Togetherness? - Little Nightm...

بواسطة Deadmandrifting935

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Trapped in a vicious cycle, time and time again Mono has only known failure. Bound by an incomprehensible for... المزيد

Over and over again.
The shack
Soothing melody
Cat and mouse
Last resort (part 1)
Last resort (Part 2)
The calm
Journey to the pale city
The bending towers
He calls
The school
Through the halls
Plastic Hooligans
An Ally From Beyond
Found you
Wingless Bird
Once more
Kindred spirits
Still City
Last Swig
Centuries old
A coat from days past
Can you hear my voice?
Beware of the light
The tower
Garden of eyes
The hospital
The west wing
The doctor
Wonderful darkness
TV man
I am you
Promise broken
Old friend
Round two
Horrible melody
Stay with me
The Alpha And The Omega
A cycle's end

True colors

1.1K 50 43
بواسطة Deadmandrifting935

Final chapter of the school arc! Wooo I guess we could say now that we are nearly to the end. Well,  maybe not nearly, but we are getting closer!

Warning! Blood and gore! Like a *that much* You still got that plushie shiba with you? I hope so...

Word count 3k


Hungry? It looked more like she was starving... As Mono crawled to the edge of the bed to take a closer look at her, Six hid her faced behind that black patch of hair, sprung to her feet, and went down the small set of steps, panting and gasping as she found the darkest corner in the room and sat there hugging her knees, rocking her body back and forth. Why is she running away?

"Wh-What's gotten into you?" Mono said. He hopped down the set of steps and crossed the room to where she was cowering. In the rush of things, he forgot about his feebleness. He tumbled over and fell against his chest. Six was out of the shadows for a moment. Her first instinct was to rush out and help him, but then she retreated into the dark. Mono groaned as he placed his hands against the floor and pushed himself back on his wobbly feet. 

"Just stay away... please..." Six pleaded, her voice low and deep with pain. 

That glow in her eyes... He'd seen it before back in the vents. He held up his hands, "Look... I don't know what this is about..." He said, slowly approaching her as if he was trying to capture a cornered beast, "But I can't help you, Six... Not unless you'd talk to me... Isn't that what friends are for?" 

"I-I can't..." She breathed. 

"Why not..." Mono said, walking closer.

"You'll hate me... you'll leave..." She said.

Mono narrowed his eyes. Is it really that bad? he took a few more steps forward, "It's alright, you can trust me... I mean, it's just hunger... we can find food literally anywhere..."

Six heaved in a shaky breath, "It's not just hunger, Mono... It's-" a low growl came from her, and her eyes gleamed a deeper red, her features twisted in agony. Oh no... It's worse than bad. Mono thought.

"Alright then..." Mono said, holding out his hand for her. Six gasped and shuffled back, but there was nowhere left to retreat.

"Please! Stay away! Don't any closer!" She said, clutching her sides, "Please, Mono... please... I don't want to hurt you." 

Mono just drew back and sat on the floor cross-legged. He reached under his paper bag and rubbed his temple, "Fine... alright, I get it." He said, musing. Then he lifted his head, an idea sticking him, "Can you endure it just for a bit longer?" Mono asked.

Six looked at him, then silently nodded.

He didn't know how long he had, but it was best if he'd get to it right away. He stood back on his legs. They wobbled a bit, but not as much as before. He had enough strength for the path ahead, now that he had his rest. "Stay here... I'll be back." He said.

"What are you doing...?" She said.

"There was a cafeteria back there..." He said, pointing with his thumb back at the door, "I'll be back with food in no time!" 

"Mono, you can't go back out there... It's too dangerous." Six said, "You can't walk..." 

"Nonsense!" He cried, slapping his thigh. "feeling as healthy as a horse now!"

The doorknob twisted behind them, and Mono was suddenly on edge. But as it swung open, nothing came in. It once again opened by itself, as if something was watching and it was egging them on. Mono didn't know how to feel about that, but now he had one objective in mind and wasted no time. He ran across the room then stopped beside the door, looking back at Six. He lifted his paper bag and grinned, then bolted out of the room, the door shutting and locking all by itself. 

