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By Miss_Extraoridaire

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Draco had always been a puzzle to Harry. A vicious Labrinth with sky-high walls. A forest with deadly poison... More

Chapter 1 : A New Look
Chapter 2 : Puffy , scowly kitty
Chapter 3 : Two Oldmen
Chapter 4 : Gains and advantages
Chapter 5 : The egg
Chapter 6 :A threat is made
Chapter 7 : Felix felicis
Chapter 8 : Euphoria
Chapter 9 : No Escape
Chapter 10 : The fall of a Headmaster and his student
Chapter 11 : The plan to wait for the right time
Chapter 12 : Great Minds Think Alike
Chapter 13 : On The Road, To The Journey
Chapter 14 : The Sneak into the Ministry of Magic
Chapter 15 : A Chapter of Causualities
Chapter 16: 1 night and 1 day stay on the luxurious forest floor
Chapter 17: "I just fell in love, didn't I ?"
Chapter 19: The Night and His Moon
Chapter 20 : "She's Their Daughter"
Chapter 21: "Anything for you"

Chapter 18- A Beauty Without Poison Is The Same As A Beauty Ruined

805 43 23
By Miss_Extraoridaire

With a bang, Harry and Draco both landed on the hard and cold pavement. Their limbs entangled as they struggled to sit upright.

Draco furiously pushed Harry back as he sat up and seethingly said, "Merlin, Potter!"

He dusted his clothes while standing up, "I had thought that you atleast had a little bit of intelligence inside that donkey brain! But no! You don't even have that! Look where you got us now!"

Harry gave a pained groan as he sat up as well, mocking under his breath, "Well, Blame me for being too handsome that it made bees and butterflies and Slytherin Ice Princes stick to me like glue"

Draco's head snapped towards him, his voice dangerously low, "What did you just say ?"

Harry: "....."

"Nothing ! Nothing at all ! Are your ears ringing or something ?", Harry's face furrowed with seeming worry.

Draco's eyes narrowed, "Really? You aren't lying? Because I seemed to hear something that particularly makes me want to castrate Dumb Golden Boys."

"How can I lie to you ?! How can you doubt me like this ?!" Harry gasped and said with horror, not at all afraid of death or the loss of his terrible weapon of procreation.

Looking at the hand covering an open mouth and pitiful wide eyes, Draco sighed helplessly, "Okay okay. Remind me to teach you the wonderful art of theatrics after all of this is over."

Harry's head tilted and he curiously asked, "Art of theatrics ? What are you talking about, Draco ?"

Draco: "..."

"Merlin… What will I do with you, Potter ?", He sighed with exasperation. These over-dramatics are really giving him a headache. "Let's go. Where do you want to visit first ?"

Well, since this buffoon has already got them here, then why not just get done with what he wanted to do.

Hearing this, Harry immediately grew serious, "Let's first go to the graveyard. I want to pay a visit to my parents."

Draco could sense the sadness and melancholy in Harry's voice when he mentioned his parents. Without saying anything further, he silently walked beside Harry.

The weather was freezing. Their feet walking cautiously on the slippery pavement beneath. The cottages on either side were alight with colourful decorations and the distant sound of Christmas Corals were floating in the air beside the delicate snowflakes. The atmosphere was warm and festive.

Draco listened to the far-away song, the voices of young and old, men and women mixing together.

In this air of infectious joy, the one walking beside him looked so lonely. His green eyes dulled by sorrow and longing.

A tinge of pity struck in Draco's heart. Before he could stop, words were already flowing through his tongue, "It's already Christmas, huh ?"

Harry lifted his neck to gaze at the dark sky as snow danced in the air, melancholy clear in his voice, "Yeah"

Silence fell on them like winter mist, enveloping and encompassing. As they walked, Draco spotted a brightly lit storefront. On this particular holiday, it was an odd sight for any business to be open.

Draco frowned with curiosity and wondered, 'What a weird sight. Who keeps their shop open on Christmas eve ? Even if the person is in a desperate situation, surely they won't get any customers on Christmas.'

