A Crystal Away •[ BNHA Katsuk...

By MoriiiMoriii

312 18 2

To explore every corner of the world and discover whatever remains unknown or to be the greatest hero alive a... More

• Meet heroes from Land of Dawn! •


13 1 0
By MoriiiMoriii

     Scarlet, red eyes glare sharply at you and you glared back at them. There was a threatening message being sent to you and you didn't like how that made your heart race. You felt like that gaze alone is enough to kill you that it scares you to the bone.

     The interesting grins of his two other companions didn't help either. It gave you an uncomfortable feeling about the situation as you wonder what they're grinning for. On the other hand, the guy in holding your friend captive has an intimidating aura and you assume he's the boss of their small group.

     Your legs are shaking slightly and your lips are quivering quiver but you didn't want them to take the best of you. You stood there, took a deep breath and kept your composure.

     "Let my friend go... or else." You state calmly but you made sure you were firm with it. The guy with ash blonde hair smugly smirked at the threat you gave him. "Or else what? What's a pipsqueak like you can do? Huh?" He states.

     "Beat the crap out of you, that's what." You manage to say. The three unfamiliar boys took their moment to process what you said. They were quiet for a short while, looking surprised as they exchanged glances with each other.

     On the other hand, Izuku had his eyes shut closed and his lips pressed together like he's bracing for something terrible. You wonder why.


     "BAHAHAHA! Our little kitty thinks they're all high and mighty~!!" The guy with the longer hair teased. He was laughing so hard that breathing suddenly became difficult for him. "Ooo~ I'm so scared!"

     "What an idiot-!" The other trailed off as he wiped the tears forming at the corner of his eyes. He held his aching stomach while his free hand used the chair beside him for support. "You know I'd like to make fun of you but I wouldn't stoop that low."

     As they were busy with their laughing fit, Izuku's captor seems to be displeased. You noticed how his thick eyebrows furrow down further as his smirk disappeared instantly. You tensed up, feeling the air suddenly shifting into something even dreadful.

     "K-Kaachan..." Izuku shakily reaches for his sleeve and gave it a tight squeeze to get his attention. He broke the eye contact you shared with him to look at your friend. "P-please stop a-and just let me go already." There was a frightened expression on his face as the shaking of his body became more evident with each word he stated.

     All of a sudden, thick, black plumes of smoke clouded your vision. There was a loud bang along with it that rang in your ears and almost made you jump up from your spot. The laughter came to a quick halt and you were able to hear more clearly a loud cry in pain.

     You didn't know what happened since it occured so unexpectedly. As the smoke that masked your sight faded away, you were able to see Izuku's still being grasped tightly on his burnt collar. "Don't tell me what to do, Deku!" Kaachan yelled directly at his face.

     "Stop! Let him go!" The rage rose in you after seeing the huge burn on Izuku's cheek. That feeling moved your feet as you tried to throw a punch on face with full power. Before your fist can even collide with his cheek, his sidekicks rushed to restrain you. They held you by your arms and you struggled to break free from them. "Let him go, you piece of sh*t!" You fumed.

     "If you say so." He lets go of him too roughly that Izuku was sent flying across the room. He fell on his bottom as he yelped after hitting the cold, hard floor.

     "Izuku!" You called out to him and you were exerting huge amount of strength to reach and help him. You were using all your energy to escape out of their grasp but they were much stronger and bigger than you. As you were struggling to set yourself free, Kaachan studied your appearance.

     His eyes trailed from the top of your head down to the tip of your toes before fixing his gaze back to your face. He looked disgusted seeing you struggling in front of him and his nose was scrunched seeing how your mud stained uniform made you look even more pitiful.

     "You're relying on this weakling to protect you?" Kaachan trailed off, catching both of you and Izuku's attention. He continues to study you and the more he does it, the more he gets sick. "And you still think you can stand on the same ring as mine? You're pathetic."

     "Hey! Don't say that!" For a moment, you stopped squirming after hearing the words he spat out. Even though they weren't for you, you felt the pain it held and how it must've hurted your friend. "That's not true..." You manage to say.

     Izuku's hair casted a shadow over his eyes and you weren't able to see them. He stood up from the floor and didn't hesitate to rush and snatch his bag from the desk. He left the room without a word and also leaving you behind again. "Hey! Wait!" You called out but your voice couldn't reach him.

     Luckily, the two weren't paying attention to you anymore. They were as surprised as you were with Izuku's sudden walk out that they didn't realize their grip on you loosened. You took the chance to pry yourself away, not wasting anymore time to run and catch up to him.

     "Hey Hey Hey! You're not going anywhere!" Before you can even reach the door, the two were fast enough to restrain you once again. "Let me go, dammit!" You tried to break loose again but their grip on you was much tighter than before. It hurts.

     "Let them go." The three of you turn back to Kaachan who seems to be no longer interested. His demand was stoic and wasn't as loud as the first time you spoke with him. "They're not worth the time." He finished.

     "Aw c'mon, man! You're too boring!" One of them complained. "We wanna have a little bit more fun, right?" He asks his friend beside you and the both of them shared a stupid giggling fit.

     You've been through alot in just one day and now you're tired, lost and completely pissed off. You've had enough of the crap and being their little pushover. You wished you didn't held back earlier and finished it before things got out of hand.

     Their giggling stopped once they saw the two huge tails dancing like serpents behind your back. You used the remaining energy you have left to morph it into metal and create a duplicate of it.

     The two wasn't able to react quickly after you immediately girdled their waist with your iron tails and restrained them. Their feet left the ground as they were lifted upwards in the air and they weren't able to to do anything but try to break free.

     "Oi! What the-" Kaachan wasn't able to react well with the two bodies you sent flying towards his direction. The chairs and desks around him limited his chances of evading and also because you were surprisingly too fast.

     The two collided with him and they fell with a loud, painful thud on the cold, hard floor. They sat there for a while, dumbfounded and unable to process what just occured.

     Their eyes slowly trail up to see the disgusted look on your face. You studied them from the top of their heads and down to the tip of their toes before fixating your gaze back at their faces. You made sure your expression showed how sick you were of them.

     "Maybe you should find your fun somewhere else." You trailed off as you retract your tails back behind you. "You're not worth my time either." You finished and left them as you exit the room.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

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