Life Is Full Of Surprises

By _QueenMarinette_

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Marinette is heart broken after her 2 year boyfriend tells her he's leaving her for someone else and that he... More

Chapter 1: Lies and Betrayal
Chapter 2: Comfort
Chapter 4: New Friends
Chapter 5: The Club's Gonna Be Lit
Chapter 6: A Night To Never Forget
Chapter 7: Work o'clock
Chapter 8: After A Long Day At Work
Chapter 9: I Need To See You
Chapter 10: Nothing's Changed
Chapter 11: A Night Of Friends, Fun And A Little chaos
Chapter 12: Jealousy And Tears
Chapter 13: The Way I Feel For You
Chapter 14: A Thanksgiving Dinner Pt1

Chapter 3: Spill That Hot Coffee

95 3 1
By _QueenMarinette_

Chats POV:
Mmmm what time is it? God I'm so tried. I open my eyes slightly and I saw that I'm not in my house. I widen my eyes and looked around the room and I remember I stayed the night with marinette that's right, I almost had a heart attack. As I was looking around something or someone caught my attention, My princess. She was laying on top of my chest.

My cheeks turn pink and I smiled she's so warm and soft. When we first met I was just captured by her beauty, it was like nothing I've ever seen before. She was truly an angle walking the earth. And when I saw the tears in her eyes my heart nearly broke at the sight. She is a sweet, smart, genuine, beautiful person inside and out.

And if that...boy, dumped her for my ex than he never deserved her in the first place. I was still in my inner thoughts when I heard a tried yet small yawn. I looked down to see my princess was waking up.

Author POV:
Marinette was starting to wake up.

"Mmmgh w-what time is I-it" Mari asked still in sleep mode.

"8:34am" chat said in response.

Mari snuggled in the pillow because of how warm in was. Little did she know she was snuggling into chats chest. Chat tried to control his face from blushing madly but he couldn't.

"How did you sleep last night chat?" She said.

"I slept really good, thanks Mari" he said sweetly

Mari than looked up at the cat and smiled. But that smile soon faded when she realized she was on top of him. She also realized that the "pillow" she was snuggling with was him. Mari was so embarrassed she practically jumped off him landing on the ground.

"AHHH IM SO SORRY!!. I DIDNT KNOW I SWEAR HONESTLY!!." Mari said apologetic. She has never been so embarrassed in her life. She just wish the floor would swallow her whole.

"Mari it's ok" chat said with a chuckle help her off the floor.

Marinette still embarrassed of what just happened.

Mari POV:
I apologize probably over a million times. I can't believe I slept on him. He must think I'm super weird. B-but his chest was so warm and comfortable it was like I was sleeping on a cloud. When I look at him he has a nice figure. I bet he works out a lot I even bet he has a six pack, maybe even an eight pack.

I would love to see it-WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING!!! oh my god, calm down Mari you were just dumped less than 24 hours ago and so was he. The last thing y'all we both need is another relationship right now. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard my stomach growl. Chat heard it too and a second later he started to laugh and so did I.

"You must be pretty hungry" he said while laughing

" yea ,Why do I make us some breakfast" I said while giggling.

"Yea that sounds nice" he said with a big smile.

I told chat to follow me and he did. We left the living room and entered the kitchen.

We entered the kitchen and I looked back at chat, he was admiring the kitchen and I giggled. When he heard my giggle he came back down to reality and smiled.

"You have a beautiful house princess" he said. I blushed at the nickname and thanked him. I than walked over to the stove and toke out a pan.

"Would you like pancakes?" I asked him. His face lit up and I could tell he was excited.

"Yes please. Princess I could help you if you want?" He said. I shook my head, he was the guest and he made me feel better from yesterday it's the least I could do for him.

"It's ok chat, I don't mind I actually like cooking for other people. Just sit down and relax the food will be down in 15 minutes" I said sweetly. He looked at me making sure I was ok with it and than he smiled and sat on one of the chairs.

