Lingering Eyes: KNJ

By yoongis_bucket_hat

2.1K 146 35

You knew it was wrong. But it felt so good. Imagining him touch you-- kiss you. But he was your older brother... More



298 23 10
By yoongis_bucket_hat


Sam showed you and a small group party trick that you had seen before, but this time it seemed a thousand times funnier. Laughs bubbled out of you like fizz overflowing in a soda and everything seemed so much easier. Sam was getting cuter every minute and soon he had his arm around you while you talked over the music with a circle of people you didn't really know.

You liked being pressed up against Sam, but you constantly found yourself wishing he was someone else. Someone you had dismissed just over a half hour ago.

Unlike Namjoon, though, Sam didn't mind the drinks that you sipped on next to him. Slipping further into a comfortable and warm feeling with every tiny sip, everything was so funny. Suddenly, from the next room, someone shouted something about a flip-cup tournament. The group of people around you all shot up and raced into the next room. You turned to Sam with an excited grin.

"Let's go! We'd win for sure."

You began to stand, but his hand wrapped around your upper arm and pulled you back down. You laughed airily as you fell back into the couch. Sam leaned in close to you.

"Let's stay here," he murmured into your ear.

The breath on the side of your face made you erupt with giggles. You pushed him away playfully. "Sam, I wanted to play the game," you whined lightheartedly.

He pulled you back in closer again, this time completely disregarding your request. "Stay," he whispered, playing with locks of your hair slightly.

You furrowed your eyebrows a little confused, until he gently started kissing the space right below your ear that he whispered into. It felt good, you couldn't lie, but you just didn't feel that way about Sam. He worked his way down a little before you pulled yourself back a little, breaking his trail of kisses.

"Sam," you said breathlessly, looking up to make eye contact with him. "I'm sorry but I just don't really feel like that."

You admit in hindsight the wording wasn't that great, but he should have been able to take the hint. He didn't, though.

He chuckled. "I saw the way you've been looking at me, y/n. You want this."

In your inebriated state, you wondered for a second if you actually did want this. The affection felt good, and as he continued to pull you closer, you leaned into the touch for a moment—but only for a moment. After another set of kisses on your collarbone, you found yourself picturing a handsome face in your mind, a face that wasn't Sam's.

Once again, you pulled away. "Sam, let's go play flip-cup."

He ignored you and wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you in, this time kissing your lips. You furrowed your eyebrows and leaned back, but he went with you. You put your hands to his chest and tried to push him off, but he was being pushy and unrelenting.

"Sam," you mumbled through his aggressive kiss.

"Just relax," he said sloppily.

You shook your head and struggled a little, realizing that this was not at all what you wanted. You pushed him harder and squirmed, but he was stronger. You whined and kicked your legs slightly, but he just kept placing erratic kisses all over your face. When you felt his hand wonder on your torso, you turned your head to the side quickly with a yelp. You were about to shout, when all of Sam's weight was yanked off of you.

Your cheeks were hot and flustered as you looked up, electricity still buzzing through your body, and you started to regret all those drinks. Confused, your eyes shot to Sam who was now standing, Namjoon's hands gripped tightly on his shoulders.

"The fuck are you doing?" Namjoon growled to Sam.

Sam's eyes were wide, and he stayed silent for a moment in shock. Only now did you feel a hot tear run down your cheek. Namjoon glanced down to you, and his angry expression grew furious.

"You fucker," Namjoon pulled back a clenched fist, seconds away from bringing it to the side of Sam's jaw.

"Namjoon, no!" you yelled, making him stop and look over to you.

"I'm so sorry, y/n," Sam whined quickly from Namjoon's grip. "I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry I should've stopped, please—"

Namjoon interrupted Sam's pleads by pushing him backwards, making him trip over himself and fall to the floor.

"Get the hell outta here before you leave in an ambulance." Namjoon spat.

Fear spread across Sam's face, and without another word, he scrambled out the front door.

You swallowed and wiped the tears and kisses off your cheeks. You could feel Namjoon's intense stare on you from above but didn't have the courage to look up. You fully expected him to walk away, leaving you alone after the hurtful things you had said to him in the kitchen, but his shoes remained unmoving on the ground in front of you. You looked at the floor, adjusting your shirt that Sam had ridded up with his fingers.

"Are you alright?" You jumped at his voice but nodded quickly. "Don't lie," he stated bluntly.

You felt your stomach churn and a few small tears well up in your eyes. "I feel sick, Joonie."

With that, Namjoon crouched down in front of you and used his pointer finger to lift your chin to meet his gaze. His eyes were soft, so contradictory to what you thought they would be.

"C'mon," he cooed, taking your hand in his and helping you stand.

People filed back into the room and you assumed the flip-cup tournament had ended, the music was loud as Namjoon lead you down the hall and up the stairs. You heard Yoongi's voice from a room over but didn't see him. You blinked and imagined how enraged your brother was going to be when he found out that you were drunk.

Namjoon glanced back at you, as if he were making sure you were still there, and then brought you into your bathroom. He stopped and placed his hands on your hips for a moment, lifting you up and sitting you on the bathroom counter. His touch sent chills up your spine. It was the same touch you had been pretending to get while with Sam that night.

