The Kingdom of MAE | George W...

بواسطة diggoryhiraeth

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George Weasley has a secret world of his own. Well - it wasn't his, but it might as well have been. It was ha... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Thirteen

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بواسطة diggoryhiraeth

the mysterious injury ——— IT WAS FOUR IN THE MORNING WHEN Nephthys woke up in a cold sweat. She couldn't even hear the soft music playing in her dorm from her heavy breathing. She had one again, another dream. Was it because she saw George? There was something that connected them if so, something she had never considered before. Nephthys felt around her nightstand until she found her bag. She shuffled through it hurriedly, grabbing her writing utensils in a sloppy manner. She went to grab a piece of parchment when she realized her drawing journal that she hadn't touched in ages. She pulled it out.

She couldn't believe she had it in her bag the entire time. No, she was certain she hadn't had it in her bag the entire time because she would've seen it. She opened it with a shaky breath. The black and white drawings of what she imagined "the kingdom" to look like. She wondered if she showed these images to George, if they'd be familiar.

"Merlin, stop thinking about him," she mumbled to herself as she turned to an empty page. She dipped her quill into the ink and wrote down the time she woke up and what she felt after waking up. Once she was done, she wrote down the similarities between her dreams and George's from what she remembered.

The music dropped playing and Nephthys lifted her head.

"Neph? What are you doing?" asked Belle quietly. Nephthys finished up and closed her journal. She slid it under her pillow just as Belle opened her curtain.

"Me? What about you?" asked Nephthys, "Was that an instrumental of the weird sisters? At four in the morning?"

"I needed a distraction," said Belle, "May I?" She gestured towards the bed and Nephthys nodded. Belle crawled onto the bed and laid beside Nephthys, who had moved over to make space for her. "Vincent finally acknowledged there was never a chance of you two happening."

"About time," mumbled Nephthys.

"And of course it's your fault for leading him on," said Belle sarcastically before she giggled. Nephthys covered her mouth to muffle her laugh.

"Did he say that?"

"Of course," said Belle, "Neph. . .have you ever thought about dating someone?"

"What?" said Nephthys, taken aback, "Why this all of a sudden?"

"Well, I'm sure worried about you," said Belle, "It doesn't mean he'll leave you alone, but if you have someone who's smart and wealthy and intimidating-ish, maybe he will."

"Belle," said Nephthys as she clicked her tongue, "I don't need to hide behind someone else. I am intelligent and wealthy and intimidating-ish."

"I admire your confidence but you're also available!" cried out Belle, "He doesn't find you intimidating, all he knows if you have a pretty face and belong to the Malfoys. It doesn't help that our father wants this alliance and is pushing him to get with you and Vincent is the ever so obedient son who is allergic to being a disappointment."

Nephthys sighed, "How annoying. I'll mail Mr. Malfoy in the morning and ask him to get the Rowles off my back."

"And he'll do that? I mean by his definition, the Rowles are a great family."

"I could mail Mrs. Malfoy too, she'll definitely be on my side," said Nephthys.

"Or you can date someone who is better than him."

"No," said Nephthys.

"Entertain me for a moment, Neph!" said Belle, exasperated, "Listen to me, what are you even going to tell the Malfoys? 'Can you please tell Mr. Rowle to tell his son to back off because I'm not interested in any sort of relation with him and he's annoying?' What if they're worried to piss off my father and tell you they can't or they'll try but no promises?"

"If anything, your father should be worried about offending the Malfoys, not the other way around."

"But my father is insane!"


"Just listen. . .what about someone like. . . Zabini?" Belle said sheepishly. She said his name so fast, Nephthys almost didn't hear it. Nephthys stared at her in disbelief for almost a minute before she raised her journal and began to hit Belle with it repeatedly.

"Hey — Ow!" said Belle as she shielded herself from the journal. Nephthys struck her one last time with the journal before she stood up. "You may not like to hear it, but Vincent really wants you, even after whatever you did."

"It's not me he wants," said Nephthys, "I'll set him up with Greengrass or something."

"Greengrass doesn't have veela blood," said Belle.

Nephthys glared at her "I absolutely reject that part of me! I told you to never mention it again." Not even the Malfoys knew. Nephthys found out when Rosie accidentally let it slip. Her first reaction was horror that she wasn't full human, it meant that she wasn't truly a pureblood. Her second reaction was disgust of herself for thinking such things and her third was worry about what the Malfoys would think if they ever found out.

"But it's one of the only things you have of your mother," said Belle wide eyed.

"I know you miss your mum and I'm sorry, but mine's not dead. I don't care if I have any part of her with me. Just the other day, she gave me a stupid necklace with a —" Nephthys froze. The necklace. The dreams stopped the same day she got the necklace and started the night she took it off. Could it be? But how?