As Mono walked down the hall, making for the cafeteria, a feeling of horror and dread clung to him, it's only hunger... He thought, why was he so afraid of that? Where was it all coming from...? He remembered something. Something terrible that happened before but never actually did. Yet another one of those so-called distant memories. Maybe it was just the sense of Deja vu, or maybe he was losing his mind.

Six sat there sweating freely. Her bandages felt like hell now, heavy and burning. She ran a hand through her hair and rocked back and forth, trying to soothe that cursed hunger. She tried everything, rubbing her knuckles, tugging the collar of her blue sweater, pressing around her waist, and picking at her bandages. It did her little good. Her stomach growled in defiance. The feeling was unbearable. It was as if something had punctured her and formed a great chasm in her stomach, and days of ceaseless eating wouldn't satiate her. 

A growl came again, and Six gritted her teeth, pressing hard against her belly. She fought it, and soon enough, she began humming the tune over and over to drown out all thoughts of her hunger. Half humming, half crying. It used to be the only thing in this world that could soothe her, but now it was just a flimsy shield. She wished he hadn't left her like this. Now more than ever, she wished for a hand to hold, for someone to tell her it will be alright, but in the back of her head, she knew all of that was just impossible... she was afraid... fear gripped her heart with its icy hands, I wish you were here...

She got up, and left the corner, and started pacing around the room in hopes she could get her mind off her. But eventually, she would sink to the floor from exhaustion, and all she could think of is her stomach. Before long, temptation took over, and her ears began to ring. That thing loomed over her, so close that it was breathing down her neck. Six couldn't look at it. She'd sooner gouge out her eyes than catch a glimpse of it. 

The shadowy figure bent down and placed its hands on its knees, smirking. "Hello again... It's been a while," it said with a grating voice. Six lowered her head and covered it with her hands. Her teeth began to chatter the moment she heard that voice. "You really thought you could just escape me?" 

"Please... not again."

"You can't hide from the truth, little one... run away all you want... put as much distance from it as you like. In the end, it will always end the same way."

"Get out of my head... leave me alone..."

"You cannot change..." Tears flowed freely from Six's eyes. She tugged at her hair and started whimpering. "There is one unavoidable truth you can never escape... you will always be-"

"Stop! Just stop! Please..." 

"A monster," it said, then came a bright flash from the window followed by the low roaring of thunder. Six snarled and leaped at it, reaching for its throat, but the shadow was already gone. The ringing left her ears, and now the only sound left was the soft pit-pat of tiny rain droplets against the window. 

Six struggled up and wiped away the tears from her face, her stomach aching horribly. She crossed the room, and made for the window, and saw that the clouds in the inky night sky flashing brightly now and then. Soon enough, the first almighty crack of thunder hit her eardrums like a hammer. Next came the rustling and panting coming from the other side of the door.

MONO! She thought as the doorknob twisted on its own and started swinging open. He's back! She was going to be okay! 

As soon as he bolted into the room, her features twisted in despair as she saw that he had availed nothing. He had failed to find food...

Mono placed his back against the door and pushed it closed, his feet slipping against the floor as he did. He was out of breath and clearly sweating. Fear had its grip, Six saw. The door clicked closed and locked itself. He looked around in panic, then he found her in the middle of the room, "SIX! CHANGE OF PLANS!" He screamed. 

Six shot him a look, a mix of confusion and pain. Then her eyes widened as she recognized the unnerving click-clack of high heels skipping through the hall on the other side of the door. The teacher stopped behind the infirmary door. Six could see her horrendous form twitching behind that sandblasted window. 

The teacher tried the doorknob, then let out a shriek in dismay, her sounds drowning out the thunder outside. Her head bashed against the sandblasted window. It cracked, and soon enough, her head burst through with the second blow, sending shards of glass flying inwards and falling all about Mono.