Making quick work, he turned a got a washcloth from the hook and ran it under warm water in the sink.

"You're gonna have a hell of a hangover tomorrow, y/n."

You groaned slightly and leaned your head back against the mirror behind you. You stayed like that for a second while he wrung out the cloth, then you felt a warm hand on the back of your neck. He gently brought your head forward to look at him.

Silently, and with slow care, Namjoon raised the damp washcloth to your face and wiped the dried tears. The warm water felt good on your skin. Your eyes wondered around the room, trying so hard not to look at him, but eventually you just had to. He was already fixated on your eyes, though.

After another moment, he was done. He leaned over to the medicine cabinet, grabbing the bottle of aspirin that sat inside. He put the bottle in your hands, and you opened it, understanding his unspoken directions. Suddenly, he started making his way towards your door. You panicked.

"Namjoon," you called after him. He stopped and turned back to you. Yet again you expected his eyes to be vengeful, upset, or angry, but they only had concern. "Can you stay with me for a little while?"

He looked down towards the ground, considerately, then back up. He nodded slightly and came towards you. You were surprised when he snaked his arms around you and picked you up bridal style.

Namjoon glanced down for a moment. "Can we go into your room?" he asked.

You nodded slightly and he opened the door, carrying you to the bed. He laid you down on top of the covers and sat down in a chair in the corner of the room. You were tired, and your eyelids felt heavy, but you couldn't stop thinking about the boy in your corner.

"Joonie," you mumbled, turning on your side to look towards him.

He had his eyes closed and head leaned back on the wall behind him, but he hummed in response and opened one eye. You hesitated, and weren't really sure what you wanted to ask, but the words tumbled out almost without permission.

"Will you sleep next to me?"

You felt the music from downstairs vibrate under you as Namjoon stayed silent. He opened both his eyes and sat forward. You thought you saw a flash of a smirk on his face, but you weren't sure. Then he stood.

You smiled brightly and shuffled under your covers. He walked over and laid on top of the blankets; a gentleman as always.

With the warm, unfiltered feeling of drunkenness still holding you in a trance, you sat up and gazed at him. His soft looking hair, his wide shoulders, his worried eyes. You couldn't believe you were on the same bed as him. He sat up as well, matching your stance.

"What's wrong?" he asked quietly.

The lights in your room were dim, but his face was slightly illuminated golden from it. It made you swoon and ache for his touch.

"Thank you Joon," you whispered.

The side of his mouth pricked up in a sad, sympathetic smile. "I told you he was the wrong guy."

You huffed a short laugh. "I should've listened to you—on a few different occasions," you added, feeling a wave of dizziness from the alcohol.

Namjoon swallowed, and his eyes scanned your face, gradually, he acquired that look. The look that had existed in your mind for so long now. The look that you had seen across the table at the arcade. The look that you had poured over at the bonfire in your backyard. The looked that you had longed to see again for days on end. Dark, thin eyes focused on you. Lingering eyes.

You wanted him so badly it hurt now. "Namjoon," you whispered breathlessly. His stare remained on you. "Will you kiss me?"

He blinked. In an instant, the stare was gone. He smiled smally, looking down at his hands in his lap. Your face grew hot and you knew it must be red. Had you read all the signs wrong? Did he not feel the same way about you? You felt foolish beyond belief.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. It's okay if you don't feel like that, I know I'm just Yoongi's kid sister," the words spilled out of your mouth quickly, the alcohol making them feel jumbled.

Namjoon's hand cupped your face, making you look up to him. He looked at you with a warm, deep dimple smile.

"You're not 'just Yoongi's kid sister' to me. You never were." His eyes glanced down at your lips for just a moment. "And I will kiss you," your heart spiked. "just not now."

You were confused, but his big hand holding your face felt like heaven, so you didn't mind. "You're drunk, y/n. I'm not gonna take advantage of you like that. If you change your mind about me tomorrow, I won't be mad. I'll kiss you when you're sober." He leaned in closer, your foreheads brushing just a little, and his voice deepening. "I'll kiss you so many times you'll lose count."

"I won't change my mind," you whispered.


He pulled back his hand and you immediately missed his touch. He felt so right, so effortless, so natural to be with. You laid back down and felt him do the same with the dip of the mattress next to you. You sighed and sleep felt closer than ever. For whatever reason, having Namjoon next to you—even though he wasn't touching you like you wanted him to—was enough to make you feel safe, warm, and comforted. Sleep found you promptly.


You stirred slightly, breathing out of your nose softly. As you drifted into consciousness, the realization of your pounding headache washed over you like a hurricane. Dispite the ache, though, you were comfortable and cozy. Only when you opened your eyes did you realize this was due to the pair of large, muscular arms wrapped around you.

You blushed immediately as Namjoon continued to sleep, chest rising and falling next to your head. This was the feeling you had wanted for so long it hurt. Now it was just bliss.

That was until you heard particularly light footsteps approaching your door. Before you could even register what was happening, Yoongi burst through the door.

"Y/n where'd you go last night it was awesome—"

His face immediately fell into darkness when he saw the scene in front of him. You tangled in bed with his best friend.

"What the fuck?" 

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