By DaeyeoLION

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"Nuna, I want to marry you when I am bigger" Joochan said. - Joochan,7, lived with his mother in Seoul. His f... More

CASTS + Chapter 1
40 - FINAL


148 19 21
By DaeyeoLION

Bomin went to the library. He had ended his final exam. It was the last exam before he entered the high school. He had a lot of time before the session ended so he went to the library and read some comics.

"Bomin!" Haeun came.

"SSHHHHHH!!!" The librarian scolded Haeun for being too loud. Bomin giggled without voice to see Haeun. Haeun sat in front of Bomin while laughing at herself.

"Aigoo.." Haeun said.

"What are you reading?" Haeun asked Bomin.

"Comics.." Bomin said.

"Urgh boring.. let's go to the school garden!" Haeun said.

"For what?" Bomin asked.

"Just follow me!" Haeun said. Haeun held Bomin's hand and she dragged Bomin to the school garden.

* * *

Bomin and Haeun saw the cherry blossoms together. It was really beautiful and nice.

"Ah!" Haeun ran beneath the cherry blossoms tree. She found a four cloverleaf. She showed it to Bomin.

"Wah Haeun! You're so lucky!" Bomin said.

"Appa always find this four cloverleaf almost everywhere he goes.." Haeun said. Bomin nodded.

"Tonight is the school spring festival. Are you coming tonight?" Haeun asked Bomin.

"Aih, I'm so lazy. I wanna play games.." Bomin said.

"Aigoo, you're always with your games.." Haeun said. Bomin laughed.

"Are you coming tonight?" Bomin asked Haeun. Haeun sighed.

"I want to.. but Appa doesn't allow me to go by myself.." Haeun said.

"Why?" Bomin asked.

"Because I'm a girl. Appa is always being overprotective towards me. He said I can't go anywhere alone.." Haeun sighed. She rolled her eyes. Bomin laughed to see Haeun's reaction.

"Hajoon isn't coming with you?" Bomin asked.

"Hajoon is having exams tomorrow so Appa doesn't allow him to go. Hayoung is too young to accompany me. Appa and Omma, these two likes to cuddle everytime urgh.. married life.. cringe.." Haeun said. Bomin burst into laugh to hear Haeun.

"Why are you laughing?" Haeun asked.

"Nothing.." Bomin said.

"Bomin can you accompany me? Please... let's go tonight. I wanna go out. We've ended our exams.. let's have fun.." Haeun held Bomin's arm to persuade him. Bomin was just looking at Haeun with a smile.

"Bomin.. please.. you look handsome today.. please Bomin..." Haeun pouted. Bomin laughed.

*   *   *

"I'll be wearing hanbok tonight. What are you wearing?" Haeun asked Bomin as they both were walking towards the school gate. The school had over, so the students were waiting for their parents. Bomin agreed to accompany Haeun to the school spring festival that night so Haeun was so excited.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe just a t-shirt?" Bomin said.

"What? Ya! Wear something proper!" Haeun said.

"It's proper! At least I won't coming naked.." Bomin said. Haeun slapped Bomin's arm.

"Auch!" Bomin said and he laughed.

"Princess Haeun, I guess you have a good day today?" A voice called for Haeun. Bomin and Haeun both looked towards the voice. It was Daeyeol who waited for Haeun outside of the car.

"Appa, I'm not a kid anymore! Don't call me that!" Haeun said.

"You're forever my princess, darling.." Daeyeol said. Haeun rolled her eyes. Bomin and Daeyeol both laughed.

"Bomin, let's go together. Sungyoon is having a meeting today. He asked me to send you home.." Daeyeol said to Bomin.

"Ah, where's hyungs?" Bomin asked.

"Sungyoon said Joochan and Seungmin both were going to their mother's resting place.." Daeyeol said. Bomin nodded.

*   *   *

In the car,

"I'm going to the festival tonight with Bomin.." Haeun said to Daeyeol. Daeyeol was just silent.

"Appa, do you hear me?" Haeun asked.

"Yes, darling. I hear you.." Daeyeol said while driving. Haeun looked at Daeyeol's face. He seemed not to look at her even once.

"Appa, are you mad?" Haeun felt guilty.

"Nope.. why would I?" Daeyeol said. Haeun sighed.

"I'm sorry. It's okay if you don't let me so.. I won't go.." Haeun said. Daeyeol patted on Haeun's head.

"That's not what I meant. I'm sorry.." Daeyeol said.

