One Step At a Time

By Idontknowwhattoname4

506K 8.4K 1.3K

Arabelle Vine, a 22 year old photographer in Seattle Washington, is happy with her current life. She has frie... More

Chapter 1: Pain
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Guys Night Out
Chapter 4: Parents
Chapter 5: Him
Chapter 6: Girls Night Out
Chapter 7: Shower
Chapter 8: Eye Contact
Chapter 9: Mystery Girl
Chapter 11: Homecoming
Chapter 12: Text message
Chapter 13: Dog park
Chapter 14: Model
Chapter 15: Cooties
Chapter 16: Beautiful
Chapter 17: Skipping stones
Chapter 18: Pretty Boy
Chapter 19: Middle Names
Chapter 20: Paparazzi
Chapter 21: Kiss Me
Chapter 22: One Step At a Time
Chapter 23: Ideas
Chapter 24: Taste
Chapter 25: Cat Scratch
Chapter 26: Crazy Bitch
Chapter 27: My girl
Chapter 28: Home
Chapter 29: Things Happen
Chapter 30: You Were Always Mine
Chapter 31: Something is Wrong
Chapter 32: I need her
Chapter 33: I'm Sorry
Chapter 34: Surprise
Chapter 35: Promise Ring
Chapter 36: Good Vibrations
Chapter 37: Thanksgiving
Chapter 38: Mr.Darcy

Chapter 10: Nacho Cheese

12.1K 256 52
By Idontknowwhattoname4

Song: Bed Head by Manchester Orchestra

We pull out of the parking lot and begin to follow Kai to the bar. My car is right behind Romans all black Audi R8.

Damn that's a nice fucking car.

"So what did you guys think of the guys?" Mavis asked as she plugged her phone into the aux.

"They were all really nice." I say as I put my turning signal on and turn left, following right behind Kai. "And you definitely weren't lying when you said they were all hot."

"Yeah, I think you forgot to mention that they were all models." Eloise chimes in from the back.

"I had only seen a picture of them at the time." Mavis muttered as she tried to find a song. "But they are all single so," Mavis turned towards me as music started to play. "I'm not saying you have to get back out there yet. But if one of them interests you, maybe you should give it a shot."

"Yeah, I trust these guys already a lot more then him. I got bad vibes from him right from the start." Eloise agreed, "But don't feel pressured or anything."

"Plus, Roman couldn't keep his eyes off of you the whole time we were in the back room with him." Eden teased.

"Oh my god, that is such a lie." I laughed as I turned up the music.

"Believe what you want to babe." Mavis said as Avril Lavigne started blasting throughout the speakers of the car.

Fifteen minutes later the 3 of our cars pull into a fully packed parking lot. It looks to be just a regular bar, not a fancy club or anything like that.

I drive my car around looking for a spot when the music stops playing, and Mavis'a phone starts to ring. Milos name flashes on the screen in my car.

"Hello." Mavis answers.

"Hey." Milos voice booms through the car, "The bar parking lot is packed, so me and the guys are already headed to the parking lot across the street."

"Alright, sounds good we will meet you guys there."

"Okay, bye."


I turn my car around in the parking lot, and head towards the exit. As we entered the parking lot across the street, you can tell that other people had the same idea. I pull my car into a parking spot, and park the car.

"You guys ready?" I ask as I turn the key in the ignition, turning the car off.

"Let's do this thing." Mavis says as she opens the car door. We all hop out, and I lock the car just as the guys find us.

"Come on slow pokes, I need a drink." Luca says as he starts to walk toward the bar.

"Didn't you drive here?" I ask, as we cross the street.

"Nope, Milo drove me. But I promise sweetheart I won't get drunk tonight." He winks at me as we approach the door.

"Thank you." I say as Luca holds the door open for me.

Music plays softly through the speakers as the 8 of us enter the bar. We all make our way towards an open table in the back and make ourselves comfortable. Eden and Eloise sit next to each other with Kai next to them. Milo and Mavis sit next to each other, as I sit in between Luca and Roman.

A waitress approaches our table as we look at the drink menu. I look over the drinks and notice they have a few food options.

"Ooh I'm definitely getting nachos." I mutter as I look back towards the drinks.

"I was thinking the same thing." Roman says as he leans over me to look at the menu. "How about I get fries and you get nachos, then we can split them."

I turn towards him, noticing how close we are, "I like the way you think." I turn back and smile at the waitress who has taken everyone else's orders.

"I will get some nachos and," I look at the drinks menu, "And a rum and coke please." I say as I set my menu down.

"You never try anything new." Mavis stated.

"You know me, I'm very picky."

"Can I please have the old bay fries, and whiskey on the rocks." Roman says as he picks up the menus and hands them toward the waitress.

"Those will be right out." She says as she takes the menus, taking the time to look Roman up and down.

Once the drinks are served, we all sit and talk about random things, and get to know each other a little bit.

"Where is our waiter." Eloise complains, "I want another drink."

"I can go order one for you at the bar." I offer.

"Ooh yes please."

"Okay so I know your guy's order." I turn towards the guys, "any of you want anything."

"I will take another blue moon." Luca says.

"How about you guys." I ask Milo, Roman, and Kai.

"We all drove here so I think it's best we stick to one drink."

"Alright got it. Oh and if the waitress does come back please ask her where our damn food is."

"Will do." Mavis says turning back towards Milo.

