Be With You! | Quackbur

By IdidntStealShiz

220K 7.3K 14.5K

A millionare's son met up with a boy who's parents own a boba shop, what could go wrong? Okok I had this ide... More

Don't start yet
First encounter
One guy, two connections
Wait wha-
"a text"
Would you be so kind?
A little announcement
Hold on tight!
Plan C, C for Chocolate
Speedrunning story
Sweet Talk to my ears
Dance with me
Matching clothes
A date???
*Inserts creative title*
Our problems
The woman with power
Uh oh
Ah shit.
Awkward moments
Heh gay
She's back!
A swag title name
Mum, I'm gay.
Haha random scenes bcs out of ideas
I'm in love with Quackity :)
Techno has a new look
I'm sorry
Mend things up
Haha author go brrr
Fuck off him
The two being wholesome
Idk what to put
Major timeskip pog
Haha bet you didn't see this coming
Go read!!!!!

I think you look cute.

6.2K 237 549
By IdidntStealShiz

Footsteps could be heard outside of the room then came in the sound of the door being knocked as it woke up the male who was sleeping with his back laid against the door.

When had he fallen asleep? He has no idea. Pain struck his entire body from the position he slept in as he brought up a hand to rub his tired eyes.

Another trail of knocking came. "Alex? Are you there?" A female spoke out softly.

Quackity perked up and smiled a little hearing her voice. "Yeah, yeah I'm here" He responded tiredly as he slowly got up, placing a hand on the door for support.

"I made breakfast, come join us afterwards" She said out, smiling behind the door before walking off downstairs.

He twisted the doorknob open and walked out, yawning as he made his way to the bathroom for a wash up.

After taking a goddamn shower and changing into a proper outfit, he head downstairs into the shop, noticing his parents sitting at a certain table as his own black and white Converse met the wooden floor, walking towards them.

"Mom, dad!" He greeted happily catching their attentions and took a seat across his father as they smiled at his presence. "Morning, son." The man spoke out, taking a sip of his coffee.

Quackity smiled to him and nodded as he pick up his fork and dug in his waffle, shoving it into his mouth. He took another bite before feeling the vibration of his phone buzzing in his pocket, fishing it out.

Class gc cus we needed one ✋

Mr. I expect good grades

Morning class, today's lesson will
be canceled and rescheduled to
Friday 10 a.m. since something came up

Please take note

Great, no classes today. He sighed, setting the phone down on the table as he continued on finishing his breakfast, chatting along with his parents.

He thought about the meeting with someone, debating wether or not to show up. With that, he began speaking up again.

"Hey guys, I have something to do later. You don't mnd if I show up late for work, do you?" He asked the two which they shared a glance at each other.

"You don't always have to help out, you know. Go and have fun for once. Also while you're out, do me a favor, would you?" His mother spoke out softly, taking out a piece of paper and handed it to her son who took it from her. "We're short on some ingredients so it's best if we get more."

He stared at the two for a while before giving out a soft smile and nodded, getting up from his seat and chugged down his juice as he grabbed his phone off the table. "I will and once I'm bored, I'll come back. End of discussion." Quackity grinned earning a chuckle from his parents. He went over and planted a kiss on his mother's cheek.

"Take care, hun" She smiled, pushing his bangs off his sight and kissed his forehead in return. "Will do" He said out, giving his father a fist bump before heading out, shoving both the list and device into his pocket.

Now playing ;; Falling for you by Exo

The glass door was being pushed open letting the sound of the bell went off. The male walked out towards his bike and hopped on it, riding off.

He let the cool breeze hit his face, enjoying the ride on his bike down the town he grew fond of.

The people around were friendly and kind enough to greet him or even held a small convo with him. Since he grew up in such environment, he met a lot of people around and even the shopkeepers he usually visited were fond of him.

The male's stopped in front of a store and parked his bike, taking out the piece of paper, scanning through it.

He walked in and began making his way through aisles of shelves there are, grabbing a shopping cart along the way.

Being the type of person he is, he began messing around, letting the cart move by itself as he held onto the handles and lifted his feet up the floor and stepped onto the lower part of the cart he goes, passing through countless aisles of shelves.

"Woo!" He laughed before it slowly stops to his disappointment. No more fun time.

Quackity huffed, getting off from it as he starts to grab off the items listed on the paper.

"Ok so, brown sugar, condensed milk, fresh milk, butter, flour- the hecc is this-? Oh fuck me, are we even out of goddamn fruits???" He groaned, knowing that it wasn't a simple task to do. (My uncle makes me do these errands and I had to run into couples of shops to get them all, it was hell)

(A friend liked my idea for this part im boutta write so HAJAH here goes nothing)

After what seems like forever, he finally got- well like only half of the items listed but oh well. He scowled a bit, muttering curses under his breath. Damn it, ma. You did it on purpose didn't you?