"So, why? Is anything I did wrong?" Haeun asked.

"No, you didn't. I just never thought this moment would come. My daughter is now a big girl.." Daeyeol said. Haeun was just looking at Daeyeol who was driving the car. Bomin was either.

"Soon, you'll become older, and maybe you'd start a new life, having jobs.. meet a man, having family... then you will leave Appa and Omma with your family.. aih, why are you growing up too fast.." Daeyeol said.

"Appa, don't say that!" Haeun said.

"What? I'm saying the truth.." Daeyeol laughed.

"No.. I hate it.." Haeun said. She began to look out of the car's window.

"Why? That's life, sweetie.." Daeyeol said.

"If the man I would meet is going to take me away from you, then I don't want it.." Haeun said. Daeyeol patted on his daughter's head.

"I wanna be your forever princess.." Haeun said.

"I thought you hated it.." Daeyeol said.

"I never meant it.." Haeun said. Bomin was just silent while looking at them both. They went silent for a while. Daeyeol took a glance to look at his daughter. Haeun had already shed tears.

"Aigoo, darling.." Daeyeol wiped Haeun's tears with his hand.

"Don't talk about it anymore. I'm not ready to be older yet.." Haeun said.

"Darling, it's a life cycle. Life is always full of surprise.." Daeyeol said.

"But I don't know who's my future destiny.. I don't want to think about it.." Haeun said.

"Nobody knows, even me. Before I married to your omma (Chaeyeon), omma was just a friend of mine who helped me with my groceries. We ended up together when we were taking care of Joochan before.." Daeyeol said.

"Oh, so Joochan hyung made you both together?" Bomin interrupted.

"Technically, yes.." Daeyeol smiled.

"Awesome.." Bomin said. Daeyeol laughed.

"That was really full of bittersweet memories.. but I am really thankful to Joochan.. if not because of him, I won't get to spend time a lot of time with Chaeyeon. Probably, I wouldn't marry her, who knows.." Daeyeol said.

"So see, kids. Life is full of surprises. Nobody knows your future, but you can predict it by yourself, by your present. Nobody will change something for you unless you change it by yourself.." Daeyeol said. Bomin and Haeun nodded.

*   *   *

"Because it's Bomin, I trust you. Please take care of my daughter, okay?" Daeyeol said as he sent Bomin and Haeun to the school festival.

"I promise you.." Bomin said. Daeyeol smiled.

"Have fun! See you at 12!" Daeyeol said and he drove his car home. Bomin wore male hanbok to match Haeun. Haeun was so happy to see Bomin wore hanbok too. Unfortunately, the colour was same as well.

Many people had arrived. Bomin and Haeun went to the festival together.

*   *   *

Haeun and Bomin both were buying cotton candies and some meals. Many people attended the festival. It was merrier than expected. After that, they found a place to sit. They went there while waiting for the fireworks.

"Haeun, let's take a picture" Bomin said. He took his phone. Haeun came to sit next to Bomin. They took some pictures together. Sometimes, Bomin and Haeun took candid pictures of each other. They laughed to see the pictures.

* * *

"Haeun.. do you ever think about yourself in 5 years later?" Bomin asked Haeun while they were taking their snacks.

"Hmm, I don't..? How about you?" Haeun asked.

"Hmm, I actually had planned something.." Bomin said.

"Really? Can I know about it?" Haeun asked. Bomin smiled while looking at Haeun.

"Before that, what do you think the perfect age to get married?" Bomin asked.

"Eh? Why so sudden?" Haeun asked.

"I am just curious.." Bomin said.

"Hmm, I think it's maybe.. 24? 25?" Haeun said. Bomin nodded.

"Before the age of 25, I wanna get married.." Bomin said.

"Eh? Why are you thinking about marrying? Do you have already found one?" Haeun asked.

"Hmm yeah.. but she doesn't know yet.." Bomin said.

"Who? Is she pretty?" Haeun asked with excitement.

"Yes, she is pretty.." Bomin said.

"Wah, that girl is so lucky.." Haeun said. Bomin looked at Haeun.

"Why?" Bomin asked.

"Yeah, we knew each other since we were kids.. you are a kind person. The boy I trust and rely the most. You're my one and only close friend I have since we were little.." Haeun said.

"So she's lucky to have a good person like you. I hope she won't reject you, because you are really a good person.." Haeun said.

"What if she rejects me?" Bomin asked.

