Pagliuzza (JeonKi Fanfiction)

By YoungLadyKei

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[An AU FANFICTION of Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Been.] Written by Czaryna Pedrozo and YoungLadyKei Inzhagi U... More

06 (PART 01)
06 (PART 02)
Kei's Note


466 31 76
By YoungLadyKei

JeonKi edit by yours truly:

JeonKi (not edited):


Room 0707.

She was standing in front of the room, unable to find the courage to open the door. She feels like if she opens it, something will change and she’s not ready for it. She bit her lower lip and remembered everything that happened from the past. The mild headaches that they paid no mind because they thought that it was natural; everyone can suffer from a headache and the pain will subside afterwards. The nausea, the ringing in his ears, the blurring of his vision, the time when he lost control of his leg; it came to her like a wave, rushing to her mind. It was not all natural.

They should have taken everything seriously.

But regretting it now, will not help them. Their time together was blissful, their moments were something spectacular and she will happily reminisce about it always. And she’s afraid that one day, those happy moments will just be in her memories and she will be left with nothing but those memories. She closed her eyes, silently saying in her mind that “Everything will be alright.” She repeated it, saying it over and over again like a mantra, hoping for something good to happen in order to comfort her chaotic mind. She sighed heavily and decided to open the door. She grasped and turned the doorknob with her hand, the cold metal touched her skin. The door creaked a little and she fully opened it. She entered the room and closed the door behind her. The hospital room was cold, the coldness sent shivers down to her spine. She slightly trembled and made her way to the large bed. She held her breath when she saw him, lying on the white bed, his eyes closed, his skin and lips were pale. He was peacefully sleeping. She walked towards him and she slowly sat on the chair beside the bed, doing her best not to make a sound that would wake him up.

‘A modern sleeping beauty.’ She sadly smiled. Her man was lying on the bed and she’s thinking funny about him. ‘What a good girlfriend you are, Beenie.’ She looked at him, drowning herself with the image of his pale handsome face. She gulped, she’s doing her best not to shed a tear because crying will not help her, it will not help Joong Ki. She remembered her conversation with Mr. Tak.

[King was rushed to the hospital. He woke up with a terrible headache and he fainted.]

She did not respond after hearing what Mr. Tak said. The words were in her mind but she was not able to process it quickly. When she heard the word “hospital” it was as if a huge rock smashed her world. Her chest tightened and she even forgot how to breathe! It was an exaggerated reaction but knowing the person you love was rushed to the hospital was very nerve-racking. Good thing Mr. Tak was able to calm her down and he told her the hospital where they brought Joong Ki. As soon as she got the place, she immediately went to it without even changing her clothes. It’s not important anyway. What’s important is that she will know if her boyfriend is okay.

“Beenie?” A soft deep voice made her come back to reality.

“Joong Ki, you’re awake. Did I wake you up?” she asked and leaned towards him. Joong Ki shook his head and slightly smiled. He pointed to the glass of water on the bed side table and Yeo Been immediately gave it to him. He sat on his bed and drank the water. Yeo Been just watched him and when he was finished, she reached the glass from him and put it on the table. Joong Ki motioned her to sit on the bed and she obeyed him. He held Yeo Been’s right hand that was on his bed. He kept on squeezing her hand lightly, it was as if he had something to say but he couldn't express it. Or he just wanted to comfort her.

“Sorry if I made you wait. Sorry if I made you worry. I—” he lowly chuckled, “I just fainted and I guess Mr. Tak did not inform you?” Yeo Been shook her head. She sighed heavily.

“Are you okay, Joong Ki?” she asked.

Joong Ki looked at her intently. His eyes were telling a lot of things but she couldn't figure it out. She wants him to say something, to reassure her that everything will be alright. She wants him to laugh or smile and tell her that he just needs to rest and he will be okay afterwards.

She wants him to say something that will give comfort to her.

“I’m sorry for....lying.” She did not say anything. She waited. She waited for his answer, for his explanation. “My grandfather died because of malignant tumor. The tumor grew rapidly, it invaded his brain, his whole system and destroyed his body. I watched him suffer but he never complained. I watched him writhe in pain whenever he was suffering from a terrible headache. I watched him as he slowly lose his vision and lost control of his body. I watched him as he slowly forgot a lot of things and until he forgot our names except for one person. My father encouraged him to undergo operation, but he declined,” his looked at the window, his eyes full of longing for his grandfather, “I remembered what he exactly told us,” he heavily sighed and sadly smiled, “I’m already old. If I undergo operation, it will not guarantee my safety. And what’s the use of prolonging my life if the woman I promised to spend my whole life with was already gone?” Yeo Been’s forehead was creased while listening to him. Joong Ki looked at Yeo Been.

