Surprise Is Waiting Ahead: Se...

By SnehalShukla

4K 184 342

Gibbs and Sloane went to Fornell's house to celebrate Christmas to give him some company. But they were unkno... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

183 11 30
By SnehalShukla


When McGee arrived at the hospital, he saw Gibbs was sitting on the hospital bed. He was looking at the ring he is holding in his right hand and he was holding the icepack in his other hand. He put that ice pack on his head injury. His black suit and white shirt were covered with mud and the right side of his face was muddy too. McGee slowly walks towards Gibbs bed and asked him.

"What happened, Boss? Somebody called me and informed me that you get hurt. How did this happen? " He put his hand on Gibbs's shoulder. After a long pause, he replied.

"We are wasting time in here. Get me out of here McGee!"

"But..." He stops in the middle of his sentence when Gibbs glare at him.

"Are you taking me or I will call the cab and walk out of here by myself?" Gibbs said as he stood up.

"Okay, there's no need to call a cab. I will take you to your place." McGee said.

"We are NOT going at my place, McGee!" Gibbs was very angry right now.

"Fine, but at least tell me where you want to go? To not your place than where you want to go? Sloane's place? Where is she by the way? Was she with you when this happened? Answer me, Boss, because I know you were going to take her for dinner." McGee was started getting frustrated because Gibbs was not telling him everything. He knows something happened.

"Call Torres and Bishop and tell them to get their ass back to the NCIS and tell them we will meet them there. C'mon, we have no time to waste." Gibbs put that ring back in his pocket and threw that ice pack on the bed and walk out of the room. He heard that nurse was calling his name but he didn't look back.

"They are on protection details Boss!" McGee said loudly.

"Tell other agents to do that job," Gibbs answered without looking back at him.

"Boss... Hey, Boss! For God sake at least tell me what happened and where is Jack? Is she hurt too?" McGee asked him and ran after him. Gibbs walked towards the elevator without answering his questions.

"Boss! Please tell me what happened? You are frightening me." McGee said as he entered the elevator.

"Jack is kidnapped." Gibbs finally replies.


"I DON'T KNOW, MCGEE! I DON'T KNOW." Gibbs shouted at him but after taking a deep breath he replied.

"After having dinner we were walking towards my car and suddenly one SUV came from nowhere and two men came out of the SUV and grabbed her. I fought back but one of them hit me with the butt of the gun and knock me out. And when I woke up I found myself in here."

There was a strong and tense silence in the elevator. Gibbs slammed his hand on the wall in disappointment. McGee put his hand on Gibbs's shoulder.

"We will find her, Boss. We will find her." McGee said in a painful voice. When Gibbs turned around he was shocked. He saw tears in his eyes.


"The dress she was wearing, I gifted her. I proposed to her, Tim. And she said YES. She was so happy and I failed her." Gibbs was so upset about what happened. He was feeling guilty about what happened to Jack.

"Call Kasie and tell her to put the BOLO on that SUV. I don't know how but find that TIN-CAN!" Gibbs barked orders at him.

"If that restaurant has CCTV cameras then yes, it is possible to find that TIN-CAN I mean the SUV," McGee replied and called Kaise and tell her to find that SUV. He was glad that she was still at the NCIS because she was working on that drug pipeline case.

His conversation with McGee in the elevator reminds him, his and Sloane's conversation when Phineas goes missing.

During the whole ride to the NCIS Gibbs didn't say anything and McGee didn't ask him anything. Gibbs was thinking about that moment when he kneels in front of Jack and proposed to her. It brings tears to his eyes. After about half an hour they reached the NCIS.

Without wasting a single second he ran toward the elevator and McGee followed him. When they entered the elevator McGee's phone started ringing.

"It's Kasie."

"Then what are you waiting for, McGee! Answer the damn call." Gibbs yelled and punch the elevator button.

"Yeah, Kasie. What have you got? And please come straight to the point because we are not in the mood." McGee said.

"I found something. I want you here ASAP. And it would be great if you bring Gibbs with you." Kasie replied and hung up.

When she turned around she saw Gibbs and McGee enters her lab.

