An Executor's Will (RWBY x St...

By Synclair123

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During the Grimm's attack in the City of Vale, two students known as Lupin Fulgaras, a wolf Faunus and a huma... More

Prologue: Warping Problem
Episode 1: Encounter
Episode 2: Beacon Academy
Episode 3: Tag Team
Episode 4: School Life
Episode 5: Jaune's Struggle
Extra Chapter
Episode 6: Blake's Identity
Episode 7: Truth
Episode 8: Chaos
Episode 9: Recovery
Episode 10: Recuperation
Episode 11: Improvement
Episode 12: New Semester
Episode 13: Questions Asked
Episode 14: Day before the Dance
Episode 15: Dance Party
Episode 16: Warping Problem
Episode 17: Planet Char
Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg
Episode 20: The Dark Templar
Episode 21: Civil War 1
Episode 22: Civil War 2
Episode 23: Saving Tassadar
Episode 24: Before the Final Assault
Episode 25: War at Two Sides
Episode 26: A Noble Sacrifice
Episode 27: A Familiar Sight
Episode 28: Back to Remnant
Episode 29: Discovery
Episode 30: To Each their Own
Episode 31: Answers
Episode 32: Results after the Battle
Episode 33: Departure
Episode 34: Moving on

Episode 19: New Enemy

105 2 1
By Synclair123

An hour later, we heard another incoming transmission from a familiar Protoss.

"Executor, by following Tassadar and attempting to rescue the Dark Templar, you have openly defied the will of the Conclave. Abandon this mad scheme now, and the Conclave may show you mercy." It was Aldaris.

"Damn, he's persistent." Says Lupin.

I shrug.

Artanis was speechless. He may agree with Tassadar's mission but, he's still a Protoss and a Khalai at heart. He's still skeptical about the Dark Templars.

It's a wise move to rely on the Dark Templars but, he still had doubts about them personally.

And then, Tassadar intervened. "Don't let him control you Executor. The Judicator have long since steered the actions of the Templar to their own ends. It's time we acted on our own accord."

"Ah, Tassadar, have you fallen so far? To think you were our brightest hope: our most beloved son. Now you are everything that we are not. You are lost to us. Not only have you damned yourself, but you have damned those who have followed you."

Tassadar raised his voice and exclaimed. "Such is the price for our race's salvation Judicator!"

For some reason, I really found Tassadar cool and admirable. I really respect his dedication to save his own race. Even going as far as rebelling against the Conclave's beliefs.

"I have been here, with the Dark Templar, these few months. While I helped them in their fight against the Zerg, I learned many of their secrets from their Prelate, Zeratul. Apparently, the energies which empower the Dark Templar also course through the Overmind and its Cerebrates."

And then, it was Aldaris' turn to raise his voice. "The same Cerebrate which you told us to destroy. Your advice was useless, for the creature was reincarnated before our very eyes!"

Tassadar explained. "Unfortunately, yes. Your attack on the Cerebrate failed because the energies that you wield are useless when used directly against the Overmind and its Cerebrates. Only the Dark Templar's power can truly harm the Zerg. That is why we must rescue Zeratul and return him to Aiur!"

I see. So, even with Lupin's trump card, it will still be rendered useless huh? I was about to suggest it to Tassadar but after hearing this, there's no need to tell him. I say in my mind.

"You were warned Executor. The Conclave will not be pleased." Says Aldaris and then, he ended the transmission.

The room was silent for a while and then, I spoke up. "He really doesn't understand your position. They'd rather do unneccesary things than trust you with this huh?"

Tassadar lowered his head. "I hope he will one day. But for now, let's focus on the task at hand."

* * *

We landed on a safe place where those crystals, also known as minerals are visible.

It seems that these so-called minerals are their resources when it comes to creating their warriors and buildings.

I think I saw several minerals back in Remnant, a pity those people don't know how to use them though.

They create their protoss warriors through those...cryo tubes. I believe I don't want to know the process behind their creation so, I won't ask them for that.

We fought off several Zerg forces. We also attacked several of their base of operations on the area and to be honest, it was really disgusting since...they're all flesh and all. Especially their buildings.

Lupin gagged for the first time when he saw those buildings. I held back and controlled myself from doing so. It seriously gives me the creeps.

Our relationship with Tassadar, Artanis and Raynor has gotten even closer. To the point where we fight side-by-side with them.

But we often get dispatched though since our fighting skills are really useful against the Zerg and a huge boost to their firepower.

Eventually, we got used to fighting the Zerg. We were even close with some Protoss warriors while fighting together.

I was the acting commander on the frontlines since I had the skills and knowledge as a leader with Lupin as my right hand man. Most of our plans worked since I already knew the strengths and weaknesses of each race.

After spending 2 days in this place, we almost annihilated the Zerg forces until we heard an incoming transmission from an unknown airforce.