“Father was angry but he was also sad. He knew that grandpa was lonely so he decided not to force him with the things he doesn’t want to do. He suffered a lot before his death. We let him suffer the pain but he died peacefully. Maybe because grandma was with him?” He shrugged. Her hold on his hand tightened. The room was enveloped with a gloomy silence until Joong Ki sighed heavily and let his head drop. Yeo Been’s eyes never left him and she realized that she has difficulty in swallowing down. She bit her lower lip to relax herself.

“When I experienced this unusual headache, I told my father about it. And...when we learned about my situation, I—” his voice cracked and his shoulder trembled. Yeo Been encouragingly squeezed his hand. She felt her throat closing up and a single tear rolled down her cheek. No one will wipe her tears now because the person who’s always there for her, who’s always taking her sadness away is now silently crying and carrying along the despair and despondency he felt alone. With her free hand, she gently grabbed him towards her. She embraces him, hoping that her embrace will give him comfort; hoping that by her embrace he will know that she will always be there for him.

“I’m here, Joong-Ki darling,” she softly said and caressed his soft hair. He leaned on her and laid down his head on her shoulder. His tears dampened her clothes and she felt him sniffing.

“It’s a benign tumor but I’m still afraid. Unlike my grandfather, the person that I promised to spend my whole life with is here, hugging me in her arms. I don’t want to leave her alone. I want to live the rest of my life with her, I want to have a family with her,” he stifled a sob,  “I want to be with you, Beenie. And I’m sorry if I hid it from you. I just don’t want you to be sad. I also want to apologize if I decided on my own and did not even ask you. Please always remember that I love you, you’re my last love. And I will do anything just to be with you,” he whispered to her. His words were bittersweet; it made her stomach flutter and her heart ache. Even though he’s not telling what exactly it is, she knew what he meant. She’s not dumb. She can easily understand everything but she refused to take it.

“It’s okay, Joong Ki. If it’s for the better then it’s okay.” She tightly closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to stop herself from shedding a tear.

“You know, I—” she cleared her throat, “I attended your graduation. They called your name and no one went up to the stage. I also saw your friend, Bo-gum. I congratulated him and—and he was about to go to me when someone pulled him and they went inside of the auditorium. And then—” she swallowed, “And then I waited for you outside the auditorium. I waited until the program came to an end. I waited but—” He circled his arms on her waist and buried his head on her shoulder. He begins to feel the headache again. He closed his eyes when he felt nauseous and he relaxed himself on Beenie’s arms.

“I waited for you. And I will wait for you, Joong Ki. Remember that. I will always wait for you, Darling.”

“I love you, Joong Ki.”


Yeo Been looked at her reflection in the mirror. It has been three days since the day they brought Joong Ki to the hospital. She’s always at Joong Ki’s side, helping him and taking care of him. They spend time together even though sometimes Joong Ki prefers to sleep because he feels tired and also, in order for him not to feel the pain. He’s clearly not okay.

She touched the bags that were forming under her eyes, her lips that were pale and her messy hair. ‘Ah. I have to fix myself so that I will look presentable,’ she thought. She got the comb that she brought and started combing her hair. She looked at herself and she suddenly stopped when realization had hit her.

She excused herself from Joong Ki and Mr. Tak and went to the bathroom. She told them that she will just comb her hair and wash her face. Joong Ki just smiled at her and nodded his head. But the real reason why she excused herself was because she heard their conversation. It was too much for her to handle so she decided to leave.

They will bring Joong Ki to the US for his surgery. They need to remove the tumor before it grows and becomes a malignant tumor. And his operation will take place in one of their hospitals in the US. She heard everything and Joong Ki was just agreeing on everything that Mr. Tak said. Why do they need to go to the US? There are a lot of great surgeons here in K-Korea, why can't they trust Joong Ki’s operation to them? Ah, right. His parents live in the US and they want him there after the operation.

But why does it bother her?

Yeo Been once again looked at her reflection. For the past three days, she learned how to cry silently. There were a lot of what ifs in her mind but she can’t ask Joong Ki because she doesn't want to cause trouble for him.

What if he forgets her?

Yeo Been shrugged. No, it’s impossible. Those things only occur on dramas and movies and they were not on either of those two. She just needs to trust him. Trust the process. She took a deep breath. But there's also another thing that bothers her. She heard their conversation and she didn't even hear her name even once.

She’s not included in their plan.

“Beenie?” She heard the door open. She quickly fixed herself, tied her hair and tapped her cheeks. She checked herself once again and she still looked a mess. She turned around and her gaze landed on Joong Ki who was innocently looking at her.

