Stay - Mattheo Riddle

By adira_argent

2.5M 60.5K 38.3K

Cursed to live over and over again, falling in love with Slytherins over the decades. It was practically dest... More

Dudders Birthday
Thanks amigo's
The Letters
Hagrid the Giant
Malfoy and Riddle
Minerva McGonagall
The Sorting Hat
The Potions Professor
The Hair Pin
Hufflepuffs new seeker
Sweet Revenge
Gryffindor V Slytherin
Gryffindor wins
You are the moon, and yet... I am the darkness
The Mirror of Erised
Mattheo's desire
Hufflepuff V Gryffindor
Easter holidays
Bye Bye Norbert
The first encounter
Who would want to live a cursed life
End of year 1
Goodbye Hogwarts
Stolen letters
Section 13 of the ICWSS
You look just like her
Back to Hogwarts
Blue eyed Slytherin
Everybody needs somebody
Nott and Potter
Nimbus 2001
Deny Deny Deny
Enemies of the heir, beware
Moaning Myrtle
The second boy
Hufflepuff v Gryffindor 2
Not who, but how
Mr Douchebag
Admitted Feelings
Duelling Champion
Christmas 2.0
The Diary of Tom Riddle
The Game is Cancelled
Saved by The Bell
Wand Point
The Truth
Over My Dead Body
The Death of Ophelia Winston
Brother of The Year Award Goes To...
I love you too
The Prisoner of Azkaban Begins
Aunt Marge
Familiar Eyes
Jasper Rowle
Percy the HB
Moony and Stripes Reunited at Last
Home at last
The Grim
He Took Everything From Me
Resurfaced Memories
The Boggart
She Remembers
16th of October
Sleeping Bags
Another Era
Time Out
Because I love him Minnie
The Marauders Map
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Sudden Coldness
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Wand Weighing
Can we talk?
You're Mine
They need you
How did you do that?
Friends Again
Helping Hand
Slytherin Party
Don't stress love
I will not dance
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
merpeople with giant seahorses
Seeing Padfoot
Barty Crouch Jr
Em, Reg, Barty and Evan
Three Broomsticks
Viktor Krum
Mr Crouch has gone Mad
Constant Vigilance
Another vision
I should have listened to Sirius
Trial of The Lestranges and Bartemius Crouch Junior
Unexpected Visitors
The First Task Begins
Flesh, Blood, and Bone
Family of The Dark Lord
Untie him, and I'll kill her next
The Golden Dome
Unfamiliar Place
The Dragon
I know who you are.
The aftermath
Remember Cedric Diggory
The End of Year 4
You Remind Me of Him
Stay with me... I don't want you to leave
The Retrieval Mission

Chapter 89

10.3K 282 134
By adira_argent

Kirra had her new firebolt tucked under her arm, today it was Hufflepuff v Ravenclaw and the girl was determined on winning the game, they had beat Gryffindor and Slytherin and this was the last game. She went down to breakfast with Jasper, Mattheo and Theodore, all of whom hadn't stopped googling at the broom in excitement.

As Kirra entered the Great Hall, heads turned in the direction of the Firebolt, and there was a good deal of excited muttering. Kirra sat down with her friends at the Slytherin table, and she could feel everyone's eyes on her and the broom

'Did you see his face?' said Jasper gleefully, looking back at Malfoy, the two boys hadn't seemed to get on at all since his arrival and Kirra was close to believing that Jasper hated Malfoy more than Ron or Harry. 

'You are already the best quidditch player in the school and now you have a firebolt!" Theodore commented with a chuckle of disbelief, "Now nobody stands a damn chance"

"Yeah well Harry got one too" Kirra said to Theodore with a grin, "so I guess that makes a little bit more fair"

People from the Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables were soon coming over to look. Cedric Diggory and Gibert Blythe came over to congratulate Kirra on having acquired such a superb replacement for and telling her how they were now practically unbeatable, and Percy's Ravenclaw girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater, asked if she could actually hold the Firebolt.

'How about no?' said Mattheo in annoyance as they all crowded around the Slytherin table, and the Ravenclaw girl rolled her eyes at the boy as she examined the Firebolt closely. 

'Penelope and I have got a bet on,' Blythe suddenly told the Hufflepuff seeker. 'Ten Galleons on the outcome of the match!'

