For Me,There Is Only You |18+|

By MsRecluse

36K 1.1K 366

Warning: This book contains mature content. "Your scent is driving me crazy, mate. You're so ready for me," h... More

Author's Note
His Yearning
Her Despair
1.Stranger and Me.
2. True Friend.
4.Not My Day.
5. Present and Past
6. A Lie, I wish I Never Told
7. Even More Messier.
8. Scary Revelations
9. Too Overwhelming
10. The Monster
11. Making You Mine - I
12. Making you mine - II
13.Whose Fault?
14. They are crazy
15. Enlightenment
16. I should've known better
17. Forced Bond
18. Twisted Fate
19. His world
20. The Origin
21. Drawing Lines
22. You Can't Run Away From The Beast
23. Withering In Despair
24. Balance Of Nature
25. A room without a door
26. Wispwood
27. The Negotiation
28. A Tumultuous Situation
29. Helplessness
30. Survival Instinct
31. Desperation of a mate

3.Omichli Mountain

1.2K 38 11
By MsRecluse

Socializing had never been one of my strong suits. I tended to avoid drawing attention to myself, as it spared me from awkward encounters and potential embarrassments.

However, today was different; I was purposefully heading in that direction.

Throughout the week, Ash had been telling me about her family, seemingly to ensure that I wouldn't inadvertently offend them. She mentioned having two half-brothers, each from her parents' previous marriages. Alaric was her father's son, but she didn't reveal the name of her mother's son. Ash warned me that they were all a bit eccentric and advised me to tread carefully.

I couldn't fathom why she felt the need to sound the alarm; after all, I could handle interacting with a bunch of humans. I wasn't that antisocial.

Annoyance seeped into my tone as I bit out, "How long?" Ash and Nate had been giggling and whispering to each other throughout the entire three-hour car ride.

How much longer did I have to endure this torture?

It seemed like they couldn't keep their hands off each other from the moment we got into the car. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, feeling like a third wheel in their love-filled bubble.

I tried to distract myself by staring out of the window, but their laughter and affectionate gestures were impossible to ignore. It made me yearn for solitude, my comfort zone, where I could retreat from the world and its complexities.

My mind wandered to Ash's family, wondering what they would be like. Would they accept me into their fold, or would I be an outsider, fumbling through social interactions like a fish out of water?

Their engagement was scheduled for tomorrow. Curious about why Ash hadn't gone back home earlier to prepare for her big day, I asked her, and her response was, "I don't want to deal with my family." Hence, we decided to leave today, a day prior to the event. Thankfully, Nate was our designated driver, and they both sat in the front seat, occupied with each other...doing god knows what!

"Just one more hour," she finally replied, her attention fixed on Nate's hand, which was on her thigh and daring to travel further upwards, under her skirt. I quickly looked away, not wanting to witness their intimate moments.

Fucking couple!

I slouched further down in the back seat and gazed out of the window, trying to distract myself. I didn't sign up for a live porn show.

Sure, I called them a fucking couple, but that didn't mean they should actually start making out in front of me. Seriously, how fast can things escalate in just two months? And now they were getting married.

Could someone genuinely fall in love in such a short period of time? Ash seemed to believe Nate was her soulmate. But is that even a real thing?

Love had always been a scary concept for me. I wasn't sure I could ever allow myself to fall for someone so hard and so fast. My past had left me with major trust issues, making it difficult to open up to anyone on a deeper level.

I dozed off during the drive, but when I opened my eyes, a completely different landscape greeted me. We were now on a mountain road, the path inclining inwards and forming hairpin turns. The mountains were cloaked in lush green conifers, and the weather was humid and foggy, as if we were driving through a rainforest that clung to the sides of the mountains. A river flowed down the mountain cliff, running alongside the narrow road.

I couldn't help but imagine the sheer drop from such a great height. The thought sent shivers down my spine. Yeah, falling from here would definitely be fatal.

Nate had wisely turned on the headlights, as the road was veiled in thick fog, posing a potential accident risk if not navigated carefully. The road itself was narrow and nerve-wracking.

Yet, amidst the apprehension, I felt grateful that Nate was a skilled driver, ensuring our safety on this treacherous journey. My gratitude was slightly tainted by the sight of his hand still on Ash's skirt. I wished he would focus solely on the road.

As we continued, a sign on the road welcomed us to Omichli Mountains – Ash's hometown. The name intrigued me, and I had previously searched for information about the place on Google. Surprisingly, there wasn't much available, only that it was a rural area with a population of fewer than a thousand. The whole area was enveloped by the forest and mountains – the Omichli mountain.

The name "Omichli" was derived from Greek, meaning fog. And now, seeing the mountains blanketed in fog, it all made sense. This place truly lived up to its name.

Despite the initial trepidation, I couldn't deny the beauty of Omichli Mountains. The fog added an enchanting allure to the surroundings, making it feel like we had stepped into a mystical realm.

The road led us down the mountain, and as we descended, a valley-like area came into view, with the outlines of houses becoming visible. We passed by several houses until the sides of the road were once again engulfed in dense trees, signifying that we were approaching Ash's parents' house, away from the main town.

