There's Always A Reason (Nial...

By vinylhoran

39.2K 646 114

Lana James loses everything she has ever known as her best friend loses his battle against cancer and leaves... More

One: Diagnosed
Two: Tattoo Me
Three: Unwanted Goodbye
Four: Surprise
Five: Concert
Six: After Party
Seven: I Can't Stop Missing You
Eight: Management
Nine: Truth or Dare?
Ten: First Date
Twelve: Take Me Home
Thirteen: Will You?
Fourteen: Nothing's Fine I'm Torn
Fifteen: Saved Each Other
Sixteen: New Years Eve
Seventeen: Give Me Love
Eighteen: Same Mistakes
Nineteen: Fear Is What It Really Is
Twenty: Small Bump
Twenty One: Wake Me Up
Twenty Two: Harry's New Girl/ Valentines Day
Twenty Three: Back For You
Not a chapter. Update to come this weekend.
Twenty Four: 5 Seconds of What?
Authors Note
Twenty Five: Alone
Twenty Six: Just Us
Twenty Seven: Epilouge
helloooo <3
hi guys!

Eleven: Airport

1.2K 19 4
By vinylhoran

Lana's P.O.V.

I wake up in my own bed, with Niall's arms wrapped securely around my waist. I smile as I snuggle further into him and his grip around me tightens. 

Then a thought hits me. It's been two months. Two whole months. I have to say, the first month was the worst. But the second definitely turned out better.

I turn my head and look at the photo of me and Aaron that still sits on my bedside table. A deep sigh escapes my lips.

"What's wrong love?" Niall whispers to me.

"It's been two months.." I whisper, turning to look at Niall. "I need to go visit him." 

Niall nods. "Okay... Do you want me to come with you?" 

I think. "Yeah... Let's get the boys. I want them to meet Aaron. But let me get dressed first." I say climbing out of Niall's grasp.

I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of red leggings, pulling them on as I grab my long plaid shirt and button it up. I grab some socks from my drawers and pull my UGGs on after them. 

"Here. You're going to want this." Niall says handing me a dark blue Jack Wills sweatshirt.

"Thanks." I say taking it and pulling it on over my head.

I brush the knots from my hair and let it be, pulling on my red beanie as Niall finishes getting ready.

The boys are already downstairs and Niall stops to explain to them what's happening as I go into the kitchen to make myself nutella toast.

I eat my toast quickly and meet the boys at the front door taking Niall's hand as I open it up and step outside.

"It's not to far of a walk." I say pulling Niall down the driveway. 

The boys follow slowly behind us. Giving us some space to be together. 

"What should I pack for Ireland?" I ask trying to keep my mind off of Aaron.

"Well you should definitely pack your 'Free Hugs' shirt. My mum will go insane when she sees us matching. Other than that. Whatever you feel like. Everything if you want." Niall says smiling.

I give a light laugh. "Okay well I will probably start that when we get home."

"Good." Niall says, kissing my cheek.

We walk in silence the rest of the way there. I push the gates of the cemetery open and take a small step in. Trying not to remember the last time I was here.

"It's okay Lana. I've got you. We're here for you." Niall whispers from behind me, taking my hand.

I give a small nod and walk 30 steps forward then I turn to the right and take 15 steps in. The boys still following me, with Niall attached to my hand.

I peer down at Aaron's headstone. A lump rising in my throat as I see the small heart shaped stone I left after the funeral. 

Niall squeezes my right hand and Liam comes up to my other side and takes my left one.

I take a deep breath. Feeling the boys encouraging me to speak.

"Hi Aaron.." I whisper. My voice cracks, sounding ancient. "It's been two months since you left me. They've been really long one's if you ask me. The first one I wasn't eating or sleeping. It's still hard. I feel like  if I eat, and I sleep then you should be here with me doing so. I miss you so much still. To much for it to have been two whole months. The hole in my heart..... It's still there and it still hurts.. A lot. But remember Aaron, the night you passed you told me everything happens for a reason? Then the night of your funeral the ticket showed up. Thank you by the way...." I say taking another breath and continuing.

"Well I know, you said you were leaving me for a reason." I watch the boys make a circle around me. Niall and Liam still holding my hands.

"And you finally gave me your reason. It took me a month and a half to find. Even though I knew about them before that." I look into Niall eyes. "Aaron, you sent Niall to me. When I'm with him I feel the hole in my heart healing. Though I will always miss you. You sent me these boys Aaron. These 5 amazing boys. Thank you." I whisper the last part.

