Stuck with you | Carl Grimes...

By ivypigot

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Will a girl who lost everything, find her everything? More

Chapter one part two
Chapter two
Chapter four!!


12 0 0
By ivypigot

If I start taking in this font it's not part of the story just me joking!

After a long car ride, the vehicle came to an abrupt stop.They dragged us out the vehicle,Glenn cooperated ,but I didn't. Causing him to pick me up , toss me over his shoulder and carry me into a house.
They dragged us to the roof.HOLY SHIT IM GONNA DIE!They whipped off our odd-smelling bags and I saw Rick,Daryl but no T-dog.My eyes then began to trace the roof tops and I came across T-dog sat there with a sniper prepared for the worst.Me and Glenn both whimpered while being pushed to the edge of a roof.Rick and Daryl glanced up at us Daryl giving be a worried look.Why does he care so much?
Me and Glenn were dragged off the roof,relief flew through my body from my head to my toes.We were still blindfolded when we began to hear heavy breathing.Our masks ,duck-tape were taken of our face and our hands set free .We are in a white hallway.
"Come."The man said taking us to a room full of unhealthy elderly people.They all began to help a man who was having an asthma attack.Then The rest of the entered,guides by an old lady.
"What the hell is this?"asked a very confused Rick.
"An asthma attack."Glenn answered.
"He couldn't get his breath all of a sudden.terrible "I added.
"I thought you two were being eaten by dogs ,man." T-dog replied ,still confused Causing our gazes to go upon three dogs barking dogs sat in a leopard print bed.
"Could I have a word with you?" Rick asked G .I didn't hear the rest but he seemed pretty pissed.We finally made our way back to the highway and headed to out van.
"Admit it,you only came back to Atlanta for the hat."Glenn joked.
"Don't tell anybody." Rick jokingly instructed causing us to burst into laughter.The laughter soon died down when we saw the rails ,but no van.
"Oh ,my god." Glenn said
"Where the hell's our van?" Daryl asked ,rhetorically.
"We left it right there ,who would take it?" Glenn asked
"Merle." Was the only thing that Rick said
"He's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp." Dixon spoke.
"If he makes it that far.With a wound like that ,you can't go very far."I replied.
After waking for miles ,we finally reached the camp.BANG BANG BANG.
Was all we heard ,gunshots.
"Shit!Shit!Shit!" We all chatted ,sprinting up the hill.We finally made it, it was mayhem .Crying children ,Andrea lying next to Amy's dead body screaming her heart out.
"Y/n! Go with the kids!" Glenn shouted.It wasn't at time for discussion.I ran up to the Lori she pulled me and Carl into a hug .Then let go when Rick ran up to us bringing Carl into a tight hug.I didn't know Carl too well,but,I'd like too.
Not soon after ,the mayhem stopped all I could see was dead body's geeks and non-geeks .My eyes welled up with tears at the sight of Amy.I didn't know her that well,but we talked the most .I then broke into sobs ,a the dam of tears finally broke.I then felt two arms wrap around me .Carl.I soaked his t-shirt in tears.It wasn't just the body's that made me upset.It's everything .Just the thought of someone hugging me makes me cry .But now ,they're actually hugging me .And it's Carl ,Carl Grimes .
It was the next morning .I woke up next to Carl .
"Hey."I spoke running my eyes and stretching my shoulders .
"Morning."Carl replied sending me a warm smile.
"Thank you ,for last night.You didn't have
t-" I said being cut off by Carl.
"No,I did.let's go for breakfast."He said jumping out of bed and pulling me with him.The adults are burning the body's of infected and non-infected.We went in a separate area ,but not are Lori couldn't see us obviously.Me and Carl sat down and began to talk about Marvel comics .
"I love spider-man though."Carl spoke.
"Captain Marvel is cool though."he finished
"Yeah she super bad-ass."I replied.
"Yeah,bad-ass." He laughed
"Ooo you're a big swearing boy now." I giggled
"Shut up." He replied ,jokingly punching my shoulder.We then waking back into main camp.Then Glenn explained to us what happens ,Jim was bit and we're leaving soon.
The next day!
We traveled a long way ,then we came across a fancy-ass building surrounded by geeks.Me and Carl gripped each others hands ,tight.
"Dead favourite." I spoke ,to no one in particular.
We then came across a large metallic door.Lots of where are we gonna go?Its a dead end!  Filled the atmosphere.We we're all about to walk off then Rick yelled.
"The camera ,it moved."
"You imagined it."Dale replied.
