Fallen - A HawksxReader Story.

By milkteethx

251K 11.9K 1.4K

-18+ FIC- Y/N is a quirkless artist, working in the backstreets in a tattoo studio owned by herself. It's a... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
Fourty Seven
Fourty Eight
Fourty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Ninety Four
Ninety Five
Ninety Six
Ninety Seven
Ninety Eight

Twenty One

3.2K 146 15
By milkteethx

You sit with your back against the wall, your legs curled up against your body as you dwell on what had just happened. Outwardly you looked like you were simply deep in thoughts but internally your thoughts were screaming, your heart going crazy behind your rib cage.
Keigo was pacing around the room in his boxers, retrieving a new bed sheet, feathers dusting up the sandy bed, sweeping the remains of the old bed sheet onto the floor. Normally you would have complained but you didn't pay it much mind, you could just hoover it tomorrow.

As you watch him, your heart pangs. Was he mad? He sounded firmer than usual. Oh my god, he was mad. You seriously had no idea what had happened though, completely lost in the moment underneath him, brain swimming from the last orgasm he'd gifted you. You move your shaky hands to look at them as you realise you'd been gripping the sheets pretty hard as you'd come, maybe touch was what set it off?
Your heart sinks as you look back at the flawless winged hero that was placing the new sheet on the bed, his bare back facing you as he pulled one corner over the mattress, feathers doing the other corners for him at the same time.

What if you'd have still been gripping onto his wing? You worry, looking back at your hands, the idea of his wing slipping through your fingers the way your sheet had slipped through his, now tiny particles of a sand-like substance sending your heart into over drive, your breath becoming irregular as you realise you could have messed up his entire career- his entire life if you'd have still been clung onto his wing.
You panic as you try to catch your breath, it evading you constantly, making you panic even harder as you convince yourself you'd forgotten how to breathe. The wheezing coming from you must have alerted Keigo as his head turned to look at you while he moved the blanket back on top of the bed, his eyes widening as he approaches you slowly, crouching in front of you as he opts to use his feathers to make the bed.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, it's okay." He says, laying his hands over your violently shaking ones, but you snap them away from him, he lets you do so, his hands lowering and his eyes travelling over your heaving body sadly. "Jeez, you must be freezing. You're covered in goosebumps."
Suddenly some feathers bring him your brothers shirt, and he pulls it over your head gently, you somehow manage to push your arms through the holes in the shirt, despite feeling like you were going to die if you didn't catch your breath soon.
Suddenly you were being swept up, cradled in Keigos arms as he carries you to the bed again, the warmth from his body soothing the trembling of your body slightly.

He lays you down on the bed softly, crouching down beside you.
"Can you let me hold you?" He asks, watching your heaving chest from the side of the bed. His eyes dulling to a darker shade with every heave.
"I'm so scared I'll-"
"Shh." He says, gently coursing a hand down your arm, the pressure slowing your heart slightly before it started back up again.
"I think I'm dying Keigo." You say in complete panic, your eyes searching his.
"You're not dying." Keigo says, shaking his head and climbing into bed next to you, one of his wings draping over your body as he lays on his side, giving you space while still giving you the comfort of his heated wing heavy over your body, grounding your body. "It's a panic attack."

You close your eyes, still trying to catch your breath as Keigo rubs small circles on one of your shoulders through the material of your shirt gently, gently reminding you to take a breath and let one out in time with the circles. After a couple of minutes, your heart rate had slowed considerably and your breathing had regulated slightly, leaving you feeling defeated and empty.
"Are you feeling better?" Keigo asks, his thumb still rubbing circles slowly.
"I don't think I'm going to die anymore if that's what you mean by okay." You say quietly, hands on your chest, looking to the ceiling like an unwrapped mummy.

"Can I hold you now?" Keigo asks softly, his fingers travelling down your arm. You just lay there motionless, terrified to touch him, to let him touch you, entirely unsure of what had provoked this new-found Quirk of yours.
"Please, Y/N." You hear him beg softly, and you look over at him, his usually carefree face has a little frown on it, his eyes no longer a vibrant gold but more like a deep bronze.

You mull it over, moving your hands over your face, looking at them again with your bottom lip in between your teeth before you roll to the side, moving your arms so your hands are as far away from Keigo as you could possibly get them.
You feel his arms wrap around your waist before your back's pressed firmly against his body, his wing still covering you, providing that extra weight and comfort you didn't know you needed. His face moves to the crook of your neck and you feel him sigh against you, his body noticeably getting looser. He presses several kisses against your neck, his arms still holding you tight.

"I'm sorry Keigo." You say, tears prickling your eyes painfully as you desperately try to hold them back.
"Shh." He hushes you, face pressing against your neck.
"Can we..." You start to say, before Keigo shh-es you again.
"Another night." He promises in a whisper. "I think you've had enough for today."
Tears leave your eyes now, reading into Keigos sentence in a way that you knew he hadn't meant it in, but lacking the mental fortitude to stop yourself.
"I'm sorry you didn't-"
"Shhh." Keigo practically growls.


