Revelation Of The Chosen (Boo...

By RJS416

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Magic is not real! Ancient History is just a part of someone's fabrication put into books. Shark and Troy do... More

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Chapter 0: A Distant Past
Chapter 1: The Skeptics of Magic
Chapter 2: The Dark One's Journey Begins
Chapter 3: Ancient History
Chapter 4: The Rothom Archives
Chapter 5: To The Museum
Chapter 6: Intruder in the Halls
Chapter 7: The Egyptian Exhibit
Chapter 8: The Clash
Chapter 9: Mesmerizing Words of Terror
Chapter 10: The Final Guards
Chapter 11: Mummies Alive
Chapter 12: Stolen Scrolls
Chapter 13: Pierce Through to Another Time
Chapter 14: The Mysterious Stranger
Chapter 15: A Thousand Questions
Chapter 16: The Thief and The Thunderer
Chapter 17: Hungry Inhabitants
Chapter 18: An Unexpected Ally?
Chapter 19: Fight Thunder with Fire
Chapter 20: Secret Revealed
Chapter 21: The New World Observed
Chapter 22: A Warning from the Trees
Chapter 23: Competition and Bullies
Chapter 24: Giant Dangerous Arachnids
Chapter 25: Rise like the Winds and Devour like the Water
Chapter 26: To Trust or Not to Trust
Chapter 27: The Hidden Underground Den
Chapter 28: The Forest of Intensions
Chapter 29: The Mermaid's Scream
Chapter 30: The Nylus Rainbow Scale
Chapter 31: Perils of the Island
Chapter 32: The Questioning Begins
Chapter 33: The Hyods
Chapter 34: The Ruincrucians
Chapter 35: Panthora and General Chrome
Chapter 36: Battling Vegetables
Chapter 37: The Cries of the People
Chapter 38: Land of the Mist
Chapter 39: The Return of the Hyod of Wind
Chapter 40: The Hyod Council
Chapter 41: The Balance Between Light and Dark Tipped
Chapter 42: The Messiah of Darkness
Chapter 43: A Dangerous Encounter
Chapter 44: Grave News
Chapter 45: Vulnerable
Chapter 46: Confrontations and Conflicts
Chapter 47: Revelation Of The Chosen
Chapter 48: Doublegangers
Chapter 49: The Radiant Warrior
Chapter 50: New School, New Curriculum
Chapter 51: Training Day
Chapter 52: War of Words
Chapter 53: Lord Rothom
Chapter 54: The Second Great War
Chapter 55: A Traitor
Chapter 56: Provoked and Unapologetic
Chapter 57: Secret Training
Chapter 59: A Trap Set
Chapter 60: Falling Warrior

Chapter 58: Heartfelt Goodbyes

182 22 89
By RJS416

Exhaustion and adrenaline were not two words which went together but for Shark, Troy, Arion and Pyro, it described them perfectly.

To say the final few months were hard for the four would be an understatement. It would be like saying Troy was dumb or Arion was a smiling, go lucky warrior. It was certainly not the truth.

They were constantly training at their max. They were studying hard in the 8 subjects with hopes it will help in the future.

History and Strategic Planning was crucial. Orestes who tutored the Apprentices in Lord Valliantious' absence spoke about various strong holds of the Light and Dark at the current time. Shark found this useful as it would give them a start as to where the most sacred place might be.

Artistry, Weaponry and Remedies taught by Lord Hallious was crucial to survival as they would rely on mother Axial to provide help in times of injury.

Lady Heliocana's Dialect and Deciphering tutorials were crucial for Troy. He needed to understand not only Caniferr but other languages that they might happen upon.

Arion focused on his strength with Lord Hyperiown's tutorial in Face-to-Face Combat and Brutality. He needed to be the best in order to protect those who were not up to his standard in their group of chosen warriors.

Pyro found Battle Tactics and Army Combat more important as having a plan was crucial and so he listened carefully to Lady Demetah.

They were locked in the Annals Chamber for hours, learning everything about herbs, the various environments they might encounter, the type of Beastials and warriors who might be after them.

The days did not have enough hours. Mornings seemed to come too fast and night seemed to fall too quickly.

Most of the time their body was drained, their minds were tired but their team and personal goals kept them going.

Arguments were constant especially between Pyro and Arion. When Pyro suggest they start on the continent of Hyoditic, the very place where the Den was located Arion would suggest they look in the gutter world where Pyro was from and suggested Terra Unda instead.

Shark would do his best to prevent physical fights from happening, reminding the two of what they were fighting for.

Troy ignored the conflicts as his true goal was to get home and in order to do so he needed to help recover the Prophecy of Luminosity before Omegon and his Dark Warriors did.

Those which included likes of the Ruincrucians, Top Ranked Warriors and the vanished Cinquant Generals who were supposedly gone and replaced by the minions of the Messiah on each continent.

Arion continued training with Lord Hyperiown and Lord Blackthorn at the same time, while keeping it from those whom he should trust.

Every occasion he entered the well, he could hear the voice he heard from the first time. It frightened him a little every time, however he instructed himself to focus and pay attention to his true goal which was becoming the strongest warrior.

The force which persisted to pull him to the ground was getting weaker with each journey into the tunnel. One hundred warriors like massive Elekants and Rhinrexs could not keep him from his goal, he would push forward.