"If she rejects you, tell me. I will slap her face.." Haeun said. Bomin laughed.

"Ya! That's too harsh!" Bomin laughed.

"Of course! She had just wasting a diamond!" Haeun said. Bomin giggled.

"How about you, Haeun? Do you find someone attractive?" Bomin asked.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Haeun looked at Bomin. Bomin nodded.

"I.. have.. no.. one.." Haeun whispered. Bomin giggled.

"Ya! Is it really a secret that you have to whisper like this?" Bomin said.

"Yes, it is! I don't want anyone to know.." Haeun said.

"Nobody's gonna know.." Bomin said.

"Why?" Haeun asked.

"Come on, girl. You're too fierce. I am the only one who's brave enough to approach you.." Bomin insulted Haeun.

"Haih, do you know it's a self-defence?" Haeun rolled her eyes to Bomin.

"If you are still being tomboyish, how can you find a boyfriend?" Bomin asked.

"I.. don't have anyone I like except you and Appa.." Haeun said while looking at the sky.

"Pardon?" Bomin asked.

"I always think that I would live forever like this.. with Appa as my first man, and you.. who will always be with me.." Haeun said. Bomin kept looking at Haeun.

"But what can I do? We're getting older. I live in a beautiful life, that makes me not to have intentions to meet someone new. I love the life I am living now.." Haeun said. Bomin was still silent.

"But one day, I need to realise that you'll maybe find another girl, and we can't hangout anymore and be bestfriend.. so only Appa will remain to be the one and only man I have.." Haeun sighed.

"So, you are not thinking to marry someone in future?" Bomin asked.

"I am afraid. I'm afraid if that man is not like Appa or you.." Haeun said. Bomin stared at Haeun.

"I'm daddy's girl. I am closer to Appa. So I think that only Appa and you who can understand me really well, so what if the man I will meet in future is not good like you or Appa? Will he stay with me?" Haeun asked. Bomin was silent to hear Haeun's words. Haeun sighed.

"Why don't you try to confess to her, the girl you liked?" Haeun said.

"Eh.. n-no.. she.. she probably not ready for this yet.." Bomin said. Haeun held Bomin's shoulder.

"Good luck.." Haeun said and smiled at Bomin. Bomin smiled. The fireworks flew through the air. Everyone was happy to see the fireworks. Bomin and Haeun both enjoyed the view. It was beautiful.

*   *   *

"Thank you, samchon" Bomin thanked Daeyeol for sending him home.

"No worries, Bomin. You're like my son too.." Daeyeol smiled. Bomin smiled to him back. He closed the car's door and he walked to the gate. Suddenly, Joochan opened the main door.

"Oh, you're not sleeping yet, Joochan?" Daeyeol greeted Joochan when he saw him.

"Oh, hi samchon! Erm not yet. I'm watching a football game on tv with Appa and Seungmin.." Joochan said. Daeyeol smiled.

"Okay, see you later!" Daeyeol said. Joochan and Bomin both greeted Daeyeol and Haeun. Daeyeol drove his car away.

*   *   *

After the football match ended, the three siblings were not feeling sleepy yet so they were having their own siblings' bonding time in Joochan's bedroom.

"Bomin, do you wanna know something?" Joochan asked Bomin.

"What is it?" Bomin asked.

"Seungmin is now having a girlfriend.." Joochan said. Seungmin smiled shyly.

"Aih you.." Seungmin slapped gently on Joochan's shoulder.

"Whoaa hyung! With that girl, Yerim?" Bomin asked.

"You know her?" Joochan asked.

"I made a video call with hyung when hyung was with her.." Bomin said. Joochan laughed.

"Joochan hyung? When?" Bomin asked.

"Later.." Joochan said. Bomin and Seungmin smirked.

"Hyung.. I wanna say something.." Bomin said.

"What?" Seungmin asked.

"I actually like someone but I don't know how to confess to her.." Bomin said. Joochan and Seungmin laughed a bit.

"Just tell her that you like her, easy peasy lemon squeezy" Joochan said.

"How if she rejects me?" Bomin asked.

"Who's that lucky girl? Let me be your cupid this time. You probably need my magic touch.." Joochan showed his hand and made 'salt bae''s iconic mark. Seungmin and Bomin laughed.

"Someone.. I don't wanna tell you.." Bomin said. Joochan and Seungmin smirked.

