*DISCONTINUED* The Man's Body...

By BD_DB_69

28.5K 534 254

Cover by @QueenZain3 When one of the woman's superstars in WWE gets threats and is almost attacked by a crazy... More

Interview with WWE
Meeting "The Man"
The reason I'm here
Building the foundation
SummerSlam Weekend
The Talk
One Month Anniversary
Going home
Draft Day Trade
Moving Out
Setting Things Right
Survivor Series
Celebration Cut Short
Let Freedom Ring
Becky 2 Belts (Again)
Its Just a Storyline
All About the Angle
Cashing In


916 24 28
By BD_DB_69

It's been about a week since Eric and Becky made it to Ireland and Becky hasn't let him out of her sights. She has been showing him all of the spots she used to visit growing up as well as some of the more touristy spots for him to see as well. Becky's mom couldn't get out of work this week and Richy had to go out of town so for most of the day, the house was left to Becky and Eric

Today the couple decided to sleep in, but even still Becky woke up before Eric. She sits up a little looking around and stretches and she slowly sneaks out of bed and heads downstairs to start breakfast. After a little while, the aroma is too much for Eric to ignore and he gets up and heads downstairs to see Becky with his back turned to him busy cooking up a storm

Eric: "Jeez that smells good" he says as he sits down at the counter

Becky: "Well i figured it would be MY turn to cook you a traditional Irish breakfast" she says as she sits the plate down in front of him

Eric: "Well it looks incredible" he clinks forms with Becky as they both start to dig in "So what do you have planned for me today?"

Becky: "I figured we could go to the Irish Sea, see the sites, take the tours, see the little Museum of Dublin and finish it off with Grafton street" seeing his confused look "It's like a street market but Irish"

Eric: "Well what are we sitting here waiting for? Let's go" he say putting the dishes in the sink and the 2 love birds go upstairs and get changed and head out.

They make it to the shores and Eric gets out of the car in awe of the beauty of the shoreline

Becky: "Told you it was amazing"

Eric: "Not as amazing as a certain someone standing next to me though" he wraps his arm around her and kisses her forehead

As he does this, an elderly couple comes walking back and they comment on the couple

Elderly Lady: "Ah young love"

Becky and Eric look at each other realizing they are talking about them and they laugh for a second

Eric: "Excuse me folks but would you mind taking a picture of us? So we can get the whole scenery in the back"

Elderly Man: "Of course young man" Eric hands him the phone and shows him what button to press "this one right here?" Eric looks and nods as they walk away a little and he wraps his arm around her again as they take the picture

Eric: "Perfect thank you so much" he says taking the phone back from him and he looks and sees Becky and the older lady talking so he takes this opportunity "So what's the secret of staying together for so long"

Elderly Man: *smiles deeply as he answers* "Always remember the reason you fell in love with her. Her looks will go with age but love lasts a lifetime"

Meanwhile with Becky and the Elderly lady

Elderly lady: "You got yourself a hunk over there. Better hold on to him tight"

Becky: *laughing a little* "But seriously what's the secret to a long relationship?"

Elderly lady: "There's no real secret, just love each other with all your heart and it will always be there. And a good plate of food doesn't hurt, he needs some more meat on his bones"

They both laugh again as the men walk over and the elderly couple makes their way down the shoreline as Eric shows her the picture and they walk in the opposite direction hand in hand

After exploring Ireland's coast and getting some drinks and shopping on Grafton street, Eric wanted to take Becky for a nice dinner date. They go back to Becky's parents and get changed and head for the restaurant where Eric had made a reservation

Becky: *sitting down at the table "Who knew you could clean up so nice" she says jokingly to him

Eric: "Don't hate, you know i look good"

Becky: "Damn right" she says as she leans over the table and kissing him as the waiter comes over

Waiter: "Are we ready to order?"