"Damn! That was quick." She said.

"What you got Kasie?" Gibbs asked.

"Right. I found your SUV but those guys are smart Gibbs. There was no license plate on that SUV!" She said hesitantly.

"That's it!" Gibbs asked angrily.

", there's more.."

"Then what are you waiting for? An invitation!" Gibbs yelled. McGee was standing there without saying anything. Kasie looked at him and turned back to the computer.

"I tried everything to find the license plate, every angle but found nothing. But then I thought to track this car like where this car was before Jack's kidnapping.

And look what I found. This car was following you Gibbs since right after you left the NAVY Yard. I don't think so they were after Jack, Gibbs. Maybe they were after you." Kasie replied with a worried face.

"Then why didn't I notice that?" Gibbs asked.

"Maybe you were thinking about your present that you bought for her Boss!" McGee said as he raises his hand to his chest carefully so Kasie can't see it and tapped on his ring finger.

Gibbs get what McGee was trying to tell him. And maybe he is right because he was thinking about it. He just gives him a nod in acknowledgement.

"Can you play that footage again?" Gibbs asked.

"Of course; but which part you want to see, Gibbs?"

"Outside of the restaurant," Gibbs said as he walked toward the big screen.

He watched the whole thing again but he controlled his emotions and he was observing the scene very carefully.

"Can you zoom in there? I think I saw that man before." Gibbs asked as he tried to remember where and when he saw that guy.

"It's hard to get close up Gibbs because camera angles are not able to get the clear image of this guy." She replied with disappointment.

"C'mon Kasie, you said this car was following me since I left the NAVY Yard, right? What about traffic cameras!"

"Let me check, Gibbs." She plays that footage in fast forward and suddenly Gibbs noticed something.


"Can you get his clear picture now?" Gibbs asked.

"Let me handle it Kasie. Why don't you check on Nick and Bishop? See they arrived yet or not." McGee said as he came right next to her.

He knows she got nervous so, he decides to save her from Gibbs's anger. Because after Abby's departure Vance would not afford to lose one more forensic specialist. Kasie didn't leave but she allowed McGee to use her stuff.

"Where Boss?"

"Right there stop it. Can you get me a clear picture of the driver?" Gibbs turned around and asked McGee.

"Sure Boss." McGee did his magic and he managed to get a clear picture of the driver.

"SON OF A B*TCH! This is the guy from the clinic. He was the one who kicked me and Fornell out of the clinic when we tried to get information on Merriweather."

"Boss, do you think that Jack's kidnapping and restarted drug pipeline are connected?" McGee asked.

"You think!" Gibbs snapped.

"But if they were after me then why did they took Jack? Can you tell me where he is now?" Gibbs was freaking out. After few minutes McGee replied.

"No, Boss. He was last seen a few miles away from the restaurant, at the crossroads near to the gas station. Then he went dark."

"Then start working on it, McGee! We don't have time." Gibbs shouted and turned around and make his way toward the door but stops suddenly and again walk toward McGee.

"You said Vladimir and two other people from his crew were out on bail, right?" Gibbs asked. And McGee just nodded in answer.

"Start looking for Vladimir, I'm hundred per cent sure he is behind all of this. Check on Merriweather's background details again! See if you find something. And where the hell is Bishop and Torres?"

"We are here, Gibbs. Kasie told us about Jack. We will find her." Bishop said.

"THEN GET BACK TO YOUR DAMN JOB. When I get back I want answers."

"And where are you going?" McGee asked but Gibbs didn't bother to reply to his question and left.

"Do you have any idea where he is going, McGee?" Nick asked.

"I don't know, Nick. C'mon let's get back to work and find something before he gets back, otherwise, he will not think twice before killing us if we don't have anything." McGee replied and look at Kasie, Nick and Bishop.

Gibbs took the NCIS vehicle to get back to his place. He wants to change his clothes because his clothes were covered with mud as well as his face. After reaching home he takes a quick shower and changes his clothes and wears his usual clothes. And after that, he heading back to the NCIS.


