Ah shit.

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Wilbur went back home that day, his mood shittier than the last time he felt like this.

It's been two days, and yet not a single message from Quackity. He sighed, picking up his guitar and played a note that came to his mind.

A soft hum escaped from his mouth as his fingers strum against the guitar strings. He was slowly going insane, his thoughts just as messy as his room but then the sound of the calming tune coming from his guitar managed to calm him down.

He stopped mid-way, gently shaking his head. All he can think of now is Quackity. The way he smiled, the way he talked and his laughter- it was all over his head. He misses him, the familiar lonely feeling of emptiness washed over him, hitting him hard.

The younger him wouldn't mind it but now, he does. The same hollow feeling he felt, it pains him. "I think I might lose my mind." He mumbled to himself and set the guitar down, deciding to head out of the place.


Quackity was not doing well, rage filled him as he stared at the person in front of him. The same person that he despises so much, even more than any of his exes.

"Schlatt, the fuck do you want from me?" He spat out harshly, glaring at the person standing in front of him. Oh how lovely, two ex best friends meeting up after years of graduating high school. And Quackity knew damn well of how toxic their relationship was. "Come on, is that how you greet an old friend? I feel hurt" Schlatt had chuckled, placing a hand over his chest dramatically hearing the shorter male's harsh remarks.

"Drop the act, we were never friends to begin with. You- you fucking used me" Quackity's expression dropped to a rather sad one than anger. He didn't know what to feel at the moment. Anger? Sadness? Both? He doesn't know. "For a sec, I really thought you genuinely thought of me as a friend. Guess I was wrong" He continued, watching as the other male let out a laugh then a scoff.

Schlatt knew he was a bad person especially to Quackity. Though he used to adore the friend of his. Ah yes, old times but then again, he ruined it. "Rumours said that you've been dating a rich ass bitch." He blankly said, awaiting for a response.

"And why is that your concern?" The beanie headed male asked, sounding unpleased. News sure spread fast. "Just asking" The male said out, checking his watch and walked past Quackity, stopping for a moment. "Better watch out" He added and left to which the Hispanic male watched him leave with a scowl. Why is everyone telling the same shit to me? He thought about it for a while before walking off.

It was pretty cloudy out of all days, giving him a hunch that it was about to rain. Don't jinx it. And to that, it sadly was true. Droplets of rain started falling down, landing on the male. As if it was deja vu once again but for this time, he was left emotionless, in between anger and sadness, none was shown on his face.

He should've just shown Wilbur his damn phone, it was just a random stupid video of George twerking anyway and a few messages of him asking for help because teakettle green man wouldn't stop being a complete bitch along with some inappropriate jokes they had sent each other. We don't talk about it.

Pussy. He sighed while he kept on walking. The pedestrians that ran past him didn't even bother him a bit as the rain was starting to get heavier by the minute. He began to get soak in the pouring rain that showed no mercy upon him. How unfortunate. No emotions shown, just pure blank and emptiness.


"Ah shit, it's raining again." A Brit said out, frowning at the weather. It was his unlucky day. He pushed his glasses up as he stood at the bus stop, not even wanting to get on the damn vehicle. He was afraid.

He waited for the bus to leave and sat down, looking up at the sky with multiple droplets of rain splashing down at the streets, the sound of it hitting the ground was amusing to him but then again that one accident ruined it all. He witnessed it, the scene still planted deep into his mind.

The screams and the crashing sound, it haunts him. If his class haven't delayed, he wouldn't even still be alive. He wasn't scared of the thought of dying but having to leave everyone behind, it scares him. It scares him even more knowing that his younger brother would lose another family member at such a rather young age and that Techno would have to do everything by himself.

But what he feared the most was how would his father react? Mother already left him, and she would probably never return causing the man he once knew and looked up to in despair and sorrow. Distancing himself from his kids and working day and night like there's no tomorrow. It terrifies him even though he wouldn't admit it.

The brunette once again, looked up then his surroundings. His attention was then stolen by someone particularly familiar. His eyes widened as he made a run towards the person, taking off his coat afterwards. "Quackity!" He yelled, wrapping the now soaked up male with his trench coat and hugged him. "I missed you.." He quietly said, tightening the hug.

Quackity stood there in shock as he then slowly hugged Wilbur back, blinking back tears that threatened to spill out. He missed this, he really does. The feeling of comfort and warmth once in the Brit's embrace. It was such a wonderful feeling that he longed for and needed. "I'm sorry-" His voice cracked soon letting the tears fall down, rolling down his cheeks.

"No, no it's okay, it's okay. It wasn't your fault." Wilbur reassured, gently patting his back and soon pulled away, wiping off the tears on his face and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Come on, don't want you to get sick" He said as Quackity nodded. He smiled, pulling the coat over more in shielding both of them mostly the shorter male as they made a run towards the shop since it's closer.

"Oh deary, what happened to the two of you?" A woman asked out, looking at the two drenched in the rain from head to toe as they a shared a glance then a smile. "Tsk, go and change, I just cleaned the floor a moment ago!" She frowned, shooing the two upstairs and grabbed a mop, once again cleaning the wooden floor.

A/N: Requested by Brandon! Ayo dude you better read this or I smack you with the drum sticks again, try me bitch. Anyways yay new chap pog with the two being gay before haha yk ik dramas boutta happen. I have no idea how to write shit anymore so my friends are helping out and hence I'm gonna say it, thank you :) the three of you :) ily, no homo you little shits. Asher stop stalking me/j you fucking creeped the living shit outta me and i dont like it,,

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