The teacher's head snacked into the room and snapped at Mono. He held his paper bag over his head and dogged her jaws in the nick of time. He sprung across the room and made for Six. No, stay back! 

Mono reached and grabbed her hand, rushing up the table. He pointed up towards the vent in the wall just above the shelves of medicine. "Up there, through the vents! Come on! we need to go!"

Food... Food... FOOD! They clambered up the shelves and reached the vent. KILL HIM! KILL HIM! Mono pushed the shutter open and helped Six inside. KILL HIM, KILL HIM, KILL HIM! The voice echoed so loudly in her head she felt her ears ringing again. 

I can't... I can't do this anymore... She fell and collapsed against the cold metal surface of the vents. "Run... just leave... please!" She pleaded, head buried between her arms. 

"SIX, GET UP! WE NEED TO GO!" Mono's voice bounded off the narrow space, but Six wouldn't move. She shook her head violently. A loud crash came from behind. The teacher had broken through. Yes... a fitting end for a monster like her... what did she expect? Monsters should only be dealt the same end as they give others.

Then she heard the small tapping of footsteps, OH, you stubborn little idiot... 

Mono grabbed her hands and brought them around his shoulders, "On your feet, Six! I'm not leaving without you!" I can't. I can't... She gritted her teeth as her mouth began to water, "Come on. I got you." 

The teacher's head burst into the vents and slithered towards them, biting and snapping. Mono let out a scream and stumbled forward. But he kept his grip firm on Six and ushered her forward. They forged onward, trudging the now uneven surface of the vents. The head hissed and spat, drooling everywhere, bending the metal all about her as she forced her way through. It drew closer, too close for comfort, then it lunged forward, snapping at them with its jaws.

Mono placed a hand behind Six's head and forced it down, making the teacher miss her prey. Suddenly the surface beneath them wobbled, then came the sound of something snapping loose, then they were falling. They tumbled inside the vents and crashed to the floor.

Six's vision spotted, and for a moment, the entire world around her was spinning. She could see the teacher's head peeking out of the vents overhead, trashing and growling. Soon enough, it retreated inside and out of sight. The next thing she saw was that paper bag with two tiny gaps for eyes looming above her, "Hey!" Mono said, waving his hand. Her eyes following his motion, he reached under her arms and pulled her up, his eyes examining her from head to toe to make sure there were no injuries. Thankfully there was nothing, "Look! The exit's right there! Come on! we're almost out." He cried, pointing towards the double doors with the sign 'exit' blinking in a faint red light hanging above.

Six's eyes narrowed into silts. She nodded weakly and tried taking the lead. She had to stay away. She had to... 

Six trudged down the hall and struggled to the exit, Mono following closely behind. Her stomach growled again, making her whine and slump to the floor, catching herself with one hand as she fell. She couldn't take it anymore. She had to eat something, and now... 

Mono found himself running towards her. He was about to reach her when something leaped out at him from under the lockers and tackled him to the ground. His head being painfully forced against the wooden floor, he let out a strained scream. 

Six's head snapped in his direction, and through all the pain that she felt, she managed to mutter his name, "Mono...!" A doll twice his size held him down. He struggled to break free, trashing and kicking with his legs. 

Mono managed to wrench himself free and kick it right in the face, caving in its face. He crawled and tried to get away, but more and more dolls leaped at him and pinned him down. "SIX!" he called, "SIX RUN!" 

Six struggled back to her feet, her crimson eyes burning with rage. "Leave him alone..." She said weakly. But the sound of trashing and thunder that came from outside drowned out her voice. Before long, Six found herself pinned to the floor as well, as one of the plastic dolls had their fingers painfully digging in her shoulders.

"GET OFF! GET OFF!" Mono screamed, struggling and shaking, all to no avail. Then came the sound of high heels viciously tapping against the floor from down the hall. The dolls sniggered and started jumping all around in excitement, laughing and clapping for what was about to happen to the two. 