*   *   *

A few days of school break had made Bomin felt bored. He just looked at the ceiling without thinking about anything. He was the only one who stayed home. Seungmin was going to his class. Joochan had started his practical job. Sungyoon and Haru were both working. It was still early in the morning. Everyone was just left to work. Suddenly, he got a message from Haeun.

*   *   *

Bomin, Haeun and Hayoung arrived at the kids' cafe. The cafe was just operating so they were only few customers who came. As soon as they arrived, Hayoung was excited to be there.

"Unnie! I wanna play the playground over there!" Hayoung said to Haeun.

"Sure but take care!" Haeun said. Hayoung nodded and she ran to the playground. Bomin and Haeun went to the counter to buy some foods and desserts.

*   *   *

"Bomin oppa! Come here! Let's play with me!" Hayoung called for Bomin when she was playing with the dolls. At that time, Haeun and Bomin were at their seats, having a chitchat.

"Hayoung, Bomin is a boy. How can he plays dolls?" Haeun said. Hayoung pouted.

"It's okay, Haeun. I'll play with her for a while.." Bomin said.

"Let's go play, okay?" Bomin said to Hayoung. Hayoung smiled widely. Bomin came to Hayoung and they played the toys together. Bomin was really good at taking care of younger kids. He played well with Hayoung and Hayoung's new friends.

*   *   *

They had so much fun. From dolls they played, to tea party, to a war battle with boys and the puppets' show. Bomin sat for a while. He was tired but the kids were still having so much energy. Bomin looked at Haeun. Haeun was laughing at him.

*   *   *

Bomin and Hayoung went to Haeun who was sitting on the seat they found. They were having good meals after playing.

"Are you happy, Hayoung?" Haeun asked while picking up Hayoung's hair. Her hair was messy after playing.

"Yes I am!" Hayoung said while having a chocolate cake and she was watching a video using Haeun's phone.

"You're so good with kids, Choi Bomin" Haeun complimented Bomin.

"I like younger kids" Bomin said. Haeun smiled.

"Oh, I haven't heard from you, about someone you like. Have you started your move?" Haeun smiled.

"Hmm, not yet.." Bomin said.

"Why?" Haeun asked.

"I am not sure if that girl likes me back.." Bomin said.

"Eyy! Don't be like that! I am sure you'll be liked back! Everyone likes you!" Haeun said.

"If you were in that girl's position, will you like me back?" Bomin asked Haeun.

"Of course! Your personalities are really great! Hence, the way I saw you treated Hayoung.. I'm so thankful and touched that you treated her very nicely. I am sure, all girls, including me personally, like a man who treats kids really well.." Haeun said.

"You like a man who loves kids?" Bomin asked.

"Yes! That's why I adore my Appa really much! Because he's great with us, and other kids!" Haeun said.

"Yeah, your father is really great with us too.." Bomin said. Haeun smiled proudly.

"Do you have her phone number? How about you ask her to hangout? Then, you confess to her.." Haeun said.

"Why are you helping me this way?" Bomin smirked.

"N-nothing! I am just.. I'm just excited that.. my best friend had finally find a girl he liked!" Haeun said.

"How about you?" Bomin asked.

"Maybe later. Maybe.." Haeun said.

"I think, I need to practice for the confession.." Bomin said.

"Yeah sure! Imagine I'm that girl. Say it to me.." Haeun said. Bomin nodded.

"I-.. I.. I l— I lik—.." Bomin was hesitating.

"Come on, Bomin! You can do it!" Haeun was rooting him.

"I.. I like you.. Can you.. be my.. girlfriend?" Bomin said.

"Great! You did it! Now, go tell her!" Haeun said.

"I already did.." Bomin said.

"Eh? When?" Haeun was confused.

"Just now, in front of you.." Bomin said. Haeun was still confused.

"But you're just saying it to me, not the g—" Haeun got the point.

"Ya, Choi Bomin.." Haeun was shocked for understanding it.

"Lee Haeun, you're the one I like since I was a kid.." Bomin confessed. Haeun's face turned red. Seeing that reaction of Haeun, Bomin took a sip of coffee Haeun treated him. At the same time, Hayoung noticed all the moment and she was capturing some photos of the moment using Haeun's phone.

-To be Continued-

A/N :
I am now in my first examination week. I have exam tonight until Bomin's birthdayㅠㅠ please pray for me to do wellㅠㅠ
It is A COMPULSORY to get AT LEAST 80/100 so I'm really afraid if I can't do well. Please pray for me.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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