I feel the wind start to pick up. It whips my hair around my face. I smile.

"What?" Liam asks looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Aaron. In the wind... He always loved it when the wind blew through his hair. And he always made fun of me when my hair was in my face. Like now. " I say pushing some hair from my face.

Liam smiles. "Does he approve? Is he happy for you?" he asks quietly.

I let the wind envelope my whole body and I put my arms up like wings, letting go of Niall's hand, and Liam's.

"Yeah... Yeah he really is." I say.

The wind bursts again, as if he's really telling me he is happy for me.

"I love you Aaron..." I whisper to the wind.

It gusts again. Hitting my entire body so hard I feel like I'm going to be knocked over. I swear I could smell his familiar smell. But then the wind stops and he's gone again. I put my arms down and hug Niall.

He kisses my forehead. "You ready to go home?" he asks.

I nod my head and don't remove myself from Niall's waist until all six of us burst into my house and collapse in a pile on the floor in my bedroom.


Niall's P.O.V.

-----3 Weeks Later-----

We got a few shows in before we started to prepare for our holiday break. Lana came to every one of them and sat backstage, and we stayed at her house the whole time. Today we were packing our final things before leaving for the airport.

"Lana! Are you almost ready? We have to leave soon!" I yell placing my suitcase by the front door with the boys.

"Yeah!" She yells. "Can you come help me real quick?"

I run up the stairs and burst into Lana's room. I give her props, my room would be a catastrophe if I had no idea what I was going to pack, but everything was tidy. "I can't close my suitcase!" Lana says from beside her bed.

I chuckle and stride over to her side. Pushing down the top of the case so Lana can zip it closed. After a few minutes of struggling to pull the zipper she finally gets it zipped up.

I pull it off her bed and stand by her bedroom door. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I mean.. The last time I spent this long away from home was when I stayed at the hospital......" She whispers.

"Hey, it's okay to be nervous. My family aren't exactly quiet." I say laughing.

Lana smiles lightly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Okay, do you have your phone and charger and headphones? All your bathroom stuff and all the clothes you want?" I ask one last time.

Lana checks her carry on bag. "Yep. Got it all." She says.

"Alright. Let's go." I say lugging her suitcase downstairs and out the front doors to meet Paul, whose putting all of the luggage in the back of the van. I help him out then slide into the back of he van next to Liam. Lana slides in next to me, having said goodbye to her mum at around 3a.m. she was completely ready to leave.

It's still considerably dark out. It's about 4 a.m. We had to get up early to make it to the airport on time for our flight. I hope the fans aren't out. I don't want them to get sick, or to face a crowd.

 Lana snuggles into my side, while putting her feet up on the seat in front of us. She puts her headphones in and falls asleep quickly.

Her head is perfectly balanced on my chest, while my right arm is draped protectively around her.

She looks beautiful, although she's only wearing silver leggings, UGGs and Aaron's sweatshirt with her hair in a braid and a beanie she pulled on at the last minute. It doesn't bother me at all.

I see Harry and Louis asleep in the seats in front of us but Zayn and Liam are still awake,

"Hey you guys...... Do you think management would let Lana come on tour with us?" 

Liam thinks for a minute. "Yeah, they might. You're going to have to tell them about Aaron though. Play the sympathy card. That she can't eat or sleep unless you are around. That you're still trying to heal her. That you love her so much you can't be without her."

"L-Love  her?" I say.

Liam laughs a little. "Yeah mate. Don't you?" He asks.

I watch her nose crinkle up again in her sleep and stifle a laugh. "I dunno.. I haven't thought about it yet.." I say.

"Don't worry about it Ni," Zayn says. "You will know when you're ready to tell her. When you really do feel it. You'll know."

I smile a little. "Thanks lads." 

They both smile back and I lean my head back against the head rest, quickly falling asleep. 

-----2 Hours Later------

"Niall. Lana wake up!" Liam shouts over the screams that can be heard from miles away.

My eyes fly open. I take in the fans. "Oh my god. There are so many of them..." I say quietly.

"More than usual...." Liam says. "Why are they here so early? Shouldn't they be in school?" He asks to no one in particular.

I shift which causes Lana to wake up. "Wha- Where are we?" She asks sitting up alarmed.

"We're just at the airport." I say.

Lana's ears must register the screaming. Her eyes widen in alarm. She hides herself in my arms. "Niall, I'm scared." She says.

"Shhh..It's okay.." I coo, pressing my lips to her temple.