“Ye—” her voice cracked. She clears her throat. She saw how Joong Ki’ s forehead creased and she knew that questions were forming in his mind. “Yes?” she asked.

Joong Ki slowly walked towards her. Yesterday, she was so afraid when he told her that he can’t hear anything and he lost the feeling of his right arm. Thankfully, it all came back to normal.

Joong Ki stopped in front of her. He raised his hand and it touched her left cheek. She felt the coldness of his hand and it brushed on her skin. “You’re crying,” he softly stated. Yeo Been’s eyes widened. She didn't even realize that she was already crying.

“O-Oh. I’m sorry it was—”

Her words were interrupted when Joong Ki gently hugged her.

“After the operation, I told Mr. Tak to bring you to the US. Even if it’s only for a week I want you to be there with me. And I will also return and live here with you,” he reassured her. “I love you, Beenie and I will come back for you.”

Yeo Been happily smiled.


There were no goodbyes.

She decided not to watch him leave the country. It was painful for her and Joong Ki understands her. They bid their goodbyes the night before his flight and it was enough for her; she doesn't want him to see leaving even though it’s for the better. Maybe, it was immature but seeing the only person who was there for her leaving after the hardships she experienced, it feels like someone was squeezing her heart out. She looked at the last message she received from him.

From Darling

Good morning, sweetie! Did you eat your breakfast? We’re going now, sweetie. Always remember that I love you. Good bye! Take care, my future wife.

“I love you too,” she murmured. She put her phone inside her sling bag and went out of her room. Today, she needs to take care of her school requirements. She asked Miri to take care of it but her friend was also busy with her studies and own requirements. Miri told her that she will be attending piano lessons so she will not always be available. As she walked the distance from her dorm to the University, there were students who greeted her on her way. She just smiled at them and greeted them back. Some students were intently looking at her and it made her uncomfortable. Some were gossiping and she can clearly hear what they say were talking. Their gossips were all the same.

Song Joong Ki will not come back.

Song Joong Ki will surely find someone better than her.

Song Hye Kyo was also in the US, right?

It was irritating but Yeo Been just needed to control herself. She just needs to hold back. Just like before, those rumors and gossips will die down on it’s own, without even anyone realizing it. She just walks with confidence and grace, ignoring all those students who spread negativities on her sad and gloomy morning.

Yes. She’s sad because the man who walks by her side every morning is not with her and she has to get used to it. She will walk alone on this path for one year. After that, they can be together again. She just needs to wait for him, he’ll come back.

She started her day with that thought in her mind.

It’s been one week since Song Joong Ki left K-Korea. Yeo Been was holding her phone at exactly 6:00 in the morning. The phone beeped and she immediately opened the message that just arrived. Her smile was ear to ear when she read his message.

From Darling

Good morning—there? Eat your breakfast and be careful at work. I told Chef Toto to take care of you. I miss you and I love you, sweetie.

She typed her reply.

To Darling

Hi! Take care of yourself, Darling. We will still get married okay? I miss you so much! I love you too.

She chuckled after typing her reply. She clicked the send button and put her phone on the bedside table. She gets up and happily jumps into her room. It was her morning routine for one week. She will wait for Joong Ki’s message every morning and start her day with a smile after reading his message. Then, she will prepare for her work in Arno’s Diner. When the vacation started, she suggested working full-time and Chef Toto immediately agreed to her suggestion. Her work helps her to distract herself and keep her busy. It helps her to forget the loneliness she feels in her heart. Well, there’s a time when she feels sad at work because she remembered her moments together with Joong Ki in the diner. She will always gaze at his favorite spot in the diner hoping that she will see him there, sitting alone and waiting for her to finish her work. Sometimes, she will eat in his spot alone and she just imagined that he was in front of her, looking at her while she’s silently eating.

It was unhealthy.

Every night, for the past one week, Joong Ki will call at exactly 7:00 p.m. They will talk about their day, usually Yeo Been tells him about her day at the diner while Joong Ki will just tell her about what he did in the hospital. Their calls last for an hour or sometimes, 30 minutes, depending on Joong Ki’s situation. His calls helped her to ease the feeling of sadness and her voice also comforted Joong Ki.

They were each other’s last straw. The last person that they will hold on so that they can fight and move forward.

It was 7:00 pm and Yeo Been’s phone started to ring. She cleared her throat before answering the call.

“Joong-ki!” she exclaimed excitedly and called his name. He heard him chuckling on the other line.

[Hi, Sweetie. It seems like you had a great day.]

“Yeah. I was motivated by your message and I was waiting for your call. That's why I’m happy for the whole day.” She pinched the pillow that was on her lap.

