My best friends husband

By shyannesmithh

5.4K 81 8

Los Santos a place for celebrities and aspiring celebrities but that's not the case for Rose she is hopeful i... More

North Yankton
Sandy Shores
The Lost MC
Did someone say yoga?
The affair
We are back baby!
Lester my old friend
Second thoughts
FIB raid
Back home
Home is where the heart is
Taking care of business
If you leave me now
I love you
Planning the big one
Authur note
Long lost brother
Dave Norton
Tanisha Jackson
Solomon Richards
The Big Score PART 1
Author note

The Big Score Part 2

140 3 1
By shyannesmithh

✨Michael's POV✨

The cops are hot on our tail since we left the club i couldn't help but think about Rose I'm missing the birth of my son "Hey M, how you holding up?" Trevor says "Just fine T, now keep your eyes on the road and follow me" I look to my right and see a cop car speeding towards us "Follow me and be careful guys" i push down the gas pedal and drive straight off the bridge i watch the guys in my rear view mirror the cop car crashes into the on coming traffic "Left" i sharply turn "A little more warning would be good dawg" i hear Frank say Trevor is laughing "Almost there guys come on we can do it" i yell beeping my car horn the police are blocking the road "Right" i yell at the boys they follow me i see a truck with is ramp down and speed up flying over the truck the police car behind me tries to copy me but fails he ends up crashing into an oil tanker which causes a massive explosion "WOO HOO" Trevor yells "Yo dawg that's some crazy shit" Frank says laughing

"Home stretch babyyyy" Trevor yells "I don't see any cops" i inform the guys "lets go to the meet up" Frank suggest "Race you guys there" Trevor yells speeding off Frank and i arrive at the lock up we are greeted by Lester we take the ear pieces out "are Rose and my son okay? I ask jumping on the car quickly "Rose is fine but the baby wasn't breathing" my heart drops and i start to pace "Look Mike go to the hospital we can take it from here" Frank tells me giving me a hug i nod "Congratulations" they all shout i jump into the car Lester took over here and head to the hospital i quickly stop at home to grab the car seat and a change of clothes for Rose i make my way to the hospital and run in

I run up to the desk "I'm looking for Rose Jones" the receptionist ignores me "I said I'm looking for Rose Jones" she continues talking on the phone not even regarding work she talking about some guy i lean over and cut the phone off this brings her attention to me "I'm looking for Rose Jones" i say fo the third time she types something into the computer "Room 103" she replies not even looking at me i walk off "YOU'RE WELCOME" she yells i just carry on walking i speed up i reach the room and take a deep breath

I knock on the door "Come in" I'm greeted by Rose's voice i walk into the room and see the best thing ever my fiancé holding our baby boy in her arms "Hey you" she smiles at me "I'm so sorry I wasn't there" i say pulling up a chair next to her she shakes her head "It's fine Mike you was making sure we had everything we needed" she looks down at our baby boy "You want to hold him?" She asks i nod eagerly she hands me my son and i carefully take him from her "You know it's crazy, he's here and we don't even have a name for him" she tells me i can't help but stare at my beautiful baby boy "He's perfect" i say smiling "Congratulations on the birth of your son Mr De Santa" i laugh "Congratulations Mrs De Santa" i respond "I like the sound of that" she giggles

"So what do we name him?" She asks me "You want me to name him?" I question her she nods "Of course" i look down at him and a name just pops into my mind "Ethan" i say i look up at Rose "Our little boy is strong" she tells me the nurse come sin and we create his birth certificate"Ethan Solomon De Santa" we say at the same time we get the all clear and Rose is discharged just as we are exiting the hospital a patient passes he's being rushed Rose catches a glimpse and she screams "DAD?!" I stop dead in my tracks running after him comes Lazlow "Rose, I'm so glad you're here, well I'm not but dad took a funny turn and they don't think he will make it through the night"