"Do you even know how to take advantage of your beauty like other veelas?" Belle didn't notice Nephthys's interruption.

Nephthys turned back her attention to her, "No and I don't want to. I'm not part veela."

"You're lucky, I wish I had —"

"Belle!" Nephthys said sternly, "That's enough."

It was clear to the both of them that it was somewhat a sensitive topic, however Bell couldn't understand why and neither did Nephthys. Could it be for the reason Belle said? That Nephthys wasn't completely human? Or was it because it was passed down to her from her biological mother, who Nephthys didn't want anything to do with?

"Sorry," said Belle as she sat up, "I'm sorry, Neph."

"It's fine," said Nephthys as she stood up, "I won't be able to sleep anyway. Get some rest, Belle."

Nephthys grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her as she left the dorm quietly. She ventured into the common room and settled onto the sofa. She huddled in a corner with her blanket wrapped around her as she mindlessly stared at the fire in front of her. It popped and cackled, Nephthys was nearly in a trance as she stared at it and she hadn't even realized when she dozed off until she woke up with a start. She coughed as she bent her body forward. Her throat burned and she shut her eyes after her coughing fit subdued.

She heard footsteps behind her and slowly turned around. In the dark, she managed to catch the icy-blonde hair that belonged to Draco through the warm light of the fire.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Draco as he settled down beside her.

"I'm asking myself the same question," said Nephthys as she tightened the blanket around her, "Merlin, I don't feel well."

"You don't look well," said Draco with a slight grimace. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Has your skin always looked grey when you're ill? You look like you're dying."

Nephthys looked down at her hand but she didn't see it, "Do I really look grey?"

"Very slightly."

Nephthys frowned as she covered her face, "If I'm dying, would you be sad?"

Draco looked confused for a moment before he scoffed, "I'd have the whole house and my parents to myself again."

Nephthys smiled as she turned to look at him, "Maybe, but I think you'd miss me."

"Nonsense. Why would I miss you?"

"Well for starters, you wouldn't have anyone to pick fights with at home anymore."

"The benefits outweigh the cons."

"I know you love me," teased Nephthys as she reached over to squeeze his cheek.

Draco swatted her hand away, "Get away from me!"

Nephthys laughed as she leaned against him. He didn't push her away and let her rest her head on his shoulder. They sat like that in silence for a moment before she launched her body forward, "Merlin, I think I'm going to puke."

Draco recoiled away from her, his face scrunched up in disgust, "What are you waiting for? Go to the bathroom!"

Nephthys drapes her blanket over him before she hurried into the bathroom. She didn't even close the door properly as she hovered over the nearest toilet. She feeling of throwing up was gone, but there was still an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Nephthys rested her head against the wall as she stared mindlessly at the other wall, her eyes fluttered.

She must've dozed off for a split second because she fell right back into the world of nightmares. Her "dreams" were a strange feeling, nothing like actual dreams, which she assumed were what George experienced. It felt as if she were in a dark tunnel with a train doing circles around her with great speed. There were loud sounds and something that could be compared to strong winds blowing all around her. She could scream but it'd get lost in all the sound. Sometimes, she wasn't even there at all. The worst dreams were when it was completely dark and completely silent until suddenly she wouldn't be able to breathe as if she were drowning, except she wasn't.

Nephthys woke up with a start when someone nudged her leg. She saw Pansy standing over her with her eyebrows furrowed, "Draco sent me to check on you — what happened to your hand?"

Nephthys stared at her in confusion for a moment before she looked down to see what she was talking about. Her eyes widened when she noticed that along her palm was a deep-ish cut that definitely wasn't there that morning. Blood slid down her hand and as she raised her hand, it slid down her arm. She stared at it in absolute horror.

"That bathroom is the last place I'd want to linger if I had an open wound," grimaced Pansy as she left her side for a moment. She returned a second later with a napkin, "Here. And don't think this means I like you, Black!"

"Wouldn't dream of it," muttered Nephthys as she wiped the blood off her arm and pressed the napkin against her palm. Pansy helped her up to her feet and the two girls left the bathroom. Draco was waiting Nephthys she had left him, her blanket was no longer over his head but over his lap. He looked up from where he was fiddling with his ring when he approached.

"She was sleeping," said Pansy, "Something is definitely wrong with her."

"Sleeping?" repeated Draco as he looked over at Nephthys, "How'd you fall asleep in the bathroom? You won't even fall asleep in the drawing room."

"I'm going to the hospital wing," said Nephthys, "Give my blanket to Belle when she comes down. It should be any minute now."

