The convenient marriage


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The dark gloomy day she died, regretting all she never managed to do, she thought would be her last. She neve... More

Chapter 1. The day she died
Chapter 2. The woman he married
Chapter 3. The life she gained
Chapter 4. The house they lived in
Chapter 5. The man she married
Chapter 6. The interrupted routine
Chapter 7. The new routine
Chapter 8. The enthusiastic student
Chapter 9. A melancholic piano piece
Chapter 10. A slight touch
Chapter 11. A first time father
Chapter 12. A date?
Chapter 13. A status upgrade
Chapter 14. A matter of the heart
Chapter 15. His absence, her absence
Chapter 16. A frail patient
Chapter 17. The real Aria
Chapter 18. An innocent Aria
Chapter 19. Elevated heart rates
Chapter 20. A new home
Chapter 21. A sleepless night
Chapter 22. An unexpected guest
Chapter 23. Birds of a feather
Chapter 24. How to woo a woman
Extra. Crossover
Chapter 25. The wife of the CEO
Chapter 26. The president's closest people
Chapter 27. The only exception to the rules
Chapter 28. The right way to stop a hiccup
Chapter 29. Misunderstandings
Chapter 30. The daughter in law of the Blacks
Chapter 31. A bubbly witch's friendly spell
Chapter 32. Another status upgrade?
Chapter 33. A dotting husband's care
Chapter 34. How to become a real person?
Chapter 36. A body as fake as the heart
Chapter 37. The perfect candidate for Aria Langdon
Chapter 38. A poorly chosen lawyer
Chapter 39. The rightful owner of the promise
Chapter 40. A true heart
Chapter 41. No retractions allowed
Chapter 42. An interrupted family time
Chapter 43. A family time
Chapter 44. A stolen life
Chapter 45. The rumored Madame president
Chapter 46. For my one and only
Chapter 47. Time is short and fickle
Chapter 48. Life changing choices
Chapter 49. Lesser of two evils
Chapter 50. Killing a newfound heart
Chapter 51. A mother's resentment
Chapter 52. Third-person's omniscient point of view
Chapter 53. Longing
Chapter 54. Cadenza

Chapter 35. How far is near

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(A/N) The music above, for those who can't see, is called "How far is near" by Getsunova

Though Zane had hoped his working hours would finish at a reasonable hour, his plan did not go quite well as he expected it would. More precisely it did not work out at all.

A week of absence from work during a busy time of the year resulted in Zane being hold up in the office until nine pm, three hours later than he had initially planned.

He sighed annoyed as he finally entered through his apartment's door. Frustration had long taken over his mind, because of the unexpected talk with the small woman, which he had wanted to clear up as soon as possible, but was unable to. The talk had caught him off guard, so he had reacted a bit too forceful in ending the conversation, afraid of whatever she wanted to say more.

This was the first time he had not let Aria clearly explain to him what she wanted to know, and he was left with a bitter taste at the thought of upsetting her. He regretted his choice of words as soon as Aria went away. No, better said he had regretted them even before she left, especially considering the enduring face she had last shown him before she exited through the doors with the maids.

But though he regretted the words, he would regret more if the discussion had jolted her memories even a little.

It had been more than a month and a half ago since Aria had woken up from the coma, changing his life's meaning in a way he had never thought was possible, making him dream of a warm home with the new her. The pure bright sweet woman she was now, the one without her memories, the one he hoped would remain this way forever.

And not only hoped, he had also started taking precautions in assuring Aria would never remember her life from the past.

Other than the fact that the mansion was currently being remodeled from top to bottom, and the fact that her current lifestyle was miles apart from before. Zane had even called Malcom just before Aria came to the office for lunch, asking him to find out if there were things doctors could do to prevent her from recovering her memories. 

A brief moment of silence later, Malcom's voice resounded on the other end of the call, as that idiot laughed out loud with such an irritating voice, that he had to hold the phone further away from his ear, to make sure he wouldn't become deaf. The bastard only awkwardly stopped, when he threatened to take away his vacation days for the next three years. 

Finally becoming serious because of his persuasive words, Malcom had told him that it wasn't possible to stop it, and he just had to let nature take its course. Otherwise, the doctors would only be able to give her medicines that would harm her and keep her in a half awake state, messing with her mind until she would become mentally unstable. Not only was it illegal and unethical to do such a thing, but of course Zane wouldn't follow through a process which could cause Aria irreversible damages to her body. 

He was getting such bent on keeping her like she was now, that he was becoming paranoid. If even he, the man in question, realized this, than the problem was serious enough.