[Really? I was also excited to call you.]

His reply was shorter than before. His voice sounds so tired and Yeo Been can’t help but to get worried. They were silent for a while and no one decided to say a word. Their breaths were the only sound that they could hear on each other’s line. Yeo Been decided to break the silence.

“I miss you, Joong Ki,” she said in a voice full of longing. It was what she truly feels. She misses him so much. Even though they were just separated for one week, it feels like it’s already one month. Maybe, because she’s already used to his presence that’s why she kept on longing and looking for him.

[I miss you too, Beenie. I can’t wait to see you.]

Yeo Been laughed because of what he had said. “Yah. Yah. You need to take care of yourself first. After that you can see me. I really miss you and I can’t wait to see you but you should prioritize yourself first. And if you’re already okay—”

[Meet me at the church.]

Yeo Been gasped. “Are you proposing?! Yah!—” She smiled when she heard him laughing.

[No, I’m not. I know where the right place is and when is the right time to propose. Just wait for me, sweetie.]

“I told you, I’ll wait for you. Always.”

They were silent for a while but their hearts were happy and satisfied just by hearing their promises to each other.


Yeo Been looked out of the glass wall and looked up at the sky. The beautiful blue-shade of the sky was changing; the clouds that were white as cotton earlier were being covered by a large pillow of dark-grey clouds. The cold wind started to blow, it sounded like whistling, telling the people of what's to come. As the surroundings became gloomy, she saw the first droplet dropped on the glass wall. It was followed by another droplet and until it created a pitter-patter sound. People on the street ran to the nearby establishments for cover and some opened their umbrellas to protect them from the beads of water that the clouds continued to spat. The rain became intense and puddles began to form outside on the street. The people’s faces show discomfort and disappointment of the weather. Yeo Been turned her gaze to the entrance of the cafe. The glass door opened and a middle-aged man entered. He put his umbrella on the umbrella stand and his gaze wandered inside the cafe. Yeo Been did not make an effort to wave her hands at him, his eyes just landed on her and he made his way towards her. When he arrived in front of her, she stood up and slightly bowed her head as a sign of respect.

“Please take your seat,” she said and she sat on her chair. The man murmured a thanks and he also sat on the chair across the table.

“Ms. Jeon, I’m sorry if I was not able to answer your call. I was busy cleaning the young master’s house. I apologize.” Yeo Been looked at him. He just called her Ms. Jeon.

“It’s okay, Mr. Tak. You cleaned his house for two months, right? Two months.” Yeo Been nodded her head, there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Mr. Tak didn't say anything.

It’s been two months. Two months without any news from Joong Ki. Two months after he stopped communicating with her. She tried to call him but it’s always unavailable and her messages were ignored. She tried to contact Mr. Tak because Joong Ki told her that if she can’t contact him she should ask Mr. Tak. Unfortunately, the old man was not also answering his phone. Yeo Been was like a desperate and crazy woman when she called Joong Ki’s friends one by one and asked them if they had any news about Joong Ki. Majority of them did not know a thing. The only people who gave her news about Joong Ki were Park Bo-gum and Ahn; which surprisingly, Ahn is the cousin of Song Hye Kyo and his family is friends with Joong Ki’s family.

They told her one month ago that Joong Ki’s operation was successful.

She was relieved by what they told her. Then, she waited for his message, for his call but one month had passed and she got nothing. She’s worried sick. If she can only afford it, she will definitely fly to the US in order to see him. Unfortunately, her salary from her work is just enough for her expenses. It’s really hard to be an orphan.

Her thoughts were always about Joong Ki and it’s not helping her. She cried  to sleep every night. She even failed one of her subjects and Miri scolded her for neglecting herself. Chef Toto always tried to cheer her up. There was a time when she pushed her to take a one week break which she kindly declined because she didn't want to waste one week. She tried to work productively. She accepted work in the diner where her mind will be busy so that she will stop thinking about Joong Ki. But after her work, when she’s in her dorm, her mind always ends up thinking of him, worrying about him.

She promised to him that she will wait for him but she still needs news from him. She still needs to know if he’s okay, if what he’s doing or what situation he was in! Or anything related to him. Just a little update about him and she will be okay. She will be able to keep her promise.

And her last straw was Mr. Tak who just answered her call after two months.

She looked at Mr. Tak intently.

“May I ask why you did not answer my calls?” Mr. Tak’s face was stern. Truth to be told, Yeo Been was surprised by his behavior. He’s not like this to her. When Joong Ki was still with her, he also took care of her, cooking and giving her some food and delicious dishes. Did he just treat her nicely because of Joong Ki?

“It’s for the better.”

