Gold Digger// JJ Maybank- OBX

Da dont-lose-ur-head

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"rules were made to be broken" Scarlett Woods and her friends have a plan for the summer- relaxing and doing... Altro

part one
╰┈➤ ❝ [S̳c̳a̳r̳l̳e̳t̳t̳ ̳W̳o̳o̳d̳s̳] ❞
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
thirty one
bonus (social media)
part two
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
part three
fifty two

twenty nine

302 2 1
Da dont-lose-ur-head

KIARA DROVE the Pogues to the Wreck, the four of them sitting in silence for the length of the journey. Once Kiara had parked her car under some trees round the back of the restaurant, the four headed inside. Scarlett headed straight to the kitchen, beginning to make a small selection of sandwiches for herself and her friends. Wordlessly, she carried them back out to the main floor of the restaurant, setting them down on a table in the centre of the room. No one spoke as they ate- there wasn't much to say. John B was on the run from the cops, Sarah with him. And the four of them were now also in hiding- from their families as well as the police.

Outside, the sky darkened considerably and soon the group of teens found themselves lying on various benches around the restaurant, trying to get some sleep. After some time- she wasn't sure how long- Scarlett climbed out of her make-shift bed and headed out the back door and onto the deck. As she passed JJ's jacket, she took one of his pre-rolled joints. Sitting down on one of the chairs, she pulled out her lighter, flicking it so that the flame appeared. She lifted it to the end of the joint, lighting it, and took a hit. Blowing smoke from her lips, she looked over at the marsh, her heads clouded with worries about John B and Sarah, about the gold, and most of all about her family. The sound of wood creaking startled her ever so slightly, and Scarlett spun around in her seat to see JJ leaning with his back against the wall. "You okay?" She asked him, taking another hit from the joint.

"Are you?" The blonde asked her.

Scarlett shook her head, turning back in her seat. "No." She leaned her back against the back of her chair and tilted her head towards the sky, a puff of smoke escaping her lips. "I just- I keep thinking about John B and Sarah. What if the police catch them? What if-"

"The police won't find them, okay?" JJ told her. He moved forward, pulling up a chair next to her and taking a seat. "They'll be okay. We have a plan."

Scarlett turned her head slightly, looking at JJ through a fresh cloud of smoke. "I don't know if you've noticed JJ, but lately all our plans seem to turn to shit. We always get fucked over and I'm sick of it. No one is ever on our side, we're constantly being shot at. Hell, I actually got shot." She turned her face back towards the sky, taking another hit. "Ever since my mom and Big John went missing- and, well... died, our lives have become so- messy. I just wish things were normal." She paused, taking a shaky breath. "You know, I used to dream about how my life would turn out. And now it's just- I never thought I'd be sixteen and hiding from the cops in an empty restaurant. We just never seem to have anything good. And if we do, it gets taken from us someway or another."

Not knowing what to say, JJ simply pulled the brunette into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her, moving her head so she rested against his shoulder. Gently, JJ took the joint from between her fingers. He took a hit before putting it out on the side of the chair. "It's gonna be okay, I promise Red. We're gonna be okay."


Scarlett woke up the next morning to the sun shining in her eyes, her back aching from the uncomfortable way she had slept. Her fingers brushed up against fabric- the familiar smell and feel of JJ's jacket taking up her senses. Sitting up, Scarlett slipped her arms through the sleeves and pulled the fabric closer to her body. She stood up and headed through the back door, noticing the boys were awake. She walked over to them, wrapping her arms around JJ's waist and snuggling into the crook of his neck.

"He's pinched for sure, man." JJ commented. He wrapped an arm around Scarlett's shoulder as he looked out through the glass door.

Pope stepped forward, leaning through the open door. He looked out across the marsh. In the distance the three could see police cars speeding down the roads, their sirens blaring. "No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him."

"Let's hope." JJ said.

"You know, we were in that car." Kiara said, having woken up. She was sat on one of the tables, looking over at the others. "They're probably looking for us, too."

"She's right." Scarlett agreed. "Even if they caught John B, they'd still be searching for us. We're literal accomplices to a crime. We helped hide John B, who is currently being wanted for murder."

Pope shook his head slightly, turning to JJ. "Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." He walked over to one of the tables where his backpack lay.

"So, find him before they do?" JJ asked, watching as Pope took the bike keys from the side pocket of the bag. "Pope?"

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." Pope told them, walking with his back to them over to the door.

"Hey, you be careful." Kiara told him. Her voice was soft, but the worry was obvious. "Okay?"

Pope paused by the door, barely sparing her a glance before looking over at JJ and Scarlett. "Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late."

Scarlett raised one of her hands, sending him a salute. "Aye, aye Captain. Will do." Pope walked out the door without a second glance, and after a second Kiara raced out after him.