"If that is what my princess wishes" he said.

15 minutes later. Mari makes breakfast for her at chat.

He takes a bite out of his pancake and his face instantly brighten up. I could see his eye sparkle in happiness.

"Oh my god! Princess these pancakes are amazing. Where did you learn to cook like this!?" He said taking in another bit.

"Well my parents own a bakery down in Paris and everything I know they taught me" I said also taking a bit of my food.

"Wait? Is your parent bakery called 'Dupain-Chengs'?" He asked curiously.

"Yea it is?" I told him his face lit up in happiness.

"I LOVE their bakery, I go there every morning of everyday" he said proudly.

I started to laugh and soon he was also laughing, I wonder why I never noticed him before. I often go to the bakery to help my parents when they have a lot of customers or if they wants some alone time. I have no problem helping my parents whenever they need it, in fact I enjoy it. We stopped laughing and I turned to him.

"Well i'd be happy to make you some sweets anytime you want" I said sweetly.

His face brighten up like a kid on their birthday.

"R-really!?" he said. I nodded my head and in a flash he lifted me out of my chair and spun me around hugging me tightly.

"thank you, thank you, thank you!!" he said with excitement . I giggled at him, he's so cute when he's happy. Wait did I just say that? He put me down and looked me in the eyes and I did the same. I never got tried of looking into his eyes, It was like looking into a summer meadow filled with flowers and all types of animals. I smiled at him

"Its the least I could do after you comforting me at the beach" I shiver at the thought and I felt a wave of sadness over me. The reason why I went to the beach crying...Nathaniel...I could hear my heart bounding against my chest. Just the thought of him and what he did to me and how I was so blind I didn't even see it. I put on a fake smile hoping chat wouldn't see threw it but he did, He walked over to me and wrap his arms around me. I didn't resist instead I hug him back the second I felt him arms around me.

As I was snobbing into his chest he was rubbing my back and saying soothing things to me. I know I just meet him but he makes me feel safe...and I liked that feeling.

"I'm so sorry marinette.." he said sadly

"I-its ok..Its not your fault.." I said with sadness in my voice

I broke the hug and he gave me a soft smile. I was still sad but having him here, comforting I actually felt better and the thought about nath, no my ex disappeared. I sat back down on the chair and chat did the same I turned to face him and said.

"Thank you chat, i'm also so sorry" I said full heartedly

He looked at me and nodded. After all the sadness in the air died down we got back to eating our breakfast. It was awkwardly silent neither of us said a word to each other the whole time. Its not that I didn't want to talk to him, I just didn't know what to say and I could tell neither did he.

We both got our hearts broken yesterday It was gonna be hard to open our hearts and let down our guards. I looked at the clock on the wall. 9:17am Its Sunday and I didn't have work today thank god. I needed today off after everything that happened yesterday.

After eating, Marinette was cleaning the mess she made

Chat pov:

I offered to help mari clean the mess in the kitchen after she made me a delicious breakfast but she said I was a quest and that she had no problem cleaning it by herself. As she was cleaning I was wondering why her ex would leave her. she's very beautiful, knows how to cook, she has her own house and she keeps it very clean. she a perfect 10 everything about her is amazing so why? why would he dump her? I was so curious at the thought and something deep within me I wanted to know.

"Marinette?" I said

"yes?" she said sweetly

The sound of her voice made my heart flutter. she was perfect in every way and the fact that her ex tomato just threw her way like she was a piece of garbage the thought of that triggered an emotion I'd never thought I'd feel...Rage...She was like a princess I didn't even know her but I knew she was a good person I can't believe anyone would want to hurt her. I swear if I ever see that guy again...lets just say I won't be so nice.

"Chat. Chat?. CHAT?!" mari shouted

I snapped outta my thoughts when I heard mari's voice. I must have spaced out.

"Oh sorry, I wanted to ask you..about Nathaniel.." I said

When I asked her about him she froze. Whenever she heard his name it was like she was in another world her eyes screamed pain, betrayal, heartbreak and so much more. I felt really bad to bring him up but it was the cat in me. I have to know, I needed to know.

