Why is Slytherin the best hou...

By BornAsMalfoy

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Slytherin... Go online try to find some articles out there that claim to show why Slytherin is the best house... More

1. Slytherin Values Ambition And Doesn't Compromise On Success
2. A House That Values Cunning Wizards
3. It's Okay To Be A Rebel
4. We Have The Best Record In House Cup Victories
5. Emerald And Silver Are Fashion Forward
6. The Most Powerful Witches & Wizards
7. The Coolest Common Room
8. Charisma
9. We Never Take No For An Answer
10. We Aren't Foolhardy And Think More Logically
11. Merlin Was A Slytherin
12. Slytherins Possess Natural Talent
13. Snakes Are A Symbol Of New Beginnings
14. We Tend To Reach Great Heights In Our Careers
15. We Value Love And Loyalty To Causes We Believe In
16. We're Usually Good At Mind-Melding
17. We Do The Best We Can, Despite Facing Prejudice From The Other Houses
18. Awesome Survival Skills, And Foresight
19. Our Rivalries Are Always Epic
20. Harry Potter Is Lowkey A Slytherin
21. Other Houses Had Some Awful Wizards Too
22. Slytherins Get Shit Done
23. Slytherins Are Rulebreakers
24. We Love To Win
25. We're Natural Leaders
26. We're Sneaky
27. We Learn From Our Experiences
29. Who doesn't look good in green?

28. Snakes are cool

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By BornAsMalfoy

We can understand that sometimes serpents have some poisonous tendencies that also relate to a few of Slytherin's alumni, and yes, sometimes snakes can be murderous Basilisks or even secret Horcruxes, but don't hold that against them. Snakes are some of nature's most resourceful creatures, and if life weighs down on them, they shed their skin and start anew. Some Slytherins, including me or Draco, have been known to do this too.

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