Beware the Frozen Heart

By Leslie1509

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{Written prior to Frozen Fever and the Frozen Sequel} Elsa has set off yet another Winter, but this time, she... More

The Death and the Apology
Condemning Them
Discovering More
The Argument
Trust and Promise
Could This Be... Love?
The Book
The Surprises
The Letter
The Three Gifts
Three Keys
This Has Gone on Long Enough
The Curse
Another Wrong Doing
Something Weird

Snow Globes

165 9 3
By Leslie1509


I can’t sit here while Anna and my children are in trouble. Hans wants what is best for me, I know that. I just don’t think I can afford to do that with myself. I rise.

“Hans, you can help me defeat her, or try and stop me, but I’m not staying here.” I tell him.

“Elsa… please.” He begs.

“Hans, you’re the best fighter I know. If you’re that concerned, I won’t resist that you protect me.” I offer.

“Elsa, you don’t need to go at all!” He retorts.

“I’m sorry Hans, but like I said, you can help me, or be against me.” I mutter.

I don’t take a second thought before I begin to walk out of the sorceress’s castle. I find my horse tied to a tree. I untie the reins, take a deep breath, and mount my horse.

“Come on. We can do this.” I whisper mostly towards myself.

I click the reins and my horse gallops down the mountain towards the castle. I hear hoof beats not long after. I turn my head to find Hans.

“So, you decided to join the party?” I inquire.

“Not the time Elsa.” He sighs.

“I was being serious, Hans.” I tell him, slowing my horse a bit to a canter.

“What? Yes of course I followed you. What kind of husband and king would I be if I didn’t?” He retorts, irritation streaming through his voice.

I bite my bottom lip. I’ve never forgotten what he did to Anna and me. He betrayed us years ago, but it’s always sat in the back of my head, like a trinket in the back of a dusty, locked drawer. I feel like all the memories of his betrayal are coming back. I can feel his stare on me. He can tell I’m having a bad memory.

“Elsa… I’m sorry.” He apologizes.

“No, it’s not you.” I breathe out nervously.

There’s an uncomfortable silence. It lasts until the Arendelle castle comes into view. I click the reins and my horse begins going towards the castle quicker. Hans sighs, rushing Sitron after me.

“Elsa, what’s your plan here?” He asks me.

I don’t respond.

“Please tell me you have a plan.” He groans.

When I stay silent again, I hear him sigh. He steers Sitron in front of my horse, and my horse halts.

“Elsa, you can’t go up against this sorceress without a plan!” He scolds.

“Hans, look, I don’t know what to do! She’s basically an evil version of me! Evil is overpowering good right now, so I was planning on just taking the element of surprise and winging it.” I explain.

“Winging it?” He inquires, and I nod. “Elsa, you never just wing it.” He replies.

I have a plan, I just don’t think he’ll approve. She’s the evil version of me, so I fear to destroy her, is to destroy me. Hans would never let me near her if I told him that.

“Well, fine. You go in first and act like everything’s normal. I’ll sneak around to find Anna and warn her. If I see the sorceress, I’ll distract her long enough for me to escape. There, see? Nothing to worry about.” I tell him.

“Elsa.” He glares.

“Hans, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let her terrorize my family!” I cry out.

I can feel a tear slide down my cheek, as I think about last time I was sure I lost Anna. I’ve nearly lost her twice. I can’t bear to lose her a third time. As these thoughts pass through my mind, I hear a loud blast. My gaze snaps in the direction of the castle. A large tornado like form of snow and ice rises above the castle. It swirls above Arendelle, creating blistering winds. The snow begins to come in our direction.

“We have to go.” I murmur.

I snap the reins and my horse gallops towards the castle, Hans following. The snow is already beginning to pile up. My horse’s hooves drag snow onto the cobblestone bridge. I dismount quickly, nearly falling in the process. I look up at the gate keepers, but see no one. The gate is down, which is unusual.

“I told you, something’s up.” I whisper under my breath.

I walk around the gate keeper’s tower, and try to push open the door that leads to the top. It’s locked. I back up, raise my hands, and feel the ice leave my fingertips. It freezes the hinges, and I ram my shoulder into the door. It creaks, but doesn’t open. I try one more time to no avail.

“Here, let me.” Hans says.

I move aside, and Hans rams his shoulder into the door. It creaks more. He goes to reach for his sword, but it isn’t there.

“Hans, where’s your sword?” I inquire nervously.

“The sorceress most likely has it at the moment.” He explains, ramming into the door yet again.

“You were planning on going against her without a sword?” I hiss in shock.