"How did this happen, McGee?" Nick asked. He was leaning against the self and Bishop was standing at McGee's desk.

"After having dinner he and Sloane were walking towards his car when one SUV approach them and two men got out of the car and grabbed Jack. Gibbs tried to fight back but one of them hit him on his head and knocked him out. And when he regained consciousness he found himself in the hospital." McGee informed them.

"What!" Nick said surprisingly.

"This is awful. Poor Gibbs." Bishop said with sadness.

"Yeah, man. I mean they finally started dating each other and this happened!" Nick said.

"I'm worried about Jack, I mean we don't know where and how she is?" Bishop said with concern.

"THEN DO YOUR DAMN JOB TO FIND HER!" Gibbs yelled at them as he entered the bullpen.

"Gibbs, why didn't you answer your damn phone?" Vance entered the bullpen.

"What happened Leon?" Gibbs asked in confusion, as he opens the drawer to put his gun and badge in it.

"It's about Fornell. There was an attack on the safe house. Two FBI agents died in that attack. Emily Fornell is injured."

"What about Tobias? How's he?" Gibbs asked him with anger.

"He is fine and he is at the hospital with his daughter," Vance informed him.

"Damn it, Leon!" Gibbs slammed shut the drawer and came face to face with Vance.

"You still don't want to let us arrest that SOB, huh! DIRECTOR!"

After long and stressed silence Vance replied.

"Go get that bastard, Gibbs." Vance permits him to arrest Vladimir.

But before that McGee noticed something that got Gibbs's attention.

"Mmm, Boss! We got a situation." McGee was looking at the elevator with shock.

"What is it, McGee?"

"It's Vladimir." McGee raised his eyebrows and tell Gibbs.

Gibbs turned around and saw Vladimir was standing there and he raised his hands in surrender. Gibbs and Vance exchange their glance.

"HELLO, AGENT GIBBS!" Vladimir was smiling suspiciously.


Sloane started to regain consciousness. The first thing she was aware of was that she was laying on the concrete floor covered with some kind of sand. GREY SAND! Then suddenly she recognised the smell of the cement.

She looks around and noticed that the door of the room was closed, didn't sure if it was locked or not. There was a single bulb in the room was hanging on the ceiling. She noticed some cement bags laying on the corner of the room. Now she was sure that she is being held in a cement factory or at the construction site.

There was a small window but it was high, so she was not able to look outside of the room. The good thing was that she was not tied up. She tried to sit up and tried to remember how in the hell she ended up here and then she remembered the whole thing hit her mind.

"Gibbs!" She almost shouted his name.

She looks at her feet, her shoes were gone as well as her wristwatch and cellphone. And then she noticed that the ring is missing from her finger. She started looking for it on the ground. But after few minutes of effort, she realised that it is meaningless.

Because the floor was completely covered with cement. And it was not possible to find a thing like a Ring in such a limited light that only comes from the only bulb in the room. She started crying. Gibbs gave her that Ring and she lost it.

She thought that there is still a possibility that the Ring might be still with Gibbs because he was holding her hand the whole time when he was trying to stop those bastards.

She wipes her tears and walked toward the door and tried to open it but it was locked. Without wasting time she ran towards those cement bags and try to drag them to the window. Those bags were very heavy. Somehow, she manages to drag three bags and she uses them as steps.

She reaches the window and tries to look around for anything or anybody. She saw huge machines and crates. And saw there were two men heavily armed talking about something. She recognised one of them.

That guy was working for Merriweather, then she remembered her conversation with Gibbs about someone has restarted the drug pipeline and Vladimir is out of the prison with his two allies.

Everything was now clear in her mind. She was sure that it was Vladimir who had abducted her for revenge. She sits down on those bags. About fifteen minutes later that door open and two persons came into the room.

"How are you feeling, Agent Sloane?"

"YOU! I TRUSTED YOU, YOU B*TCH!" She was shocked when she saw a very familiar face as her captor. She walked towards her and was going to hit her but that other person backhanded her and she fell on the floor.

"Don't worry Agent Sloane, you will be free by tomorrow morning when I get what I want." She says in a typical tone.

