One guy, two connections

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           An alarm went off as a male slowly woke up from his slumber to meet a pain that struck him in the neck as he whinced a bit, rubbing his sore neck and looked down to find papers scattered on the desk and his nearly finished assignments. He furrowed his eyebrows, turning his gaze to the annoying beeping phone and looked at the time before shutting the alarm off.

            7:38 a.m. Great, 3 more hours before his first class starts. (Idk if that's how it works bcs my sis is like dat so 😃) Wilbur stretched out his arms and ignore the pain as he got up, deciding to finish the long ass essay later and walked out of the room to the bathroom to wash up.

            He stared at his reflection in the mirror and frowned at the sight of it. Those huge eyebags underneath his eyes stood out too much due to his pale-ish skin. He teared his gaze away from the mirror and turned on the tap to wash off his face. After that, he'll brush his teeth and walked out back to his room to change out of his outfit from yesterday.

            He opened the closet and took out whatever he could find in it and changed into a white shirt and khaki pants as he threw on his coat over his shirt before going back to his desk and sat on the chair, looking through his notes. The Brit then proceed to type in his keyboard, finishing off the last paragraph with a huff and saved his document, shutting the device off.

           With 2 hours and more than a half minutes to spare, he put his stuff together in his bag and zipped it shut, swinging it over his shoulder, walking off downstairs.

            Wilbur stopped once he took notice of a middle aged man with blonde hair sitting on the table, reading the newspapers with his siblings holding a small petty argument. "Dad..?" He said out which caught the man's attention as he looked up and smiled softly. "Hey Wilbur. Care to join us for breakfast?"

             The tall Brit hesitated before shaking his head. "I've got something to deal with, I'll be home late." He lied about the first part and made his way to the elevator, not even turning to look at those eyes of his father.

             He loved him, he really does but sometimes he just couldn't face him, an argument will break out sooner or later if he stayed there too long.

             Once seeing the double door slid open, he walked in and pressed the button to the ground floor. Wilbur waited a while before it opened up once again and a shorter Brit with the green hooded male walked in. "Hey" Dream said out to Wilbur who smiled and nodded his head before his gaze fell on the other one. "Oh right, uh Wil this is George, who recently just moved in and George meet Wilbur. He lives at the penthouse." The blonde headed male said to which the shorter male gave out a nod and a small wave to the taller Brit.

             Soon the lift was packed with people, some were going off for work and some were students. Chattering's and small laughters filled around the small spaced elevator.

             'Ding!'  The bell went off as the door slowly slid open to which they all scurried out. Wilbur, who slowly got the hang of having George around, bid the two goodbye and walked off towards the entrance/exit (idk). He breathed in the fresh air of finally being free from the suffocating elevator, looking around his surroundings. Signboards all over the tall buildings, pedestrians walking by down the streets and vehicles passing by.

             He gave out a small smile and walked off, deciding to spend his free time in the bookstore, burying himself into the pile of books, neatly placed in the shelves as if awaiting for someone to grab ahold of them.

             After picking a book to his choice, he leaned against the shelf, flipping through pages of the certain novel he chose.

             An hour passed by and yet the Brit had his eyes glued to the book, turning page after page as his gaze scanned through the endless lines written on the book.

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