Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Q...

By hopesashes

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downplay- to make something seem less important than it is It's a mechanism really, a defense , no one ever r... More

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230 18 36
By hopesashes

(NOTE: I changed Jordan's trade from Cleveland to Utah just to be more current.)

January 2022


Denise screeched beside herself at the news that had escaped from Amari when he dropped them off at their home in Colorado. He had come down with them to do business in Denver and before he left, he'd also managed to unload some of his sister's as well. Now, Yara was feeling the wrath as she unpacked her carry on into Jordan's drawer. She'd be spending two weeks with him and at first, she was glad to get away from LA but now she was confronted with them. She would kill Amari if he wasn't covering for her at the office.

"Mom, look I was just getting things sorted. Jordan and I have been so busy, I meant to call you I'm sorry."

"Hmm, so you are still with him? Well, that's good. It's always nice for a child to have two parents in the household. How are you feeling about it sugar?"

"Like I can't believe it. I'm not even sure I'm ready for it but I know that I'm excited for the baby to be here."

Denise smiled at the soft tone that had taken over Yara's voice.

"Yes well, I'm excited to meet the little one as well. Now you've been on top of appointments and everything? You are eating right too? You know now that you have to bring Jordan home, right? I need to meet him as soon as possible."

"Slow down mom" Yara chuckled before shaking her head "I'm doing everything I'm supposed to, and you will meet him as soon as possible. We're just sorting everything out."

Silence reigned on the line for a minute and Yara could swear she heard Denise sniffle. At that second, Jordan walked into the bedroom and engulfed her in a hug before he kissed her forehead.

"Are you alright?" He mouthed and she nodded before pointing at the phone.

"Mom, are you there?"

"Yeah, I just... I can't believe you grew up this fast. My baby is having a baby." Denise sighed before she cleared her throat "How are things with you and Jordan?"

He pretended he didn't hear the question as he walked around the room, but Yara knew he'd heard it based on how one of his eyebrows quirked.

"We're alright, everything is fine."

Denise read her tone, Yara sounded slightly resigned, almost as if she had to say that.

"Really?" She queried and Yara took a seat on the ottoman and swallowed.

"Yeah, everything's perfect."

That validated all of Denise's thoughts, clearing her throat she began to thumb through her calendar.

"Okay, I'll visit you in two weeks alright? I can't shirk work so I can't come any sooner, but I want to see for myself that you are good plus I miss you."

"I miss you too mom. I probably should go now but it was great to hear your voice."

"Of course baby, I love you Yara."

"I love you too."

Yara ended the call and turned to her boyfriend who was motioning for her to lay next to him. She followed his lead and tried to ignore the thoughts of Quincy that were popping up in her head. Jordan pulled her into him and inhaled her scent before they just laid there for a moment.

That morning he'd had to ignore so many of Maranda's calls that he ultimately blocked her. Now, he felt like he was walking in a minefield, any minute whose to say she wouldn't show up ranting and raving at his door to expose him? As he looked down at Yara, his heart hurt. Her brown sugar skin glowed, her big almond shaped eyes were closed as she relaxed in his presence and her lips were in a soft line. He kissed them softly and found solace in her whisper soft reciprocation.

"Thank you for coming out here." He sighed into her hair, and she simply nodded in response.

"I keep my promises, Jordan."

"Yeah, you always do."

Unlike him. His skin crawled as he thought about the fact that he'd almost done it again. He'd nearly gotten head from Maranda before his flight out the day after Christmas and then told her to not follow him to Utah because there was nothing there when she pushed for more. He couldn't explain it, why he was so tempted and why he almost always failed these tests. She was there and Yara was distant. He didn't love her but sometimes he wasn't sure that Yara loved him. Also, Yara had never gone down on him despite him doing it to her. He never asked her either because she was so phenomenal at everything else, he often forgot in the moment.

He told himself that it was because Yara eluded his grip over and over again. She ducked living together and almost the whole titling what they were. Now, he figured there was only one way to make her stay by his side, to influence her to move, to reduce the need to roam he felt because her indecision felt like rejection and his ego was fragile.

"We should get ready." He ruptured their serenity as he sat up and took her hands, pulling her into his arms.