Just as he was about to put the matter behind, an idea sprouted in his brain. He swiftly turned around.

With a tap in Harry's shoulder, he said, "I'll meet you in the graveyard. You go on."

And with that, he didn't even wait for a reply and ran back. Harry shouted behind him but was ruthlessly ignored. Seeing that it was useless, Harry gave a worried look at the slender back but still made his way to the graveyard according to Draco's words.

Draco stopped in front of the bright store, his breath panting from the short run. Years of excellent academics, perfect manners and noble upbringing gave him not only a deadly seductive poise like a cold flame, but also a body weaker than the rest of his age. Right now, It can be said that without magic, Draco had nothing other than his beauty and brain.

Standing in front of the store, Draco noticed that while the entire town has a cheerful atmosphere, this shop shines particularly different because of its introverted but gentle air. But at the same time, these qualities also made it look hidden and unnoticed.

Leaving these useless thoughts behind, Draco entered the shop. The interior was simple and generous, neatly displaying various items on the shelves around.

As soon as Draco entered, he could sense that this was a magical shop. The objects on display gave a faint air of familiarity which must be the magic that they contain.

As he glanced around, a door at the back opened and a middle aged witch stepped out.

Seeing Draco, she exclaimed in surprise, "Oh ! Welcome ! Is this young gentleman here to buy something ?"

Still scanning the shelves, he nonchalantly answered, "Yes"

"An urgent Christmas gift, I assume?", The witch questioned but there was a surety present in her voice. She sounded like she was very certain but still attached the "-is it?" for the sake of politeness.

At this, Draco wasn't surprised about her being right. It was Christmas eve afterall. It was logical for her to make such a guess. But what made him frown was the obvious surety in her tone. She seemed awfully obnoxious to him but at least she respected manners.

"It is as the madam said.", he answered.

At his cold tone, the witch visibly calmed down and said, "Well, then feel free to browse the shelves. Everything on the shelves is on sale. I hope that you will find your fate here."

With that, she turned around and disappeared behind the door again.

'This witch has a weird temper', he thought as he continued to search for something suitable for Harry.

The items here were as good quality as that of Diagon Alley. There were various things ranging from expensive items such as jewelleries to the most common household items like a teapot. Gliding through the shelves, an ominous shine caught Draco's eyes. Moving forward, a simple and unadorned wooden box came into his view. The top of the box was made with clear glass and inside lay a mysterious pair of opals.

The gems lay side by side, one black and the other white, both of them possessing a mystical gleam with various colors shining in them like wisps of smoke above a bright flame. Draco couldn't feel any obvious magic from them. They were probably non-magical gems. Even though they were absolutely useless, something about them made Draco feel that they were made for him. With this, Draco's decision was made. Either way, he thought that the black opal particularly suited Harry.

Taking the box, Draco came to the front of the shop where the shopkeeper was working. As soon as he closed in, her eyes sharply lifted to meet Draco's. Draco gracefully kept the box on the billing desk.

The witch's eyes gleamed with an inscrutable approval, "Oh ! Truly a gentleman with sharp eyes as I had expected. A truly good item you have chosen."

Draco didn't bother with her flattery, "How much is it ?"

The shopkeeper squinted her eyes, "Hmm. Let's see. This is one of the best items I have got. So, how about 10 galleons ?"

This price was very expensive considering that these were ordinary opals and let alone ordinary, even magical opals are one of the cheapest gemstones on the market. Draco's eyebrows flew up in the air, "10 galleons ? Isn't that too expensive considering these pieces of rock have nothing other than looking pretty ?"

The shopkeeper frowned mildly, "It's considered quite rude to call these pieces of treasure as pieces of rock, gentleman."

Draco rolled his eyes and dropped 10 galleons on the desk, "Since I really liked these pieces of rock, then 10 galleons it is." With that Draco turned to leave.