Keigos body stiffens again as he feels light sobs leaving Y/N's body in his grasp. He moves away a little, gripping her chin to turn her head towards him, his heart shattering as he sees her tear streaked face, the makeup running into her eyes painfully, coating her waterline with black, her crimson eyes glistening from her tears.
"Hey..." He says softly, running his thumb under her eyes to catch the latest tears. "What are the waterworks for?"
"What if it had been your wing?" She asks, eyes squeezing shut, releasing more tears as she shakes her head. "I'd never forgive myself."

Keigo sighs, giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek before grabbing the makeup wipes that were left on the side, taking one out and gently turning to work on her face, quietly telling her to close her eyes while he worked.
"It wasn't me, so you don't need to stress about it." He says quietly, gently removing the black streaks running down her cheeks.
"But what if this happens every time now?" She asks sadly, her body racking with another broken sob. "I don't want to never have sex with you again."

The sentence knocks Keigo for six a little bit, making him pause momentarily, the makeup wipe still pressed softly against her eye before he catches himself, returning back to rubbing her makeup off for her as a grin forms on his face.
"Brave of you to assume I would ever let that happen anyway." He jokes, before lowering his face to her ear. "I'm hard again just thinking about the next time."
He moves his face away and spots her eyes open and staring at his boxers, making him chuckle.
"But what if it does happen every time?" She asks as he uses a feather to drop the blackened makeup wipe into the bin.
"Then stock up on bed sheets, cause I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to keep my hands off you." Keigo says, pulling her close. "Now stop, lets talk about this tomorrow."

She sits in silence for a bit as Keigo rubs the skin on her stomach gently, kissing her back occasionally.
"What kind of flowers are they?" Keigo asks her eventually, deciding to force her into another topic of conversation, knowing she'd be sat in her head about what had happened, and he didn't want to see her beautiful face wet with tears again.
"Huh?" She asks before she puts two and two together. "Oh. Chrysanthemums."
"Chrysanthemums..." Keigo repeats, drawling the word slightly. "I like them. A lot. In fact, they may be my new favourite flower."
Keigo hears her snort, a sign of life returning back to her and he grins, too.

"They're my favourite flower too." She says. "When Junichiro called them trashy it really got to me..."
Keigo tightens his grip on her, kissing the top of her head.
"It's nice that you like them so much." She says, the lightness in her voice evident.
"They're beautiful. You're beautiful." Keigo reaffirms. "God. You are just... perfect." He says, his mind thinking back to her panting, red, writhing form underneath him.

They cuddle together in silence for a little longer, her hands slowly creeping closer again, still not touching him like he wanted though.
"So you like your wings being touched?" She asks quietly, a little bashful.
"I hate it." Keigo groans, drawing his wing back, getting a whine from the girl beside him. "Sorry, I thought you were gonna test your luck."
"You don't act like you hate it." She points out, a little edge to her voice.
"I hate what it does to me." Keigo sighs, wanting any other conversation than this one currently.
"I liked what it did to me." She says lowly.
Keigo rolls his eyes. "Yeah well now you know why I tell you no. It's not always that controlled."
She hums, her fingers gingerly touching the hands Keigo had wrapped around her before holding his hands in her own.

Keigo holds her, face buried in her neck for quite some time before he realises she's dropped off to sleep, her breathing the most regular it had been that entire night, her hands going limp over his own.
He draws his wing back, leaving it draped over the side of the bed with the other, it having done its purpose as adding a little extra weight over Y/N's body, acting as a glorified heated blanket for her. But it was what she needed.

Keigo couldn't even begin to wonder what it must be like to only just discover your Quirk at her age after assuming you didn't have one your entire life. And what a way to find out about it as well.
His face flushes slightly as he remembers her face underneath him again, the moans of his name and grip on his wing having sent him wild, all control over his gentle pacing being thrown out of the window. He'd tried to offer something gentler than what he could piece together that her ex used to give her, wanting to replace the feeling of someones weight on top of her with good memories, not traumatic ones.

Keigo mulls over her Quirk a little more. He swore she'd said her family had explosion quirks. Had she let off some kind of explosion without him realising? The fire creeping over the bed? Nah. Theres no way he wouldn't have noticed that. He'd still made sure he was compos mentis enough to stop if it got too much for her, hence he'd even noticed the bedsheets disappearing under her finger tips at all.
Working off his theory a little more, he thought back to the night they first got more intimate, the small burn and frayed fabric on the couch pillow that she'd been gripping unknowingly. Maybe it was a fire type or explosion quirk after all. Maybe it wasn't Junichiros doing.

Despite himself, Hawks ends up smirking against the flesh of her neck when he thinks about how he managed to get a woman who'd gone twenty years thinking she was Quirkless to experience it for the first time from an orgasm, his smug pride getting the better of him as he kisses up and down her neck softly, trying to not wake her, but wanting to show his adoration for her.
She stirs slightly beside him from the affection, groaning sleepily.
"Go to sleep." She murmurs into the pillow.
"Mm, sure thing ma'am." Keigo whispers, kissing another her neck again softly before moving his head away, laying his head on the pillow instead.

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