Paul stops the van and the security guards clear a small space for  us. 

"Ready boys? And Lana?" Paul asks.

Harry nods and the doors are pulled open. The screaming seems to get even louder. If that's possible. Lana shrinks further into my side.

"It's okay babe. I got you." I yell over the screaming, taking her hand tightly in my own.

I hate the crowds. They get so tight and packed and they just freak me out. I slowly pull Lana out of the van and stand next to Zayn, Liam comes out last and stands protectively in front of Lana. 

"Niall take my arm!" Zayn yells. I do.

"Lana take Liam's hand!" I yell to her. 

I feel Lana violently shaking next to me. "Lana?" I yell.

She's frozen with fear. "Zayn! Take Lana's hand." I yell, switching hands with Zayn, he takes Lana's left tightly in his own and I take her right, grabbing one of Liam's arms as I do so.

"Here we go!" Harry yells from  the front, and he pushes into the crowd causing complete chaos.

Automatically I know something goes wrong. My hand is ripped from Lana's.

I panic immediately. I can hear her screaming. "Niall!!" 

"Lana!" Where are you?! " I scream back, barely hearing anything over the impossible amount of girls screaming.

I don't hear her respond.

"Zayn!!!!! Where's Lana?!" I scream.

"I lost her!" He yells back.

No. No. No.

"Lana!?" I scream with everything in me. 

I feel Liam tug on my arm. "Niall we've got to get inside!" He yells.

"Not without Lana!" I yell back.

"Lana! Where are you?!" I hear Zayn scream to her.

Then I hear it. "Niall!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lana screams.

"Lana! Keep yelling!" I scream, getting pulled at and randomly hugged and kissed and shoved into masses of girls that I don't know.

"I'm over he-" She starts to scream.

Then her voice is cut off by here earsplitting scream, that's louder than all the fans here.

"LANA!?" I yell.

I hear her sobbing. Then her sobs stop. I see the fans clearing a space around someone laying on the ground. Suddenly they become quieter.

"Lana.." I say running over to her with Liam close behind me. Harry, Zayn and Louis come back to help me keep the fans away from Lana as I scoop her body up off the ground bridal style and run for the doors.

"Lana.. Lana wake up...." I whisper as the doors close behind me.

"Niall bring her over here." Liam yells. I follow him to where there's a table and lay her down on it.

I take a step away. Noticing that one of her arms is held at an awkward angle, and there's blood trickling down her face.

"She needs a hospital mate." Zayn says coming up from behind me.

"No. No we aren't going back out there." I say, grabbing a few napkins and the water Liam brought over and gently wiping away at the blood on Lana's head.

Paul comes over and hands me a first aid kit. "Here. You can use this."  he says.

I smile gratefully then rip it open.

Taking out a few gauze pads and some peroxide, and handing it to Liam to put on her head.

Then I take an ace bandage and carefully wrap her disfigured arm snugly, then I take another and create a sling around her neck. 

Harry takes the water Liam bought and washes blood from her hair and I shoot him a grateful look. 

Then I take a few painkillers and stick them in my pocket to give to Lana when she wakes up.

We make our way through security. Paul already put our luggage through, and somehow through that whole mess Zayn managed to keep a hold on Lana's carry on bag, luckily. 

I carry Lana through security, much to the disliking of the airport. But I give them my "I'm famous I don't give a damn what you think" look and they let it slide. As soon as we get through security our flights are called. I give the boys a sad look, and they all give a hug over Lana. Each of them giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead and saying they will be coming to Mullingar together to visit the day after Christmas.

Liam makes me promise to get Lana to a hospital as soon as we land. And I fully intend too. 

As I turn to walk into the terminal I hear Harry yell: "Tell her we love her!"

I turn around and smile at him. Carefully taking in the sight of my four best friends walking away. Before turning around again and boarding the plane.

As I put Lana in her seat next to me I take a second to think about how much she's effected not only my life. But the boys as well.. I buckle Lana's belt, then my own.

"Thank you Aaron. For sending me to Lana." I whisper.

Then I lean my  head back against my seat and fall asleep.


ugh sorry this chapter sucked. I've just been in this mood lately where I've been really sad, ya know? but i dont really know why. but yes this chapter was kinda terrible. not my best work, probably a filler even though it came out longer than i intended. I was going to stop when Niall lost Lana in the crowd but I  made myself keep going.

oh well.. Im not even spell checking this tonight. it's pretty late so tomorrow I will make edits. thanks for understanding lovelies<3


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