“For the better?”

“For the young master’s health. I decided not to answer your call. You do not need to be involved with him.” Yeo Been can’t understand him. Are they blaming her for Joong Ki? Heck, she even doesn't know that Joong Ki has a tumor and now they are telling her not to get involved with him? Is this some kind of scene in a drama?

“We’re not blaming you, Ms. Jeon. My point is you do not have any business with Joong Ki. He’s happy in his new life in the US. He’s better than before and you should also move forward. Forget about him.” She can’t help but snicker. Mr. Tak’s voice was void of emotion. It was like he’s talking to a stranger and that stranger is her. She calmed herself before talking. If she's angry, no good words will come out of her mouth. She needs to compose herself so that she will comprehend everything that Mr. Tak said.

Forget about him? He’s happy with his life?

What about her? She’s not happy and she badly needs to talk to Joong Ki. If Joong Ki will tell her to move on, she will comply with his words. For now, she will not believe Mr. Tak. She will stand on her ground.

“I want to talk to him,” she said, her voice full of determination. Mr. Tak looked at her.

“You don’t have to go. He’s happy—”

“I need to talk to him, Mr. Tak. If he’s happy I need to see if he really is. I need to hear it from him,” she paused and sigh heavily, “Or are you keeping something from me?” If people were hiding something, they would lie. Some people lie and you can see through it easily because they were not used to saying lies. Some people lie with their straight faces that is void of emotion, concealing every inch of their emotion in order not to detect their lie. For a person who treats her nicely, his behavior was suspicious and unusual. She knows that Mr. Tak is a nice man because that is what Joong Ki told her. She believes in Joong Ki.

“You keep on going in circles, Mr. Tak. You keep on saying that he’s happy, that I should forget him. I will believe that if Joong Ki confirmed it himself. It’s not difficult to call me right?” she gently asked him. He looked away. He turned his gaze to the glass wall, the raindrops dripping on it. The rain was still heavy and there were some people who entered the cafe in order to shelter themselves. Yeo Been tapped her index finger on the table.

“He forgot you.”

She suddenly stopped tapping when she heard what he said. She looked at him as if he said something funny and unbelievable. Mr. Tak's gaze was still on the glass wall.

“Are you telling me that he has amnesia? Are you kidding, Mr. Tak? Do you think we’re in some kind of drama where the male lead will forget about his past love and live his life in another country where he finds the lady he will marry? Do I have to laugh?” For a moment, she saw annoyance on his face but his face became serious afterwards. His gaze returned to her. “Do you think I’m kidding, Yeo Been? I didn’t answer your calls because I do not know how to tell the news to you. He forgot everything about you, Beenie. And he doesn’t want to remember you. If you want to be happy, just move forward and forget about him. All I wish for is for you and the King's happiness.” He’s serious. Unlike before, she knows that he’s telling the truth now. But as usual, she’s stubborn and she will not believe everything he just said.

“I want to talk to him.”

Mr. Tak closed his eyes tightly, he looked stress and frustrated. She’s getting into his nerves but the good thing was he’s a patient man and he also understands her. Yeo Been was just looking at him, her eyes never leaving him. He pulled out something from the pocket in his coat and he put it on the table. It was a calling card.

“If you made up your mind and believed what I had said, call that number. It’s the number of Song Mansion. I will immediately answer your call and will help you with whatever you need,” he said and he stood up.

“Wait—” He raised his hand, gesturing to her to stop talking. He nodded at her. “I can’t talk to you right now if you refuse to take everything that I said. Fix yourself and contact me if you’re ready to face the truth. Not now.” He left, leaving her dumbfounded.

It was still raining when she went home. She was walking alone on the path towards their dorm. The IU looks empty and gloomy. There’s no students around unlike before, it looked lonely and sad. She tightened her grip on her umbrella’s handle when a cold and strong wind blew towards her, droplets of rain dampened her feet and her exposed skin. She tsked when she accidentally stepped on a puddle, she sighs in annoyance. She stopped walking and looked up at the sky. It seems like the sky was sympathizing with her, tearing up for her broken heart. She just met Mr. Tak and all he did was to spout nonsense. Things that were hard to believe but he told it to her. Amnesia? Ridiculous. Are they shooting a movie? She wants to become an actress but she doesn’t want to experience a real drama in her life. She had enough. Losing her parents already broke her heart. If she experienced it again, she wouldn't know how to fix her heart and mend her wounds. She doesn't know how she will get up again and move forward.

She doesn’t know what to do.