  The talk with Malcom sobered him up a bit, only for Aria's visit to stir up his worries again.

He had not given much thought to Aria's desires regarding this fact. The small woman had never expressed her wish in finding out about her past life for this last month and a half. And so her personal will was not a matter that had concerned him until now...

Should he really tell her a bit about the past? Perhaps only let her know a little about the matter of their marriage. Should he just confess that they were not close at all, and were actually about to get divorced in a couple more years? A divorce which could still happen after she gave birth.

No, he couldn't talk about the divorce part, what if she agreed to it? Her lawyer was the one with the documents, and could register them immediately with a single word from her. Then the matter would really slip out of his hand completely.

Then should he just confess he loves her? But if he did, and she would not like him having those feelings towards her... what if she distanced herself from him and actually insisted to sleep in another room? Each time he got closer to her these days, she didn't appear to distain him, but she also hadn't shown she would approach him of her own accord, if he wasn't the one making the first step.

All kind of thoughts swirled around Zane's mind... ethical and unethical, sane and crazy ones. He was a level headed upright person, but his love for her had changed him a hundred and eighty degrees, at least in her regard.

It seemed like just how he told Aria previously that she was the only exception to the rules in the company, could also be applied to him. She was the only exception to everything that made the old him.

Slowly opening the bedroom's door, after he had dismissed the maids, allowing the two women to return to the mansion, Zane's gaze was immediately caught by the small bump wrapped around a fluffy blanket, who was already deeply sleeping away. The slow and even breathing being a clear evidence of this.

With quiet careful steps to not disturb the small beauty, he quickly finished his night routine, before gently lifting the cover and hugging the small woman in his arms. Then only one small peck on her cheek was needed for Aria to cuddle more comfortably in his embrace, as he gently stroked her hair and back. 

Only at this moment, could his worries be a bit relieved, as he felt her flowery scent and her small warm stature in his arms. But he was aware, if he only took a step away, the matters that haunted his mind would come back swiftly to the last of them. 

Tomorrow morning, he promised himself. Tomorrow he would talk to her again, just for tonight he wanted to stay like this.

Although, Zane really intended to do what he promised, somehow this couldn't be fulfilled.

The next morning, Aria woke up as cheerful as ever, as though the face she had last shown him when she left his office the previous day was a lie. She ate as properly and as happily as ever. She even recounted to him smilingly about Pudding's latest mischievous deeds.

The atmosphere was as best as it ever was, if not better, causing him to have second doubts on whether to bring the uncomfortable subject to discussion. He did not want to face her sad expression again. He did not want to disturb the peace they had.

'So I will wait for you at lunch. Alright, little one?' He patted her head, while he was preparing to go out. 

He had mulled over the issue of telling her, he thought about opening the discussion with her the entire morning, but in the end he couldn't bring himself to speak about it.

Aria really did change him, she had made him a coward. She had made him weak and greedy for the sweet smile that she was showing now, as she slowly nodded her head in confirmation. So Zane could only let the matters rest for the moment.

Later, he promised himself again. 

He was one to keep his promises no matter what, but he had broken one promise to himself already, so another broken promise... no one could know for certain it would never happen.

As the door closed, and the handsome professionally dressed man left for his job, the smiling Aria stood still. She kept looking in the direction Zane had left towards, as though there was no wall between them. No wall between them physically, and no barrier between their hearts, she convinced herself.

She looked a bit more, but the smile that adorned her face until now was still the same. But as Zane was already long gone, such a smile seemed unnatural. It seemed petrified on her face, as though it was only a mask that she had put on. 

She was glad the practice she had done in the mirror yesterday had been effective. Zane did not realize anything was wrong with how she looked, right? Aria sincerely hoped, as the sparkle in her eyes slowly dimmed.

Once she had come back home yesterday, she had regretted the questions she had asked him. The stifling feeling had appeared strong enough to choke her throat before, but now... now it was as though the chains that kept her heart connected to this body were rusting away. The wish for time that she had so fervently yearned in the last moments of her previous life, the reason that perhaps had revived her in this body was fading away bit by bit. At least that is how she felt.

If she knew she would come to feel this way once she found out more about his previous marriage, she wouldn't have asked about it. Really, how had she gotten to the point of falling in love with Zane, when all that she had wanted at first were the two peanuts? Why had she made her life more difficult with her own two hands?

Briskly slapping her cheeks, trying to crack away the mask that was no longer needed, Aria reminded herself of her conclusion.

