Unexpected Love

By wantstoforget

1.7K 65 10

Alex Parker was just a normal teenage senior! Other than the fact she was a major Tomboy. She had her friends... More

Unexpected Love
Explanation Time
Author's Note
Movie Night
Author's Note:
The Dance
Small Talk
Unwanted Memories

No biggie?

117 9 0
By wantstoforget

"So! you think we can pull this off?" Brian Lockworth asked. Aly had a burning hatred of that jerk. He was such a follower. He started off as the new kid, then he met Ethan, and it was all down hill from there. Ever since then he's been Ethan's second in command of the punks. "For sure! Derek will never even think that we would trick him well... at least.... that YOU would trick him" He said pointing at Brian.

Aly let out a slight gasp of confusion. She thought Brian was Derek's friend. Why would he do this to him? This just confirmed Aly's theory that you really cant trust anyone in this school. Other then the 3 people you grew up with. "You want us to go over the plan again?" Said some guy that Aly had no idea who he was. "Um, yes.. no... ummm sure!" Brian stuttered.

"Okay, so, its simple, you just convince Derek to crash Principal Steaklum's car and then when Mr. S finds out we will tell him that we saw Derek do it! Got it?" Ethan said with an annoyed and unpleasant attitude. "Yea.. Uh.. I think.?.?" Brian said looking confused. "Oh no! I cant believe I'm saying this but I have to warn Derek!!" Shout/whispered Aly while quickly turning around and bumping into someone.

'Oh great!' she thought to herself. "Hey! Watch it Parker!" Derek shouted. Well this is all going SO well. "Look, I'm sorry! but I need to tell you somethi-" She was interrupted by him pushing by her. "Why should I care about what you have to tell me!? And since when have you EVER said sorry to me?" Derek shot back. "Since I REALLY need to talk to you! And MAYBE I WOULD SAY SORRY IF YOU WERENT SUCH A JERK!" She screamed now fumed. "MAYBE I WOULDNT BE A JERK IF YOU WOULD APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT YOU DID!" He yelled venomously. Aly was surprised there wasn't smoke shooting out of his ears. "I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT I DID WHY WONT YOU JUST TELL ME!?" She shreiked more agitated then angry now. The anger was smacked off his face and now he looked betrayed. "You know what you did" he said to himself but loud enough for her to hear. "God Dangit!!!"([TOBUSCUS reference]) She whispered.

Well, no way she could help him now.


Aly woke up still tired and stressed. She couldn't stop thinking about what would happen to Derek. Why was she so worried? Maybe.. just maybe she still cares. No! That's ridiculous!! He is a jerk! Nothing more, nothing less. And he feels the same way obviously. Anyway, she quickly threw on her black skinny jeans, her new hightop sneakers with skull&cross bones on them, and her baggy American Idiot GreenDay t-shirt. After grabbing a banana, she yelled bye to her dad and rushed out the door while throwing on her black leather jacket.

She ran down the street to Paul's house to meet with him and Zack so they could walk to school to together like they always do. Then she would walk home with amber since she lived just around the corner from Aly's house. The only reason Aly didn't walk to school with amber is because she was always late. And Aly atleast tried to have a slightly good attendance. (Not best..but good)

Later in the day, after lunch, Aly was on her way to recess and heard Mr. S yelling at someone and since Aly is bossy she had to check it out. She quietly ran to the room she heard it coming from. "DEREK YOU HAVE DONE SOME TERRIBLE THINGS BUT THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST!! CRASHING MY CAR! THE CAR I HAVE HAD SINCE I WAS YOUR AGE!" Mr. S exclaimed at the top of his lungs. "How can you even remember that!?" Derek sarcastically responded with a chuckle. "This is NOT the time for jokes Derek!" Mr. S said not as loudly but definetly just as mad.

After snickering at Derek's smart remark Aly became serious again. "Oh no! What do I do?" she whispered. "Derek I didn't want to have to do this but crashing my car was the last straw.... I'm sorry.. but from hereby on.. you are expel-" He started. "WAIT!" Aly screeched jumping inbetween Derek and Mr. S. "Alex!" Mr. S said obviously shocked at her sudden appearence. "Alex...?" She heard Derek whisper, who was also extremely surprised.

"Mr. S, you can't expel Derek!" she exclaimed. "And why is that?" He said not really expecting a reasonable answer. Aly was a good student and was respected by every teacher. Just not worshipped like all the goody two-shoes. Every so often she would get in trouble, but nowhere near as much as Derek. "Because.... Because he's not the one who crashed your car!" She suddenly blurted out. "Then who did?" he said in anticipation. "I did." She said bluntly. At that, even she was surprised by what she had just said.