Finally, it came into sight – the biggest house in the town, a magnificent three-story structure entirely built from wood. Ash had told me that her family was the wealthiest in the area, and her father held a prominent position as a leader.

"Here we are. Welcome to my home, babe," Ash said, glancing at me through the rearview mirror. Nate parked the car and got out to retrieve our luggage from the trunk.

I peeked out of the window, only to retreat slightly. The place was bustling with people, all busy making preparations for tomorrow's event – the engagement ceremony.

Turning my attention back to myself, I assessed my reflection in the mirror. My brown hair was frizzy from the mountain air, and I ran my fingertips through it to tame the unruliness. My olive skin looked dull and lackluster, and my lips appeared slightly chapped. The hours of motion sickness during the mountain drive had left me feeling malnourished and dehydrated.

I cursed Ash silently. She had insisted on taking my jeans and tops from me while we were getting ready in the morning. Instead, she handed me this navy polka maxi dress. It was a halter neck, which now made me conscious about my bare arms, but at least it reached below my knees, providing some comfort. I was grateful for the white sneakers I wore with it, as they offered a bit of respite from the unfamiliar dress.

I tried to smooth out the unnecessary creases from the dress using the palm of my hands, attempting to appear presentable. Gathering my courage, I finally stepped out of the car, where Ash was already waiting for me, excited to show me around her home.

She led me towards the front door, and as we approached, I noticed a flurry of activity. Several people, mostly men, were carrying wooden frames and decorative materials to the backside of the house. Many of them glanced curiously in my direction, some even sniffing with a hint of suspicion. I asked Ash about this, but she skillfully dodged my question, not providing a valid explanation. However, I wasn't one to give up easily. When people denied giving me answers, I liked to find them on my own.

As we entered the house, I realized that Nate was nowhere to be found, having disappeared with our luggage. Ash held my hand tightly as we made our way through the foyer and into a large living room. Inside, two men and two women were engrossed in conversation on the sofas. It was as if they somehow sensed our arrival, as they abruptly stopped talking and turned their attention towards us.

Ash showed me pictures of her family, so I was able to recognize them. Sitting beside each other were Ashley's father, Steven, and her father-in-law. Across the table from them were two women, one of whom was Ashley's mother-in-law.

With a brief smile, Ash left my hand and walked over to her father, greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. She then exchanged pleasantries with the others in the room.

Finally, their attention turned towards me, and Ash introduced me as her one and only friend. Feeling the weight of their stares, I greeted them awkwardly, unsure of how to respond to their intense scrutiny.

They didn't seem very friendly, and their cold and distant demeanor made me feel uncomfortable in their presence.

Ash pulled me towards the sofa as I hesitated to make a move. Thankfully, the others resumed their conversation, and I was relieved not to be the center of attention anymore.

She led me to a guy who was carrying a tray of juice and took a glass from it. With a concerned look on her face, she handed it to me, remarking, "You're looking so pale, like I've starved you for centuries."

"Thanks, mom," I replied, taking the glass from her.

Concerned, she asked if I needed any medicine for nausea, noticing the exhaustion on my face. While I was busy battling motion sickness during the treacherous mountain road journey, Ash and Nate seemed to be too preoccupied with, well, you know what...

But that aside, they didn't show the slightest discomfort, while I was practically dying. Were they even human?

Shaking my head, I assured her, "I'm fine, Ash."

Taking a sip to soothe my dry throat, I added, "Don't worry about me."

"Will you be okay if I leave you here? I need to find my mother," Ashley inquired. Realizing I couldn't keep her by my side like a bodyguard, I nodded in response. She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before dashing off towards the stairs, leaving me alone for the moment.

Left alone in a room full of strangers, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. It wasn't just the curious glances everyone was passing my way; it felt like one particular pair of eyes was fixated on me.

"So, I didn't catch your full name, child," Karen, Nate's mom, broke the silence, her smile displaying genuine curiosity rather than anything sinister.

"Neev Miller," I replied softly.

"Neev..." she repeated, testing my name on her tongue. "It's an odd name, and you have a slightly different accent too," Karen observed.

"What does it mean? Your name," another woman sitting beside Karen inquired. Ashley had mentioned earlier that she was her Aunt Laura.

"Neev means 'foundation.' It is a Hindi name," I explained. My answer seemed to grab everyone's attention, and the conversation halted as all eyes turned to me. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure.

"Hindi?" Aunt Laura looked perplexed.

"Yes, it's an Indian language. My mother was from India, and she gave me this name," I clarified. Their collective gaze scrutinized me from head to toe, making me feel like I had grown two heads.

Being a crossbreed—half Asian, half American—I had encountered this reaction before. It was nothing new to me.

"What do your parents do for a living?" It was Ashley's father, Steven Clell, who asked the question. His authoritative voice startled me a little. Despite his early fifties, he still looked young, with neatly combed brown hair and a light stubble covering his cheeks. However, there were no visible emotions on his face, making him appear intimidating.

