Survive (Promised Neverland...

By NatashaD2967

865 12 0

Season 1 is over! Season 2 in another book! Remi, a young girl who never really had a presence, discovers the... More

Another Enemy
William Minerva


59 1 0
By NatashaD2967

The days went by normally. The remaining Trio hadn't made a singly move since then. All of them had no hope in their eyes, waiting for their deaths is all they could do. Everyone around them noticed, but didn't know how to help, what they didn't know was that a certain female had it all planned out. Their escape was near. 

Remi POV

It's one day before Ray's birthday. One day before his shipment. I slowly made my way to the dining room. When I opened the door I saw a certain raven head standing there. 

"Ray? what are you doing here so late?", I asked. 

"Saying my goodbyes to this house, I won't get another chance", Ray replied. I slowly walked over to him. 

"Tomorrow's your birthday right?", I asked. 

"Yeah, this is my last night, tomorrow is goodbye", he nodded.

"Say Remi, Did you really throw it all away?", Ray suddenly asked. I stopped walking. He shut his book and turned towards me.

"You couldn't have really given up, right?", he asked again. I finally looked up to face him, a devilish smirk dancing on my lips. 

"Of course not", I replied, my smirk growing wider, "I'm no wimp, if it's a fight she wants that's what she's going to get. 

Ray smirked back. 

"Let's escape Ray", I spoke, "That's what I'm here to talk about". 

"Me too, we weren't able to talk these past 2 months because mama has always been watching us", Ray agreed.

"I didn't want her to catch on to what I was really up to", I continued. 

"What you were really up to?", Ray repeated, confused. 

"mhm. Mama is super cautious. Even though we never did anything, she didn't take her eyes off us. So I used that to my advantage", I explained. 

"By keeping her focus on me, I made her blind to everyone else.", I revealed. 

"You mean Don and Gilda?", Ray asked. 

"Yeah, I had them take care of everything, of course, I wasn't alone. Emma helped out too", I nodded. 

"How far have they gone?", Ray asked. 

"They even trained all the other kids and did some other prep too. By now, we have everything we need to survive. We can escape anytime we want", I replied. 

"Now all that's left is how we escape", Ray concluded. 

"I have that planned too. We escape tonight", I finished. 

"Exactly what I was thinking, but we still have some things to discuss", Ray agreed before motioning to a chair, "Take a seat".

I pulled up a chair and sat down, facing him. 

"Listen, we have 2 hurdles now. Firstly Mama's surveillance. She's always watching us and she's always got the kids by her side", Ray began, " Daytime goes without saying, and she even sleeps in their room. To get everyone out, she'll need to be distracted and distanced from the kids".

It was a valid point. 

"Yeah", I nodded. 

"Secondly, the cliff beyond the wall, from here it's a no go. If we're going to escape, then it's going to have to be the bridge, but it's bound to have guards. Not to mention, security will get even tighter if there was an escape alert. What's worse, HQ is incredibly close to us. There'll be loads of monsters there. how will you solve these problems Remi?", Ray asked. 

I stayed silent. 

Ray then turned to a nearby box. 

"I think this is the best way", He began as he took gasoline out of it.

"Petrol huh?", I mumbled. 

"I'll set the house on fire tonight", Ray finished. 

I stayed silent again. 

"While mama is preoccupied with putting it out, Take everyone outside under the guise of evacuation", Ray instructed, "If we block the keyhole to the secret room, she won't be able to report to HQ and they'll think it's just a fire. That way we can avoid security at the bridge and escape".

 "Oh and as  Bonus I've hidden Molotov Cocktails in Forest's Rocky area", Ray suddenly exclaimed. This caught me off guard. 

"Molotovs?!", I exclaimed. 

"Don't be surprised, I've worked on this for 6 years", Ray commented. 

"Anyway, toss these Molotovs into surrounding plants when you leave. If you get lucky then they'll also start fires there and send more people that way. At night the forest will be deserted, so no one will die", Ray continued. 

"Let's do it tonight!", Ray finished. 

"Can you do it, Remi?", Ray asked, "Don't worry, this is the farthest place away from the children. Everyone can get out before the fire even gets to them. You trained everyone to run in formations when playing Tag right?".