She broke out of her trance and looked at me. I could tell she was trying her hardest not to brake down right in front of me.

"what about him?" she said calmly

I scratched neck nervously, I had to be careful about what I asked I didn't want her to cry or be any sadder than she already is. I was lucky enough that I got her to respond.

"W-well I was thinking that since you and I were hurt talking a-about the pain would h-help us.."

She looked at me for a minute processing what I just said. I was totally fine if she said no I would completely understand. Its not easy to relive past problems I'm barely holding on myself. The thought of someone to talk to that's going through the same problems as me make's me feel better and that i'm not alone. What am I saying Im being selfish I couldn't ask her to do that what was I thinking.

"Marinette I'm sorry..You don't have to tell me If-" I said but I was interrupted

"No, Its ok...We should talk about it. I-I mean if I'm gonna talk about with anyone than I would like it yo be you" she said shyly

I nodded my head in agreement. I know exactly what she means

"Why don't we go to the living room, I don't go to work today so we can talk for as ever long we want. If your ok with that?" She said picking up her cup of coffee.

"Yeah that alright" I said

Mari led us back to the living room. Her house is really beautiful even if she lives alone it's a real nice house. We sat on the couch opposite for each other. I was nervous and I can tell Mari was too but this is good we definitely should just talk about it than put it behind us. We both just sat there trying to gather our thoughts about this..I know this is gonna be a long day..I decided to brake the silence

"It's ok to be nervous Mari or shy..Listen I know this is probably the last thing you wanna talk about. And even though you just met me I wanted you to know that you can trust me." I said

She looked up into my eyes and started at analyzed me face seeing if I was lying or telling the truth. I didn't blame her, After...I don't even know what to call that guy god every time I think of him I just feel like punching a wall but I gather my emotions. I'm not here for him I'm here for Marinette and that's who I'm gonna focus on right now.

I grabbed her hand gently and brought it to my lips and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles I heard her tiny squeak and smiled. I looked back up at her to see her eyes wider and a tiny pink was across her face I squeezed her hand and smiled.

"I know it must be hard for you to trust anyone right now. But you can trust me, I would never hurt my princess" I said with full honesty

She looked at me for a few seconds than happily she warps her hand around mine and smiled. The most beautiful smile I've ever seen

"Thank you chat, and I'm also sorry. Your also going threw heart break and I've been selfish I haven't asked you if you were alright or anything" she said looking down sadly

I let go of her hand and I brought it to her face and lifted her chin making her look at me.

"Your not selfish. Please don't ever say that again it's ok Mari we're both going threw something so how about we go threw it together?" I said and she smiled

"Yes, I'd really like that chat" she said

"I'll go first so you won't feel pressured" I said reassuringly she nodded slightly

I sighed and soon began

"Lila and I were together for about a year and 3 months. How we met was when she came in to the police station and told our chief of police that someone broke into her apartment. The chief advised that she'd come speak to me. I am one of there best police man, anyways she did and the first time I saw her I was completely love struck I told her that id keeps her safe and bout 2 weeks after our in counter I couldn't get her out of my mind and I had to see her again. When I arrived at her place I knocked on the door but it was already open. Me being a cop I ready my gun just in case. And it was a good thing too, someone broke in and Lila was there. I found her in her room with 2 other man, I'm not gonna go in detail of what I saw but in the end they were brought to justice. I started to see Lila after the brake in everyday to make sure she was alright, And we got closer everything about her made me smile and I wanted to move faster so I asked her on a date. She said yes and from that point on me and her where basically a couple so I finally came out and asked her if she would be my girlfriend. She accepted and I was over joyed. About 8 months in she wanted us to live together and I didn't mind so I said yes. Lila was always the jealous type if I even talked to another women she'd get super mad and loose her temper. But no matter what I saw I always stuck by her and loved her, I had no idea she was cheating on me threw out most of our relationship and that I was just a toy for her. But anyways that's my past with Lila...Any question?"

