One Step At a Time

Por Idontknowwhattoname4

506K 8.4K 1.3K

Arabelle Vine, a 22 year old photographer in Seattle Washington, is happy with her current life. She has frie... Más

Chapter 1: Pain
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Guys Night Out
Chapter 4: Parents
Chapter 5: Him
Chapter 6: Girls Night Out
Chapter 7: Shower
Chapter 9: Mystery Girl
Chapter 10: Nacho Cheese
Chapter 11: Homecoming
Chapter 12: Text message
Chapter 13: Dog park
Chapter 14: Model
Chapter 15: Cooties
Chapter 16: Beautiful
Chapter 17: Skipping stones
Chapter 18: Pretty Boy
Chapter 19: Middle Names
Chapter 20: Paparazzi
Chapter 21: Kiss Me
Chapter 22: One Step At a Time
Chapter 23: Ideas
Chapter 24: Taste
Chapter 25: Cat Scratch
Chapter 26: Crazy Bitch
Chapter 27: My girl
Chapter 28: Home
Chapter 29: Things Happen
Chapter 30: You Were Always Mine
Chapter 31: Something is Wrong
Chapter 32: I need her
Chapter 33: I'm Sorry
Chapter 34: Surprise
Chapter 35: Promise Ring
Chapter 36: Good Vibrations
Chapter 37: Thanksgiving
Chapter 38: Mr.Darcy

Chapter 8: Eye Contact

12.4K 229 31
Por Idontknowwhattoname4

A loud bang from somewhere in my apartment makes me jolt up from my couch. I rub my eyes and glance around.

No ones in my apartment, that's a good thing.

I swing my legs over the side of the couch, I yawn as I crack my neck. Waking up from naps are the worst. I have no idea what time, or day it even is. I look up to see that my t.v is stuck on the continue watching page. It seems I fell asleep watching Greys Anatomy. I couldn't tell you why watching a bunch of doctors have sex and fix hearts was entertaining, but it was.

The loud banging starts up again, it must be coming from the door. I place my feet on the cold hardwood floor and make my way over to the door. My whole body feels out of it.

"Do you think she's dead? She never takes this long to answer the door."

"Omg what if the girl drugged her."

Muffled voices continue to speak as I get closer to the door. I twist the locks on my door and swing it open, someone's hand stopping just before my face preparing to knock again.

"Oh thank god." Mavis sighs dropping her hand, Eloise and Eden roll their eyes at her exaggeration.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask stepping aside to let them enter.

"We wanted to hang out and see how you were doing from last night." Mavis says going over to my pantry.

"Yeah you scored well last night. She was hot." Eloise says pointing a finger at me.


"Oh my god is she still here?" Mavis whisper yells.

"No, no she went home," I glance at the clock above the oven, " around 5 hours ago."

"Mhm well I see you definitely had fun." Eloise teases as she pushes some hair away from my neck, revealing the two hickeys Isla left.

"Oh, I definitely did."

I walk past them into the kitchen and open the fridge, "Now why did you guys really come here?" I glance at them as I pull out a Snapple from the fridge.

"What makes you think we didn't want to just check up on our dear old friend." Mavis puts her feet over the back of my couch as she hangs upside down.

"Do you think I'm dumb?"

"Someone met an incredibly hot guy last night." Eden tells me as she side steps me to get herself a drink.

"Oooh was it the hot tall guy you were dancing with?" I ask in a singsong voice. I place my drink on the coffee table and sit next to Mavis.

Mavis let's put a big sigh before removing her legs from the back of the couch and turning to sit upright.

"Yup that's him." I glance at her telling her to continue. "His name is Milo Vantiglio, and he's a professional boxer." Eloise and Eden join us on the sofa as Mavis continues to rant..

"He is one of the kindest people I have ever met, and he's funny, and really, really strong. He also smells incredible." She sighs as she thinks about the guy she met last night.

"Did you get his number?" I shove her shoulder with mine as I wiggle my eyebrows at her. Looks like the whole 'taking a break thing' is not going to happen.

"I most certainly did." Mavis says excitedly.

"But that's not the only reason we are here." Eloise chimes in.

I move my eyes back to Mavis, picking up the remote and turning off the t.v.

"Okay so I may have mentioned you guys when he asked about my friends. And also may have mentioned that you were a photographer."

"Okay, I don't see why I would have a problem with that."

"I'm not done." Mavis added, "He continued to tell me all about his friends, who are all professional boxers. And told me one of his best friends has a match coming up, and invited us to come. And I may have told him you'd take photos for them." She looks away from me, "For free."

"Wait, wait, wait, I'm fine with taking photos for them, but not for free."

"Okay but he can get us into the match for free. That should cancel out, right?"

"No Mavis, it doesn't cancel out." I argued, "But I'll do it."

"Yes thank you!" She yelled as she threw her arms around me.

"But." I interjected, Mavis let's our a groan, she should have seen this coming. "You have to do my grocery shopping for me next week."

"Ugh nooo." Mavis whines

"Oh yes, if you want me to do this for you."

"Fine." Mavis huffed.

I chuckled under my breathe as I took a sip of my drink.

"So when is the match?"

"Tonight." Eden informs me.

"Seriously, I am so not in the mood." I groan closing my eyes and leaning my head back on the couch. "What time?"

"It starts at 6:30 and it's 4:12 right now so we have around an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready because it's a 40 minute drive without traffic." Mavis explains.

"Do we have to dress nice?"

"I am dressing to impress." Mavis replies, "And you never know his Friends might be hot." She wiggles her finger at me. "Unless your gonna go out with the girl from last night."

"Oh no. Isla and I agreed we just wanted to be friends."

