Son of Hades

By DevilsProdigy

324K 9.4K 1.5K

UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING Castiel is an only child of Hades and Persephone. He's a Demi-God, arrogant... More

Cerberus: The Chihuahua
Welcome to the Underworld
Home Sweet Home
Catch These Fists If You Want A Kiss
Parties And Punishments
Favorite Spots
Sinful Envy and Betrayal
The Literal Downfall of Akari
The Downfall of Serafina
Library Fights
Stolen Kisses
Fleeting Bonding Moments
Accusations and Truth Telling
New Queen
Secrets in Darkness
Ideas of Revenge
Turning Pawns Into Players
More Secrets
Endless Bond
Powerful Visiting Relatives
Coronation and Surprises
Spin Off Update
Additional Spin Off?
Character Cast; PART ONE
Character Cast; PART TWO
Info Page
05: Rock Paper Scissors
06: Castiel's Choice
06: Spiritual Realization
07: Xavier's Accident
07: Trouble Underway
08: Big Surprise
09: Betrayal
09: Dungeons
10: A New Queen
10: Bing Bang Dead
11: Kill Me Softly
11: The Right Choice
12: This Is Not The End
Alternate Ending #1
Alternate Ending #2
Pre Warning

08: First Choice

5.1K 221 17
By DevilsProdigy

First Choice

Jasmine was waiting in my room later that night. Her eyes were narrowed, and she was half-laying against my bed. Tsk-tsk. "Where have you been, Ariel?"

Nervousness clouded my stomach, and a lump formed in my throat. Hades plan was fool-proof, and if it worked, I'd be guaranteed the throne, a position of employment or... Tartarus. I lied. "I was with Xavier."

Jasmine laughs a little, raising an eyebrow as she gets up from my bed. "Oh, yeah? I just saw Xavier with Angelique. You can't lie to me. That's strike one."

Strike One? I gulped, feeling the heat and the nervousness pressing against my stomach, twisting into knots. "What was Xavier doing with Angelique?" My cheeks felt warm, now. I glare at her.

"Working out their differences, I'd assume. So, tell me. Where were you?"

I decided to tell the truth. But only half the truth. "I was with my future father-in-law."

"Have you said anything about - "

"Of course not."

Of course I have. Once Hades pressed, I told him everything. I told him what Jasmine was planning to do, and everything that happened with Xavier. And then, Hades had done something that made my skin crawl.

He smiled.

Hades had already known about Jasmine. Karina and Angelique refused to say anything, and the other contestants had no idea what he was talking about. But I knew where my loyalties lay. I told Hades more than he needed to know (and that I knew what Angelique was planning to do with our bodies).

I felt free, like a new weight has been lifted from my chest and I could breath, again.

Xavier was in for minor punishment for relations with a contestant. I was in for minor punishment for lying. But both punishments would be postponed until after the bash was over.

Jasmine considers. "If Hades chooses to spare you punishment you deserve, I'll take you with me into Tartarus. I'll drag you with me, and the same goes for Karina. However, I know Karina will keep her mouth shut. Her life depends on it."

"Meet me tomorrow afternoon, hm? There'll be a few adjustments to the plan." With that, Jasmine goes and slams the door behind her.

My next visitor came just before midnight. I was half-asleep, bundled in bed wearing a gray sweater that was much too big for me. The knock came, and then, it came again.

I groan a little, reluctant to leave the warmth behind. I didn't bother putting pants on. The sweater covered very little of my thighs.

I open the door a little, seeing Xavier standing in the doorway. He looks nervous. "Ariel," he mutters, staring at my outfit, my legs. "D-Did I wake you?"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I lie. "No. Why?"

"Can I come in?" He asks. "It's urgent."

It's urgent. I didn't like the nervous Xavier. His attitude set my teeth on edge, and made my stomach turn. "I-I don't think that's a good idea. What is it, what's wrong?"

Despite telling him no, he pushed through anyway, and surprised me with a kiss. He pushed his lips on mine, touching my hips. But before I really melted into him, I bit his lip and Xavier jumps back.

I look out into the hall. No one. And shut the door. "What the hell were you thinking coming here?"

Xavier's eyes glitter with unfamiliar mischief. "I found a way to be with you after the competition. But you have to trust me on this choice, my dulce."

I narrow my eyes, again. He's been with Angelique, or so says Jasmine. I won't tell him about the deal Hades has offered me, yet. Not yet. "What have you done, Xavier?"

Xavier came closer.

I felt so small. So utterly small as he presses my back against the wall. I can smell alcohol on Xavier's breath, and it's making me sick. Making me shake. "You have to give into what Jasmine tells you to do. This new plan is so utterly brilliant, and she offered me a deal I couldn't refuse. She'll allow me to go through the portal with you after the competition is over."

"You can't trust them, Xavier - "

" - I'll trust whoever I want." He slurs.

I nodded in understanding. "You're drunk," it wasn't a question. "You're fucking drunk."

"Maybe I am a little drunk, so what? You get drunk all the time, dear." Xavier sighs. "I see you aren't excited about me going to the human world, after all... Maybe Angelique was right."

I twist my lips into a sneer, narrowing my eyes at him. "And maybe she wasn't."

Xavier's fists slams against the wall near me. "She was right that I'm not good enough for you." He spat. "I should have known better, coming here. You're just like all those other girls. "

Anger burned through my chest.

I grab his collar as Xavier tries to walk away. "I am nothing like them, Xie. Hades knows about us." Xavier's breath was shaking, warmer against my face.

Xavier exploded with anger. He grabbed me, shaking me so hard I became dizzy. "You did what?"

"I-I told him. Hades already knew."