Back at the shop, the black headed woman sneezed while sweeping the floor as if his cursings worked.

While on his way to the counter, chatterings and laughters could be heard not far from where he stood.

"Here I come, THESEUS!" A male said out loud as the sound of giggling from a child could be heard. "Nooo! Wilby save me!"

At first, he didn't really mind about it but when hearing the particular name, he froze as his heart rate sped off. It couldn't be, right-? He scoffed and shook his head. Nah, you're just overthinking about it.

"Oh stop it, Techno. You're scaring him" A familiar voice spoke out to which the male's eyes widened, turning around to take notice the three.

Once taking notice of the brit, he quickly turned back and was about to sneak away and prayed that the other wouldn't notice him-

"Quackity-?" He called out to which he frozed on the spot as his heart felt like it was about to burst any second now. He stood there for like a good minute before slowly turning to face the three.

"Ahaha- heeyyyy-" He awkwardly said out to the Brit, scratching his chin out of habit.

Wilbur simply stared at him and there flashbacks hit him. No words came out.

As if sensing the awkward tension between the two, Techno took his little brother's hand and slowly backed away. "Come on Tommy, let's ditch him." He whispered to the blonde hair child who grinned and nodded, walking off with the pinkette. He was curious about the Mexican male tho- Was he a friend of his brother's? Does his brother even actually have friends was a question he always thought.

Seeing him locked himself in his room, buried in a pile of books or homeworks, doesn't seem like he had time for other things but oh how wrong was he :)

Tommy took one last glance at the two before skipping off to cause mischiefs with his brother. Not even sensing anything different from the brunette. Geez.

Noticing his brothers left, Wilbur glared to where they left, mentally blaming Techno for leaving him alone with his goddamn cru-

"I- uhm- anyways- uh aha how are you-" He cringed at himself and smiled in pain of how ridiculous he probably sound right now.

Quackity snickered a bit and shrugged, glancing at the cart. "Annoyed and well bOrEd??? I dunno to be honest. You?" He grinned.

The Brit chuckled, sighing softly. "Taking your two chaotic brothers is ✨p a i n✨" Hearing Wilbur's response, he laughed. "You mean those two back there?"

"Yeah, the younger one is Tommy and the other is Techno. Bunch of gremlins" He huffed but soon smiled at the other's reaction. He found it cute- (help I cant stop crying bcs this actually happened to me once-)

"Geez doesn't look that bad to me" Quackity simply said to Wilbur who shook his head. "Trust me, it's worse" "Then would you rather have a mother who makes you run an errand for them with a list this long???" He took out the paper, raising an eyebrow.

"Doesn't seem that much to me" Wilbur tilted his head a bit which the other scoffed. "Wanna bet?"

"Actually yes" The Brit grinned which annoyed the male. "You'll regret it by the end of this list"

"Try me" Quackity rolled his eyes at the reply he got and turned away, pushing the cart off. "Come along, you idiot" He chuckled as Wilbur beamed into happiness, following the shorter male like a puppy.

The two chatted along, making jokes and laughing at other people's pain as if the kiss never happened and they looked like two actual best friends who haven't caught up with each other for quite long.

Wilbur walked behind the male as he watch him checking the list over and over again, clearly confused by the way he looked. He chuckled at it before getting an idea just to mess with Quackity.

As the shorter male was about to grab something, the Brit got close behind him and placed his hands on top of his on the handle, laying his chin on the other's head.

Quackity stopped and blushed from his actions, pulling his hands away. "I- Wilbur wtf man?!" He turned around, facing the Brit, clearly unpleased.

The brunette laughed, still holding onto the handle, blocking the male's way out as if locking him on the spot in between him and the cart. "What?" He grinned, snickering from the reaction he got.

"Oh my fucking god Wh-" The Mexican male realized the position they were in as his face lit up, pushing the taller male off. "You- you BiTcH-" He huffed while the other wheezed, waving his hand off. "I'm SoRrY-"

The shorter male began scolding his friend in Spanish, spitting whatever curses came in his mind to the wheezing dumbass.

In a distance, two Brits stood afar watching the entire thing happened like it was entertaining to them.

"Ew are they kissing?" Tommy asked out, gazing up at the taller one.

"..." The older male chose to ignore he's ever heard that coming out from his brother and kept silent.

"Deffinately kissing" The child added.

A/N: Ugh I'm so lazy that this chap seems lazy- and yes this actually happened to me once when I met up with my senior at a grocery store to run an errand for my uncle- I still hate him for that. But at the same time I love him to a certain degree. Confusing. Jajaja anyways how are you all today :]

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