Wedding in Japan 2

By Ecofinisher

45 0 0

(Originally published on 2. August 2014) William and Yumi are parents now. They invited their family included... More

The Birth
The Invite
Old crush
Late Night
At the Ishiyama's
Bad Time
The not-so-good-surprise
Happy Family

In love with your best friend

3 0 0
By Ecofinisher

William, Yumi, Samantha and the Ishiyama's, were in the police station.

"So here you got the ice bag," Said a policewoman and gave William the bag.  

"Thank you," Said William. Yumi was sitting next to him and took the bag.

"No, no. Let me do this Will" Said Yumi and hold the ice bag on his eye.

"Ouch" Exclaimed William.

"Sorry," Said Yumi. "It will be fine"

"So I just need a signature and we send this to the legal profession." Said a policeman and gave Samantha the papers for the signature.

"Everything will be fine," Said Yumi.

"Hey, aren't you William Dunbar, James Dunbar's son?" Asked the policeman.

"Yes, you know who's my father?" Asked William.

"We were at the same college"


"I think you don't know my name, I'm Mark Daniels"

"Nice to meet you."

"Look your eye isn't so blue anymore," Said Yumi.

"Oh and this is my wife Yumi." Said William.

"Hi," Said Yumi.

"Nice to meet you ma'am,"

"Hey is it true that you're now father?" Asked Mark.

"Yes, of a girl," Said William.



"Here is it," Said Samantha and gave Mark the papers.

"Perfect, so we will send this to the legal profession and later when we found him, he will be interrogated."


"Wish you a good day"

"Thanks, for you too, Sir," Said Samantha.

"Come, William, I gave you another ice bag at home," Said Yumi and stood up.

"Okay," Said William and stood up.

Meanwhile, Ulrich and Yuki were in Ulrich's house eating Pizza on the sofa.

"I'm afraid that he leaves me," Said Yuki.

"He will not leave you," Said Ulrich.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because he cares of you. He sent me and Samantha to find you. If he wouldn't like you he didn't send me to find you"


"Yes, look you're the most beautiful girl I ever met. Your blue eyes are like sparkling diamonds, you're face is like the one of an innocent little girl and you...

Yuki was looking amorous to him.

Ulrich moans. "You know what I mean"

"Yes, I know" Said Yuki and looked into Ulrich eyes. Ulrich tried to kiss Yuki and so did Yuki.

"Hello?" Said a voice and Yuki and Ulrich get scared and looked back.

"Ulrich are you in there?" Asked the voice.

"Oh Odd come in" Said Ulrich and Odd opened the door.

"Hey you found Yuki!" Said Odd and walked to the sofa.

"Oh would you mind if..." Said Odd looking at the pizzas.

"Take on if you want" Said Ulrich and Odd took a pizza piece.

"Yuki, I'm very sorry about the argument we had yesterday. I didn't want to."

"Its okay Odd, it is also my fault too"

"Oh, baby I love you," Said Odd and hugged her hard. "I will never let you go" Said Odd. Ulrich looked sad at Yuki and Yuki was also sad too.

"Hey, I've got an Idea. Yuki would you like to go with me tonight into a Restaurant here in Paris?" Asked Odd. " Just me and you. What do you say?"Asked Odd.

"Well okay," Said Yuki.

"Woohoo!" Exclaimed Odd. "I go and reserve one. See you later home sweetie!" Said Odd and left Ulrich's house.

"Thank god, he didn't see it," Said Yuki relieved.

"Yeah," Said Ulrich and looked at Yuki. Yuki looked back to him and smiled. Ulrich looked embarrassed away.

"Sorry about that, I was about to do" Said Ulrich. Yuki looked at him talking.

"I didn't want this to happen" Said Ulrich.

"I know me too," Said Yuki. "Well half"

"Half?" Asked Ulrich.

"The only thing I wanted to happen was this." Said Yuki and kissed Ulrich on his lips.

"Wow," Said Ulrich. "You kiss even better than Sissi," Said Ulrich and Yuki giggled.

"Don't tell this Odd, okay?"

"Okay," Said Ulrich and Yuki kissed him again.

Back to William, Yumi and the others.

"Aww that's so sweet," Said Samantha.

"Yes, I know," Said Yumi.

"I wish I had a love story like that"

"Take a train" Said William and giggled.

"Will," Said Yumi and giggled.

"What I just gave her an advice" Said William and giggled.

"And that's why I like you," Said Yumi and sat on his lap looking to him.

"And that's why I love you," Said William. Yumi pecked his forehead.

"I love you too," Said Yumi.

"So what were you doing at the Eiffel Tower with your ex?" Asked William.

"Will," Said Yumi.

"I was searching for Yuki, because Odd had an argument with her and felt horrible and wanted to apologize her, but she wasn't at home so we split up and I searched at the down at the Eiffel tower."

"But apparently your ex showed up?" Asked William.


"Why did Odd and Yuki had an argument?" Asked Yumi.

"I don't know, I think it was because of me"

"Of you?"

"I and Odd were on the school time together, remember?" Asked Samantha.

"Oh, was it about that?"

"I think yes"

"Just forget that she must have been stressed because of waking up in the middle of the night"

"Could be, so I got to go. I see you someday" Said Samantha.

"Bye Samantha." Said Yumi and William.

"Bye Yumi, Bye William," Said Samantha and left.

"Feels nice to telling our story to someone, right?" Asked William. Willamina starts to cry.

"Oh Willamina is crying, let's go" Said Yumi and stood up.

"Let's see what she has."

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