A deep growl sounded in the back of Xavier's throat. "I should have known better than to trust you with a simple secret. I bet you handed him my diary, too. Told him you knew that everyone wasn't really dead, hm?"

"No - " I started.

He slams his fist against the wall near my head. He shouted, "Don't lie to me!"

"I-I wasn't." I whisper shyly.

A knock sounded on the door. Xavier hovered beside me, breath shaking. "Were you expecting someone?"

"N-no." I whisper.

"Well, answer it." Xavier crosses his arms over his chest, swaying as he leans away from me.

Xavier backs up, and I open the door a little. I only open it a crack, enough that whoever was on the other end could see my face, and not my legs. It was Castiel, and I hoped I didn't look nervous.

I felt it. "H-hi."

Castiel tried to look inside, but failed. "Is everything okay? I thought I heard you screaming, Ariel."

"I'm fine." I lied.

"Can I come in?"

I gulp. I wasn't in a place to refuse, and I really didn't want to. But Xavier was inside, and he was waiting. I was scared, but wanted to settle this now, and get Xavier safety back to his own room. "Um, I don't think now is the best time."

Castiel sighs, and pushes open the door. Xavier has been standing behind me. "Oh, look who it is." Xavier rolls his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets, snorts. "The future ruler of the underworld, coming to save the day."

"I suggest you check in with your lead before you get into trouble," Castiel narrows his eyes.

"I was just leaving, anyway," Xavier stumbles outside.

Castiel catches him a little. "You'll be punished for public drunkenness tomorrow, Xavier. If you aren't back to your room in ten minutes, I'll be sure your punishment is worse than the rest."

I wanted to object. I wanted to say something, but I didn't. Xavier nodded, and shoved harshly past Castiel. "Whatever you say, your Majesty."

I try and smile a little. Everyone was in the loop, now. Everyone except Castiel. I wasn't about to tell him, neither was Harley and neither was his own father. "You can come in if you want."

Castiel welcomes himself inside, grinning. "Nice pants, dear."

I felt my cheeks getting a little warm. "I didn't really expect anyone this late," I mutter shyly. "Um, sorry." I start to retreat to the closet for a pair of sweatpants, but Castiel grabs hold of my wrist.

"It's fine. No need to be shy in front of me, Ariel." He winks. "It's kind of sexy."

This was getting a little awkward. I turn towards my room. The door is shut already. I move to sit on the bed. "You didn't really come here because you heard me scream, did you?"

Castiel lifts his shoulders in a small shrug. His eyes look heavy, and there was something on his mind. It looks like he's been crying. "My best-friends were sent to Earth on assignment coincidentally around the time the first competitor arrived here. My father made sure if I needed to confide in someone, it would be one of you."

"So you chose me?"

Castiel cleared his throat. "Forget it, Ariel. I'll just - "

"No - " I sit up, grabbing his hand. " - Look, Castiel. I'm sorry. I guess I've been a bit on edge tonight. You know, because of Xavier and the competition..." It was an easy lie, but a passable one.

He clears his throat, and comes to sit beside me. He hesitates before asking his question. "D-do you love him, Ariel?"

I didn't know if I loved Xavier, yet. I didn't know him to love him. I thought I knew him, but I was wrong. I bit my lip, choosing my next words carefully. "I don't know if I really love him. I don't know him well enough for love to be a possibility, yet... But I care about him."

Castiel smiles. "You want to know why I came to you, and not any other contestant?"

I did want to know. "Why?"

"You're the easiest to talk to. I can't speak with Jasmine or Karina without them trying to get into my pants. The other girls just... Just don't really seem to care." His cheeks are turning pink. "Harley, um, Harley is done with the competition. She's finished."

She's done. She's finished? What? I stared. "U-um, I'm sorry, I just don't know what you mean by that."

Castiel awkwardly rubs his arm. "She says she doesn't want to hurt me. So she went straight to Hades asking him if he could let her go, to get out of the competition. And he said yes." Castiel's eyes watered. "He said yes."

"Where is she now?"


"Gone where?"

Castiel took a deep breath. "I suppose Xavier told you already," he pushed a stray hair behind my ear. His hand reaches out to touch my chest, to feel my heartbeat. "You're alive, Ariel. All seven of you are still alive."

"Seven?" I demanded. "Castiel, what happened to Harley?"

He turns his red face away. "Xavier killed her, and shoved her body back through the portal. Maybe she made it in time for someone to help her... But... But I doubt it."

"Xavier hurt Harley?"

"Under my father's orders, he did. I suspect that's why he's so on edge right now." Castiel bit his lip. "I don't know what to do anymore, Ariel. Harley is gone. Seven of you are left. I don't know the rest of you like I knew Harley. She was so full of goodness."

"I know."

I couldn't bring myself to say anymore. He couldn't know. But now, with Harley gone, Castiel should know. Guilt mounted in my chest, holding me down and crushing me. This was my fault. If I'd have just kept my mouth shut, Harley would still be here right now.

And Xavier wouldn't be hurting.

Castiel's hand drops into mine, and he turns, moving for the door. "I should go. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

I get up from my bed, and touch Castiel's hand. I block the door, embracing him in an overextended hug. "I'm so sorry, Castiel. I'm so sorry." And I meant it. This was all my fault. "Eleven more months, and the throne is yours. Eleven months."

"And what if I don't want this?" He asks, leaning away from me. "I'm Hades only son. That's a lot of pressure to put on a twenty year old kid."

"You have a choice, Castiel. We all have a choice." Harley made that clear.

He smiles. "It's not that simple, dear."

I clear my throat a little, and move aside so Castiel can go. "This competition is so fucked," he shakes his head. "One of the other girls will have to do something crazy to prove themselves against you. Because with Harley gone, you're my first choice."

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