"Al—what's wrong with your hand?" asked Draco as his fell down to where she was still pressing the paper against her palm.

Nephthys shrugged, "Beats me. I must've cut it doing — something?"

He looked utterly confused before he said, "I'll go with you. Pansy, her blanket."

"Right," said Pansy with a sickeningly sweet smile, "Of course, Draco."

Nephthys stared at her blankly, a bit embarrassed for Pansy. Pansy either didn't notice or ignored her altogether as she grabbed the blanket off of Draco's lap and began to fold it very neatly. Draco stood up and gently pushed Nephthys forward.

They walked through the Slytherin portrait and walked down the empty corridor, their shoes tapped quietly against the flooring.

"You know I was a little concerned as to why she was being so nice to me, but I think I figured it out. But can you tell her she doesn't have to be nice to me? It's a little scary," said Nephthys.

"Why would I do that? I told her —" Draco interrupted himself. Nephthys looked over to see his eyes wide as if he almost said something he didn't mean to. He cleared his throat, "I told her not to be nice to you, but she wouldn't listen. She doesn't listen to anyone."

"That's not true," said Nephthys with a frown as she worked it out in her head, "She listens to you." She found it hard to believe Draco would go out of his way to tell Pansy to not be horrible to her. He had no reason to do that, really. They were barely siblings, more like two people who coexisted under the same roof with the same guardians. She supposed that was the definition of a sibling, but siblings had a certain bond she felt like she lacked with Draco. But then again, not all siblings were like Rosie and Emery, maybe there were siblings like Nephthys and Draco or with even worse relationships. She stared at the side of Draco's face, would she really consider him her brother? The annoying little git that she clashed heads with more often than not? The one who was loud and a bully? Who spewed out slurs like 'mudblood' as if the word carried no weight? And if she considered him her brother, would that mean his mistakes would be hers?

Draco nodded, "Would it hurt you to string Rowle along?"

"I wish I had a book with me right now," said Nephthys before she shook her head, "I don't want anything to do with him. I don't need to hear that from you too."

"Ruby told me to tell you that, I don't really care," said Draco.

"Never listen to Ruby again."


Draco held the door to the Hospital Wing open for her, which she didn't thank him for as she passed. She heard him scoff as he closed the door behind them.

"Madam Pomfrey," she called out, "Madam Pomfr—oh."

She fell quiet when she spotted Professor Lupin emerge from Madam Pomfrey's office. He seemed a little surprised to see her but smiled at her as he did during his lessons, "Ms. Black." His eyes shifted behind her and he nodded, "Mr. Malfoy. Madam Pomfrey will be out in a moment. What brings you here this early?"

"Good morning, Professor Lupin," said Nephthys as she bowed her head slightly, "I cut my hand."

"That's the biggest of your worries?" mumbled Draco behind her, "You look grey and you almost threw up —"

"Shut it," hissed Nephthys as she kicked her leg backwards. He jumped and she quickly dropped her leg when Professor Lupin looked down. She smiled when Professor Lupin looked back up to her face. He tilted his head with an amused smile, "Go sit on one of the beds."

"Will do," said Nephthys, she noticed that he didn't look too well himself, but decided to not mention it.

"Ms. Black!" called out Professor Lupin a second after they had walked past him.

Nephthys quickly turned around, "Yes?"

Draco turned around as well and stared at Professor Lupin skeptically. It was obvious from the beginning he didn't like Professor Lupin, but perhaps he didn't say anything since he didn't have anyone who would encourage or support him had he said something.

"How did you cut yourself?" asked Professor Lupin.

Nephthys pursed her lips as she shrugged. "I don't know," she lied, "Would you like to take a look?"

"Neph," hissed Draco only for her to send a glare at his direction. He backed off and walked around her to enter Madam Pomfrey's office.

Nephthys sat on the nearest bed as Professor Lupin approached her, "Are you friends with Madam Pomfrey?" she asked.

He smiled as if he remembered a bittersweet memory, "I know her well."

Nephthys didn't respond as she slowly removed the paper from her palm. The blood had slowed down a little but it remained there.

"May I?" he asked as he gestured to her hand, she nodded. He gently took her hand in his and looked at it closely, moving it around to get a better look at her palm with the glint of the light. He grimaced, "It looks pretty deep. Does it not hurt?"

Nephthys shook her head, "Not at all. I have a pretty high pain threshold."

"That's a lie!" said Draco as he emerged with Madam Pomfrey behind him.

Nephthys rolled her eyes. Professor Lupin looked up and over at Madam Pomfrey, "What do you think? Isn't it deep?"

