War Of The Realms (Gear Heart...

By DrixCaster

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Gear Hearts Book 5: War Of The Realms Intro
Chapter 1: Dreadful Nights
Chapter 2: Sabertooth's Bite
Chapter 3: The Basement
Bonus Chapter: GH Main Characters Theme Songs
Chapter 4: Boy Problems
Chapter 5: When Tears Mean Nothing
Chapter 6: The Hellgods And The Soul
Glossary of Wizard Hierarchy:
Chapter 7: Trial
Chapter 8: Declaration of War
Chapter 9: Legion Of Darkness
Chapter 10: Light of Hope
Chapter 11: Similarities
Chapter 12: Bangkok City
Chapter 13: Bloodwar Tournament
Chapter 14: Pete's Chaos
Chapter 15: The Forged Alliance
Chapter 16: Tears Of Truth
Chapter 17: The Hellgod's Tale Part 1
Chapter 19: Poison Berserk
Chapter 20: Faith
Chapter 21: Mommy Dearest
Chapter 22: Hero's Promise And Undead's Regret
Chapter 23: Battle Of Bangkok
Chapter 24: Khai vs. Trae
Chapter 25: Rain of Crystals and Swords
Chapter 26: Odd Place To Propose
Chapter 27: Mystery Freaks vs. Trae
Chapter 28: One Final Stand
Chapter 29: He Knows
Chapter 30: Graduation
Chapter 31: Yours Forever

Chapter 18: The Hellgod's Tale Part 2

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By DrixCaster

Kong POV

During the School Festival, Kath made friends with some of the senior years and while she was waiting for Trae, she stumbled upon the oracle booth, which was ridiculous to her. Out of her curiosity, she went inside, and met Lucy, the oracle.

It strikes odd to Kath because she looked around in her early thirties. She wore a dark-red robe that touches the ground and had a headband on her dark brown hair. Kath texted Trae that she was in the oracle booth.

The oracle ball was glowing white as Lucy told Kath that her life was about to change and cannot avoid what's destined for her. It sounded pretty cool at first.

When Trae came into the booth, the ball had been tainted black. "And you too, you will lose what you hold dear, and you will become the worshippers of the dark. You will be their savior."

"Maybe you've read it wrong." Kath gave her an underestimating look. Then, Lucy grabbed her hand, and the world around her swallowed into something horrible. There were crumbling buildings, the sky turning red like blood, darklings flying across the sky. Screaming wizards and humans could be heard from every corner of the city.

Pain shot through her mind, jerking her hand away from Lucy. She screamed and gasped. "What was that?" She couldn't control the fear in her trembling voice.

"How could you?" Trae said at Lucy.

"This is not the future I wanted to see." Kath muttered.

"This is one future you cannot stop," Lucy replied, her forehead sweating. Her eyes flicked at Trae. "You have no idea how dangerous you are. You can fight it but your color will never change a shade."

Trae hauled Kath up from her seat, and the couple walked away from the oracle booth. The next few days, Kath had been researching about the prophecied hellgod, and she only found one literary text from the oldest archives in Ravika University's library.

The prophecied hellgod was foretold in the 13th century by the demon, Abbadon. And she came up with the conclusion that it would only be Trae Marvel. You will become the worshippers of the dark. You will be their savior.

After that, the scene shifted into the Gear Hearts building where a senior, a new friend of Kath, named; Andi was giving her some love advice.

"But how can I ask him to go to Graiville?" Kath told her. " I have to show him that I'm important. I have to prove it."
"You are important, Kath." Andi smiled genuinely.

"I don't know." She shook her head, the thought of the prophecied hellgod was out of her mind. "I don't know if I am."

"You'll know it when you're dead." Andi joked.

"When I'm dead?" Kath echoed Andi's words.
"Let's not think like that. There's no point stressing over your love life. Trae's a nice guy. Just do what you can."

Kath slung an arm on her shoulder. "Thanks, P'! Being all wise than me."

"Trust me, Kath. You're already doing things great without even trying. But seriously, you should practice with him when using his magic. I've watched him fight during practices."

She took a long moment to answer. "I'm trying. It doesn't work."

"See? You should tell him, give him time to control his magic." Andi said.
Just then, Trae and another senior, Rex stepped out of the Gear Hearts officer's door. Andi called out to them.

"Well, well, if isn't the girls." said Rex. "Why are you guys here?"

"Waiting for you." said Andi. "And..." She flicked her gaze to Trae, and she grabbed Kath's arm. "Kath wanted to say something to you in private."

Kath smiled nervously, but she immediately drew Trae over one corner of the cafeteria. "Do you want to come with me in the Club Paradise this weekend?"

"Really?" Trae watched her fondly. "In Club Paradise?"

"The magic games is far months away, we could spent time there together." The sunlight from the window made her eyes more brown and it took Trae's breath away.

"I'm guessing you invited the seniors too?"

"Of course, they're our friends. Besides...P'Rex has a secret crush on P'Andi." Kath said with a sly smile.

"There's no party without drama huh?"He said. "Okay, I'll go too."

Then they were in the Club Paradise's hotel, Kath was leaning against the wall, while Trae was holding a glass of whiskey. She was healing the deep wound on her forearm, knitting them together.

"You shouldn't have killed that guy." said Kath, recollecting the dark hunter that went against the Shadow Master, and nearly killing her in the Sweet Devils. Trae used his darkness magic to kill that rogue dark hunter, piercing the dark tentacle through his chest.

"That bastard attacked you."

"You shouldn't have used too much power." said Kath, the wound was gone. She walked towards him with cross arms.