A single drop of pain welled up on her eye. As she tightened her hold on the calling card Mr. Tak gave her, different emotions coursed down on her mind. The pain, the anger, the sadness, the disappointment. All of it stabbed her heart over and over again until it bled out. She just felt the exhaustion after two months of asking for him, after two months of missing him. She shut her eyelids closed, hoping to stop her tears from coming out. But it was no use. Just like the dark-grey clouds, her eyes welled up with tears and her attempt to stop it failed. She crouched down and sobbed on her knees. She let go of the umbrella she was holding and let the rain soaked her.

It was cold.

As she felt the rain soak her, the coldness brought by it numb the pain she felt. Her shoulders were shaking and she couldn't stop her tears from rolling down her cheeks. Her chest was heavy and tight. Her visions blurred because of the tears forming in her eyes. As she cried her heart out, the rain became more intense, the rain drops painfully on her skin.

“Joong Ki.... Why?” she mumbled painfully. “I love you... I’ll wait for you,” she whispered, hoping that the wind will bring her plea towards the person she truly loved and missed. She rubbed her chest as it became painful and gasped for air. She was out of breath because of weeping her heartache and despair.

Their memories together flashed in her mind, they were so happy and it hurt her. This is what she was afraid of the most; those happy moments will just be in her memories and she will be left with nothing but those memories. Because the man who promised to be with her left.

And he may not be able to know it, but he broke her heart, tearing it into pieces until it was beyond repairable.

Suddenly, the painful raindrops stopped. She slowly looked up.

“You know, I just read on Google that someone can die from broken heart. You told me that you want to be an actress, you told me that you have a lot of dreams. Stand up, Beenie. We’re still here for you. We’ll help you to move forward. The world is not ending, Beenie. Your friends are here for you.”

It was Miri. She’s holding an umbrella, sharing it with her.

“Miri...” Yeo Been’s voice was low and rasped because of crying. Miri smiled at her and she extended her free hand towards Yeo Been.

“Come on, Beenie. The Jipuragi Club is waiting for you.”

“Beenie! We’re here for you!” When Yeo Been heard the loud cheer of those familiar voices, she couldn't help but to smile and again, she started crying.

Jipuragi. They were also her last straw. They were also her family.


“Congratulations, Beenie! You’re really not going with us?” Miri asked. Yeo Been smiled at her and fixed her bag.

“I’m going somewhere today, Miri. You know that right?” It has been seven months. Yesterday was their graduation day and she celebrated her achievement together with her friends.

She was able to move forward for seven months because of her friends. They were there for her whenever she needed them. She focuses on her studies and play rehearsals. Jipuragi Club was busy for the whole school year, they always performed a play whenever there’s an event at IU. Yeo Been was called as the Best Actress of IU, the students applauded her and she earned praises not just from the students but also from the teachers. There were some agencies who scouted her but she refused them.

Because she’s not ready yet.

There’s one thing that she wants to do. After accomplishing that, maybe she will start fulfilling her dreams. Even though seven months have passed, she’s still looking for confirmation and reassurance. And today, she decided to call Mr. Tak and ask for his help.

Maybe she’s not ready to face showbiz but she’s now ready to face the truth. She is now ready because she wants to face the future without a heavy heart. She wants to confidently say that she’s okay without any hesitation.

“Okay. Just take care, Beenie. Call me if you need someone,” Miri stated and hugged her.

“Thank you so much, Miri.” They let go of each other when Mr. Tak’s car arrived. It stopped in front of them and the car window rolled down. They were met by Mr. Tak’s smiling face.

“You’re ready now, Yeo Been?” the old man asked. Yeo Been nodded her head. She once again looked at Beenie. “I’m going now okay?”

“Okay. See you!” Yeo Been opened the passenger seat and she got in the car. She waved her hand to Miri and the latter nodded her head. She looked at Mr. Tak who was also looking at her.

“I’m glad you decided to ask for my help,” he stated while grinning. After their conversation seven months ago, Mr. Tak became nice to her again. He helped her with her expenses even though she kept on refusing his help. He was also the one who went up with her together on the stage, he was his ‘acting guardian.’ For the past seven months, Yeo Been never asked him about Joong Ki even though she knows that he’s updated on his situation. Yeo Been was just afraid. She’s afraid about what will be his answer. She was again afraid to know that Joong Ki fully forgets her. And it will not help her, it will just depress her and she will be crying again.

Fortunately, she has no more tears left. One day, she just realized that she doesn’t cry anymore whenever she remembers him. But it was still painful, it still broke her heart. Maybe, her eyes were just tired and weary because of crying too much. Today, she decided to be brave and face the truth in order for her to move forward with her life.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Tak,” she sincerely said. Maybe after this, she will stop communicating with him because he reminds her of Joong Ki. In order for her to face the future, she needs to accept everything and accept the fact that Joong Ki may never come back in her life.