The former Aria was long gone, her soul was not in the body she had taken over anymore. So she, the current Aria, she was not interfering between them. She was only here because of fate, so it wouldn't be a theft, right? She was not stealing away Zane and the children from anyone.

She was only making the best of the time she had on Earth, this second chance at life.

Some people never manage to make the best out of their time on Earth, she had also been one of them previously, and she could still be one. After all who could say for sure if her soul would be attached to this body until old age. So she couldn't let this chance slip away.

She would make Zane also fall in love with her, then she would become his real Aria. 

To become a real person, one needed a body and a soul. In her deduction, it meant that she was also real, she had a body and a soul. And stretching this theory further. To love a real person,  it meant that... first, one would love the body of the other person no matter how they looked, as that person would become the most beautiful in their eyes. And two, one would love their soul, the one who projected their character and personality on the said body.

Even though the soul was not the one Zane loved, the body was. In conclusion, half of her person was already loved by Zane, half of it was really the body of Aria Black. She only needed to make him love her heart as well. Then he would love her as a whole.

With renewed spirit and bright red cheeks, Aria deeply breathed in fresh air, then turned around and went to find the recently arrived Pudding.

The petite woman did not know that her conclusion about Zane's true feelings was entirely different from reality.

The half that made up the new Aria that Zane loved was Aria's soul... not her body.

The road towards the Black's Consortium, in the afternoon

'Mistress Aria, assistant Ryan just sent me a message. The master is not currently at the office, and because of the rush-hour traffic, he might not be able to arrive in time to receive you. But do not worry, he has already sent the guards to wait for you at the front door. And the master will also arrive a quarter of an hour later.' Anne informed Aria, as she had taken her eyes off of the phone's screen.

Hearing the bad news,  Aria stilled in place, but did not comment on the message. She only nodded her head to confirm she had understood the maid's words, then returned to petting Pudding's head. The situation in which he wouldn't be able to receive her presented itself far earlier than she had thought. But there was nothing she could do about it, she could only hope that he would still arrive in time.

But though she hoped that Zane would still receive her personally at the door, as her car too had arrived later than intended in front of the building, unfortunately, Zane was more caught up in traffic than she had been.

Her first thought was still to wait for him. If he estimated he would arrive in a quarter of an hour, than in some minutes more he would also return to the office.

But then again, she had decided to put her utmost effort in becoming a person Zane could fall in love with, one who could stand on an equal footing with him. It meant that she shouldn't always depend on him. With these convictions in mind, she descended the passenger's seat with Anne's help and headed to Zane's office.

Perhaps because it was during lunch break already, but not a soul passed by the reception and on the top floor's hallway, relaxing even more Aria's heart. The sight of the front door of Zane's office that was inches away from her, soothed her nervousness for good.

'Aria?' An elegant womanly voice called her familiar name, but with an unfamiliar tone. 

As someone was trying to get her attention, naturally she quickly turned her eyes in the direction of the sound. 

There was only one foreign female presence approaching Aria's group, and the woman was also looking her way with a small smile, so it was surely that person whose voice she heard.

'Yes?' Aria asked uncertain. She did not know this person, but the woman's expression and the familiar call, wouldn't be made by just anyone.

'What is it? You look as though you are in the presence of a stranger. You don't recognize your own cousin anymore?' The beautiful woman cheekily smiled, then approached Aria, perhaps wanting to let the petite woman take a closer look of her face.

'Miss please step aside. No one is allowed near Madame Black. You shouldn't even speak to her.' The guard immediately cut in her way, as the rest also slightly moved forward, blocking the woman's view of Aria.

'What?! I am her blood related cousin. You can't possibly not know who Aileen Langdon is?' Indignantly affirmed Aileen, as she put a hand on her waist, her expression appearing more surprised than angered, still looking as friendly as before.

'The president's orders are absolute. No one is allowed to talk to his wife. I am sorry, if you wish to speak to Madame Black, please do so when the president is present.' The guard denied categorically. After the last incident, no one in the building would dare make a mistake in regards to Aria, so naturally even if her own mother would come and ask to speak with her, they would block her, if it was not specifically ordered by the president to let her through.

'You guys, those orders are most likely for normal employees. I practically grew up with Aria as sisters, why would you block my path? Right, Aria?' Aileen didn't look upset in the slightest because of the guards' denial, and had even reasoned with the men just as gently as she had spoken to Aria moments earlier. 

Seeing the friendly expression of the woman which slightly inclined to the side, to search for Aria's face, the small woman was a bit surprised. As far as she knew, Aria Black was the only direct heiress to the Langdon fortune, as such Aria had deduced she was the only one left in the family. She had thought there were no other relatives. And having had no one visiting her since she had regained consciousness in this body, further solidified this belief as real.