"I would do anything for you, Kath. That is how much control you have to me." Trae said, voice irritated.

Kath frowned. "What? And I'm here with you, I'm safe!"

"Listen to me, Kath." Trae said. "I don't know why you want to protect me. But protect from what?"

"From what the oracle said!" Kath's voice began to rise. Her heart pounding, and she was unsure if she would tell him about the prophecied hellgod. No. She wouldn't. It would any make matters worse.

"You believe her?" Trae shook his head. "Whatever she said...it was bullshit!"

It took almost a moment to speak without cracking. She took a deep breath. "We should think this through, Trae. I care about you." Kath said firmly. Then she felt his arms around her. Kath beat her fist on his chest. Then, she dropped her hands as silence fell between them.

"I'm sorry." Trae whispered, and she felt he was crying.

The next scene flew into an alleyway between two familiar buildings to me. There were graffitis along the walls that Kath was running through, panting, turning over her shoulders. The fear in her face was palpable. She looked back again, wondering what—

A red light flew through air. Kath dropped to her knees, and her books fly out of her arms.

"Ms. Mckinley, I'm not your friend or whoever you are running from."
Kobra emerged from the darkness. By what he means friend, it wasn't a friend at all.

The man stood before Kath, he was wearing an all-black outfit, his face illuminated in the neon pink light cast by the sign above them.

She held her breath for a second. You are..."

"Kobra." Kobra said with a solemn bow. She heard about Kobra and his pet, Dragomo Rodgers having fun in Bangkok and other parts of Thailand. Even the vampires avoid feuds with the demon. "What does the Shadow master have for me? I miss having teas or discussing illegal matters with him. Why throw himself in the good?" Kobra gave a low and mischievous laugh. "It's skepticism that piques me."

"I'm here on my own!" Kath looked a little crazy with her hair splaying on her face.

"Well, that's not why I came here. I came here for a warning." Kobra said. "You're going to die soon."

"I knew about that." Kath stood on her feet.

"How much do you know?"

Kath's breath was shallow. "Everything. Abbadon saw the future. This would be a salvation device for several demons and hellgods."

"And that would be..." Kobra said with a playful guess.

"Him." Kath replied in her Dark hunter formal voice. "I knew he was talking about Trae Marvel. He has darkness magic. He was beyond the Gear Heart Mentors' expectation now. He is a force to be reckoned with."

"Abbadon saw Trae himself, darling." Kobra walked like a slithering snake around her. "Sitting in the throne of bones before he could rewrite reality and get you back. You see, desire is a dangerous feeling, it governs you, it burns you, and you will do anything to get it."

Dread settled over Kath's face but she remained with a contemptuous look. "I will defy the prophecy, Kobra. He will not turn into some kind of a twisted god."

"You cannot fight destiny, Katherine." said Kobra, smiling broadly. "He will return once he had stain satan's blood. And the Gear Hearts will be in grave danger."

There was a long pause as Katherine gain control of herself. "Very well then. This must be between us, Kobra. You cannot let others know. Especially some dark wizards."

"If you that's what you want, Katherine." Kobra agreed. "But let me ask you...If you know you're going to die. Then why fight it?"

"I knew about the prophecy when I went to that ridiculous oracle, and read some ancient books in Ravika University Library. I cannot let the new reality happen. I would be careful. I cannot let the dark dimension rule this world." said Kath.

"Don't be too hopeful, Dark hunter. It wouldn't even clean your conscience. How many people you've killed and watched die?"
Kath looked astonished. "Many I have spied and lied for the Shadow master. But that's not what I'm thinking. The past is behind me. I will do everything to keep Trae safe."

"How touching." Kobra said mockingly. "You've grown to care for the future hellgod." Kath's hand was agitating for a second. Kobra's eyes glowed with pentagram shapes. "And, you will fail."

"If I die. Then, I will say my prayers before my eyes shut...there will be a group of people who will stop you. Heroes that you will fear. Heroes that will save the world. And every person that you'll harm, and destroy, you feel the bite of their swords and magic. They will be your relentless foe, and they will be your damnation. And with my tears, I will show them the past. The prophecy...would be over."

After her encounter with Kobra, Kath contacted the Shadow master, they met up in the Ravika Park, and she cried for a moment, putting her tears into the vial, gave it to the Shadow master.
"Keep it safe." She said. "Give it to someone you can trust."

The scene dissolved into Trae rushing forward and didn't care at the broken vases, the wooden chairs, and the tables scattering in the hallway at his feet. His worried eyes trained on Kath's limp body. His eyes went wide as he saw blood pooling around Kath.

Trae fell to his knees, picking her body, held her closer to his. Her eyes were still open, and little by little death was taking her soul out of her physicality.
The lightning flashed from the window as he struggled with his voice. Trae buried his face on Kath's neck. Tears trickled before he knew it. All the griefs, all the fear, all the pain he held came bursting out.

She was prepared to die. She knew the instant her life was gone. Trae would be evil. But as Kath's eyes flew shut, she said her prayers.


I gasped hard as I came tumbling back, P'Arthit and Kao catching me in their arms. I managed to gain momentum myself on the wall.
"Why are you crying?" asked Kao.

"What is it that you know?" Pete hunched over and put his hand on my forearm.
I frantically looked up. Tears brimmed in my eyes as her emotions churned within me. "P'Kath is, was, a dark hunter, she fell in love with my brother. She knew...She knew that the prophecy would happen. She failed to stop it. We are P'Kath's only hope."

Before anyone could even start asking again, something exploded in the room, sending us all flying into the walls. 

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