"Where are we going?" She whined "It's Utah, what the hell are we even going to do here?"

"You'll see." Was all he said before he placed her on her feet and began to undress after turning on the shower.

"You're showering first?" She asked innocently causing him to pull a face.

"Nope, we're showering now."

With that said, Jordan unbuttoned Yara's oxford shirt dress and removed it from her shoulders. His lips grazed her neck making her head drop slightly in ecstasy as he made quick work of her bra then panties. Lifting her into his arms he walked them into the shower as he kissed her lips passionately.

He felt himself get rock hard as her soft core rubbed against him just right under the water. Groaning, he tensed when he felt her fingers around him, stroking teasingly.

"Yara, stop."

"Why?" She asked innocently, barely hiding the laughter in his voice.

"Because I will fuck you right now and we won't be able to go anywhere when I'm done."

Yara stared at him almost in a challenging way and raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't want to go out anyway."


When all was said and done, Jordan and Yara left the house 1 hour and thirty minutes late for the night of romance he'd planned. Neither one looked the least bit concerned about it either. They arrived at Fleming's Steakhouse and Grill Utah, a golden-gilded five star restaurant, and as soon as Jordan's face was recognized by staff they were whisked away to a private area overlooking a gorgeous view of the city lights amidst the sunset.

"This is gorgeous." Yara smiled in approval while Jordan stared at her.

She looked gorgeous tonight. Her dark hair was up, and she wore a deep v cut satin emerald dress with a high slight. Her manicured toes peeped out of black strappy heels and Jordan matched her swagger in a charcoal gray suit with a white button up. Yara had to admit that he looked very handsome, especially because he'd recently opted to take a break from his usual braids and gotten a fresh cut.

She had no doubt that he'd soon be back to the braids because his hair grew so fast but for now, she'd enjoy the classic cut that made her swoon every time. Quincy had recently grown out his curls but kept his line up, it was a rather attractive look.

Yara immediately shook the thought out of her mind as the waiter approached.

"Good Afternoon, I'm Anton, your waiter. I'll be serving you today, can I start you off with drinks?"

Jordan and Yara smiled at the waiter before they scanned the beverage menu. All the wines immediately made Yara forlorn. Once this baby was out , she could free herself again.

"Can I have a glass of Benvolio ?" Jordan requested and the waiter nodded before turning to Yara with a flirtatious smile.

"And you beautiful?"

"Can I just have sparkling water? Thank you."

"No problem , are you also ready to place your starter and entrée orders or are we waiting?"

Both of them exchanged looks before they shrugged.

"We can go now, I'll have the shrimp cocktail, Caesar salad and the prime tomahawk steak with smoked chili sauce and a side of sauteed mushrooms." Jordan riddled off his order while Yara continued scanning, it was no surprise to her that his meal was hefty. The boy had the appetite of a bear.

"Got it and you would like your steak how?"

"Medium Well."

"No Problem, what would you like ma'am?"

"I'd like the sweet chili calamari to start and the lobster bisque Then, .for my entrée I'd like the barbecue Scottish salmon fillet. Thank You."

"Anything you wish." The waiter winked before he went to pass in their meal ticket.

It didn't escape Yara that Jordan looked a bit peeved by the exchange. So, she decided to talk about anything just to get his mind somewhere else.

"I was thinking and maybe we should find out the gender."

Her suggestion immediately had him grinning.

"Yeah? Can't wait to see how right I am?"

Yara rolled her eyes.

"No I just think it'll make it easier for everyone you know, they'll know what to buy as gifts and stuff. Plus, I like things to be organized and planned out and I want to choose a name and everything."

"Jordan Clarkson Jr still hasn't warmed up for you?" Jordan chuckled loudly as Yara scrunched her face up.

"Nope, I want the baby to craft their identity. Being in the shadow of your parents is never easy and I don't want that for the little one."

"I mean I get that, I'm heartbroken but I get it." He pouted playfully but Yara was adamant.

"Maybe suggest it to Mylin, I'm sure she'd happily go along with it." The suggestion injected a dose of reality into the evening. He was expecting another child, whose to say that wouldn't be a boy?

He needed to call Mylin and check in.