The shopkeeper's expression opened in joy as she grinned wider. Draco himself sported a small smile. It didn't hurt to spend extra galleons when he thought of it as a small Christmas gift to a polite and hardworking stranger who was spending Christmas eve alone in her shop working so that she can make it through the winters. It didn't hurt to see one extra person surviving in this ruthless time of war.

Just as he was about to step out, the shopkeeper called out, "Wait, gentleman!"

Draco turned around as the woman hurriedly took out a small box from the drawers below the desk and handed it to him. He curiously looked at the box and then at the lady.

"It has been a long time since a customer has been kind to me", The shopkeeper said.

Draco frowned, "I am not kind, lady. You were the one who demanded that price."

"Well, 10 galleons aren't too much. But still, I don't mind giving out a small gift to a handsome lad such as you.", The shopkeeper chuckled. "Anyway, they seem a little lonely without their family, don't they ?", She pointed at the twin opals in Draco's hand.

At this point, Draco was sure that there was something wrong with the lady's head. Either way, out of curiosity, he still opened the small box handed by the shopkeeper. Inside the small box, lay four grey opal beads. All of them were strikingly similar. The only difference was the colorful wisps inside them.

'So this was what she meant by the opals being lonely without their family. Well, they do look like a pair of parents and their four children', Draco looked up at the lady and saw the joy in her eyes. His eyes lowered again. He rarely got such innocent smiles. And for the sake of that single smile, He accepted the box. He gave the lady a small smile and said, "Thank you" as he walked out.

Harry stood alone in the desolate, snow-covered graveyard. In front of him was a simple tombstone. The engravings read - "In the loving memory of James Potter and Lily Potter"

An ache spread through his chest and the taste of bitter sorrow rose on his tongue.

'If they were alive, maybe my life would have been entirely different', He thought, noticing gentle steps coming towards him. But his eyes didn't lift from the tombstone in front.

A hand, as graceful and as fair as snow, slowly brushed away specks of white stuck on his lashes. The hand was so delicate and white that for a second, Harry thought that it was made of the moonlight itself.

Harry's eyes followed the hand to meet a face with beauty so otherworldly that the one in front of him seemed more like a god than a mortal. Indeed, Draco is beautiful enough to start a war. And for the first time, Harry was thankful for Draco's prickly and overly scorching personality. If he had been even a bit softer, kinder, weaker, if Draco had been any more simpler, then people could have tainted his beauty with their lust and greed. They would have used any means to covet him, to break him. Harry was infinitely grateful that Draco was a Malfoy. He was thankful that Draco was a cunning Slytherin with cruelty enough that people only feel fear and respect when they see him and not lust or greed.

Harry was silent as he watched the pale fingers retreat.

Draco looked at the blankness in Harry's eyes and the same ache again ignited in his chest. His palm rose to press on his warm chest. 'No. Don't hurt', Draco thought. 'Why are you hurting for him ?', Maybe he was talking to himself. Maybe to his disobedient heart.

Draco's eyes travelled to the tombstone and the realization struck. As he looked at the barren tombstone, his eyes shone a hesitation which swiftly turned to determination when he thought of Harry's aggrieved eyes.

Draco slowly sank to his knees. He picked up a twig from the ground, transfiguring it to a short broom. He was respectful when he gently brushed the tombstone and the grave free of snow and soil. Next, he took a small stone and transfigured it into a silver lamp. He skillfully glided his wand to magically crave incantations on it.

Harry looked on with confusion as Draco moved around, "What are you doing?"

Draco's eyes finally rose to meet his eyes, "Muggles light candles and leave flowers for the dead. Do you know what wizards do, Potter?"

Harry was still confused, "No?"

Draco sighed at his lack of such common knowledge, "I guess most of the wizarding world has forgotten their own traditions and the reasons behind them. Anyway, We present them offerings, Potter"


"Like their favorite wine or food. But these are personal preferences. Do you know what the souls in the Netherworld crave the most ?"