"My father was a CFO, and my mom was a painter," I replied, trying my best to keep my voice steady. Talking about them was still hard; the pain hadn't completely healed.

You locked the door, Neev. I reminded myself, grounding myself in the present.

"Was?" It was Karen who inquired further.

"They died in a plane crash four years ago," the words came out almost mechanically. I had been answering these questions for four years; it was no big deal anymore.

Both ladies looked at me sympathetically, but I didn't want their sympathy. It made me feel weak as if even after four years, I hadn't gotten a hold of myself.

Thankfully, the conversation took a turn as the ladies started inquiring about what I do. I shared that I had recently completed my MBA and hadn't yet decided on a job.

"Alpha..." A guy around my age called Ashley's father and bowed slightly.

"Beta Josh has arrived. Everyone is waiting for you," the guy continued, using Greek alphabets for some reason.

Ashley's dad waved his hand to dismiss him. It was evident that he held some leadership position, given the way everyone looked at him with respect.

Then, he turned his scrutinizing gaze toward me. "Enjoy your little stay here, but don't wander into the woods. It'll be trouble for you as well as us," he said, his tone more of a warning than advice.

Oh, I feel so welcome.

They all disappeared into the hallway, and the ladies followed them, leaving me alone in the living room. I felt a sense of relief wash over me. As I looked around, wondering where Ash had disappeared to, I saw another group of five or six men and women heading in the same direction.

What is going on? Is this some kind of cult meeting?

I continued to gaze around, searching for Ashley. Where the hell was she? She had left me alone here.

I quickly got up from my seat, intending to search for Ash, but as I moved, I felt it—the dampness between my legs. Panic set in, and I sat back down abruptly.

I hoped it was just sweat, but deep down, I knew the truth.



Fuck my life.

Since morning, I had been feeling mild pain in my lower belly, and I attributed it to the motion sickness and nausea from the journey. But no, my periods were early. One week early. Damn it. And of course, I was wearing lacy underwear—thanks to Ashley.

I'll murder her.

But first, I needed to get out of this situation. Then, I'd definitely murder her. I couldn't risk anyone seeing me like this. What if my dress was already stained? It wouldn't be visible in navy color, would it? But this dress had those damn white dots all over it!

If someone caught sight of the stain, I'd be mortified.

I didn't even know where Ash's room was or where the hell Nate had put my luggage. I could ask someone for help, but there was no one in sight.

Why did everyone disappear when I needed them?

Without thinking, I called out to the man walking in the same direction where everyone had disappeared. "Excuse me!"

He abruptly turned around, glaring at me. He seemed to be in his early forties. "Where can I find Ashley?" I asked, trying to keep my composure.

"Luna has other things to do. We are not your babysitters," he sneered and stomped away.

I stood there, my mouth agape, shocked by his rude response. What the hell just happened? Do people living in this house have some serious issues?

But I couldn't let this deter me; I had to find someone who could help me. I stood up abruptly from my seat and scanned the area for anyone who might be able to assist. In the dimly lit hallway, I saw a dark figure retreating further away.

"Hey," I called out without thinking, my voice shaky with uncertainty. The figure stiffened but didn't turn around. I quickly brushed my hands behind to straighten my dress, hoping there was no misshaping or visible stain.

I was desperately counting on my luck, which was not at all on my side.

"Do you know where Ashley is? I need some help," I said, taking small steps forward, trying to sound composed.

Please, don't be like that jerk from earlier!

I waited patiently for a response. Slowly, the person turned around and walked out from the dark hallway, revealing his face.

I froze on my spot.

It was him.

He looked so different from four years ago. His dark hair was long now, reaching his neck. The last time I saw him, his face was clean-shaven, but now his sharp cheekbones were covered with scruffy stubble. He looked leaner, but there was something about his appearance that seemed more rough, brutal, and maybe even grueling.

But his eyes, those sapphire gems, were sparkling like stars in the night sky. I cleared my throat, getting my composure back, though I couldn't help but stare at him openly.

Yet, surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind my gaze, as he was doing the same.

"Do you know where Ashley is?" I repeated my question, trying to focus on the matter at hand.

"She's not here," he replied, his voice a bit low and hesitant.

"Where is she?" I inquired further, hoping to get a clear answer.

He looked slightly uncomfortable as if struggling to find the right words. "She's with Nate."

Well, that explains their behavior earlier.

Do I even want to know what they are doing together? I closed my eyes, trying to banish the images my imagination was conjuring.

"Can you show me her room..." No, no, what if they were doing it in her room. "Do you know where my luggage is?..."

Why would he know where my luggage is, you idiot!

Why was I asking such stupid questions?


I'll definitely murder you, Ashley, for putting me in this embarrassing situation.

"It's in the guest room. If you want, I can take you there," he offered. My eyes met his face, and he was giving me a half smile. I let my gaze sweep over him, taking in his dark sweatpants and hoodie that seemed to add to his rugged look. My brain was screaming at me not to follow him. He was a weird guy. He had disappeared from my home last time, without even telling me his name.

But desperate times call for desperate measures!

Suppressing my better judgment, I nodded and told him to lead the way.


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