
By Mar_writer23

172K 3.6K 4.6K

The war is won. Voldemort is dead. The trio, alongside all those who were in their same year, have returned t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 30

2.6K 63 91
By Mar_writer23

A/N:- Cute chapter for y'all! Hope you like it!


"Where are you taking me? You already gave me a tour yesterday." Hermione said as they walked down the stairs.

Draco shook his head and smiled as he said. "I left one room for today."

"What room?" Hermione asked as she looked at the paintings that were hung on the wall. Some paintings were of women and men with blinding blond hair and grey eyes. Definitely the Malfoy ancestors.

"My favorite room, now stop talking and follow me." He said. He gave her a kiss on the cheek when she rolled her eyes and pulled her with him.

They stopped in front of a white door and Draco slowly pushed it open before using his wand to light some candles.

"Oh..." Hermione's lips parted.

"Amazing, I know." Draco said as he walked towards the grand piano that was in the middle of the room.

Hermione looked around as Draco started pressing some randoms keys.

The ceiling was a painting of the night sky. Constellations took over the whole space. Some candles were floating in the air, giving the room a golden hue that lit Hermione's brown eyes. Some violins were placed in front of a wall, some flutes were in the room as well, but the thing that had the most presence in the room was the grand piano that Draco was now sitting in front of.

"Come on, I will teach you a bit." Draco said as he motioned for her to sit next to him.

Hermione beamed and sat next to him, breathing in awe at the piano. It wasn't like it was the first time she has seen a piano, but the last time she has seen one was with her parents, and that was a long time ago when she forced them to give her piano lessons. They agreed in the end, but in the end, she failed, miserably. Maybe Draco would be a better teacher.

"Have you played the piano before?" He asked as he put her fingers on some keys.

"Tried to."


"I failed. Let's not talk about that." Hermione smiled and averted her attention to the piano. "So, how do we do this?"

"Okay, so, just let me guide your fingers, yeah?" He put his hands on both of hers as he said so.

She ignored the butterflies that were in her stomach and nodded twice. "Yeah, let's do this."

He moved her hands a bit then pressed down on her fingers; making her press the keys. The sounds that were made float through the air in a melodic wave.

"Yeah, just like that." He said in a tone that sounded almost like a whisper.

They kept going like this, Draco pressing his hands on Hermione's every time to produce beautiful tunes. A permanent smile was painted on each of their faces.

The sound of a knock broke their reverie.

"Mother, how can I help you?" Draco said as he looked up from the keys.

"Hello Draco, Hermione." She smiled as she walked towards them. "Blaise sent a letter for you."

"Oh, thank you." Draco said as Narcissa handed him the letter. She smiled one last time before leaving.

"It's about the New Year's Ball, the letter is addressed for the both of us." He said as he opened the letter and began reading aloud.


Dear lovebirds,

I know the both of you are probably in the same room, so I am not bothering to write two separate letters, I am too lazy for that shit. (Mum will kill me if she saw how informal this letter is, keep it on the low, yeah?)

You both are invited to the New Year's Ball, better make it count. Wear something fancy, but don't outshine me.

I have already invited the rest of your suicide squad, Granger. Theo, Pans, and Daph are obviously going to be there. I also can't forget about my amazing girl friend, Ginevra Weasley (soon to be Ginevra Zabini, she doesn't know about that, might have to kidnap her)

Well, that's it. Don't be fashionably late, that's my job. Try not to miss my handwriting so much.

Blaise Zabini.


Hermione chuckled as she read silently next to Draco. Draco rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide the small smile that graced his features from Hermione.

"Fucking Zabini, that guy is—" Draco began but Hermione cut him off swiftly.

"An amazing friend, that's what he is."

"Yeah, that."

"Why didn't you tell me about the ball earlier?" Hermione asked as she looked back at the piano.

He shrugged. "I don't really care about it. Wasn't planning on going if I am being honest."

"You're going."

"If you want me to."

"You know what I want."

"Is that so?"


He moved closer to her and placed both of his arms around her waist and lifted her swiftly, sitting her on his lap. He smiled at the pink that coated her cheeks.

"Mind telling me what you want. Word by word." He whispered as he placed open mouthed kisses on her neck, Hermione swallowed and pulled his face away. She slowly moved her nose closer to his, nudging it with her own.

"I want..."



She jumped off of his lap and smirked as he groaned before turning and running towards the kitchen, knowing fully well that he was going to follow her.

Once she got there, she jumped on a counter. He walked through the door and leaned against it as he appraised her before smiling and asking a question. "What do you want to eat?"

"Battenberg cakes."

He furrowed his eyebrows before raising them a bit as he asked. "And how am I supposed to make these?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Improvise."

"Help me."

She smiled. "No. Spoil me."