I maneuver my way around the tables scattered around the room, as I make my way towards the bar. I take a seat on one of the open bar stools, just as the waiter comes up to me. I order all the drinks, plus waters for me and Roman for if our food ever gets here.

I tap my finger on the dark wood of the bar top as I wait for the drinks to be ready.

"This place really does take their sweet time don't they." A husky voice says from my left. I turn to see the god himself, Roman, sitting down on the stool next to mine.

"Honestly, we've been here 40 minutes and we still have no food. And I'm starving." I complain.

Roman laughs under his breathe as he looks at me. I didn't even realize I had started to scratch at my forearm until I felt it start to sting. It was a bad habit I started to do when things got began to get worse, sometimes I scratch so hard I bleed.

"I ordered the two of us both waters, just in case our food does decide to come out."

"I would have never thought to do that." He says as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Knowing me I would have forgotten and then wouldn't have been able to find our waitress to order one, and by the time the she came, we would have been done our food."

"Well then good thing I'm here."

"Yeah, good thing." He says never taking his eyes off of me, I turn to look forward, eye contact was never my thing.

"Oh by the way." I added as I quickly turned back towards him. "You were amazing today. I cant believe you knocked him out. I mean I knew you were doing good, but I didn't know you would KO him. I definitely got some good pictures of you doing that." I rambled, I was really nervous.

Why was he making me so nervous? I thought. I mean sure getting with a guy is a lot harder then getting with a girl for me at the moment, but it's not like I'm planning to fuck him tonight.

But that would be nice.

When I dated him, he never did anything to me in the sex department. He hit me kicked over and over again, but he never sexually assaulted me. He always left me there bleeding on the floor and told me how he was gonna go "fuck some other whore".

So sex isn't the scary part when it comes to liking people, it's the relationship.

Roman smiles at me as he listens to me ramble, as if I have any idea how boxing even works. I've only watched it one time on t.v.

God his smile is so perfect.

"Thank you again for taking pictures tonight."

"Oh no problem."

"How about I give you my number so you can send them to me." He added.


I pull out my phone, and go to contacts. I hand it to him and watch him type in his number.

He's got nice hands.

Then he holds up the phone in front of me.

"Smile." He says as he scoots closer to me. He takes the picture, but doesn't move away again. I look down at our legs to see them practically touching.

"There now you have a photo of me for your contact." He tells me as he hands me back my phone.

Before I can respond the bartender comes over with all our drinks.

"Here you are." He says placing the tray of drinks in front of us, I notice his eyes look me up and down before stopping at my chest.

I go to take out the money to give to him, but Roman is quicker then me and hands him a 50.

"Keep the change." He tells him as he slaps it on the table. He's quick to grab the drinks from the tray. I grab the two waters and he follows behind me, back to the table.

We place the drinks on the table and hand them out. I slide into the booth and Roman slides in right after me.

We laugh and talk for a couple minutes before our food finally arrives.

"I am so sorry for the wait." The waitress says as she places the fries and nachos in front of Roman and I. Before either of us can thank her she hurries off.

"They must be low on employees." I say picking up a nacho and shoving the whole thing in my mouth. I can see everyone else staring at our food.

Luca reaches across my lap to steal a nacho, "Hell no, you didn't want any when we ordered, so you don't get any now." I lectured as I slapped his hand away. I heard roman laugh under his breath from beside me.

The others took the hint and dove into their own conversations as me and Roman happily munched on our food.

"These nachos are really good." He says as he takes another one from the tray.

"Mhm." I agree as I swallow a fry.

"So have you lived in Seattle your whole life?" Roman asks me.

"Yup. I didn't  grow up in the busy city though. My house was in more of the rural parts of Seattle." I explained.

"I see, did you like not living in the city?"

"Oh definitely. I've always loved nature, and was always outside exploring. Even to this day I go on hikes or visit lakes almost every weekend. Its one of my favorite things to do. I just find it so calming." There I go rambling again.

I stop myself and grab another nacho.

"How about you?" I ask, placing the nacho in my mouth.

"I grew up right in the center of the city. It was definitely fun when I got older, because there was always something to do. But when I was younger I hated it. I couldn't even leave my house by myself because my parents were scared I'd get lost." He had a soft smile on his face as he talked. "I couldn't even tell you how many times I cried begging my parents to move." He laughed at the memory.

I took a sip of water and took my time to look him over. He wore a white shirt, his muscles making it fit just right. He had on jeans, and he wore black and silver rings on both hands. He wore a silver chain around his neck, and tattoos littered his arms, but I knew their were more underneath his shirt. I noticed he had a slight scar going through his eyebrow, and he had a few freckles on his face. My eyes made their way back towards his eyes to see them assessing me as well.

I watched his icy blue eyes take me in before he slowly brought his hand up to my face.

His rough calloused hand made contact with with cheek as his thumb swiped over the corner of my lip.

He brought it away from my face and placed it in his mouth. Sucking on it slightly.

"You had a little something on your lip." He mumbled as he pulled his thumb away from his mouth.

I stared in utter shock, I was speechless. I felt a blush rise on my cheeks, and I quickly turned away. I faced the others to see them still talking to each other, none of them seemed to have noticed what just happened.

Oh my god that's so embarrassing, I just had nacho sauce on my lip and I didn't even realize.

I glanced at him to see him pick up a fry and toss it in his mouth, a smirk danced across his lips.

I've only been with him for one night, but I can already tell, that this man is going to be the death of me.

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