"Did I miss something?" JJ asked. He looked down at Scarlett, running a hand through his hair.

"Um... Pope kinda told Kie that he's in love with her last night and she shot him down." She lifted a hand, her fingers imitating a gun. She pointed her fingers at her chest, roughly where her heart was, and pretended to fire a bullet. "Pew, pew." The pair walked out onto the deck, staying just by the top of the stairs. They watched as Kiara desperately tried to talk to Pope, but the boy kept revving the engine of the bike every time she tried to speak. They couldn't hear what was being said, but from the look on Kiara's face it wasn't a happy conversation. Hopelessly, they watched as Kiara gave up and Pope sped away.

She stood there for a few moments, watching him go, before turning around and beginning to walk towards Scarlett and JJ. Scarlett could see in her friend's eyes that she was feeling low- regretting something between herself and Pope. Kiara opened her mouth to speak, but was quickly cut off by a whirring sound coming from above. The three of them looked up, watching a helicopter fly over head. They knew for sure it wasn't part of the Kildare Island Police Department, meaning the new, temporary Sheriff had brought someone else in.

And it also meant they hadn't found John B yet.

"Who the hell is that?" JJ asked, watching the helicopter fly further away from them.

Scarlett shook her head, watching as the helicopter faded from view. "No idea. But I don't have a good feeling about it." She turned around, walking back inside. Pausing at the door, she looked back at the others. "C'mon. We've gotta pack supplies for John B."

"Can you believe that he just went off like that?" Kiara questioned, following Scarlett back into the Wreck. The girls walked into the kitchen, JJ following behind them, and began grabbing some food supplies from the various cupboards and the fridge.

"I mean, he's upset right now. He's just gotta clear his head." Scarlett said. "Besides, one of us did need to go get gas for the boat." She handed some tins of food to JJ, who started packing them into the backpack. "Look, he poured his heart out to you last night- granted, he was high. And you rejected him. Just, give him a few hours to cool off."

"You sure he wasn't just being weird Pope?" JJ asked, looking between the girls.

"It wasn't really the kind of thing that needed interpretation." Kiara told him. She handed him some more packets of food. "Is that enough food for them?"

"I mean, for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need, so..." JJ said, packing away the last of the food. He slung the back over his shoulder.

"Look, I think I actually hurt his feelings.." Kiara picked up her car keys and began heading towards the back door.

JJ picked up the box full of food, and him and Scarlett began following after Kiara. "Look, don't beat yourself up too much. He's completely changed his feels. The past 24 hours have been like Jekyll and Hyde."

Scarlett nodded. "You got that right. Kie, just give him some time. Then he'll be back to being the Pope we all know and love- platonically." The three walked down the rickety steps and crossed the road to Kiara's car.

"I hate to admit it, but I miss the old Pope." Kiara confessed. "At least I knew what to expect from him."

They approached her car, and JJ began loading the box of food and the backpack into the trunk of the car. "Where have you been?"  Mrs. Carrera cried, looking distressed as she approached the to girls.

"Um- I'm fine. We're fine." Kiara gestured between herself and Scarlett. "I slept here." She pointed to the restaurant.

Mrs. Carrera put her hands on her hips, looking very unimpressed. "Well, we were up half the night, scared to death, lookin' for you two." She turned to Scarlett. "Do you know how worried your sister got? She thought you'd left her. After all we've done for you, and this is how you repay us?" Scarlett's face paled and heavy guilt swept over her. She hadn't thought how this would effect Maisie, she'd been too caught up in her worry for John B and Sarah. Mrs. Carrera turned back to her daughter. "Were you even gonna tell us?"

"Well, I'm telling you right now."

"What the hell are you three up to?" Mrs. Carrera asked, stepping forward to see into the trunk- which JJ was quick to shut.

"I'm sorry, Miss Anna, we gotta go." JJ said politely. He grabbed onto Scarlett's hand, pulling her round the side of the car. Scarlett opened the door, climbing into the back.

"No. Absolutely not." Mrs. Carrera protested. "Have you heard what's going on?"

Scarlett moved across the back seat, leaning her head out the window. "I'm sorry, but that's exactly why we have to go." JJ climbed in the front passenger seat, reaching back and grabbing onto Scarlett's hand.

"Mom, I'll explain later." Kiara promised, moving towards the driver side door. She opened her door, moving to climb behind the wheel.

"Have you seen the storm coming in?" Mrs. Carrera asked. "This is not safe."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I have to go!" Kiara cried, and finally climbed into the seat. She leaned forward, starting the engine.

"These cops are armed, Kiara." Mrs. Carrera leaned closer to her daughter. "You're going to get yourself shot."