"You are spoiled as fuck already." He grumbled as he walked towards a cabinet and opened it. He froze for a moment as he spoke. "Wait, I can just ask Tobsy to make it for you."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Draco Malfoy, don't you da—"



A crack interrupted her and she mumbled some profanities —mostly cursing him— as Tobsy bowed slightly at the sight of Draco.

"What can Tobsy do, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Can you make Battenberg cakes?" Draco asked as he leaned against the counter next to Hermione.

"Tobsy can do anything, Mr. Malfoy."

"Great, can you please make some for Granger and I?" He asked, making a point to emphasize the word 'please.'

"Of course, Mr. Malfoy." Tobsy said and began to work.

"You're awful." Hermione said as she crossed her arms and looked away from him.

"And that's why you keep kissing me. Yeah, cause that would make total sense." He smirked and trapped her between his arms, resting both of his hands on both sides of her.

"You're invading my personal space, Malfoy." Hermione said as she turned her head away from him.

"I don't think you cared about personal space back in the music room." He said as he grabbed her chin and turned her face so she could face him.

"You distracted me."

"I did?"


"Yeah, I think I did too. But you distracted me as well." And with that, his lips landed on hers. Hermione felt herself stepping through a door filled with light, and that light engulfed her in an agonizing, yet magnificent pain. Or maybe it was pleasure.

His tongue touched hers.

Yeah, definitely pleasure.


"'If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.'" Hermione read as she pressed her back against Draco's chest. His arms wrapped around her and tried to pull her closer, even though it was impossible at this point.

They were both sitting in the huge backyard. The both of them wrapped in each other's arms.

"Keep going," Draco murmured as he started placing kisses on her neck, his hands brushed her hair to the side, and the book dropped from Hermione's hands onto her lap as she breathed in deeply.

"Having problems?" His voice was slightly muffled as his hands started to draw random shapes on her waist.

"N—no," She said as she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Then why did you stop reading?" He asked as he reached for another Battenberg cake from around her. He held the cake to her mouth and she took a bite from it. He brought the rest of it to his mouth.

"I am bored of reading." She shrugged and leaned more against him. She placed both of her hands on his hands.

"You? Hermione Granger? Bored of reading? I struggle to believe that that's true." He said as his hands started to slip under her shirt and caress her soft skin.

"I —fuck— I don't have to read the whole time, do I?" Her eyes fluttered as her heartbeat stopped and quickened at the same time.

He clicked his tongue before speaking. "Such use of profanities, Granger,"

"But no, you don't have to. I just find it hard to believe that you actually got bored of reading. You sure nothing else is on your mind?"

"Yeah, I am sure."

"Well, I can help with that. What are you going to wear for the ball?" He asked as he tucked his chin on her shoulder, his hands were still under her shirt, drawing small constellations.

"It's a surprise." She tried to sound casual, even as his hands started roaming higher and higher.

"I hate surprises."

She scoffed before smiling and responding. "Of course you do."

He hummed and furrowed his eyebrows as he asked. "What is that supposed to—"

"Merlin! Is that a thestral?!" She said as she pulled his hands off of her and ignored his groan as she stood up and started walking towards the unique creature.

"Yes, it's a thestral, Granger. Why is that so special?" He asked as he walked behind her.

She reached her hand out slowly and smiled when the thestral nuzzled it's head into her hand.

"Thestrals can only be seen by those who saw death." Hermione murmured and looked up to meet Draco's eyes. His eyebrows furrowed in understanding and he nodded. In both of their eyes was the pain that no eighteen year should ever feel, but that pain got to them when they were too young. Pain always finds you, even if you keep hiding from it. It's like death; you can run and run, but in the end, it will always catch up to you.

"You know, thestrals have always been a symbol for death, pain, and anguish. They have always been omens for bad luck, they have always been misunderstood just because they are different. Not as beautiful as a unicorn. Not as powerful as a phoenix. Not as phenomenal as a hippogriff. They were always judged from afar, those who could see them never went close enough to inspect them, because if they went close enough, they would see that thestrals are just misunderstood. They are unique and calm and so, so gentle. Maybe they are an omen for death, but death isn't always tragic. Death can be peace for some people. Death can relieve a lot of people from unavoidable pain. Death is not always the worst option." Hermione said, gazing at the thestral as if something else was hidden in it's eyes, something worth knowing.

Draco hummed and let a smile grace his features. "I love it when you get so poetic with your words."

"You better." She said as she tried to hide the blush that was gracing her cheeks.

"Come on, are you scared to touch it, Malfoy?" Hermione teased and watched as Draco touched his inside cheek with his tongue; clearly trying not to smile. He rolled his eyes playfully as he said. "In your dreams, Granger." And with that, he touched the thestral with his soft hand, smiling softly when the thestral nuzzled it's head into his hand.