"Okay so your single and might see some hot guys, I would dress nice."

"I'll see."


15 minutes later we're all rummaging through my closet for something to wear. The girls all have at least one thing here to wear, considering half of my closet is filled with their clothes.

"Okay is it gonna be cold in there." I ask pulling out a dress.

"Probably, and your alway cold so maybe wear something long sleeves, or wear pants." Eden says walking up the stairs to my loft.

"True." I say, pulling out a tight zebra print long sleeve shirt, and black mom jeans. I put the outfit on and put my hair back with a hair clip, pulling a couple framing pieces out in the front.

I put on some light make up lipgloss, eyeliner mascara, bronzer, and a little blush. I put on some white sneakers, deciding I didn't want to be in heels the whole time.

While the girls finish getting ready I head downstairs to prepare my camera. I have a canon Eos R6 digital camera. My second camera that I got just out of college. It's my pride and joy. I grab my bag to hold my camera , Just as the girls come down ready to go.

"Come on, we're going to be late." Mavis calls out to me from the doorway. I hurry over, locking the door behind me as we head down to my car.

We blast music, with all the windows are down, as we make our way to the match. I'm pretty excited about going, I've watched one on t.v before. But I will never understand why someone would want to purposely get hurt for their job.

Around 40 minutes later we pull up to the building. The parking lot is packed and people are everywhere.

"What's his friends name?" Eloise asks leaning forwards on the center console. "The one that's fighting."

"I think Milo said his name is Roman."

"Mhm, hot name." I say as I turn into a parking spot. I park the car and we all climb out, grabbing my camera from the back seat we make our way toward the building.

Milo sent Mavis the tickets earlier so we don't have to wait in the long line to get them. We make our way towards the shorter line to show the guy our tickets.

"How do I look?" Mavis asks doing a 360 spin.

"You look fine, don't worry." I say as the line moves up.

"Are you sure?"

"Mavis don't worry, you look hot."

The line moves once again and we are now at the front.

"Tickets please." Says a gruff voice, the security guard is extremely strong, tattoos cover his body and he has a scar across his eyebrow. Mavis shows him out tickets on her phone, and we're are finally in.

Loud chatter fills the arena as we walk down the stairs toward our seats. We got front row seats, so I am able to get good shots of Milos friend. We find out seats and squeeze past the people on the end. The arena is huge, probably seating around 10,000 people, the boxing ring front and center.

"Do you see him." Eden asks Mavis.

"I'm pretty sure he's right down there." She points toward a group of guys right by the ring.

"Oh I see him." I say, I get my camera out of the bag as we sit and wait. I adjust the setting on it and turn towards the girls.

"Smile." I say holding up my camera. The girls squish together and smile, I take a bunch of photos, some of the three of them smiling and some of the three of them doing weird poses.

I laugh as I look through them, "These are great."

"Hey Mavis!" I hear a deep voice call out from behind me. I turn around to see the same guy from the other night.

"Milo, hey!" Mavis calls out as he gets closer.

"How are you doing?" He asks resting his arms against the wall separating the crowd from the fighters.

"I'm good, how about yourself." Mavis replies, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm doing great." Milo says glancing over the four of us, "These your friends?"

"Yup, that's Eloise, Eden, and Arabelle." She says going down the line.

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Milo." He grinned, "And you're the photographer?" He asks, walking over to me.

"Arabelle, nice to meet you." I say, raising my voice above the crowd.

"Thanks for doing this, we have photographers all over but it's nice to actually know one."

"No problem."

The lights dim and the crowd starts to cheer loudly, "Alright ladies I've got to go, but I'll come get you after and you can meet everyone." He says walking backwards.

I wave as he turns around and jogs back over to his friends.  Flashing lights start going off and the crowd goes quiet.

*Play apartment by BOBI ANDONOV*

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer says, his voice blaring through the room. "Welcome, Welcome. Now let me introduce to you the fighters for the evening." The flashing lights move to one specific area in the room, a long hallway.

"First fighter! Caleb Shaw!" The lights flash red and white as Caleb walks down the hallway, loud music blasting through the speakers. His red robe tight around his body. Caleb makes his way into the ring and hold up his fist, making the crowd go wild.

"Now please welcome, Roman King!" The lights continue to flash red and white, the song changing. I recognize the song immediately, Apartment by BOBI ANDONOV.  I watch as he walks through the crowd of people holding their hands out for him to shake. His face is stern as he makes his way into the ring. His black robe hanging loose on his body. He too holds his fist up and turns in a 360 around the whole arena.

The girls and I clap and cheer for him. The three minute bell goes off and the fighters take off their robes. Romans body is littered with tattoos, they are scattered all over his chest, back and arms. Their coaches and teammates help them with their gear and before I know it the fighting begins.

I take out my camera and watch through the lens. Taking picture after picture.

Shaw throws a mean jab at Roman but he easily sidesteps. Roman attacks Shaw and throws punch after punch, before he can fight back King throws him over his back. I get a great shot of that.

By round 7 Roman is beating Shaw by a landslide.

The warning bell rings for round 8 and I get my camera ready once again.

The crowd is going crazy and their energy is feeding onto me. I feel more excited by the minute and by the looks of it, Roman is going to win.

The fighters go up to each other ready to tap gloves.

"Come on Roman!" I yell out with the rest of the crowd.

I glance through my camera lens, and just as their about to tap gloves Roman turns toward me, his eyes connecting with the camera.

I get the shot and then move the camera away from my face to make direct eye contact with him.

Holy shit, I did not realize how attractive he was.

And just as quickly as we make eye contact, he turns back and taps gloves with Shaw and round 8 begins.

Arabelles outfit

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