"What do you want!" Sloane asked.

"You will find out soon. Please take care of our guest, Nathan." She orders that man and left.

Sloane got up and started raining punches on that guy. But that didn't work.

"Knock it off you b*tch!" Nathan yelled and grabbed her hand.

That man hit her in her stomach and then he smacks her face. Sloane was coughing and wrapped her hand around her stomach. That bastard grabs her hair and slammed her head on the wall and knocked her out and then he tied her hands behind her back and leave the room. Blood was running down from her head wound and her lips.


Gibbs and Vance were standing in the observation room and looking at Vladimir through the glass, who was smiling at the one-sided mirror.

"What do you think Gibbs, why did he showed up?" Vance asked him.

"I don't know Leon but I'm going to find out," Gibbs said and open the door.

"Don't kill him," Vance said.

"I will try my best, Director!" Gibbs replied and shut the door.

In Interrogation Room

Gibbs opened the door and threw the file on the table and sits on the chair. He saw Vladimir was still smiling and that make him angrier.

"What is so funny?" He asked him.

"Nothing I'm just enjoying your helplessness, Agent Gibbs!" Vladimir said but Gibbs didn't say anything.

"I heard that your girlfriend got abducted! I'm sorry... I mean your fiancee. You proposed to her, right? Pity you failed to protect her!" Vladimir was taunting Gibbs.

But still, Gibbs remains silent. But Vance was shocked when Vladimir said that Gibbs proposed to Jack!

"Where is she?" Gibbs asked very patiently.

"What makes you think that I abducted her?"

"Two days ago you and your two friends were released from prison on bail. The next day one NAVY Officer found dead." Gibbs put the Dickens picture in front of him.

"Cause of death was a drug overdose, the same drug that you were selling to the young kids. And yesterday evening NCIS Special Agent Jacqueline Sloane got kidnapped by your people. I've identified one of your minions." Gibbs threw the chair and sits on the table next to Vladimir. He didn't reply.

"SO, NOW YOU TELL ME, WHY DID YOU KILL THAT NAVY OFFICER AND WHERE IS AGENT SLOANE?" Gibbs grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"That NAVY Officer was just baited. He lived alone and he had no family and friends, he was killed just to get the attention of NCIS. And look your team got the case of that officer." Vladimir answered his question.

"How's Toby and his little girl anyway?" Vladimir asked and started laughing.

"You BASTARD! Where is she? WHERE IS JACK? You Son of a B*tch!" Gibbs punch him on his face twice when he didn't stop laughing.

"What do you want, huh? Money? Revenge?" Gibbs slammed him against the wall very hard.

"You will find out soon, Agent Gibbs."

"I don't have time for your games, Vladimir. Why did you come here? I know you came here on purpose. What is it?" This time Gibbs slammed his face on the table and that broke Vladimir's nose.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM HER?" Again he hit him in his face.

Before he could hit Vladimir again the door of the interrogation room was slammed open and Vance grabbed Gibbs from behind.

"Interrogation is over Gibbs!" He dragged him out of the room and shut the door behind them.

"C'mon Leon! I will make him talk. He knows where Jack is!" Gibbs started yelling at Vance.

"By beating the crap out of him? I know that he knows where is Jack. But this is not the right way. We have to wait." Vance replied.


"Listen to me, Gibbs! We have to release him."

"I can't! And he knows where Jack is being held." Gibbs couldn't believe that what Vance is saying.

"We have no right to hold him in here. He came here, by himself, we didn't arrest him! We don't have any proof that can connect him to Sloane's abduction. We have to let him go, Gibbs." Vance said and Gibbs left from there in anger and Vance follows him.

Squad Room

Gibbs walked into the bullpen he was really angry about what Vance said. But he knows that Vance is right they can't hold Vladimir here without any charges.

"Did anyone of you find anything?" Gibbs asked his team. Vance was standing at Nick's desk.

"I found something. I found something!" Kasie entered the squad room.

"What do you got?" Gibbs asked her.

"I was looking through Merriwether's stuff again and I found something in his bank records and then I use the laptop that Fornell brought here. Thanks to you Gibbs no doubt in that, to find some more information. And on that laptop, I found the same account details.