“Of course not. I was going to get one from the armory.” He rolls his eyes childishly.

He rams into it once more, and it busts open. I smile in approval. I lead the way, seeming as at the moment, I have more power. I near the door to the top of the tower. I’m cautious, but there’s no need. No one is up here. Except, two carcasses, that is. I gasp, covering my mouth.

“She killed them.” I breathe out.

Hans walks to one of the bodies and puts a hand to his neck. He rises without another word, proving my theory.

“Well…” I don’t know what to say exactly. “I suppose we should continue. Hans, you should probably get the swords.” I tell him.

He picks up the two swords, and hands one to me.

“No, I ‘m not going to use that.” I reply, taking into realization that I won’t need it with my powers.

“Please, it will make me feel a lot better.” He begs.

I hesitate and then reluctantly take the sword in my hands.

“Thank you.” He smiles.

I nod. “Okay, so, you go into the castle and try your best to avoid the sorceress. If you should happen to meet her, act like everything is normal. I want to you find Emma and the other children and get them out of here. I’ll take care of Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel, and Eugene. Then I’ll take care of the sorceress.” I explain my plan a little more clearly.

“What about Elisabeth?” He inquires.

“I’ll have Anna get Elisabeth out.” I answer. “You’ll have Nikolaus, Kristin, and Alexander to worry about. Just promise me you’ll get them out safe.” I beg.

“What about you, Elsa.” He ask warily, worrying about me.

“Promise me.” I repeat.

“Elsa…” he starts.

“Hans, you have to promise.” I plead to him.

He looks down.

“I promise.” He whispers, pulling me into a hug.

I wrap my arms around him to. He tightens his embrace. When he pulls away slightly, I only press my lips against his. When we pull away, our foreheads press gently against each other.

“Hey, I’ll see you soon.” He assures.

I smile.

“I’ll see you soon.” I breathe.

He begins walking away reluctantly. I sigh before continuing on my own. I head into the castle and duck down a hall that is rarely used. I find my way to Anna’s room, hoping she’s there. When I reach the door, it’s open. I duck my head in. She’s not here.

“Anna… where are you?” I ask to no one in particular.

I stand there in silence for a second before walking quietly towards the throne room. I push open the doors to find Anna and Kristoff speaking.

“Anna?” I call out in relief.

“Elsa? I thought you just went to go check on Elisabeth?” She ask me, confused.

“What? No, I just got back from the North-” I stop. “Wait, did you just say she went to go check on Elisabeth?” I gasp.

“What’s going on here?” Anna wonders.

“The Elsa you just saw previously wasn’t Elsa—wasn’t me. That was the sorceress.” I explain.

Anna covers her mouth.

“Then Elisabeth is in trouble!” Anna exclaims.

We hear the doors open. The sorceress enters, although she still looks like me.

“Anna, you and Kristoff need to get out of here.” I breathe out under my breath. “Get Elisabeth and get out.” I add.

“You’re so funny…” The sorceress chuckles coolly. “No one is leaving here.” She adds with anger at the end.

“Where’s Elisabeth?” I shout at her, angrily.

“You’re daughter? Oh please, I wouldn’t hurt her.” She chortles.

I’ve had enough of her games. I bring up my hands and ice shoots towards her, striking her in the shoulders. I feel her glaring knives towards me.

“That was a mistake, Elsa.” She hisses, bringing up her hands and transforming back into herself.

“No, you’re a mistake.” I retort.

She looks a little taken aback by my snide comment. I figure I’ll pull another.

“You were just made by pent up anger. That’s all you are, anger. What do you suppose would happen if I just… stopped being angry?” I ask her, although it is a rhetorical question.

For the first time, I see fear in her eyes. It only last a split second, and then she quickly composes herself.

“If you want to get rid of me, you can’t.” She hisses. “You destroy me, you destroy yourself.” She confirms.

I glare at her, and she sneers.

“So go ahead and come for me, Elsa.” She challenges with a laugh.

I walk towards her. She begins to compose herself. She brings up her hand warily. Her fingers glow with a light blue.

“You’re a mistake. You aren’t loved by anyone. You know nothing except fear. Fear and anger. That’s all you are.” I continue.

She looks angry. Really angry. She flicks her wrist, but not at me. At Anna. I watch Anna as she is surrounded by ice and trapped in a globe much like the one I was trapped in. Next comes Kristoff. She maneuvers her hands and the globes float to her. She takes them in her hands.

“Come any closer, and I’ll kill them both. Or perhaps I should fetch Elisabeth.” She smirks.

“I swear if you do anything to any of them, I’ll personally murder you!” I threaten.