"Yeah, I will. I don't know I just got deadest on it being you. I want to have the rest of my firsts with you Yara."

For some reason the comment made Yara bristle. Was that how her dad viewed she and Aya? One daughter as the first , the right child and the other, well, the other. The unease must have shown on her face because Jordan cleared his throat as their meals came out. They ate in silence until they cleared their plates. Every now and then they exchanged polite smiles or comments but until their empty plates were taken no other conversation was attempted.

Jordan took her in after motioning for the waiter to bring the special dessert. He had to get her to open up to him, he needed to know more about her and he'd gotten a small peek earlier today.

"How is your mom doing?"

He queried and she looked at him bewildered before he clarified.

"You were on the phone with her today and I've never heard you talk about her so, I was just wondering? You've never really opened up about your childhood before."

Yara shrugged.

"It was largely traumatic; I don't like to recall it. I was an outside child, my dad was married and my mom was his mistress who became strung out when he left her and then tragically died with his wife in an accident years later. I flipped between her care and my grandmother's until she completely spiraled when my grandmother died. They dropped me off on the doorstep of my father's family at 4 and I was raised by my aunt and uncle, who I call mom and dad. Do I make more sense to you now?"

Her stare was deadpan and he was smacked with the harsh reality behind the pretty face he'd grown to love. That explained quite a bit, but he knew she'd only scratched the surface. There was a pained expression in her eyes that told him there was more but if he'd ever hear it, he wasn't sure.

Reaching out to her, he took her hand in his and kissed it.

"Yes, thank you for telling me. I had no idea but if anything, I admire you much more now. To go through that and become this amazing woman. Yara, I was going to wait until we ate dessert, but I don't think I can."

Jordan got up and knelt on one knee in front of her making Yara's heart rate speed up as he pulled out a black velvet box and opened it to reveal the biggest princess cut diamond she'd ever seen.

"Yara, I tried to find the words to express how much I love you all day. Every time I look at you I see the good, the complicated, the bad and I want it all. I want to fall asleep and wake up to it. I want to do this life thing with you and raise our child with all the love that we both can give and then some. I can't imagine life without you, and I would be honored, if you would have me as your husband and take my last name. I love you Yara, will you marry me?"

Marriage, marriage.... MARRIAGE.

Yara's heart was racing as she gaped and then closed her mouth hoping to catch some air.

She got up and held the table to steady herself as she began to hyperventilate. Suddenly, everything went black and she faded.


When she opened her eyes, Jordan was hovering over her with two waiters that were fanning her.

"Hey, you gave me a scare. Are you alright?" Jordan queried "We should probably go to the hospital and make sure the baby is fine."

Yara blinked twice at him.

"You asked me to marry you?" She had to make sure it really happened.

With a sweet smile on his face Jordan nodded.

"Yeah, and you fainting wasn't exactly the reaction I'd hoped for. However, was that a, no?"

Yara stared at him. Women died for this moment, cried when it didn't come or worried about it never happening. As she stared at Jordan, she should have seen her future, she should have felt her heart racing with passion and not anxiety. Still, they had a child coming. This was what her mother wanted and never got. She could give her child a family and it wasn't like she didn't love Jordan, she did. She just didn't feel her heart flutter, or world spin or whatever it was that you were supposed to feel when it was just right. Maybe that wasn't realistic but what was, was the fact that she was getting an out, she wouldn't be just a baby mother. Her child would have a family and Jordan loved her. She could fall I love with him again; she could make this work. She had to. She was not her mother, and she would never be.

"No, I mean yes, yes I'll marry you."

Overjoyed, Jordan pulled Yara to his chest and kissed her forehead passionately before he slid the ring on her finger. As she looked down at the diamond once she was reseated, she thought of Quincy and felt her heart sink a bit. The huge slice of strawberry cheesecake in front of her with I love you written in whipped cream couldn't even cheer her up.

She was marrying Jordan. She reminded herself before brushing away the thought. She was marrying Jordan, she loved him, and she was happy.

Fireworks erupted outside and Jordan beamed before he pulled her chair to him and kissed her lips.

"Happy New Year Babe."

"Happy New Year Jordan"

What a year it was going to be.

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