"Oh wait, is Emma's leg still...", I cut him off. 

"Don't worry, mama didn't break her leg, just dislocated it, so I already located it back, long ago. She can walk just fine now", I quickly spoke. 

"How did you do that??", Ray asked and I guiltily avoided eye contact. 

"Well, you see...".


"Emma, I can heal your leg, mama didn't break it, she just dislocated it", I informed her.

"Really?!", Emma asked happily.

"Yes, but it'll hurt a lot. can you bear it?", I asked. 

"Yeah! I can take any pain!", Emma exclaimed, but her expression proved otherwise. Gilda was there with us and we both sweatdropped. 

"Alright lay on the bed, we're gonna have to locate it back, I'll count to 5 and we'll do it quickly okay?", I asked. Emma nervously nodded. Gilda helped me hold down her leg as I got into position. 

"Ready?", I asked. She nodded.

"Wait, Gilda, stuff her mouth with some cloth, mama shouldn't hear about this", I quickly instructed. Emma looked even more terrified as Gilda stuffed her mouth with some cloth. 

"Okay here it goes", I began as the other 2 gulped. 

"1...2...3!", I quickly located it back. Emma groaned through her cloth before spitting it out. 

"What happened to 4 and 5?", Emma shot. 

"Yeah what happened to 4 and 5?", Gilda also asked. 

"4,5! done! see that wasn't so bad", I sheepishly replied. Emma glared daggers at me while Gilda just sighed in defeat. 

Back to present

"Wha- seriously?", Ray just looked disappointed. I just shrugged my shoulders. Just then I heard some sound laughter. I looked up to see Ray chuckling to himself. It's been a long time since I've heard him laugh. 

"You really are an idiot", He smiled. 

"Am not!", I shot back before smiling. 

"Then we're all set", Ray opened the can and started pouring gasoline on the floor. 

 "But you know Remi, I'm still against taking everyone with us. Even more so after hearing, there's a cliff beyond the wall", Ray began, "Maybe take only Don and Gilda. heck at least leave the toddlers behind. Both for their's and your sake".

I really didn't know how to tell him. But now's not the time. This idiot is going to do something stupid, and then I'll save him before telling him. I might also get super mad and slap him, who knows?

"But hey, it's not like you'll let me stop you, and this is better than you guys staying here. So I won't complain anymore", Ray continued, "You make the call".

"Putting that aside, something's been bothering me", I brought up, "What if Mama decides to abandon this house?". 

I laid the trap, now he's going to do something stupid. 

"So you noticed", he began. Here it comes. 

"Yes that is a problem. That's why just starting the fire won't be enough. Unless we force Mama's hand we won't be able to escape, but that won't be a problem. If we just do this". He opened the gasoline and started pouring it all over himself. My eyes widened. So this is what he was planning. 

Doing something this stupid won't get him anywhere!!

"Ray! stop!", I yelled. We both knew what he was planning. 

"isn't this the greatest idea? a perfect scorer set to be shipped out starts burning. There's no way she'll abandon me. How I've waited for this day, I decided a long time ago! This is my childish form of Payback!", He ranted. I immediately blocked him out as he continued to rant. I need to catch the match before it hits the gasoline. So I need to be quick. 

I sneakily positioned myself and brought my attention back to him. 

"Ray...", I called out slowly as I heard him rant. So he was feeling the same way, but giving up your life isn't the answer!! you live for the ones you lost, you idiot!!

"Listen Remi, this is your last chance. See it through! don't let mine and Norman's death be in vain!", He spoke after calming down. he then tossed a book towards me. It had a bunch of photos he took using his camera. 

As the clock struck midnight the light of the flames from his match lit up the entire room. 

"Now I'm 12 years old. I'd like to say that my life sucked, but the time I spent with you guys was super fun", Ray spoke. 

"Stop! Don't do it! You can't just leave me here alone!", I tried to persuade him. he needs to realize !!

"Thank you", he smiled and I froze, you can thank me later, "Bye-bye, Remi".

He then dropped the match. I immediately ran. I moved super fast. Just as it was halfway through I caught it. 

"Nice Catch huh?", I complimented myself.

"You!", Ray began but I quickly cut him off. 

"Sorry but neither I nor the others are letting you die", I smirked. 