"It moved."Rick tried to prove .Shane and Rick began to argue .He began to pound on the door begging ,pleading.I still had my hand engulfed by Carl's.The door finally opened.It was like a gateway to heaven.A bright ,white light painted the floor as we all looked in awe.
"Daryl you cover the back."Shane ordered.
"Hello?"I asked,my breath shaking.
We closed the doors,confused.
"Hello?"Rick repeated.I loaded my shot gun with 8 rounds ,prepared for anything:infected,people or animals.I looked back at the door ,nothing.
"Anybody infected?"Asked a masculine voice .It was a middle aged man in a grey shirt and black trousers ,holding a gun.
"One of our group was.He didn't make ."Rick said his bright blue eyes wide open.
"Why are you here?What do you want?"The man asked inching closer.I poured my gun,parallel with his face.
"A chance."Rick answered
"Some food and water might be nice too."I said ,half joking .
"That's asking an awful lot these days"He spoke ,being drowned in bright lights.
"I know."Rick uttered ,breath shaking.I held my gun in one and and Carl's hand in the other.(protective gf)
"You all submit to a blood test .That's the price of admission."Then man announced.
"We can do that."
"You got tuff to bring in ,you do it now .once this door closes it stays closed.Me and Carl ,still hand in hand,say in the lift/elevator.
"Except you two ."The man said ,pointing at me and Carl.
"I'll have to keep my eyes on you."he finished.
We all made our way into the 'big room',Rick began giving the man questions.
"Vi,say hello to our quests ." He ordered
"Hello guests."Vi said.
"It's like we're in a comic."I whisper-yelled to Carl.
"I know right?"he replied.After a blood test we all sat down and had a nice dinner.
"Y'know in Italy ,children have a little bit of wine with dinner.And in France."Dale stated
"Well ,when these two are in Italy or France,they can have some."Lori said ,referring to me and Carl.
"What's it gonna hurt.Come on.Come on."A drunk Rick pleaded.Ever broke into a fit of laughter.
"There you are."He passed us both a glass of wine.We both exclaimed in disgust.
"That's my boy."Lori said patting Carl's back.
"Me and my friend used to-."I cut myself off,glancing at Rick .
"What? " he asked.
"Will you arrest me?"
"No,not yet." He replied breaking us into a fit a laughter.
"Steal her step-dads beer.We wouldn't drink it we'd just waste it ,by pouring it down the sink."
I finished ,smirking.After laughing for hours on end about embarrassing situations and Glenn drinking,we all went to our rooms.Me ,Carl,Sophia and Carol all went to room filled with books.We all found the Marvel comics and began to read those.
The next day
"Morning."Rick said toppling into the room.
"Are you hungover?"carl asked "mom said you'd be."
"Mom is right."He answers
"Mom had that annoying habit"Lori answered.
"Eggs powdered,but I do them good."T-dog spike entering with a pan full of eggs.Glenn erupted with groans ,he was hung over.
"I bet you can't tell."T dog started.
"Protein helps the hangover."
"Where did all this come from?" Rick asked.
"Jenner."Lori answered.
"He thought we could use it."
"Thank you." Rick said .After we all scoffed our breakfast,we visited Jenner he informed us on whats happing (he doesn't know.Then,Rick told us to get all our stuff and leave.Suddenly,the door slammed shut.Lori huddled with me and Carl.Everyone began begging Jenner for answer and freedom.The place was going to EXPLODE.This is it.I grasped Carl's hand tight ,he grasped mine.He finally let us out,we grabbed all our stuff.Except for Jaquie ,who stayed .Me and Carl ran ,hand in hand.We all ran as fast as we could ,The doors were locked,the windows were unbreakable.
"Rick."Carol stated .
"I have something that might help."
"Carol,I don't think a nail files gonna do it." Shane stated.
"Piss off!"I yelled .
"Your first morning at camp."she started ,ignoring Shane sexist remark.
When I washed your uniform ,I found this in your pocket." She pulled out a grenade.
Me and Carl ran to cover .BANG .The window shattered into tiny pieces.We tan for our life shooting any geek that came close.We spotted Andrea and Dale walking out the building.
"Hide!"I yelled sticking my head out the window.Flames erupted from the building,slight heat prickled on my skin.
This was a long chapter!I hope you guys enjoy it: y/n and Carl being nerds.Jaquies dead (rip) exe.I will be writing the next chapter over today and tomorrow (maybe) bc I'm going to my grandparents house for a bit<3
Words:one thousand six hundred and fourth nine.
This is me editing it but I redid my home screen with twd cast<3

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