15 Central Park West.

Yeo Been was standing in front of a 35-floor luxury condominium at the corner of West 61st Street and Central Park West on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City, opposite to Central Park. The building was designed in a New Classical style, it was elegant and looked so expensive. The facade of the building is completely covered in limestone. Yeo Been can’t help but to be in awe just by looking at the condominium in front of her. She walked towards the entrance and entered the building. After flying to the US, she didn’t waste her time. She took a little time to rest and immediately went to the place where Mr. Tak told her. She didn’t expect that it was a luxurious building, her dark skinny jeans and green sweater look out of place inside the building. Her mouth formed an ‘O’ shape when she wandered her eyes around. The lobby is opulent, with English oak panels, fluted marble columns and there were two fireplaces. There’s even a waiting place for chauffeurs. She stopped admiring the place and went directly to the receptionist. It was a woman, maybe in her mid-thirties, her hair was tied up in a bun, a light make up on her face and her uniform was a black coat and a black skirt.

“Good day, Ma’am. How may I help you?” the receptionist asked. She looked at her from head to toe and Yeo Been unconsciously hugged herself.

“Uhm—I’m looking for—” Her words were cut when a group of men wearing a black suit entered the building. She froze in her place when she saw a familiar face in the middle of those men in black. She blinked her eyes, unable to believe what she saw.

Joong Ki.

He was talking with someone, a man who’s wearing the same black suit. He was grinning, it was just like when she saw him for the first time.


His gaze wandered around and it felt like forever when his eyes finally found her place. Yeo Been held her breath when their eyes met. He became more handsome, his face was just like before but livelier, it’s full of youthfulness. A smile was plastered on his face and it looked like it was free and anyone could receive his exquisite smile. Her heart skipped a beat when Joong Ki’s group passed in front of her.

But her heart fell when his eyes left her and they went to the elevator, ignoring her presence. She was unable to move, she was shocked by the fact that she just saw the person she was looking for.

And he can’t remember her.

Mr. Tak was telling the truth.

“Ma’am how can I—”

“Ah. I’m okay. Thank you,” she cut the receptionist’s question. She left the building hurriedly, her head down and she felt like someone was stabbing her heart. She was still hurting. And it’s more painful because of the fact that he can’t really remember her.

‘You promised yourself that you will accept the truth,’ she reminded herself. She sighed repeatedly in order to calm her heart and mind.

“Miss Jeon Yeo Been?” She stopped. The voice was very familiar to her. Even though she hasn't heard it for years, she can still remember that voice. She slowly turned to the person who called her name.

She was still as beautiful as ever.

“Miss Song Hye Kyo,” Yeo Been uttered. Hye Kyo walked towards her. She was wearing a white below the knee floral dress and pink high heels, she still looks young like before, her glass skin was glowing, her lips were red and her hair were tied into a neat bun. It almost took her breath away. She was holding a brown paper bag and Yeo Been was guessing in her mind what’s inside the bag.

But one of her questions was how did Hye Kyo know her?

“Can we talk?” Hye Kyo asked her.


The coldness of the cafe reminded her of the time when she let herself soaked in the rain. The next day, she had a fever after her dramatic scene. She was scolded by her friends, telling her that she can cry inside her dorm but she chose to cry in the middle of the rain and she even let go of her umbrella.

That was a stupid act.

“Do you want to order?” Hye Kyo was sitting elegantly across the table. She asked her if they could talk and Yeo Been immediately answered yes. Yeo Been knows that she has something to tell her , that's why she asked for them to talk. They went to the nearest cafe which still looks expensive and Yeo Been is sure that she can’t afford the drinks and food that the cafe was selling.

“I’m full,” she answered shortly. Hye Kyo nodded her head. She pulled out her phone from the paperbag and she started typing which Yeo Been didn’t mind. It looks like she was texting someone. After that she put her phone on the table and she looked at Yeo Been.

“Gi-seok told me that you’ll be here. I was planning to talk to you but I did not expect that you’ll directly go there.” Ah. Ahn Gi-Seok. Her cousin. Yeo Been straightened her back.

“Ah yes. I don’t want to waste time so I decided to go there after I rest.”

Again, Yeo Been has a lot of questions in her mind but she can’t ask anything. It was frustrating, when you wanted an answer, but you were not able to ask the question because you had to know your place. All that she could do now is to wait for Hye Kyo to speak and listen to her.