"Others?", Ray looked super confused that it was almost funny. Just then I heard the door knock. Their here. I went over and opened it to see Emma, Thoma, and Lani standing there with a box. 

"Remi, we got what you asked for", Emma smiled.

"Also, everybody's ready to go", Thoma and Lani said together.

"Thanks for your hard work you three", I smiled. 

"Now then Ray, time to get changed", I smirked at him. He was still super confused. I'm not going to explain anything for revenge. I'm still mad at him.

"Done?", I asked after I heard him finish, "Okay moving on".

"But wait- Remi I-", He tried to cut in. I snapped. The anger I held in all came out in one tight slap. 


I then grabbed him by the head and yelled at him. 

"Do you still want to die you stubborn ass?! Just shut the hell up and come with us!!", I glared at him.

"Remi, we're done here!", Emma, Thoma, and Lani exclaimed in sync. I nodded at them. Ray just sat there, totally shocked by my outburst.

"What is this?", Ray asked looking at his clothes which had meat, sausage, and hair on it.

"Ray!", Emma exclaimed, "This creates the stench of a burning body!".

"Wait, that hair!", He finally noticed. 

"Anna offered it. That leaves the transmitter", I explained, "let me get it out. Sit down and show me your ear".

"Remi? what is all this?", Ray questioned. I went over and grabbed him by the shoulder. 

"You can go die somewhere else. I'll show you something good so shut up and come with!", I gave him a death glare. He gulped and hurriedly nodded. I then backed away and smiled normally again. 

"Now then, Let's begin!".


I lit the match and stared at this house. 11 years I've spent here. 11 years of pure happiness. Goodbye, Gracefield.

I threw the match at the gasoline and watched the room slowly burn. Time to act. I took a deep breath. 

"RAY!!!", I yelled at the top of my lungs and started crying for help. I heard footsteps approaching. So she's here.

The door swung open, letting some smoke out of the room. 

"Ray. Ray!", I called out again. I forced my body to shiver and cried my heart out. I'm sure Ray himself will believe he died if he heard me. 

"Remi!", mama came to me. 

"Mama! Help!! Ray!! he burned himself!!!", I exclaimed. 

Mama got up and checked her tracker before grinding her teeth and running out. Good. 

"Mama!", Gilda called out as she came. 

"Gilda! Get everyone outside! The kids in my room too! ", mama ordered. Gilda nodded and hurriedly left to carry out the plan.

Some cries were heard as everyone rushed out. 

"I should at least... at least get the brain!", Mama exclaimed as she brought back a fire extinguisher. 

"Get back Remi!", Mama ordered. A smirk formed on my lips. As you wish. 

I snuck out and was about to run when I remembered that I still had the chip in my ear. I found a scalpel nearby. 

Well, I got no choice. this is way easier. 

In one snip I cut my left ear off and covered it with a cloth, bandaging the wound before grabbing the bag with all the things I prepared for the trip and running out. 

I ran faster than I ever did and reached the others quickly. 

"Ah, she here!", I heard someone call out as everyone came into view.

"Remi!", They all called out. I stopped and smiled at them. 

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting", I smirked. 

We all then made our way to the wall. I already blocked the keyhole of Mama's secret room, so it should take some time before she's able to go in. We can do this!

Anne! I'm going to get everyone out! I won't let you down!

Norman! I'll come for you! and I'll get you all out!

One step at a time!

I heard Don tell Ray everything that was going on. He was obviously surprised to hear that everyone already knew. 

"We told 4 of them, first. We had them listen to the conversation with sister Krone. We then gradually brought the other in the past two months. Mama didn't notice that Remi was faking it. She secretly gave us orders, guiding us the whole way", Don explained. 

Ray remembered the conversation he had with me. 

"She's amazing", he thought as we continued to run. I was leading in the front along with Emma.

As we reached the wall, I felt Anne next to me. She smiled and patted my back, as if saying good luck, you can do it. 

I smiled and turned to everyone. 

"Emma and I will go up first, we'll then pull everyone else", I instructed and they all nodded. 

"Alright, everyone! we'll be fine if we do just as we practiced!", Don exclaimed. 

"Let's all get out of here!", Emma followed. An air of confidence surrounded all of us. We can do this!

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