"Okay you lot can all piss off now" Theodore sneered at them, mainly aiming it towards the Gryffidnors. The crowd disappeared back to their tables, rolling their eyes and scoffing at the Slytherins

"God I hate people" Theodore muttered under his breath as he gave the Gryffindors one last glare and then began to eat his breakfast

'Sure you can manage that broom, Potter?' said a cold, drawling voice. Draco Malfoy had arrived for a closer look, Crabbe and Goyle right behind him. 'Yeah, reckon so... I mean I can handle your stupid winning all day, so it shouldn't be that difficult,' said Kirra casually.

'I suggest that you watch your mouth Potter' said Malfoy, eyes glittering maliciously. 

'I suggest you watch your ankles Malfoy, unless you want to be hanging upside down from them again' the girl replied

The Slytherins all snickered while Malfoys face went red in anger, "My f-"

"yeah yeah, your father will hear about this... we know" the girl said and brushed it off, bitting into a piece of toast, clearly not caring about Dracos father. Malfoy's pale eyes narrowed, and he stalked away. They watched him rejoin the his little gang of Slytherins, who put their heads together, no doubt asking Malfoy whether Kirra's broom really was a Firebolt.

At a quarter to eleven, Kirra said a quick goodbye to her friends, giving Mattheo a quick kiss on the cheek and the Hufflepuff team set off for the changing rooms. The weather couldn't have been more different from their match against Gryffindor.

It was a clear, cool day, with a very light breeze; there would be no visibility problems this time, and Kirra, though nervous, was starting to feel the excitement only a Quidditch match could bring. 

They could hear the rest of the school moving into the stadium beyond. Kirra took off her black school robes, removed her wand from her pocket, and stuck it inside the T-shirt she was going to wear under her Quidditch robes. 

"You know what we've got to do,' said Blythe, as they prepared to leave the changing rooms. 'If we win this match, we win the whole season, we win the cup. Just – just fly like you alrawys do and we'll be great!"

They walked out onto the pitch to tumultuous applause. The Ravenclaw team, dressed in blue, were already standing in the middle of the pitch. Their Seeker, Cho Chang, was the only girl in their team. She was taller than Kirra by about a head.

She smiled at Cho as the teams faced each other behind their captains, and she felt a slight jolt in the region of her stomach, she had to win this game, this game was the last game and if they won, then that means they win the quidditch cup.

'Blythe, Davies, shake hands,' Madam Hooch said briskly, and Blythe shook hands with the Ravenclaw captain. 'Mount your brooms ... on my whistle ... three – two – one –'

Kirra kicked off into the air and the Firebolt zoomed higher and faster than any other broom; she soared around the stadium and began squinting around for the Snitch, listening all the while to the commentary, which was being provided by  Lee Jordan.

'They're off, and the big excitement this match is the Firebolt which Kirra Potter is flying for Hufflepuff. According to Which Broomstick, the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for the national teams at this year's World Championship –'

'Jordan, would you mind telling us what's going on in the match?' interrupted Professor McGonagall's voice, a snicker fell from Kirras lips as she heard her friend getting scolded.

'Right you are, Professor – just giving a bit of background information. The Firebolt, incidentally, has a built-in auto-brake and –'


'OK, OK, Hufflepuff in possession, Cedric Diggory of Hufflepuff heading for goal ...' Kirra streaked past Cedric in the opposite direction, gazing around for a glint of gold and noticing that Cho Chang was tailing her closely. 

Kirra urged the Firebolt forward as they rounded the Ravenclaw goalposts and Cho fell behind. Just as Cedric succeeded in scoring the first goal of the match, and the Hufflepuff end of the pitch went wild, she saw it – the Snitch was close to the ground, flitting near one of the barriers.

Kirra dived; Cho saw what she was doing and tore after her. Kirra was speeding up, excitement flooding her; dives were her specialty. She was ten feet away –Then a Bludger, hit by one of the Ravenclaw Beaters, came pelting out of nowhere; Kirra veered off course, and in those few, crucial seconds, the Snitch had vanished.

"Shit" the girl cursed under her breath. There was a great 'Ooooooh' of disappointment from the Hufflepuff and Slytherin supporters, but much applause for their Beater from the Ravenclaw end. Ashleigh, one of the Hufflepuff beater, vented her feelings by hitting the second Bludger directly at the offending Beater, who was forced to roll right over in mid-air to avoid it.