When no one answered, Draco continued, "Warmth, Potter. Warmth of friends and family. Because the dead are cold, so they cherish warmth. That's why, in wizarding culture, the least you could do to honor the dead is lighting a lamp burning with their family's fire. So that they can feel warm again as well."

Harry looked at Draco's eyes and saw the careful and respectful tone his actions held. The previous bitterness on his tongue was swept away, leaving only a sour sweetness.

Harry knelt down as well, "So, then What do I have to do?"

Harry was pliant when Draco quietly grabbed his hand and - BITE!

"Ahh !" Harry shouted. "Why did you bite me ?! Eggie's not even here !"

Draco narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Shut up. Dumb gryffindors are not allowed to question, only obey."

"I am not dumb!"

"Didn't you ask me What are you doing?”  moments ago ?"

"Yes! But how does that even-"

"Then you are dumb."

Harry: "..."

"Fine! You win!", Harry said with a huff.

Harry watched as his blood slowly dipped in the empty lamp. The scarlet slowly raising along the wick. When the lamp was half full, Draco's magic silently came out to spot the bleeding and heal the bite.

Looking at the half filled lamp, Harry suddenly asked, "Will it work if another wizard also put their blood in it ?"

An ominous premonition rose in Draco's heart, "Yes, but - AHH !"

As soon Harry heard "Yes" from Draco, his magic swiftly cut a small wound on Draco's wrist and drew a huge drop of blood from it. He unhesitatingly dropped the big drop floating in air instantly in the lamp before it froze from the cold.

"Potter ! What are you doing ?!" Draco asked furiously. Now, he had to redo the entire ritual again. But then he saw Harry's next action and a horror rose in his heart.

"Stop ! You dunderhead ! Don't light it !"

But before he could do anything, a tiny flame travelled from Harry's wand to the tip to the lamp's wick. A small but steady flame burnt.

"Potter ! You idiot ! Do you know what you just did ?!" Draco roared. He was seething and furiously angry. "You can't just light a soul lamp with anyone's blood !"

Harry was confused, "But didn't you say that you could ?"

The rage in silver eyes rose steadily, "You didn't let me finish ! I am not your fucking partner ! So how can I-"

"Partner ?"

"It means that I am not fucking married to you ! Only a married couple are supposed to-"

But before Draco could complete his sentence, Harry said with deadly calm, looking straight into Draco's eyes, "So ?"

Draco froze abruptly.

Harry's eyes shone calm emerald, without a speck of falsehood or trickery. He wasn't joking.

Harry was serious.

"So ? I know who I want, Draco, and I also know how to get him. I didn't make a mistake."

It was as if a bucket of ice water was poured on Draco's head.

"I- ", Harry's hand quickly rose to cover Draco's lips.

"Shhh. Don't speak. Someone's here.", Harry said, suddenly vigilant.

A dark, slightly hunched figure stood some steps behind Draco. By the looks, it was an old lady. A fleeting memory flashed in Harry's head.

His eyes brightened with recognition, "I remember! That's Bathilda Bagshot, The author of «A History of Magic»!"

Draco was about to turn around as well but firm hands steadily stopped his movement. He gave Harry a questioning glare. Harry sighed as his hands rose to draw the hood over Draco's head lower and to rewrap the scarf around his neck so as to cover Draco till only his eyes were visible.

"Be a little more careful. You are still supposed to be dead, you know.", Harry said teasingly.

"Humph ! Overly smug scarhead !", Draco muttered under his breath to relieve some of his anger at the teasing. If Harry had heard what Draco said, he would definitely curse him back. But right now, Harry's entire focus was on the hunched old witch.

Harry looked at the wrinkled face and a sense of unease coursed his body.

Something was wrong.

Draco still stood facing Harry, pretending to be talking with him to let Harry unobstructively observe the opponent. It was just that he didn't know that Harry had already blown the cover long ago.

Noticing Harry's expression changing from thoughtful to extremely cautious, he asked, "What's the matter ?"