I said out of breathe. I look at Mari and her mouth and eyes are wide open. I bet she doesn't even know what to say. She finally gathers herself and opens her mouth to speak.

"Ummmmmm.....I....." she said in confusion

I chucked at her response. That's probably the best response anyone could react to what I've just said. She looks at me with full pity and sadness

"Oh my god chat, t-that's awful..I-I so so sorry, I don't know what to say..." she said still in shock

"It's ok Mari I understand." I said with honesty

Mari takes a sip from her coffee and sighs

"Well..I guess it's my turn.." she says

"Wait Mari if your not ready it's ok"  I said

"No. You just told me your even though it must have been painful. Now, it's my turn" she said as confidently as she can

"Ok whenever your ready" I said

She takes in a deep breath in and soon let it out she took one final sip of her coffee and place it down on the table in the middle of the living room. She turned to me and she brought her hand into mine squeezing it.

"Nathaniel and I dated for 2 years, before I met him I didn't think I'd ever fall in love with any man but Nathaniel he was different the second our eyes met I saw our future flash between my eyes and I knew right than in there that he was the man I wanted. Like you I was completely love struck. He was at my parents bakery with his friends And I'd happen to be there helping my parents. But anyways he came up to the counter and he basically did what every guy dose he asked for my number and asked if he could ever see me again. I said yes, when we exchanged our number we started everything started off immediately. We would text each other day and night. We told Each other everything. We spent a lot of time together it was 5 months later he asked me to be is girlfriend and I said yes. Things were going great, well I thought they were looks like I was wrong. He told me he cheated on me about a lil over a year ago...I thought he was gonna propose to me haha looks like the jokes on me...well that's my past with Nathaniel."

She said while her voice was braking a bit

"Woah" I said in shock.

"Y-yeah I was stupid believe he was ever into m-me.." She said in utter sadness

"No, you were not. If that's the case than i'm stupid to believe lila was ever into me" I said \

"W-what?! No your not...Your amazing and Funny, Thoughtful, C-charming, and so much more. you deserved better she's insane if she doesn't see how special you are" she said

I felt my face heat up when she said these sweet words to me. Lila and I loved each other but she barely ever complemented me she would always by me something or take me some where. she never really said the 'I love you' so thats why is was hard but not as hard to say goodbye. Maybe me and lila's brake up was a good thing.

"So are you princess. Don't ever doubt yourself." I said

She needs to know what she is and how important she is not only to me but also herself.

"your right kitty, thank you so much" she smiled

"kitty? is that my new nick name princess?" I smirked. She giggled and punched my shoulder playfully

"Well I figured since's you call me princess why not have a nick name of your own." she said with a little bit off sass.

we both stared at each other than soon laughed. God she's amazing..Did I not mention that?

3 1/3 hours later

Mari POV:
Chat and I were getting alone really good for people that just met too, we've been talking about our likes and dislikes and over all he's a really great person. He make's me feel so much better like all my problems are just part of a different world. I really liked that feeling I hope he's feeling it too

We were on the couch laughing about how I tripped and fell into the mud when I was a child when we heard the door bell. I looked at the time and it was 2:58pm, wow mw and chat have been talking for so long I forgot all about the time.

"are you expecting anyone?" Chat asked.

"No, I have no idea who that could be." I said back

I got up off the couch and chat did the same he decided to follow me to see who is was, I didn't mind at all a little part of me wanted him to come with me. We were approaching the door and we finally come right in front of it. I opened the door feeling the wind on my cheeks and was surprised at who I saw

3502 God damn that's a lotta word. Ive been writing this part for over 3 days im sorry it toke so long but I hope yall enjoyed it. I am making a part 4 s we speak and for the next two weeks maybe longer im gonna be focusing more on this story. I needa get some more ideas for 'The criminal I fell for' but I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next part. Bug out byeeeeeee :3333333

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