We just returned to our temporary base until we heard a static sound on the command room.

We entered and saw an old man on the screen.

A Terran! An ally perhaps? I say in my mind.

"Protoss Commander, this is General Edmund Duke of the Terran Dominion Armada. You are in violation of our air-space and have endangered human lives in your reckless attack against the Zerg. I order you to withdraw your ships immediately. If you fail to comply, I will not hesitate to open fire upon your vessels."

Maybe not. I sigh.

And then, Tassadar responds in kind. "General Duke, I am Tassadar, and you are well-known to me. Whatever leniency I extended to you and your comrades before, may have been in error. If you persist in halting our course, we will burn your pathetic fleet down to the last man."

"I'm going to have to assume that was a hostile response..." Says General Duke and then, he ended the transmission.

Lupin approached Tassadar. "So? What now?"

"Hmmm." Tassadar closed his eyes. "We'll have to retaliate. We can't afford to waste our time when Zeratul is in danger."

I approached the screen. "Let me check their forces. How many of them are there?"

Tassadar stepped aside and spoke. "A Battlecruiser and several Wraiths."

I went thoughtful. "We can handle those Wraiths but his Battlecruiser is gonna be a problem."

"What about that Trump card of yours?" Says Artanis.

"No can do. He already used it once today." I said.

I clench my fist. "Tassadar, Artanis, will you grant me the permission to lead our troops against Edmund Duke's forces?" I asked him.

"Fine with me." Says Artanis.

"Alright, I assume you have a plan yes?" Says Tassadar.

I nodded.

"Gather as many High Templars as you can! The photon cannons will slow down the Battlecruiser. Tassadar, we need your help since you've got the most energy among the High Templars here."

"Understood!" Tassadar nodded.

"Artanis, use your Scout. I just need you to escort Tassadar near the Battlecruiser." I said.

Artanis nodded and immediately exited the room.

I lowered my arm and shifted my head. "Lupin! I need you to join the High Templars. Tassadar and Artanis will take care of the Battlecruiser while I stay here and fend of its charged attack."

"Okay. You've got a plan in mind right Theo?" Says Lupin.

I grinned. "As always. They'll never see it coming."

And then, I exclaimed. "Let's move!"

I approached and ordered a Protoss robot. "You there! Prepare a shuttle for us! As soon as we finish our job, we'll be leaving as soon as possible!"

The Protoss robot responded. "Vsshhsvwwhing."

I'm gonna take that as a yes. I say in my mind.

* * *

Everyone moved according to my orders. After a couple of minutes, the Terran Airforce were now in sight.

I told the High Templars to hide between the cliffs and cast psionic storms and hallucinations on Artanis's aircraft at my signal.

Artanis and Tassadar were hiding on the cliff too, preparing to take off as soon as we started our move.

I was near the Photon Cannons, hiding. Based on that General, he's probably going to use that Yamato gun of his first to destroy a chunk of our defenses.

"Strange, I don't see any resistance at all." Says Edmund Duke. He squinted his eyes while gazing at the distance in front of him.

"Reporting in. I don't see any aerial forces besides their towers." A wraith reported in a cool voice.

"Hmmm. We better be careful. Something's fishy."

Where are they? Edmund was confused.

And then, I ordered all the templar units on my radio. "Now! Unleash your psionic storms! The rest of you, cast hallucinations! Lupin! Destroy those wraiths!"

And then, they all responded simultaneously.


"General, contact!" A wraith reported in a panic.

"What!?" Edmund exclaimed.

"Sir! There are several Protoss aircraft heading straight for us and several High Templars are hiding on the cliffs! We're ambushed! This is weird since our radars showed no sign of life at all! Requesting immedi- aaaaahhh!" Only a static was heard after his scream.

Edmund slammed his fist on the table. "Illusions!? Damn it! All units, you are free to engage. Open fire!"

And then, another wraith reported in a panic. "General, several psionic storms have been casted on our position! We can't move forward and the Protoss aircrafts are-aaaahhh!"

*static* *static*

"General! I spotted a...human aiding the High Templars. He's been using some kind of psionic sword! Are those...animal ears!? Aaaahhh!"

*static* *static*

"A what!? Tsk! Prepare the damn Yamato Cannons!" Edmund Duke shouted an order.

"Yes sir!" One of his minions responded.

Damn it! I thought the Protoss are a race that fights head on because of their pride and honor as a warrior. And yet, they've attempted an ambush that is far too...human for them. Edmund says in his mind.

Raynor is far too simple and predictable. He's not the one who came up with this type of tactic. Who is leading them?

"All cannons are now ready. Energy is fully charged. The Yamato Cannon is ready to fire." One of his minions exclaimed.

"Fire!" Edmund shouted. Their defenses are not that strong so this....should work.