Madam Pomfrey squinted her eyes as she looked at Nephthys's hand, "It might scar for a bit — how did this happen?"

"She says she doesn't know."

"You didn't feel this at all when it happened?" said Madam Pomfrey in disbelief, "Ms. Black! I thought I discussed with you last year that you need to take care better of yourself. Did you even get any sleep last night?"

"Clearly not if she fell asleep in the bathroom after nearly puking," said Draco from where he was scribbling on parchment.

"You fell asleep in the bathroom?" repeated Madam Pomfrey.

"Draco!" said Nephthys, "You better not be writing about me to Mother and Father either!"

"Don't worry," said Draco as he rolled his eyes, "I'm only writing to Father."


He ignored her as he continued writing. Madam Pomfrey shook her head in disappointment as she hurried to a shelf. She looked through an array of potions before she found the one she was looking for.

"This should fix you up as good as new," said Madam Pomfrey as she held it up to Nephthys's mouth, who made a face. Madam Pomfrey gave her a stern look, "Ms. Black, if only you were as good at drinking potions as you are in making them."

Nephthys sighed as she shut her eyes and tilted her head back as she swallowed the potion. Madam Pomfrey made sure it all went down her throat before she pulled back the bottle. Nephthys gagged once she swallowed it and wiped her mouth with her non injured hand.

"Why must they all taste awful?" She whined.

Professor Lupin chuckled as he nodded, "I'm with you on that one."

". . .Nephthys acted like a baby when drinking the potion. . ." muttered Draco as he continued writing.

Nephthys sent a glare at his direction, "You know, I swear your injured arm changes sides every day."

He turned red, "It does not!"

"Ms. Black, what kind of injury is this?" asked Madam Pomfrey before Nephthys could retort back to Draco.

"I said I didn't know —" Nephthys looked back down to see the injury was still there.

"It should've healed by now," said Madam Pomfrey with a frown. She took out her wand and mumbled an incantation, aimed at her hand. Even with the spell made contact with her skin, nothing occurred. "How strange. It won't heal."

"Am I going to die?" said Nephthys dramatically as she stared at her bleeding hand.

"Is she?" chimed in Draco with a hopeful tone.

"You are not going to die," said Madam Pomfrey, exasperated as she looked from Neohthys to Draco, before she looked at Professor Lupin, "Do you have any idea as to what may be going on, Professor?"

"I'm no healer," said Professor Lupin, "I'm as lost as you are."

"Well, it's clearly not a regular cut. Do you really have no idea how it happened?"

"I really don't have a clue," lied Nephthys.

"Are you telling me you went to bed as normal and woke up with an unusual cut on your palm?"

"Yes, that's what I'm saying."

"Alright, let's do this," said Madam Pomfrey after a moment of pondering and exchanging looking with Professor Lupin. She walked into her office and emerged a second later. She sat down on the chair beside the bed and pulled Nephthys's hand towards her. Madam Pomfrey cleaned the wound and sanitized it, which stung a bit but Nephthys bit her tongue in order to not show a reaction that would counter her previous claim that she had a high pain tolerance. Then, she placed a cotton pad on the wound before wrapping it up snugly. "The good ol' muggle way. Change the dressing later tonight. Come back the day after tomorrow if it doesn't get any better."

"Thank you," said Nephthys, "I drank a potion for nothing."

Madam Pomfrey shook her head as she gestured for Professor Lupin to join her in her office again. Nephthys didn't pay them any mind as she approached Draco.

"Wait a second! Wait — wait — wait! I'm almost done."

"I haven't even said anything," said Nephthys in amusement as she peeled over his shoulder. She managed to read:

Dear Father,
Nephthys had found herself in some trouble once again. This morning, I found her huddled up in the common room like a stray dog and she —

Draco snatched the parchment and held it against his chest defensively, "You can't read it." Nephthys rose an eyebrow as she reached for it again but he turned his body away.

"Why do you write about me as I'm some sort of troublemaker? I found myself in 'trouble once again' When do I ever find myself in trouble?"

"Are you serious?" Draco raised his eyebrows.

"My point still stands. Also, 'stray dog'? Not a very flattering image you paint me as."

"That's the point."

"Will you at least tell him I'm dying? Maybe he'll increase my allowance."

"I'll tell him about your dramatics, yes," said Draco, "And fat chance. I'd decrease your allowance if anything, why spend more money on you when you'll die anyway?"

Nephthys glowered at him, "That's very rude."

"I mean you can't let me have one thing, can you? First, Quidditch and now, an injury? It's almost as if you want to be me —" Draco squealed as Nephthys lunged for him.

"At least I can still use both arms — get over here, Malfoy!"

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