"Well, if Rafe's there, then we probably will." Scarlett muttered, shrugging her shoulders. "Again."

"I have to go!" Kiara cried for a second time.

"I am not letting you do this!" Mrs. Carrera yelled, holding one hand on the frame of the car. She looked in the back of the car at Scarlett. "You and your sister are in our care. That means we take responsibility if something happens to you. I can't let either of you do this!"

"Mom, John B needs me!" Kiara yelled. "He needs all of us!"

"You need to stay here. All of you need to stay here. It's not safe."

"I understand. I'll be careful." Kiara tried to reason. She slammed the door shut, trying to not look to her left as her mother banged her fists against the window. As Mrs. Carrera yelled at them, Kiara stepped her foot on the gas and they sped away. A feeling of guilt fell over them, despite the fact that they were doing what was right for their best friend.


"You sure this is where the keys are?" Scarlett asked, sceptical about JJ's idea. Kiara's car had pulled up outside JJ's house as that's where JJ had said the keys would be. If she was being honest, Scarlett hated the idea of JJ going in there- the last interaction he'd had with his father didn't exactly go well for either of them.

JJ swivelled in his seat, turning to look at her. "I'm sure. There's no other place my dad would keep the keys."

"You can't go in there alone." Scarlett spoke, her voice wavering slightly. "I'll go with you."

JJ shook his head at her. "Red, it's okay. I've got this." He looked out the car window at the house, before looking down at his feet. "Home sweet home." He sighed, taking his hat off his head and running his fingers through his blonde hair.

"Do you want me to come?" Kiara asked. "Because I will if you want me to. I know you don't think Lottie's in the right state for this."

"No." JJ shook his head again, pushing open the door. "This will only take a second."

"I'm going with you." Scarlett told him, sliding over to her left and pushing open the door. "I'm not letting you go in there alone. Not again."

"Scar-" JJ tried to protest, stepping out of the passenger seat.

"No. I'm going, whether you like it or not." Scarlett argued, climbing out the car.

JJ sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with the brunette. The girl was as stubborn as anything, and had been for as long as JJ had known her. "Fine, but stay behind me. I don't want you getting hurt." Scarlett nodded at him, following him up the stairs to the old screen door. They walked into the kitchen as JJ called out for his dad. There wasn't an answer. Stopping in the entryway to the living room- from Scarlett could see over JJ's shoulder, it was also  a mess- JJ turned to face Scarlett. "Look, maybe you should just stay in my room. Alright? Grab some of my things for me."

Scarlett shook her head. "I'm staying with you, J. Who knows what he might do to you this time."

"No offence, Red, but you can't really defend yourself against someone like my dad. You're covered in injuries, heck you got shot barely two days ago."

"I'm staying with you." Scarlett repeated. She gently pushed past him, stepping into the small living room. It had been ages since she'd properly stepped foot inside the Maybank household (only ever staying in JJ's room when she was there), but the room was so much more messier than she remembered it being. "Does your dad ever clean?" She whispered to the blonde boy. She kept her voice quiet, not wanting to wake Luke Maybank, who she had spotted asleep on the couch.

JJ shook his head. "Apparently not." He stepped past Scarlett, holding out a hand towards her to keep her as far away from his dad as possible. "Dad, I need the keys to the Phantom." He walked over to the couch as he spoke, his voice loud enough in the hopes of getting his dad's attention and waking him up. The only response from Luke Maybank was his light snoring. "Dad?" JJ questioned, leaning closer to his father.

"You sure waking up your dad is a good idea?" Scarlett asked, feeling on edge.

JJ glanced over to her. "Just trust me, okay? He knows where the keys are. And getting the Phantom is the only way to help John B."

"I know, and I do trust you JJ." Scarlett told him. "I just don't want things ending like they did last time."

Scarlett watched from the doorway as JJ picked up a bottle of pills his dad had clearly been taking. From where she was standing, Scarlett couldn't see what they were exactly, but she knew from JJ's expression that whatever it is wasn't good. JJ looked back and forth between his dad and the pills before placing the bottle back on the coffee table. Something caught the blonde's eye and he reached forward, moving the collar of his father's shirt and holding up the keys which were attached to a chain around Luke's neck. JJ picked up a couple of objects from the cluttered coffee table, aiming to use them as tool to unhook the keys. Just as the blonde leaned over his father, the man sleepily opened his eyes and looked up at his son. "I didn't expect to see you." He grumbled. "You're back." Luke looked over JJ's shoulder to see Scarlett and nodded his head at her. "I see you've brought your girlfriend over."

Slowly, JJ backed up slightly, placing the pencil and pair of tweezers back on the coffee table. Scarlett awkwardly raised her hand, waving at Luke Maybank. JJ stood up from his crouched position. "Yeah, no, I just- Just checkin' in."