Mono saw the teacher approaching from the corner of his eye. He gasped in fear and struggled all the more. He had to use it again, he had forced his way out last time, and he will do it again. But it would kill him this time. He won't survive if he used it twice. Do it for her... Do it for Six...

The dolls backed away, releasing Mono from their clutches. He could run, now was the time! But before he knew it, the teacher had him in her jaws, teeth pressing against his ribs threatening to break his bones and split him in half, just like the doll in the vents. Mono screamed and desperately called for his powers, and it answered. A second later, the electric current danced along his body.

"ENOUGH!" A demonic voice echoed all around the room, shaking the very ground and freezing everyone in place. Mono looked around wide-eyed. Suddenly, he felt a new fear gripping him. The voice wasn't his...

Right there, just a few feet away from the exit, Six stood surrounded by a cloud of shadows. They floated about her, creeping between her fingers and sliding around her neck. He had seen her eyes glowing before, but now Mono saw that they were bloodshot and filled with blood lust. If fear had a face... it would be the one standing before him. 

The next thing Mono knew, he was falling, his entire form slamming against the floor. He turned around to find that the teacher was wailing. The dark shadows ate away at her, draining her of life. Her face twisting horrible, her eyes sinking in her sockets, and her skin paling. The folds in her head deepening. She fell to the floor, hacking. 

Six turned her attention to the others, lifting one hand and sending the shadows to feast upon the dolls, but when they found there was no life to drain, the shadows simply hurled the dolls around the hall, smashing them against the lockers and pressing their bodies against the ceiling until they shattered into a thousand pieces. 

The shadows flew past Mono. He had to flee and hide under the lockers with his hands covering his head, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. He watched it all happen, not in fear, but marvel. There was a strange beauty to it, and he knew that all of this was for him... 

He could see now why she was so afraid. Whatever this power was, it reminded her of the monster she is... he could see why she isn't so eager to talk about it, let alone use it.

Mono crawled from under the locker as soon as things were calm again. Now the only sounds were the panting of the teacher that laid there on the floor, the hissing of the shadows floating all about the hall, and the roaring of thunder outside. 

Six walked through the destruction she left behind, making for the teacher. Her stomach growled, and Six made a long pained noise. Mono was about to rush to help her but immediately decided against it. Will she even recognize me?

She struggled towards the teacher, hands clutched around her stomach. The teacher looked around, dazed and confused, coughing and wheezing... 

"Six? What are you doing?" Mono whispered. Oh, God... Six seized the teacher's throat and sank her teeth in her, gnawing out her flesh and ripping it apart. The teacher let out a gargled scream, her arms and legs twitching. 

Mono's hand moved to his throat, tracing his scar, soothing the sudden pain. His stomach lurched and felt the bile rise in his throat as sheer horror took over him. She's eating her!

He averted his eyes and waited for the horrible sounds to cease. The shadows floating all about slowly started to fade away. And at that Moment, Six rose to her feet and stood staring down at what she had done. She found her voice again, it came in slow and brief gasps of air as realization struck her.

She turned around and found Mono standing there in total shock. She looked down to see that her blue sweater was now drenched in blood, bandages all coated in black crimson and her hands...

She lifted her hands and looked at them, her breathing becoming more and more erratic. Blood pints fell from her fingers and stained the floor beneath her. Thunder roared behind and lightning flashed through the exit as now the rain began to pour freely, hitting the ground as if they had been hurled in malice, breaking and splashing up into the air.

"Six...?" Mono said, staying put.

"I..." She said, her voice broken and quivering, tears fell from her face as she turned in her heels and bolted out towards the exit, not slipping one glance behind her. She went out into the rain and disappeared into the darkness. 

And no matter how much he called her name, the sound of thunder would just drown out his voice.


Listen uhh, this may sound stupid. But for the sake of this story and this story only... Six was NOT wearing her yellow raincoat in little nightmares 1. Thought this may have been the only way to explain it. Because some story ideas might not come to be if she were wearing it.

That's all! What do you think?

See y'all very soon, don't forget to tell me of any mistakes.

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