'Ravenclaw lead by eighty points to forty, but look at that Firebolt go! Potter's really putting it through its paces now. See it turn – Chang's Comet is just no match for it. The Firebolt's precision-balance is really noticeable in these long –'


Kirra had to hurry up and get the snitch so that Ravenclaw wouldn't win. Kirra dropped lower, narrowly avoiding a Ravenclaw Chaser, scanning the pitch frantically. A glint of gold, a flutter of tiny wings – the Snitch was circling the Hufflepuff goalpost ...Kirra accelerated, eyes fixed on the speck of gold ahead – but next second, Cho had appeared out of thin air, blocking her –

'KIRRA, PUT YOUR TIME WITH THE SLYTHERINS TO GOOD USE!' Blythe roared, as Kirra swerved to avoid a collision. 'KNOCK HER OFF HER BROOM IF YOU HAVE TO POTTER!' she heard the SLytherins in the crowd cheer to her

Kirra turned and caught sight of Cho; she was grinning. The Snitch had vanished again, a small growl of annoyance fell from the Hufflepuffs lips, "God I really want to push this bitch of her room" said Kirra in a rare outburst of emotion. 

Kirra turned her Firebolt upwards and was soon twenty feet above the game. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cho following her and she was beginning to get extremely pissed off ... Cho had clearly decided to mark her rather than search for the Snitch herself. Right then ... if she wanted to tail her, she'd have to take the consequences ... 

She dived again, and Cho, thinking Kirra had seen the Snitch, tried to follow, the Hufflepuff rocketed towards the ground, getting extremely close to the ground below. Kirra pulled out of the dive very sharply, and Cho hurtled downwards; 

Kirra grabbed her wand, "Reducto el Aguamenti maxima" she called her own spell that she had made when she was Ophelia and her and Tom had been practising advanced magic. A large hole appeared in the ground, full of water and cho fell right into it, not getting harmed.

The crowed cheered loudly, the Slytherins could be heard cheerin loudly for the Hufflepuff girl as the teachers stared at the hole full of water in shock... just how powerful was the third year student... she shouldn't be able to make her own spells so young.

She rose fast as abullet once more, and then saw it, for the third time: the Snitch was glittering way above the pitch at the Ravenclaw end. She accelerated; no longer having to worry about Cho, she looked ahead – she was nearly there. She stretched out the hand still grasping her wand and closed her fingers over the small, struggling Snitch.

Madam Hooch's whistle sounded, Kirra turned around in mid-air and saw six canary-yellow blurs bearing down on her. Next moment, the whole team were hugging her so hard she was nearly pulled off her broom. Down below she could hear the roars of all of the houses except Ravenclaw

'That's our girl!' Blythe kept yelling. She was getting hugs and hig-fives and fist-pumps from every direction. In complete disarray, the team managed to make its way back to the ground. Kirra got off her broom and looked up to see a gaggle of Hufflepuff supporters sprinting onto the pitch, Max and JJ in the lead and amongst them were three Slytherin boys at the front. 

Before she knew it, she had been engulfed by the cheering crowd.

'Yes!' Max yelled, yanking Kirra's arm into the air excitedly, "that's our girl!"

"That was amazing, where did you learn to make your own spells?" Theodore asked her in shock as the three SLytherins took turns pulling her into proud hugs.

"I taught myself a long time ago, guess i still got it" Kirra replied with a smile

"That was badass" Mattheo said and pulled the girl in for a kiss, the crowd cheered around them and she was pulled from Mattheo by the Hufflepuff team who lifted the girl up and she ended up on Gilberts Shoulders as they all cheered loudly for her

'Good on you, Kirra!' roared some of the Hufflepuffs

'Bloody brilliant!' boomed JJ as he grinned proudly up at his best friend

"you always were the best one with magic out of all of us, I see that hasn't changed" said a voice in Kirra's ear. Kirra turned around to see Professor Lupin, who looked both shaken and pleased.

'Yeah well I've had three lives to practise, and besides I had to know a lot of spells to keep the four of you idiots out of trouble all the time' Kirra said to the man with a grin on her face. we would have got ten times the detentions and Pads and Prongs and I would have probably accidentally gotten ourselves killed back in the first year if it wasn't for you'

'Yes, well the three of you were always doing stupid things,' said Professor Lupin and he sent a look over at Cho who was drenched in water after climbing out of the water-filled hole .'I see you still have some of your mischievous qualities'

Kirra shrugged her shoulders with a sly grin on her face, "what can I say? she was pissing me off and she is a crappy seeker" the girl replied

"Harsh words from a Hufflepuff" Lupin joked 

"But true words from a marauder" Lupin smiled softly at the girl and nodded his head

'Come on, Kirra!' said Blythe, fighting his way over to her. 'Party! Hufflepuff common room, now!'

'Right,' said Kirra, as she turned back to face Remus, "I'll see you later Rem" she told him with a small smile, she and the rest of the team led the way, still in their Canary-yellow robes, out of the stadium and back up to the castle. 

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