“Are you wondering why I know you? Before the operation, Joong Ki kept on talking about you. He kept on showing your pictures together to us, animatedly talking about you and bragging about you, your acting skills. He was so proud and all smiles while talking about you. His eyes were twinkling with excitement and we listened to him, we listened to his stories about you. You were a wonderful and loveable lady,” she paused, “He said that no words can describe how amazing you are.” Yeo Been started to feel that she’s having a hard time swallowing. She bit her lower lip and repeated the words “No more tears” in her mind.

“Everything was okay until the operation. He...He almost lost his life, we almost lost him. Good thing he was a fighter,” Hye Kyo looked outside the cafe, “After the operation, when he woke up, he couldn't remember anything. Aunt was hysterical, she was angry by what happened. Retrograde amnesia. The doctor told us that Joong Ki will remember everything if he undergoes therapy with our help. They decided to assign me to take care of him because I do have knowledge about taking care of patients.” Her gaze returned to Yeo Been. “I feel like it was unfair to you, so I decided to tell him about you. I showed him your pictures together but,” she gulped, “He suffered from a severe headache. He fainted. I tried again after that, but the result was.... terrible. He—He can’t remember you. He doesn't want to remember you. I’m sorry, Ms. Yeo Been.”

Yeo Been immediately wiped the tear that was rolling down on her cheek. No matter how she tells herself that she doesn't cry, that she doesn’t cry, she can’t stop her tears. It was so painful listening to Hye Kyo. But she has to, for her to pick herself up and move forward.

“He—He was planning to propose to you after the operation. His parents agree on his decision and they supported him. They can’t wait to meet you. But everything turned upside down when they knew that Joong Ki suffer from pain if we try to tell him about you. I’m sorry. Or do you want to stay here and help him to remember—”

“It’s okay,” Yeo Been softly said. She smiled at Hye Kyo. Her smile did not reach her eyes, it’s full of sadness and pain. “It’s okay. I—I actually did not want to believe it at first because it was unbelievable. Are we in a drama? We’re clearly not. It’s cliche. Him, forgetting about me. And what’s next? Will he happily live here and find his true love? It was just too painful. But it’s okay now. Thank you so much for telling me this, Ms. Hye Kyo.” She stood up. She kept on wiping the tears that were rolling down on her cheeks. It kept on flowing out, and it annoyed her. She has to be brave. Song Hye Kyo was looking at her sadly.

“I’m going now. Thank—” she choked on her words but she still smiled at Hye Kyo, “ Thank you. Please take care of Joong Ki. Thank you.” She did not wait for Hye Kyo’s answer. She hurriedly walked towards the door. She feels the other eyes of customers staring at her. She was about to open the glass door when someone opened it from the outside. She looked at the person who opened and she was going to utter her thanks but—

Her world stopped.

Standing in front of her was no other than the person who’s the sole reason why she was here in the USA. She stopped, she looked like she was starstruck. He was looking at her, wondering why she suddenly stopped. He was surprised when he saw tears welled up on her eyes, and it started rolling down on her cheeks. Something was urging him to wipe her tears but he didn't know her. He will not wipe the tears of some stranger.

Yeo Been kept on scolding herself, telling herself to move out of his way. Or say something to him. It’s her chance. It’s her chance to shout at his face, blame him for all of her heartaches. Remind him of all the things that he promised to her. She wanted to show their pictures to him, tell him their stories. She wanted to introduce herself to him. She wanted him to remember her. She wanted to hug him, cry in his arms, and call his name. She wanted him to comfort her, tell her that he remembered her and everything will be alright. Heck, she will accept it and she will not be angry if he will tell her that it was just all a joke, his sickness and the stupid amnesia, he just wanted to see her reaction if he will be sick that’s why he did that. She will accept him if he will say sorry to her. She will willingly accept him in her life again.

Joong Ki unconsciously lifted his hand that was holding a tissue. Yeo Been looked at his hand and back at his face again. He was looking at her intently. Yeo Been grabs the chance to memorize his face again, to drown her mind with his image. She sighed heavily and wiped her tears.

“No, thank you,” she said and smiled at him. She looked at his face one more time.

Ti amero sempre, Joong Ki. Arrivederci.’

She passed at him and she never looked back. Joong Ki gave her the happiness she never thought that she would feel after all what happened to her life. He brightened her life, he was her strength and weakness. He pushed her towards her dreams, he supported her in everything. He was perfect and one of a kind. She was happy that she became part of his life. It’s alright even though he can’t remember her, what's important is he’s happy with his life.

Yeo Been realized that it’s time to accept the truth. It’s time to move forward and love herself first.


Kei’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! My partner and I are forever grateful to all of you! I’ll update Chapter 11 tomorrow since my partner already finished writing it.

So, here’s another JeonKi edit by yours truly. Another fanfic? I don’t know.

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