Harry looked with worry and solemnly said, "Something is wrong. You should leave first."

Draco frowned, "What is it ?"

Harry still kept his gaze vigilant on the old witch as she slowly turned around, "I don't exactly know. And that's the problem."

'She wants us to follow her', Harry thought.

Giving Draco a firm look, he said, "Anyway, you should really leave. I can't risk you."

When Draco heard what Harry said, a strange sense of sour taste rose on his tongue. Did Potter think that Draco was weak ? Or did he think that he himself was soo omnipotent ?

Draco sneered, "I will decide what I should or shouldn't, Potter. You don't need to bother with it."

With that, Draco swiftly turned around and carefully made his way a dozen steps behind the old hag, slowly and cautiously following her. Harry sighed helplessly and kept his pace firm beside Draco, not even falling a step ahead or behind. In case something really happened, Harry is fully prepared to protect Draco.

Some dozen steps after, Harry caught the sight of a ruined wooden cottage. From its ruins, it can be said to be destroyed by a fire. But Harry, who is a wizard, clearly understood that it was magic rather than fire that destroyed it. In a daze, Harry didn't notice when his own steps stopped in front of the ruined cottage.

Seeing that Harry stopped, Draco looked at the ruins and quickly understood. He silently stood beside Harry, waiting for him to notice.

With sorrow thick in his eyes, Harry slowly said, "This is where they died, Draco."

Draco turned his gaze to look at a face with suffering far beyond its age, he whispered, "I guessed."

The sorrow on his face slowly turned into hatred, twisting the face with a vicious sneer, "This is where he killed them." He spat out each word with undisguised hostility.

Draco was still calm as he said, "We will have your revenge, Potter. Believe me. We will."

This time, Harry took his eyes from the ruins and looked into the glassy grey eyes. His voice unconsciously softened, leaving only affection and pampering from the previous sorrow and hatred, "Yeah, We will."

As they again turned on the way, the old hag had travelled a few dozen steps ahead of them. Draco and Harry quickly made a joint effort to keep up. Soon, they found themselves entering an old and depleted cottage. The inside was messy with dust and mud everywhere. It seemed impossible to imagine that someone lived here had they not seen the old hag. The inside was dark, no candles or lights were lit, and an unpleasant stench penetrated every knock and crevice.

As soon as Harry had stepped inside the house, he had already checked the perimeter with his magic. Finding that there was no other presence in the house other than the three of them, Harry let down a bit of his guard. Afterall, what could be the worst thing an old hag with one foot already in the grave could do ?

Harry looked on as wrinkled and shaky hands tried to light a simple matchstick but failed again and again. Finally exceeding his patience, Harry slowly grabbed the matches and successfully lit a candle.

As the small flame rose, the old face was clearly visible now. It is indeed Bathilda Bagshot.

Thus, without reservations, he asked, "You are Ms. Bagshot, aren't you ?"

The witch slowly nodded. Her blank eyes staring at Harry, not moving an inch or even blinking, as if lifeless.

Harry continued, "Ms. Bagshot, you knew Professor Dumbledore, didn't you?"

This time the old witch didn't reply.

Perceiving something was wrong, He looked around slowly till his gaze landed on a frame kept on the table beside them. The picture was of a golden haired and smiling young man.

'The thief from today's vision', is what Harry thought when he looked at the frame. The young face was indeed the one he saw in his visions of Voldemort, particularly the vision where Voldemort looked into Gregorwitch's memories. He probably wanted what this boy stole.

Harry looked back at the wrinkled face, "Who is the man in that picture, Ms. Bagshot?"

The old hag looked at the frame, stilling for a second before pointing towards the stairs, beckoning him to follow.

Harry hesitantly followed her after giving Draco a silent look, telling him to stay put. This witch didn't seem normal. It was better if Draco remained as far from her as possible.

The witch took him to a room before slowly turning around. She beckoned him to come closer as if to tell a precious secret. Harry hesitantly leaned forward.