'I'm sorry, I don't...' With the reasonable excuse of having lost her memories, Aria wanted to inform the beautiful friendly woman that she could not recall who she was. But remembering this person had said the previous Aria and her had grown up as sisters, did not continue her words.

Although she had convinced herself to look towards the future, now that there was someone who could tell her about the past, how could she miss the opportunity of finding out a bit about it.

As they were in the company, and the woman looked like an employee according to the ID badge that was hanging on her neck, there was no way that she would have lied about her identity, and most importantly their blood connection.

Near the company's main building

'Ryan, call and check up on Aria!' Zane ordered his assistant, as he was checking a document.

Anne had already informed them when Aria reached the building, but he wanted to be sure she was alright, considering he was not there to pick her up. He only left the office, because he was certain he would return in time for lunch, . But the traffic had been an unexpected cause of delay, even though he had already taken it in account. It was worse than he had predicted it would be.

'Yes.' Ryan answered, as he already started to dial Anne's number.

In two three more minutes, they would be in the company's parking lot, but it seemed his boss was already running out of patience. Even though, Ryan thought like so, he wouldn't be crazy enough to tell Zane this. He still very much valued his vacation days.

'President, the Madame is currently in your office. Anne also reported that your wife met her cousin while they were on the top floor, and they are now together in your office talking.' Ryan informed Zane, as he closed his smartphone and placed it in his pocket.

'What? Which cousin?' Zane frowned as he immediately directed a sharp gaze towards Ryan, his heart thumbing away as to what that woman could speak to Aria about their shared past.

'Aileen Langdon. She is the daughter of Darren Langdon.' Ryan informed concisely, while also sharing a bit about her background. The perfect assistant already knew that Zane needed more details about the person. 

Although his boss had met the woman several times already, he highly doubted he would remember who she was, after all the stern man only sought to remember the faces he would need for  his business. A small cousin from a branch family far removed from the main one really wasn't worth remembering. His boss would only remember her father.

'He was the Madame's legal guardian until the age of nine.' Ryan also detailed about Aileen's father, seeing the evident frown of confusion on Zane's face. He had miscalculated, it seemed even the former foster father of his wife wasn't an important enough position to be remembered by the president.

'Aria's legal guardian?' Zane asked surprised. He wasn't aware of Aria having lived with other people, other than her grandfather, the old master Langdon. Well, considering he was never interested at all in his former wife, or cared very much about the connection between the two families for that matter, it was no wonder. 

The political marriage had been a wish from a long time ago. Normally, considering how much time had passed since their great-grandfather's' time, it could may very well be forgotten, if not for his mother and old master Langdon. He for certain did not really care who he married, as long as the bride was fitting enough.

So as the two people insisted on the marriage, and knowing that Aria's background at that time was well matched with his own, he had agreed to it, without giving Aria's past any importance at all. Perhaps he had even been informed before of matters from her past, but such details about a woman he was not interested in likely passed through one ear and went out the other.

He was only placing importance on the information now because of the present Aria, his Aria.

'Yes. He is the person I informed you about a couple of months ago who wanted to hire his daughter in the company. He hinted at that time his connection to the Madame, and because of it you allowed the hiring in an inconsequential position. It was just before the Madame regained consciousness.' Ryan recounted more information, to jolt Zane's memory regarding the matter.

'Hmmm...' Zane murmured to show he was listening. Though he only vaguely remembered the approval. 

'Ahh... also he is the Madame's lawyer. Perhaps this might ring a bell.' Ryan stated, recalling this particular fact.

'Aria's lawyer?' Feeling a shiver run down his back at the realization, Zane's eyes immediately darted outside the windows to check their location.

Fortunately, at this time the car was already parking in front of the building.

He hadn't even waited for the driver to properly park it, as his hands reached for the door's handle.

'Call Anne. Don't let that woman run off her mouth on anything regarding Aria's past.' Zane quickly ordered, as he opened the passenger's door and briskly walked away.

When he and Aria agreed on the divorce at that time, they did not really meet face to face with their lawyers present other than when they signed the contract for a brief five minutes meeting. The two lawyers talked about the paperwork procedure amongst themselves previously, and he and Aria, had met their own lawyers privately to discuss further matters as well. So the finalized contract, written and approved by the lawyers only needed to be exchanged after  a signature was laid down on the paper. So the face and identity of Aria's lawyer had been insignificant. He wasn't aware Aria and that man had a blood connection as well.

