Part Of Me.

By Lilredshortcake

6.1K 217 262

"I did fall in love with Katara." He said in a whisper. But could he keep her? Could she love him in return... More

Too young.
By chance.
So it begins.
Spirits why?
Don't give up.
Nothing is Simple Part two.
Just an idiot.
You lied.
It's not supposed to be like this.
A Great Storm.
A Great Storm Part two.
Washed up.

Nothing is simple.

360 12 9
By Lilredshortcake

Chapter Eight.

Sokka didn't often get to enjoy much, a good meal, new fighting style, girls chasing him very now and then but he very much enjoyed flying Appa. least he would, if there wasn't a nervous teenager pacing in the saddle behind him.

"Aang will you please sit down?" He said looking over his shoulder annoyed. "If we hit a bump you'll go flying off." Shaking his head he turned back to enjoy the way the sun felt on his face.

Aang stopped his pacing long enough to through his hands in the air. "I can't! I only have a little less than a year before the comit arrives and I've yet master water, earth or fire! The entire world is depending on me Sokka!"

Katara couldn't stand seeing him so stressed so she reached out and grabbed his hand pulling him down to her. "Aang, it'll be okay. If you want, I can teach you some of the stuff I know. It's not much but it's a start right?"

His face lit up, grinning at her as she handed him the sweetest dessert ever created.
"Really?! You'd really teach me?!"

"Of course! We just need a substantial body of water." She said moving to look over the edge of Appas saddle.

Sokka rolled his eyes. It wasn't necessarily that he was jealous or resentful of the fact that he was not blessed with any bending abilities, but hearing about constantly wore on his nerves. "Great. Maybe we could find a puddle for you guys to splash in."


Training was the only escape he had. When he pushed his body to the point of breaking, when his muscles burned and his chest ached, he truly felt alive. He wasn't a banished prince, he wasn't an embarrassment, or weak, he was just a man, one with the burning element that so many feared.

Shirtless, the sun beat down on his pale skin as sweat dripped down his face, chest and arms. His opponent was worse off, frustration clear as he kept pushing forward without landing any blow's. Zuko pulled it back a bit, a victory against an exhausted opponent was no victory in his mind. Suddenly the ship tilted and he and the crew fell to the side.

"Someone's changing our course!"

Storming into the captains quarters, he threw the door open and faced the captain. "What exactly do you think you're doing?! No one told you to change course!"
The captain shrunk back in fear of the towering young man. His heart started racing and he wondered why he even listened to the old general.
Zuko snarled his lip at the trembling man.
When would these people realize that he is in charge? He's gotten these men through a lot and not just that, he was their prince.

"Actually, someone did."

Zuko slowly turned to see his uncle sitting at a Pai Sho table. Of course Iroh is behind this.

"I assure you it is of the upmost importance." Iroh stated calmly.

Zuko's heart skipped a beat in hope and excitement. "Is it something to do with the Avatar?"

"Even more urgent. You see, I seem to have lost my lotus tile."
Iroh knew this could possibly trigger his nephews temper. But the folded piece of parchment in his robe's forced this.

"Lotus tile?" Zuko asked confused, head slightly tilted to the side.

"Yes! You see the lotus tile has special meaning in the game of Pai Sho." Iroh explained, hoping that the calm answer will keep Zuko level headed. "I'm hoping the market place will have them in stock."

"You. Changed. Our course. For a damn... Lotus tile!"

Iroh was wrong.


"Nice puddle."
Sokka was loath to admit but it was an absolutely beautiful place, surrounded by tree's, a waterfall, clear water. Even Appa and Momo seemed to pause and appreciate the beauty around them. Wasting no time, the flying bison jumped into the cool water.

"Don't start without me boy!" Aang shouted and began pulling his clothes off, only to freeze when a soft tanned hand touched his shoulder.

"Remember the reason we're here." Katara said firmly and slightly amused.

Aang stared into her beautiful blue eyes, clear and gentle. That is, until her brow rose, making him realize he had yet to respond. "Right! Ah....ahm... right. Let's get started!"

"And what am I supposed do?" Sokka asked with his hands on his hips.

"Well, you could....." Looking around at the ground, Aang picked a small branch with leaves still clinging to it. "Clean the gunk out of Appas toes!"

"What?! So while you guys are playing in the water, I am supposed clean mud out of that thing's toes?!"

"Mud and bug's!" Aang grinned at Sokkas jawed expression and held the stick out to him.



"Just push and pull the water like this."

Katara knew he'd be powerful but how quickly he learned the moves that took her month's was a blow to her pride.

The fact that he managed to wash their supplies down the river didn't help.
The market place was not exactly a place she'd ever go alone. It was loud and crowded, men leering at her as she passed by.

Glaring at a particular unsettling looking man who would not stop staring, Katara almost jumped out of her skin when Aang grabbed her arm.


