you jumped and landed on him, you quickly got his hands behind his back and made him get up.

"you could of used your stand... Gosh you need to work out" Jotaro said as he panted.

"leave that for later" you said and then looked at the man.

"change us back or you'll die" you said.

"just because you have jotaro's body doesn't mean you're tough" he said.

"you got it wrong, even if I had my body I would of done the same, now change us back" you said as you pulled his arm higher and he screamed.

"I can't!!! I need to kill Jotaro! For lord Dio's sake!!!" he said.

"that manipulative bastard is already dead, now shut up and do it!!" you said as you bend his arm more

"alright alright!!!" he said, soon your perspective changed again and you were again in your body, you looked over you saw Jotaro already beating him up.

"show this asshole what he deserves!!!!" you yelled.

"(y/n) language!!!" your father Yelled and you apologized.

After the guy was beaten up Jotaro  muttered his catchphrase and came over to you

"guess this is over" he said.

"looks like it.... Welp, see yah tomorrow at school" you said as you waved at him and left with your father.

When you got home your mom came over to greet you two.

"guess who's back!!!!" you said and she smiled as she knew that it was you.

You then pulled out your phone.... But it wasn't your phone.

"shit, forgot to change phones with Jotaro.... Welp, Tomorrow I'll give it to him and he'll give mine back" you said as you shrugged.

"so I heard you showed him baby pictures of me.... Why?" you asked and they laughed.

"he asked for them because he was bored" your mom said.

"this ass! He said you guys willingly showed it to him.... I've already seen his so its even" you said and they laughed.

"so you both haven't explained anything, are you friends or more than friends?" your mom asked with a smirk.

"what!?!? No!!! We don't like each other and we're not friends, he despises me and I do too, he wanted to beat me up because I always pissed him off... On purpose and because I won at dodge ball!" you said and she giggled.

"alright, go and take some rest, you've had some weird days lately" she said and you nodded, you said goodnight and left.

You went over to your bed and layed down and sighed.

'shit got weird lately.... Why do they believe that I like him?' you thought as you unknowingly blushed.

The next day you got early to school and went straight to class, you sat down and sighed.

You were so bored, so you decided to play cards by yourself, you shuffled the cards and started playing.

A few minutes later Jotaro appeared but you wasn't paying attention so when he spoke you almost screamed.

"don't do that again!!!! You scared me!!!" you said and he rolled his eyes.

"we forgot to change phones" he said and you nodded, you took out his phone and gave it to him and he gave yours.

"you had a few texts from your friends" he said.

"I hope you didn't open them, if you did I'll have to break your neck" you said as you kept playing with the cards

"I didn't don't worry" he said as he sat down, his seat was right in front of you.

"wanna play poker?" he asked.

"ohhh, didn't know you could play poker" you said with a smirk.

"I've played once, back in Egypt" he said and you nodded.

"any more nice stories from back then? You know, funny ones, not sad" you said and he sighed.

"it was this one time, we were trying to find hol horse, it's not that funny for me but it was for the others, I was standing still when Polnareff decided to sneeze on me, the others were laughing and I was pissed" he said and you laughed.

"I swear!!! That guy Polnareff is just like me, I feel that if I ever happen to meet him that we'll get along pretty well" you said as you still laughed.

"too bad, he's back in France and I don't think he'll visit any time soon" he said sternly

"yeah... Too bad" you said as you started giving him his cards.

"why do you even like him? You've never met him" he said

"well, he seems funny, nice and a good older brother from what you told me, I think me and him would be great friends" you said

"so you only like him like that?" he asked and you nodded.

"are we placing bets?" you asked and he hummed.

"ok, I bet my savings, if I lose we'll go over my house so I can give it to you, but if I win you'll think to give me something, if I find it nice I'll take it, if I won't.... Then think harder" you said

"I bet my savings as well.... But if I win we're going on a date" he said.

"alr-AYO HOLD UP WHAT!?" you asked with a shocked expression.

"you heard me" he said as he hid his face with his hat.

"..... Alright, it's a bet, and I'm not chickening out" you said and the two of you started playing.

The two of you played for a while, even after lesson started, but the teacher didn't say anything because she's scared of Jotaro.

Before the lesson was over you two had a winner.... It was you!!!! Jotaro sighed in defeat

"look... If you want that date so badly I'll go" you said and he looked at you and then gave a small smile

"after this lesson we're skipping" he said and you nodded

"and to think my parents were right" you said and he looked confused.

"today my mom said that after what happened and the fact that we got closer we might of developed feelings for each other" you said.

"I have to admit, your mom is always right" he said and you chuckled.

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