'Yes sir.' Ryan replied surprised, and once more took out his phone. Though he wasn't aware what the problem was, if Zane ordered something, he would do as commanded without a second thought.

Zane was already far gone, so it was doubtful if he heard Ryan's confirmation. But it was the last of his worries at this moment, in front of two major problems.

One, whatever that woman decided to recount from the past, could be a trigger to Aria's forgotten memory. 

And two, the contract they had signed...

Just like doctors and patients, lawyers and clients also have an agreement of confidentiality. The contract he signed with Aria, normally wouldn't be known by others than the lawyers. But as they were also family, that woman might be aware of it regardless of the secrecy agreement. If Aria hadn't said it to her, her father might have.

He really felt he could beat himself up at this moment, Zane thought as he anxiously pushed the elevator's buttons. A walk of 3 4 minutes from the parking lot until the reception room had been made by him in less than a minute, in an effort to reach sooner. 

But the elevator was another issue, no matter what its speed ascending to the top floor would be the same. Though for Zane the several minutes ride felt like a lifetime. An eternity until he had Aria in his arms, shielding her from anything or anyone that might interfere with their current lifestyle. 

He had really miscalculated everything today.

He had specifically informed everyone on the last floor to cease their work and go eat, no matter what they were doing, just so Aria could leisurely pass without feeling as though she was put under the microscope. He had taken all the necessary precautions to ensure no one would bother her, by securing the guards, and having the two maids by her side. But why did they let anyone approach Aria?

What were the security guards doing? Why had they let that woman near her?

And that woman, she dared seek Aria out, and thus break his order openly. Even if she was Aria's family, she was at work, and in the company's building during the working hours the policy he had set applied to anyone, no matter who they were. The rules he had set couldn't be ignored. He was the boss, and that woman the employee.

This is why he never liked family connections at work, relatives would feel the rules that were supposed to be applied to everyone wouldn't apply to them also, just by using the Langdon or Black name. He might have felt a tinge of responsibility for the comatose Aria at that time when the doctors informed him of her vegetative state. And when Ryan informed him of the favor, he hadn't put much thought in it before agreeing. Hundreds of new people were hired every month in all the company's branches, one woman was just one of those filled positions. 

But that woman instead of appreciating the gesture and acting properly at work, she was behaving herself as though she was outside the rules. Not to mention, he really couldn't understand why she would want to find Aria now, after all this time? 

Although he never visited Aria personally at the hospital other than when it was strictly necessary to be informed of her health, Ryan had kept him updated on her state and other such information regarding her. Aria never had a single visit during the three months she was comatose, not one single member of this branch family visited her or asked about her at all.

So to approach Aria now when she was as vulnerable as a child, who knows what hidden agenda that person has. Moreover if she wanted to find Aria, she should just speak to her privately at home, preferably in his direct presence, for him to know with certainty the words exchanged between the two. 

Because of his anxiousness, Zane failed to realize that even if Aileen truly wished to meet Aria in her home, and not at the office, it was impossible. Considering the small woman was staying in his apartment at the moment, a place most people did not know the location of, Aileen had no other way to meet Aria, other than running into her when she came to Zane's work for lunch.

With large strides he quickly stepped through the elevator's door as soon as it was only partially opened, turning a bit to the side to fit through the opening, then quickly closed the distance to his office.

Only a stern cold glance was needed for the two maids who were in front of the doors to quickly step aside. They weren't even able to greet him, as they instinctively moved from his path. Anne and Marie felt as though Zane was ready to kill them with his glare for leaving Aria alone with the woman, but it was truly not their fault. They had tried hinting to Aria, to also remain in the room, but for some reason their lady was adamant to speak privately with her cousin.

How could they refuse her order? She was the boss and they were her maids. They could block anyone who would bother Aria, but when the lady herself asked to speak with that person, they could only do what she ordered.

Briskly opening the door, Zane quickly entered the room and approached the couch where two women were sitting while currently chatting.

'Z-Zane?' Aria asked confused. 

It was normal that Zane would return to his office, after all she was waiting for him to come back for lunch. But the stern expression on his pale face, moreover his urgent mood had surprised her.

'Hello Zane.' Aileen greeted smilingly, also a bit stunned at his seriousness and hurried pace. Zane always had an elegant look and noble manner each time she had seen him before, but the man before her was unrecognizable at this moment.

Especially since he seemed to not be aware of anyone's presence but Aria's, whom he had just  engulfed in a desperate embrace.

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