The witch slowly leaned forward and whispered in hisses,"Are you Harry Potter~?"

Harry's reply was instant. "Yes~", he hissed as his scar started throbbing.

'Such an inconvenient trouble', Harry thought and ignored the pain slicing through his nerves. This wasn't the time to get distracted.

The witch seemed satisfied with his answer as she slowly pointed her finger towards the side. Harry's gaze subconsciously followed to where she pointed.

Harry took a single glance at the dirty pile of laundry and his gaze instantly snapped towards the witch. His wand was already out, pointing towards the huge snake slithering out of the witch's mouth as the corner of her lips tore wider to accommodate it's thick girth. The sight itself was horrible and nightmarish. Someone of a frail heart would have already gone crazy because of fright. But it didn't make Harry's form falter. He had seen worse sights than this before, be it the forbidden forest or through Voldemort's visions.

"Nagini", Harry said in a tight voice.

His stance was firm and ready to attack. He looked in the slitted eyes of the snake. None of them moved, both standing still like predators in front of prey.

Just then, a voice came from below the stairs and the snake leapt forward.

Harry shouted spells after spells at the animal as the pain in his scar kept increasing. Soon, the pain became unbearable and Harry took a step back as his gaze started swimming. Voices started swimming in his head, "Hold him." The voice said, "Hold him till I come to claim his life."

'Voldemort', He recognized.

It was then that his magic felt the familiar presence come closer.

'Draco. No, Draco can't be seen. I can't let them know that Draco's alive', Harry's heart chilled with this thought. Voldemort can't know Draco is alive. No, he can't let Draco be seen.

Harry's gaze slowly cleared with the power of pure will and determination. With the last of the strength he could conjure through the pain, Harry gripped his wand and pointed towards the snake coiled around him, shouting, "Oculi immolandum*!"

[Oculi immolandum* - In latin, 'Oculi immolandum' means 'kill the eyes'. So basically this is a spell that destroys or blinds the eyes.]

The spell hit and the snake head flew back with the force, it's eyes falling shut and head thrashing around. Hissing sounds fell from its mouth, it's body withering and tightening around Harry due to pain. But in seconds, it was already recovering from the impact.

Harry lost the last of his strength as the snake coiled around his body, choking and crushing him. His breath was slowly suffocating and his sight was turning black.

'No. I can't faint. I have to take Draco back. I can't lose now', And with that, Harry struggled as hard as he could. He couldn't use wandless magic now. He can't let Nagini know. Because whatever Nagini knows, Voldemort knows as well. He can't give away his hidden ace card so easily.

Draco looked on as Harry carefully climbed the rickety stairs before disappearing from his sight. His gaze slowly turned and inspected the messy abode. As he roamed around, Draco came across a dusty book kept on a tabletop. The book's cover clearly stated- «The Life And Lies Of Albus Dumbledore»

'Oh.. ', Draco thought in astonishment. Now that he thinks of it, he knew almost nothing about Headmaster Dumbledore's life. He curiously flipped through the book, not particularly reading anything.

As if fate, His gaze landed on a black and white picture. It was a picture of two young men, one tall and the other slightly taller. Draco quickly realized that the taller boy was the one Harry asked Ms. Bagshot about. his gaze travelled to the bottom of the picture where it read- “Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore in the summer of 1899”

A frown etched on Draco's face as he put the book in the small magical bag he carried, thinking, 'I should read this book when I go back. It might hold something significant.'

Draco continued to wander through the house. As he passed a closed door, a stale and disgusting stench assaulted his nose. His throat gagged and food in his stomach came up. Forcefully suppressing the vomit, Draco walked to the door and curiously opened just a slit to see what it was that could give such a bad smell. What he saw inside made his entire back numb.

Blood and human carcass was across the floor.

The insides and organs scattered here and there rotting and flies and insects feeding on them. He could clearly see the intestines piled on the floor like huge spaghetti, blackening blood on them like sauce.