“So you’d kill yourself?” She glares. “Please, be my guest.” She chortles.

“If it got rid of you, yes I would.” I retort, biting my lip.

“You’ve got guts Queen Elsa, I’ll give you that much. The real question is how brave you really are.” She continues.

I watch her look at Anna’s globe. She drops it to the floor, but it returns Anna to normal size. Anna lays on her side before the sorceress yanks her up by her arm.

“Hey!” I shout, nearing closer.

“Shut it.” The sorceress warns. “This is what happens when you mess with me!” She screams towards me.

“No! Stop! Don’t hurt her! I’ll do anything!” I plead.

Anna’s my sister. I can’t lose her again.

“Queen Elsa, I would’ve thought you’d have learned your lesson by now. What with the winter and everything that happened.” She sneers.

“What? I thought that was the duke!” I cry.

“Well of course it was, but who do you think he was working for?” She retorts.

I gasp. It was her the entire time.

“Now this is what happens when you mess up my plans Queen Elsa. This is how you pay!” She threatens.

She sends a blast of ice at Anna. Not just at Anna, but at Anna’s heart. I gasp in shock. Anna’s face goes pale and she collapses to the ground. She’s been hit with ice twice in her life already, so this was surely not good. Her orange, braided hair begins to turn white. Her eyes stare into mine, but I can’t bear to look into them, knowing this was my fault.

“Anna!” I cry as I run towards her.

The sorceress drops Anna to the floor. I rush to Anna and try to help her stand up.

“Anna, please. You’re okay.” I whimper.

Anna stares into my eyes, and I force myself to look into them. She starts to speak, but her body freezes into a seemingly flawless sculpture. The sorceress twists her wrist and a globe once again appears around Anna.

“This one will be lovely in my collection.” She laughs, taking Anna’s globe in her hand as I fall to my knees.

Tears fall down my cheeks, freezing before they hit the ground. The sorceress begins to walk out of the room, but I stare at her back as she leaves. I stare daggers. I rise angrily and begin to stalk towards her. She did this. Not me. I raise my hand and ready a strike. I shoot ice towards her back and it hits her harshly. She collapses to the ground clumsily, the globes heading towards the ground.

I tread to the sorceress, my eyes still slits.

“See what I mean?” She asks.

“Excuse me?” I hiss.

“Anger and fear. It will always be a part of your life. You can’t run from it.” She retorts.

I realize what I’m doing. It’s wrong. I hear glass shatter. The globes broke. The sorceress faces me.

“I will always be here to make sure you know what you’re afraid of.” She mutters.

“I’ll always be afraid, you’re right. I’m just not afraid of you.” I reply, crossing my arms over my chest. “And I’m going to make sure no one else ever has to be either.” I add.

I create a ball of blue light in my hands and send it towards her. She defensively strikes back. The ball of ice hits her and freezes her to an ice statue. Her last strike wasn’t bad though. I feel it strike me in the chest.

I kneel on the ground. My heart is beating faster than normal. My head feels frozen, and I can’t feel anything. I blink quickly, trying my best to see through the pain. I hear someone’s footsteps. I want it to be Anna’s, or Hans’, but it’s Nikolaus. Wait, what is he doing here? I turn to face him.

I can see his features blurrily, and force a smile. The pain sharpens and I press on hand to the floor and the other to my chest. I can’t breathe. I can’t see. I can’t hear. I can’t feel. The one thing I can do is sense Hans’ presence, which makes me feel the slightest better.

Then, I faint.

My eyes flutter open. My room seems normal. Everything seems normal, except the feeling in the back of my head that’s telling me it’s not. A hand touches me shoulder and I jump.

“Hey, it’s alright, it’s just me.” Hans chuckles lightly.

“What happened?” I ask.

“You got hit by her strike, but you’re okay now.” He assures me, taking my hand in his.

“What about Elisabeth? And Anna? Is Anna okay?” I begin to explode with questions.

“Elsa, everyone’s safe.” Hans grins.

“How? What about the sorceress?” I inquire.

“Gone. You froze her into a sculpture.” He explains.

“So, we’re safe?” I wonder.

“Yeah. We’re all safe, and it’s because of you.” He smiles.

I feel a grin spread across my face as I sit up and wrap my arms around his neck. We lock ourselves in a kiss.

“Hey, Hans…” I start, smiling as I gain his attention. “I’m completely in love with you.” I grin wider, kissing him.


So, I promised an update this weekend, so here it is! Can't wait to have the next chapter out! Love y'all's feedback btw! It seriously mean A LOT to me. Till next chapter!


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