Hermione smiled as she watched Draco with the thestral. He looked so peaceful, just like when he slept. His eyebrows straight, his face relaxed, his shoulders not tense. It felt so relaxing looking at Draco from this angle. She felt as if he was a sight made just for her. She felt as if an open door stood in between them and if she stepped through, there would be nothing but happiness waiting for her. She would never admit this to anyone, but Hermione felt the happiest with Draco.

Hermione Granger felt the happiest with Draco Malfoy.

She can't believe that she has just admitted this to herself.

Hermione can feel herself



He stood at his door, waiting for her. She didn't say anything about sleeping in his room again, but he knew she would come eventually, and he wanted to be there for her. She would always come, he knew that, and he planned to always be there.

He felt so safe sleeping next to her, hugging her, embracing her. He felt as if no evil would come upon him when he was with her. She was Hermione Granger, anything evil would cower at the sight of her, even if she was wand less. Hermione Granger shone brighter than any evil. She was the epitome of pure. And he loved her for it.

Fuck, his mind is going fucking crazy. It. Needs. To. Stop.

The sounds of footsteps saved him. She came.

He smiled slightly and held his hand out for her, she smiled as she took it. The both of them entered his room. Draco closed the door behind him and they both got onto the bed. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep in each other's arms.


"You got me something for Christmas?" Draco asked as they sat around a tree that Tobsy put together.



"Why not?"

Draco pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows as he waited for Hermione to get two wrapped boxes from under the tree. His eyes widened then.

"You got me two gifts?!"

She shrugged. "I wasn't sure if you were going to like the gift that I got you so I got another one just in case."

"You know you didn't need to do that, right?" He lifted an eyebrow as he asked.

"Oh shut up, it's not like I haven't seen you wrap a gift for me." She said, rolling her eyes playfully.

His eyes widened. "How did you see that? I was alone."

"You thought you were alone." She smirked slightly before handing him the smaller box of the two. "Now, open up."

Draco took the box from her hands and started unwrapping it carefully, which was so slow for Hermione. She took her wand out and with a quick swish, the wrapping paper vanished. He looked up at her with his eyebrows high in his hairline before shaking his head and laughing. He took the lid off of the box and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What is this?"

"That's a mobile phone." Hermione answered.

"Which is?" He seemed to get more confused as he grabbed the rectangular shaped "mobile phone."

"It's a muggle invention," she said, smiling when he didn't cringe. She sat next to him and opened it for him, his eyes widened as he looked it over.

"You can use it for many reasons. You can save someone's phone number on it and call them—"

"What is a phone number?" He asked, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

She smiled and said. "It's a number that consists of eleven digits. Every muggle —well, almost every muggle— has one. You can save someone's number on your phone and when you press on it, it calls them for you. You can talk to anyone you want. I created a number for you. I already have one, I saved my number on your phone and saved your number on mine. That way, you can talk to me pretty much anytime you want."

He nodded as he took in everything she said. Surprisingly, he really admired the invention.

"That's so much better than owls." He said and took the phone back, touching it with his finger the same way she touched it.

"Muggles have really amazing technology, you would have learned all of that if you took muggle studies." She shrugged.

"I took muggle studies." He admitted.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah, my parents wanted me to know everything about everything, even if it was related to muggles." He said and looked at her. "I know what technology is, but the professor didn't go into much detail."

"I didn't know that."

He smiled. "Well, now you do."

She smiled before reaching for the other gift. "This one was the back up gift, I didn't know if you would like the phone, so I got this in case."

"I like it. I really like the mobile phone." He admitted as he smiled at her. She smiled back and handed him the box. This time, he vanished the wrapping paper.

He took the lid off and took the present out. A black notebook with his name engraved in gold on the bottom of it rested in his hand.

"Is this a diary? No offense, Granger, but I am no Tom Riddle." He said, smiling teasingly.

"It's not a diary, you idiot," she shook her head, laughing quietly. She spoke again. "It's a channeled notebook. I have one too, it's kinda like the mobile phone, but with magic this time. When you write something in it, it transfers to mine. No one else but you and I can read what we wrote."

"Damn, Granger. This is so impressive. Did you do that by yourself?" He asked suddenly, curious.

She blushed slightly and nodded slowly.

"I love this. I really do. Both of them are amazing." He said and put both the notebook and the phone next to each other on the carpet.

He leaned slowly towards her and kissed her slowly on the lips, moving passionately before pulling back and smiling.

"You are not receiving your gift until New Year's Ball."

"Are you serious?"


"I hate you."

He smiled. "You really don't." And then, he leaned in to kiss her again.


Follow me on my tiktok for sneak peaks and Dramione videos! Username is mar_writer.

Chapter 31 will be up next week!

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