✨Rose's POV✨

My world comes crashing down here i was about to take Ethan to meet his grandad but he's here and he might never meet him i follow Lazlow to his room the nurse stops us "Immediate family only" i scoff "I'm his daughter and this is my husband" she lets us i quickly go to my dads side he smiles at me "Hey my little girl" his voice sounds strained my eyes begin to fill with tears i grab his hand and he squeezes mine "Hey dad" i look over at Michael and back to my dad "There's someone i want you to meet" i say letting go if his hand and getting Ethan out of his car seat my dads eyes light up "Dad this is your grandson Ethan Solomon De Santa" he looks at me "He has my name?" Tears fill his eyes i nod trying not to cry "Do you want to hold him?" I ask he tries to sit up but struggles Mike and Lazlow help him up i gently hand him Ethan "Oh Rose darling he's beautiful, he looks just like you" he says looking at Michael i giggle Mike walks over "Now don't you be flirting with me i told you already I'm marrying your daughter" he laughs along with my dad "Rose I'm so happy for you" he looks down at Ethan

"How about a picture?" I ask "I can take it" Lazlow says i shake my head "I want all of us in it" he nods "I'll go ask a nurse Mike says wondering out the door" 2 minutes later he comes back with a nurse "Ready? On 3 say Ethan" i tell everyone "1...2...3 ETHAN" we all say i take my phone and look at the picture "I'm going to have this on my wall" i tell my dad "I want a copy too" he says i smile "You will get one don't worry" he nods and hands Ethan back to me i look at Lazlow "Your turn" he smiles and walks over to me he carefully takes Ethan "Hey little man, its cool uncle Lazlow" we all laugh he looks up "Hey! I'm cool" i roll my eyes "Yeah whatever"

We all spend abut 3 hours with my dad he seems well enough to leave i give him a kiss since he told me to go home and rest "I'll be back tomorrow i promise" i kiss his head "And bring Ethan with you too" he tells me i nod "Yes dad" Lazlow walks us out the hospital i turn to him "Let me know if there is any change and i will be here straight away" he nods "I will but for now you go and get some rest congratulations again the both of you" i kiss his cheek and make my way to the car

"I hope you're happy with one child because your aren't getting another one" i tell Mikey as i strap in the car seat he laughs "You're lucky you've only got one I've got three now" we take a nice peaceful drive home we walk through the front door and I'm greet by everyone with banners and balloons "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" They all shout i immediately look at Mikey "You planned this didn't you" he shakes his head "No i had no idea" i roll my eyes "I can tell when you're lying to me" he puts his head down "Yeah i did" we make our way to the living room and I'm greeted by Lester and a women "Rose this is Julie, Julie this is Rose" she stands up to shake my hand "Ive heard so much about you" she says but i pull her into a hug "It's nice to finally meet someone who will put up with Lester" i laugh and pull away from the hug

"Well its not easy" she laughs "Um you know I'm right here" he interrupts us but we ignore him "Congratulations" she tells me i thank her "Champagne anyone?" Frank says bringing in a tray full i take a glass and take a sip "Oh thank god real alcohol" everyone laughs "So Rose what was the highlight of the birth?" Trevor asks me i look at Lester and laugh "You really want to know?" Trevor nods "Well Lest was on the phone to paramedics and he had to check if the baby was crowning" i laugh "What did it look like Lest?" Trevor asks him he gags "I'd rather not talk about it EVER AGAIN" we all laugh

Everyone took turns holding Ethan some people wouldn't let him go Franklin but it's nice to know i may not have a normal family but i have the best possible family i could think and that's all that maters FAMILY

5 years later

Mike and I decided on rather then having a big fancy wedding we would have a small intimate one instead we even wrote our own vows

Jimmy and Tracey are in college Jimmy studies video games while Tracey studies fashion and beauty

Ethan is growing up quickly he looks more like Mikey everyday and i can't be mad about it

Amanda? Well she's still on the dating scene since she gets bored quite a lot we are still close friends

Lester got married to Julie which is something i thought would never happen but I'm happy for them

Trevor even got himself a girlfriend too her name is Katie and shes just as crazy as he is

Franklin found himself a girlfriend too called Molly she works as lawyer and even has her own company

Lazlow quit TV to take care of Dad and he's never looked back since

As for my Dad his memory gets worse by the years but he's still moving along he even gave the film studio to Michael who now makes movies and enjoys it we even have a movie based on how we met coming out

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