"Sorry,  but we have to see what they have!" He dragged her over to a  docked ship, with a skinny, dark skinned man leading them inside.


"The lotus tile is out of stock. " Iroh said.
He had hoped they made it in time, but it seems that the girl and her friends were nowhere in sight.

"It's nice to know that this trip was a total FUCKING WASTE OF TIME FOR EVERYONE!" Zuko couldn't be angrier. His was mission should have been easy, but nothing about this was simple. Every turn he took was a dead end. All he wanted was to go home and move on with his life. But it didn't seem-
"You bought a tsungi horn?"

"For music night on the ship. " Iroh told him grinning. One day he would get his nephew to enjoy life, the poor boy knew nothing but hurt and anger. It might not even be him if the white lotus was correct....


She'll admit, stealing the scroll hadn't been her best idea, but she couldn't help herself. She had told Aang that she'd teach him until they reached the north pole, but earlier that day it was obvious that she was lacking in her bending skills. The temptation to learn more herself had been too good to resist.

Waiting until her brother and Aang were finally asleep, Katara slipped out of her bed roll and carefully made her way to Sokkas bag, holding her breath as she reached inside for the scroll. After it was securely in her hand, she made her way to the river.

"Momo!" She hadn't expected the little lemur to be awake and sitting on a tree stumb. Momo chirped at her as if to demand what she was doing but she merely patted his head and continued on.


"Stupid scroll!"

The shout was hard to miss. Zuko turned in the direction it came from and  signaled for the boat to stop. Happening to be in that pirate's ship had turned out to be the best idea his uncle had.
The pirate's jumped from the boat and into the water to make their way to land first to corner the girl. Pulling the boat to shore he made his way to where the shout came from.

He got there in time to catch the terrified girl to his chest, locking his arms around her slim waist.

"I'll save you from the pirate's." He snarled at her, meeting her wide blue eyes. Feeling her trembling against him almost made him let her go. He didn't know why, but the thought of her being scared of him made his gut ache. Shaking his head, he dragged her, kicking and cursing towards his ship.

"Rope! Now!" He demanded trying his best to keep ahold on her. "Ouf!" The air was knocked from his chest by her elbow to his gut, he quickly gathered himself though and grabbed her arm before she even got two feet from him.

Pulling her back to him, he pressed her close. "I don't think so peasant. I'm not letting you go until I get what I want." He growled. His crew finally brought rope and went to take the girl from him. He tightened his grip enough to make her whince and gave the man a look that made his crewmember pale.

Forcing her to a tree, he tied her hands behind it.

"There, now was that so hard?" He said straightening up and moving to face her. Gone was the scared look she wore earlier, in it's place was one of anger and hate. The fire in her eyes rivaled any firebender. She looked beautiful.

"Tell me where the Avatar is and I won't hurt you or your brother!" He put every ounce of menace into his voice, the same tone that made grown men cower before him didn't even seem to  faze her. She simply lifted her chin.


"No." She bit out. There was no way she'd give Aang up. He was too important, not just to the world but to her as well. The boy had quickly become her family and she protected her family like a mother wolf-lepord.

"Just tell me." The prince said through clenched teeth. She knew she was out numbered and the men around her were the same that she had stolen from and leered at her body. But she wouldn't back down.

"Go jump in the river!" She yelled at him and strained against the ropes tying her to the tree.

"Try to understand." His voice slid over her skin like slik and she shivered, cursing herself when he noticed and smirked at her, prowling towards like an alpha male stalking a female. She tensed when he finally stopped in front of her, close enough that she felt his warm breath on her face and if she leaned forward she could rest her head on his chest. "I need to capture the Avatar to restore something I've lost." He continued, tracing a finger down her arm and circled her. "My honor, exchange." He whispered, moving her hair away from her neck as he stood behind her and her heart rate sky rocketed. She wished it was in fear.
"I could restore something you've lost."

His fingers brushed against her skin as he held something against her neck. She gasped when she looked down. "My mother's necklace! How did you get that?!" She yelled as he took the necklace back and moved away from her.

"I didn't steal it if that's what you're wondering." He smirked at her yet again and desperately tried to free herself.

"Enough of this necklace shit! I want my scroll!" The pirate captain yelled and stormed towards her, red faced and reaching for her with dirty hands. Only to come a halt when the prince appeared in front of him fire on his hands. "No one is going to touch her. Anyone who does, will answer to me." Zuko's voice was and deadly, causing even his uncle who had been watching the scene unfold to step back. He heard Zuko yell, curse, and threaten. But this was different. Protective and chilling.

The captain stood and glared for as long as he could bear, but the man before him though much younger, was terrifying. He had no doubt that the prince would kill him over the waterbender so he wisely backed down. Gold eyes tracked his every move until he was well away from the girl.........

Part two will be up soon!

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