"YOU DID?" Derek and Mr.S exclaimed simultaneously. "Yeah... but... um... not on purpose." She stuttered trying to figure out what to say next. "Explain Ms. Parker." Mr. S said suspiciously. "Well..." she started, but then noticed out of the corner of her eye the expression on Derek's face. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Alex Parker... was helping him. But... why? It was as if the universe itself would be confused. "I saw that the door was open and your keys were still there so I stepped in to grab them and accidentally stepped on the gas petal.. then it crashed into the tree so I sorta just freaked out and didn't tell you." She lied. "I'm sorry" for two things now.

"Well..." he paused and starting tapping his foot. He had to have believed her.. right? Mr. S along with everyone else knew that Aly hated Derek and would never defend let alone take the blame for something he did. "I suppose I could forgive you..." he said. Aly let out an enormous sigh of relief. "But," he continued. Oh dear.. But! But what!? The anticipation was killing her until he finally finished. "You will have to be punished" GULP "Oh..okay" she uttered nervously wondering what her punishment would be. "3 weeks of Friday detention.. and you should consider yourself lucky Alex I am being very generous knowing you are a good student and that you won't do something like this again." he said as the end of his sentence was looking for an answer. "Yes, Mr. S of course." she said innocently.

As soon as Mr. S left the room she was left there alone with Derek. Honestly she had no idea what to say to him or what he would possibly have to say to her. She quickly glanced in his direction and all she got was a confused glare. Derek opened his mouth to say something but stopped. Aly slowly began to walk out and could of sworn she heard Derek whisper thanks but decided not to acknowledge it, Just in case.

The rest of the day Aly didn't talk much really. One word sentences at most. She didn't even tell Amber, Paul, or Zach about what happened. She honestly didn't think it was that big of a deal. It was one simple occurence. Nothing more, nothing Less. It wouldnt effect anybody's life in any way so why make a big deal out of it. Right?

To end her awkward and confusing day Aly had the privalege of staying at school for detention. Yup! As she was on her way out of last period Mr S. let her know that her Friday detentions started tonight. SO now she was stuck here until eight. What fun! The whole time she was in detention she was supposed to "study" but, she stuck her earbuds in and hid them under her snapback. Music was her only escape from everthing. No matter how bad things would get; all she would need were her earbuds and Ipod.

Detention lasted for what felt like forever and was boring as all heck. Once Aly was finally able to leave she kept her ear buds in and decided to walk home instead of bothering her dad to come pick her up. He didn't know she had detention so it would spare her the lecture on the ride home. She would just tell him that there was a supise choir practice or something like that. While she came up with a better excuse she thought it would be best to take the long way home. It wasnt that cold out anyway.

Almost home, Aly was crossing a normally calm and empty street tunnel thingy. She was too busy being lost in thought and her music to realize an incoming car. The driver was on their cell phone so they didnt notice her either. Not a second to soon someone pushed Aly out of the way of the car and into the wall on the side of the tunnel. Aly was too much in shock to really understand her surroundings other than the obvious fact that she was in someone's arms and was pressed against their chest. When she took a closer look the persons coat had Aly's school logo and it said senior. From the strngth of his grip and his size it was pretty easy to tell it was a guy.

After the car had passed and things had calmed down a bit Aly was finally able to back away from this guy and look at him. It was so dark and yet you could still see his bright green eyes. Wow.. they were so.. so.. gorgeous. She couldn't help but get lost in them. She wasn't able to say or do anything at the moment until he slowly started to lean in. She didnt know what to do so she just leaned in also until their lips finally met. This was unlike any kiss Aly had ever experienced. It was passionate yet gentle. It was.. perfect. How is that possible? This is a complete stranger we're talking about there can't be a spark!

They simultaneously pulled away from the kiss. Aly was shaking, nervous, and confused. Yet, she was happy and warm on the inside. She opened her eyes to see an unexpected familiar face and she was so sure she was going to faint. This can NOT be happening. As if her day hadn't been mind boggling already and now THIS. Oh Aly, what have you gotten yourself into!?


So I finally updated it! Yeah... sorry it took so DANG Long!! But honestly there has been a lot going on in my life. And I have been working on this chapter FOREVER! Only the best for my amazing Readers!

Love Ya, <3

          Alyssa L.

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