Vladimir was transferring huge amounts of money to that account every month Gibbs. Yesterday from that account money was transferred to Vladimir's account. I think you are right about Vladimir's involvement in this, Gibbs."

"Did you find out whose account is that?" Gibbs asked.

"Yes, I did," Kasie replies and takes the clicker from McGee's desk and click the button and one picture appears on the plasma.

"What is she doing up there?" Gibbs asked when the picture appears.

"You know her Gibbs?" Vance asked.

"Yeah, she's a friend of Jack. They met at the Bethesda when I was recovering. I met her one time. But what she has to do with this?" Gibbs replied and ask Kasie.

"No, Gibbs. She is not. She is the daughter of Merriweather. Her name is Karen aka Sasha Myshkin."

"A what?" McGee said.

"No way!" Nick was stunned.

"Are you sure?" Gibbs asked.

"Yes, Gibbs. I think she is planning on revenge against you, Jack and Fornell. And that explains the attack on the safe house." Kasie said.

"That is why she became a friend with Jack so she can get all information about who killed her father!" Bishop added.

"She is just a kid!" Gibbs said.

"But she's Merriweather's daughter, Gibbs. And that won't change the fact." Kasie said.

"GO! FIND HER. NOW!" Gibbs yelled at his team and walk towards Vance.

"You wanted charges against Vladimir! How about an accomplice in the abduction of a federal Agent, Director?"

"It works for me." They both smiles at each other.

At the same time, two agents were escorting Vladimir to the elevator, who was smiling at Gibbs. When Gibbs smiles back he looked frightened.

"Not so fast gentlemen! I'm afraid we have to take him into custody." Vance slowly walks towards the trio and stops them.

"On what charges? You can't do that!" Vladimir started yelling at him.

"You are suspect of accomplices in the abduction of Agent Sloane."

"We have your bank records and transactions details. You have received a huge amount of money from the account that belongs to Sasha Myshkin. A daughter of Merryweather." Gibbs says as he joins them.

"It seems like you made a mistake by coming here, Vladee-mir," Gibbs says and that two agents take him back to the interrogation.

"Gibbs if Ms Haines is right then I've to put you under protective custody. Because your life is in danger too." Vance said.

"To hell with it. I'm not going to hide Leon!" Gibbs replied.

"I know you want to find Jack, Gibbs. But it's my responsibility to protect my agent's life."

"Then what about Sloane's life! Huh, Director? Wasn't that your responsibility too?" Gibbs snaps back.

"We will find her Gibbs. But...


Before Vance could get a chance to say anything Gibbs started walking towards the elevator.

In the elevator

Gibbs's cell phone started ringing. He saw it was an unknown number. He answered the call.

"Yeah, Gibbs."

"Hello, Agent Gibbs!"

"Anna or should I say, Sasha Myshkin!" Gibbs heard the laughter on another side of the phone.

"You are a very smart person Agent Gibbs."

"What do you want?" Gibbs asked her.


"You had your chance to get me. But you took Sloane instead of me. Why?"

"Where is fun in that Agent Gibbs! Now listen to me very carefully. If you want Agent Sloane alive then come alone to the address that I will send you after our little talk. You come alone and unarmed otherwise I will not think before killing your lady."

"Why would I believe you that she is not dead already?" Gibbs asked her.

On another side of the phone, Gibbs can hear Sloane's voice she was shouting.


"SHUT UP!" Sasha slapped her and start again talking with Gibbs on the phone.


"Don't forget ALONE and UNARMED! And if you won't come I will kill her like you killed my father! So don't be late her life depends on it."

"JUST SEND ME THE ADDRESS AND I WILL BE THERE," Gibbs replied and then the line went dead. After that, he received one text message with the address.

Okay... So, Merriweather's daughter has taken over her daddy's chair. And now she wants revenge on Gibbs, Jack and Fornell!

Emily is injured and Sloane is still missing!

What do you think, did Gibbs made the right decision? What Sasha has planned for Gibbs? How will the team figure it out?



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