Draco's eyes grew wide with horror and the nausea overtook his body. He ran to a distance before bending over and vomiting everything over the carpeted floor. Face scrunched with horror and fear, Draco sprinted to the stairs Harry took minutes ago. He opened the door with a bang and saw Harry on the floor, a huge snake wrapped around him, throttling him.

Instincts took over and the spell was fired, "Dimittas* !"

[Dimittas*- In latin, 'Dimittas' translates to 'let go'. So this is a curse which pulls something away, or untangles something. In our case, the spell forcefully uncoils Nagini from Harry.]

The snake was immediately uncoiled from Harry's body. He swiftly took this chance to escape and shouted, "Stop ! Quickly come behind me !"

Without further ado, Draco fled towards Harry. He knew very clearly that offensive duels and such deadly fights weren't something he was proficient in. So, listening to Harry was his best chance to survive rather than playing on his own. He trusted Harry enough to get both of them unscathed out of here.

As soon as Draco reached near, Harry pulled him behind, standing firmly in front in a protective pose. His voice carefully whispered, "Don't speak and don't use magic."

The snake didn't even take a minute to recover and came to strike again as Harry was speaking to Draco.

Harry readily fired spells one after the other as more and more wounds were obvious on the snake's skin. Soon, the snake was heavily injured and they found an opening to escape. Just as Harry raised his wand, the snake frantically started to thrash it's tail around, throwing bricks and ruins of the room towards them. It was as if it knew that they were going to escape.

As Harry protected them, Draco suddenly felt a trembling from the portable ring on his finger. He didn't even have time to think, when suddenly a *pop* sounded and a huge egg was dropping from the air into his arms. A desperate sound was about to rip from Draco's throat when he remembered what Harry told and forcefully closed his throat up.

The moment Eggie landed in Draco's arms, Nagini lunged towards Harry, aiming with a deadly strike. It's agile body moving fast. The sight of the egg distracted Harry as his eyes moved away from the snake. Nagini took this chance and lunged !

"AHH !", Harry shouted in pain as poisonous fangs sunk in his shoulders.

In that moment, the barrier around them faltered and the bricks and ruins of the room were thrown towards them by the still thrashing snake tail.

A piece of brick heavily flew over to Draco, who was helpless of his voice or magic and only able to use his body as a shield. Even then, some pieces still flew in the direction of a fragile shell-covered being as a dreadful sound echoed in his ear.


As soon as the sound reached Harry's ears, his wand rose swiftly firing two spells in fast successions.

"Secare* !"

[Secare*- In latin, 'Secare' means cut. So logically I should be a cutting curse, but it actually separates the connection between two things. In our case, it separates Nagini from Harry.]

"Apparate !"

With a blast, the snake was thrown off Harry while biting a chunk of bloody meat in its jaw as they disappeared the next second.


Here are the black and white opals I was talking about in the story -

Black Opal  -

    White Opal -

Grey Opal Beads -


Author's Notes:

Hello Readers,

How are you guys ? I hope everything is going fine in your life and if its not, the I hope that this chapter atleast gives you a bit of a smile. Everything is going fine for me. I am kinda under stress but i hope it will turn out all right in the future.

Anyway, How was the chapter ? in this chapter, I solely focused on the tacit understanding between Harry and Draco and how they compliment each other. Also, from here the plot will start thickening. I also tried to depict more sides of Draco and Harry and their true emotions.

Also, Did you agree upon Harry's POV where he was grateful that Draco is a Malfoy because of which people couldn't take advantage of his beauty and dare not lust after him. As the author of the book and as a woman of this generation, I feel that it is actually very right in true world as well. People will inevitable try to take advantage of a beautiful person, male or female, if they get a chance. That's why, according to me, a beauty without poison to protect themselves is the same as a beauty ruined and dirtied.

-Dr. Shipper.


Here is today's fanart . Enjoy !

Our Dragon has grown up so beautiful !
A beauty with poison in every gaze, more like an enchanter, isn't he?


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