Their Yamato Guns unleashed a huge attack. It was heading straight to our position. Their battlecruiser is closing in, suffering from the psionic storms but it was not enough to damage it severely because of its size.

Their air forces are in a disarray. It's good that they're in a panic since it makes things easier for us.

"That'll teach them!" Says Edmund.

And then, I revealed myself and stood in front of the cannons. "Not so fast!"

I used my semblance to create a huge barrier. Duke's attack collided with my barrier, creating a huge explosion.

I grit my teeth as I held on. The impact was strong and if it weren't for my armor, then I would've been blown away by the force of the impact.

My aura is dropping fast. The barrier is consuming too much aura just to block their huge attack.

I just came back from my mission so, after doing that stunt to block that, I was nearly empty.

There was a huge smokescreen covering our position. I whispered on my radio. "Artanis, Tassadar, it's your time to shine. Go!"

Tassadar was behind Artanis inside their aircraft. I ordered Artanis to escort Tassadar just above the battlecruiser and then, Tassadar will do his job.

"Of course!" Says Artanis and then, he started his engines and heads straight towards the lone Battlecruiser.

"You can count on us!" Says Tassadar.

Edmund Duke checked his remaining forces. There are still a few of them remaining but, they've all suffered damages. From minor to heavy casualties.

"Spread out! Destroy their Pylons! It will weaken their defenses!" Says Edmund.

And then, his minion approached him. "Sir, You ought to see this."

"Huh? What's the problem this time?" He turns around and approached the computer screen.

As soon as the smoke clears, he saw me standing in front of Protoss defenses, putting up a huge barrier

"What the hell!?" Edmund exclaimed. A Ghost unit? No, this one is wearing a Protoss armor. Why the hell is a human wearing a Protoss gear? It doesn't make any sense! Who is he!?

Their battlecruiser is nearing our position.

I deactivated my semblance and took a deep breath while closing my eyes.

And then, I shouted. "Tassadar! Now!"

I fell to my knees, panting after I gave them the signal to engage. My aura is already empty.

"Understood!" Tassadar nodded. They were above the Battlecruiser.

Artanis slowly descended just above it and Tassadar went out of the driver's seat and landed above the Battlecruiser. He was now standing on the ship and started to gather psionic energy.

Several Wraiths broke through the ambush of the High Templars. They've started their counter attack at our defenses but, our photon cannons will not let that pass by. Our towers retaliated and responded in kind.

It was a one-sided massacre. The Protoss shields blocked every bullet that hits the towers. Some of the Dragoons and Scout helped in the defense.

Thankfully, we only suffered minor casualties. No one died in this battle against Duke's forces.

Tassadar gathered a huge amount of psionic energy to his hands and released them on the Battlecruiser below.

"GRAAAHHHH!" Tassadar shouted as he unleashed his attack on every part of the ship.

I ordered him to weaken the flagship. Just enough for them to fall back. I can't risk killing the Terrans.

Edmund Duke is a General. Imagine what would happen if a General were to fall on the hands of a Protoss. It would cause unwanted attention on their main forces.

* * *

"Sir! The ship is badly damaged! Our weapons system is down to 70%." One of the pilots reported.

"Sir! The engines are still fully functional. But we suffered heavy casualties! A lone Protoss Templar attacked our ship!"

Duke clicked his tongue and approached the screen one more time. "Tsk! I'm going to remember this. Mengsk is going to love this discovery."

He turned around and extened his hand. "All units, fall back!"

Everyone nodded.

And then, all of them relayed the orders to every unit they have left.

"All units. Fall back. This is an order. Fall back."

All Terran forces stopped their advances and initiated a full retreat. We managed to fend them off somehow.

I used my weapon as a support while standing up. Tassadar accomplished the task I gave him. Artanis went and took him back and returned safely to our main headquarters.

Our forces also retreated as well. They were tired and weary but at least, we won.

I faintly smiled. "Heh. My plan worked somehow." I stumbled backwards and fell down to the ground.

But before I landed, someone caught me.

"Nice work Theo."

It was Lupin. He looks tired but still energetic as always.

"You too Lupin." I responded.

Artanis' aircraft landed near us. They exited and approached us.

"You really are full of surprises young man." Says Tassadar.

I gave a thumbs up and grinned.

And then, a probe approached us and lit up.

I shifted my head. "I see. Looks like the shuttle is ready for departure."

Artanis nodded. "I'll stay here with our forces. Tassadar, I wish you luck."

Tassadar nodded. "Hmm."

"Lupin, you stay here with Artanis. He's gonna need your help when things go south." I said.

"What about you? Are you going with him?" He asked.

"Of course. I also need to see these so-called Dark Templars for myself." I responded.

He went silent for a couple of seconds and then, he spoke. "Very well. Good luck Theo."

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