Eric looks over at Becky

Eric: "Surprise me with the most Irish thing possible" he says closing the menu and the waiter and Becky laugh as she orders and he takes their menu's

The waiter comes a little later with their dinner, some Irish beef stew, and they both dig in as they continue to talk

Eric: "So where is your head at when it comes to us?" He says as he wipes his mouth and takes a sip of wine

Becky: "Honestly, I've never felt this way about anyone. I mean i thought i was in love before, but this, this is a whole new level. I've never been as comfortable in a relationship than i am right now with you"

Eric: "I just don't want you to feel stuck, i mean we started dating after the incident and then I'm technically working for you i just don't want you to feel like you HAVE to be with me. I can still be professional if we..... stop........ dating"

Eric slows down because Becky is giving him a "you gotta be kidding me" look on her face

Becky: "You really know nothing about me do you?" Eric looks confused as she continues "I'm Becky fookin Lynch I'm not going to do anything i don't want to do. If i don't want to be with you you are going to know it. I had these feelings for you before all that shit happened with him i just didn't want to express them because i didn't want something to happen, but when that did happen it just opened my eyes to the fact that i don't need to hold those feelings back. So, stop second guessing yourself and kiss me"

Eric laughs a little as he leans forward and kisses her as they finish their wine and Eric pays and they leave the restaurant

*Time skip*

It's the day that Becky and Eric have to leave to of back to the states so Becky can be at Raw. Becky decided to go into town to get a few things that they need and she wants to bring home so she can have some Ireland in Nashville. Eric decided to stay back so he can get the bags packed and he wanted to ask her mom a question. He finished packing their bags, leaving them open so they can get clothes for tomorrow and so Becky can put whatever she gets in their, he walks into the living room where Sandra is sitting in front of the tv

Eric: "Mind if i join you Ms Quinn?" He says smiling as he sits on the couch opposite her

Sandra: "While i appreciate the niceness I'm pretty sure i told you to call me Sandra"

Eric: "You did. And I'm sorry. It's a habit"

Sandra: "Well it's a good habit to have. Now what's on your mind?" Eric looks at her with a how did you know look "You and Rebecca are a lot alike in the fact that when something is on your mind you wear it on your sleeve so what is it?"

Eric: "Well i know it is super early in our relationship and it's not going to be anytime soon but i have no idea when we are going to be back over here so i figured I'd better ask now. I was wondering if you would give me your blessing to ask Becky to marry me. Like i said it won't be anytime soon..."

Sandra: "Let me stop you right there. You won me over when you saved Rebecca from that lunatic, and seeing how the 2 of you are together, I've never seen her this happy in her life. So if you don't marry her i am going to fly to America myself and force you to marry her" they both share a laugh as she continues "and you better record the proposal and i better get an invite to the wedding"

Eric: "I'm gonna wrangle Charlotte into it so she will record it and we wouldn't have the wedding without you"

They both smile and stand up and hug each other

Sandra: "You really have been great for Rebecca"

Eric: "She has been the one great for me"

They let go of the hug just as Becky and Richy walk into the house carrying the bags

Becky: "Do i even want to know what that was about?" She says laughing a little"

Sandra: "No need, you will find out soon enough"

Eric walks over and picks Becky up bridle style as she laughs in shock as he carries her upstairs to the bedroom

Becky: "Well someone is in a good mood" she says as Eric sits her down inside the bedroom and kisses her deeply

Eric: "Just head over heels" he says smiling at her

Becky's phone rings right as Eric goes for another kiss. Becky puts her finger on his lips as he groans and she answers

Becky: "Hey Charlotte what's up?"

Eric: "You have terrible timing Charlie"

Charlotte: "First of all, i called Becky i don't need any lip from you in the peanut gallery" Becky laughs hysterically as Charlotte continues "So did you hear the news?" She says turning her attention back to Becky

Becky: "No, what news?"

Charlotte: "Apparently this is going to be your last Raw, they are moving you to Smackdown"

Becky: "Are you serious?"

Eric: "What's wrong with Smackdown?" Eric asks

Becky: "My ex is on Smackdown, you know him as Seth Rollins"

Eric: "Oh shit, this'll be interesting" he says laying back on the bed

Charlotte: "Yeah basically they are splitting Sasha and Bayley and moving you to Smackdown and Bayley to Raw for fresh matchups" she rolls her eyes at this

Eric looks up and can see the worry on Becky's face and he walks over to her

Eric: "Don't worry, you have me now. I'll take Seth out with the trash if he tries anything" he say kissing her cheek

Charlotte: "Alright, i don't wanna throw up so I'm gonna go. Enjoy that conversation with Hunter

Becky waves to her as she hangs up the phone and lays her head on his chest in comfort

Eric: "I got your back no matter what" he says kissing the top of her head one more time


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