Luke nodded, sitting himself up. He grabbed a half-drunk beer can from the table and took a swig. "Huh." He mumbled. "School out already?" He placed the beer back on the table.

Eyebrows furrowed, JJ stared at his dad in confusion. "What?" He asked.

"Did you ditch?" Luke laughed, obviously still out of it. "It's all right. You can tell me. Ditching school with your girlfriend, huh? Wanting some alone time? I get it."

Looking slightly taken aback, JJ nodded. "Yeah. I hit the break, you know."

"I just... I had a free period. Didn't wanna hang round the school." Scarlett lied. She glanced over to JJ, sharing a worried look with the boy.

Luke Maybank chuckled. "I hated school too. My boy!" He stood up suddenly, causing JJ to flinch at the unexpected movement. "Hey you know what... Listen, hey." Scarlett watched as JJ flinched again, his father placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, look, I know I'm hard on you sometimes."

JJ nodded, sucking in his lips. "Mm." Scarlett could tell he felt uneasy about the way his father was acting and she felt awful for just standing in the corner of the room. But JJ wouldn't have let her in the house with him if she hadn't agreed to stay out of Luke Maybank's reach.

"But sometimes, I see- I see your mother in you, and it gets me a little tweaked, you know?"" Luke continued. He laughed, and JJ  awkwardly laughed with him. "You're a good boy."

"Mm-hm." JJ nodded, clearly holding back any emotions he was feeling. Scarlett could tell, she'd been around the blonde long enough to know when he was hiding something- especially about his feelings.

Luke sighed. "And I love you, son." He added, patting JJ's shoulder. Scarlett felt her heart break as she watched JJ. She noticed the sadness that flashed in his eyes as he bit the inside of his cheek. Scarlett knew what he was feeling all too well. The words 'I love you' only ever being said through a drunk slurring and never knowing if it was the proper truth. Even if this time it was true, it was hard to tell. And Scarlett wanted nothing more than to be able to run up to JJ and pull him into a long, comforting hug where he was able to feel free to let his feelings pour out.

"Come here." Luke said, pulling his son into a hug. "I love you." He patted JJ on the back. "I love you, son." Scarlett's eye began to well up with tears as she watched JJ sniffle slightly and bury his face in his dad's neck. He slowly brought his arms around, hugging his father back. JJ's eyes caught Scarlett's and she nodded at him, telling him that it was okay.

"Love you too, Dad." JJ responded through gritted teeth. Scarlett could see that it was becoming more difficult for the blonde to hold back his tears.

"I'll tell you one more thing." Luke slurred. "Don't let that girl go. She's a Fields' girl, and they're some of the toughest and kindest people around. So don't let her go. Don't lose her, son." Scarlett's eyebrows furrowed, confusion falling over her face as she locked eyes with JJ. She was a Woods, not a Fields. But then it hit her, he must be talking about her supposed grandmother. Meaning, he must have known her mother before she was married.

"I won't, Dad." JJ promised, not taking his eyes off Scarlett. "I won't." There was a few more moments of silence before JJ spoke again. "I'm sorry."

"Ain't got nothin' to be sorry for." Luke sighed, letting his left arm fall to his side. Scarlett watched as JJ lowered him back onto the couch. Luke exhaled deeply, his eyes fluttering shut. "You're a good boy."

JJ let out a few shaky breaths, waiting a few moments for his father to properly fall asleep. Without hesitation, he ripped the tops buttons of his father's shirt before yanking the chain from around his neck. "Let's go." He said to Scarlett, wiping at his eyes. JJ walked past her, towards the back door where he paused. "You coming?"

Scarlett nodded, moving over to him. "You okay?" She asked him, wrapping an arm around his waist.

JJ shrugged. "I will be."

Scarlett tilted her head so she was looking up at him. "I know you probably don't wanna talk about it right now. But, you know you can speak to me. Whenever you feel like you need to, you can sit and spill your emotions to me, and I'll listen. I promise JJ. I'm always gonna be here for you."

He nodded. "I know." He unhooked her arms from around his waist and took her hand in his. "C'mon. Kie's waiting for us." They wandered through the door, letting it swing shut behind them as they walked down the steps. As soon as she saw them leave the house, Kiara started the car engine.

"How'd it go?" She asked as soon as the pair had sat themselves back in the car. JJ simply held up the keychain which was wrapped around his fingers. Taking that as answer enough, Kiara drove them away from the Maybank household. Scarlett leaned forward, resting her hand on JJ's shoulder- silently telling him what she had told him earlier. She was there for him, and always will be.



Edited: 04/08/2021

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