On the last day, Blackthorn taught Arion how to raise dead thunder from the ground, one of the strongest Thunder abilities.

"Lift your hands into the air, repeatedly but without too much force. Pretend your hands are light as feathers and then lift them. Picture the strike of lightning as it impacts the soil and is grounded. Now summon it back up."

Arion did as told, and with every attempt he summoned deceased thunder from the ground.

It was not strong like Blackthorn had hoped.

Arion was eager to learn but was frustrated at himself for not meeting Lord Blackthorns expectations. He pushed himself to the max so he could prove himself to Lord Blackthorn but most importantly to himself.

With every attempt, it became stronger until he was able to fully summon the dead thunder and impress the Lord of Woods.

The time neared for the training to seize for the year. Pyro spent a lot of his limited free time with Athena while her friends giggled in the background.

The two wanted to say their goodbyes for the year, in case they did not have a chance to say it before all the commotions with departing Apprentices occurred.

"I cannot believe an entire semester is already over," said Athena, sitting on the stair of the House of Wind. "It's like we just met yesterday."

Pyro was seated next to her, but it was not close enough, there was too much of a gap between the two, a crater might as well separate them.

He nevertheless smiled and said, "There is something I want to tell you."

"Oh," said Athena with a great big smile.

"I wanted to say," said Pyro.

He looked down at the bottom of the stair. He was afraid to make eye contact. His stomach was churning like butterjin. He was nervous. It was a feeling which hit him like a fireball when he spent time with Athena.

"Go ahead. I'm listening," said Athena, staring at him.

Her eyes might as well be laser like because it was piercing a hole in his head and his palms became even moister.

"I'm, I'm, I'm going to miss you," he mumbled.

"And I'm going to miss you too," she replied with a smile and shake of her head.

The two leaned in and hugged each other whiles passerby's ooh and awed at them, but they did not care.

Athena's hug was warm and inviting. It was different from the ones he received from Chi-taki, but in a very good way. Pyro did not want to let her go. He wanted to embrace her for a little longer.

The two separated and Athena stood up and looked back at him and said, "Well before you know it, the break will be over and we will see each other again."

"Yeah, you're right," said Pyro.

He watched her walk away with Nepthis. He kept his smiled plastered on his face as Athena would periodically turn back around. 

He did not want her to see the uncertainty and fear on his face. Would this be the last time he saw her? She did not know he was going on a journey, in which he might never come back from.

The last day arrived and each of the House warriors was listening to a speech in the main atriums of their respective Houses.

Each Hyod, stood above their main atrium on the hovering golden balcony affixed on the back of their sacred Beastial, informing their Apprentices of how proud they were of them but mainly to be careful and to always keep in large groups for protection purposes.

The Apprentices were aware of what they meant. The Messiah of Darkness was back and aiming for the warriors of Apprentice Hall and Othyrus Castle to reap his revenge on the Hyods.

The warriors from the Othyrus Castle escorted all the departing Apprentices safely from the Hall without any disturbances from Dark Warriors.

In his chamber, Valliantious, spoke to the four chosen warriors who were seated and awaiting his final words of wisdom.

"All of you have grasped everything the Hyods have thrown at you, form our strict lessons to our tempers and have passed with flying colours," said Valliantious with a somewhat joyous and sad tone.

"I wish I could journey with the four of you. Unfortunately, only the chosen warriors can unlock the whereabouts of the prophecy without any help from the Hyods," continued Valliantious.

"From the first day Troy and I met you when you were Professor Valliant and not Lord Valliantious the Hyod, we knew you would always guide us in the right direction and given all you have taught us, we were right," said Shark, a little teary eyed himself.

This could be the final time he said goodbye to Lord Valliantious. It was a horrible thought. He had to remind himself of who they were and what they stood for. They would not fail. He had to believe in himself and his friends and his mind and stomach needed to agree with his heart.

"I never thought in my wildest imagination I would ever be doing such a thing. Things you hear about. Things you read about. Things which only exist in children's tales but here I am, proud of myself and that's all thanks to you, Shark, Pyro, Arion and Chi-taki," said Troy.

"You are too kind Troy, Shark," said Valliantious.

"Well, what can I say," said Pyro with a chuckle. "They've taken all the sappy lines. However, I have a chance thanks to you and being a chosen warrior to finally do something so every warrior and Beastial in this land and far off has a chance of being treated equally when we defeat the Dark Empire."

Arion looked at Lord Valliantious but he did not say anything. Everyone awaited his words, but after the silence was not broken by him, the Lord of Wind began summoning several small pouches from the glass cabinets but was interrupted by Arion.

The four stopped and looked at him. Arion might as well have been a statue which came alive and spoke, catching them off guard.

"I've finally understood everything Dark or Light can be channelled into something productive, like my anger and that's thanks to you."

Arion got up slowly from his chair and walked up to Valliantious while his friends stared.

It was hard for him to express his feelings. He had taught himself to be bold and that emotions were for the weak.

Arion reached Valliantious and clasped his hands and bowed, it was not a hug as they expected but nevertheless it surprised them.

The three were very happy to see the sight they were witnessing. It was long overdue.

"I am sorry for being angry a lot. I should've understood you have a responsibility to treat everyone fairly and not to favour me and my wants."

Valliantious smiled at Arion. "You're a great warrior and when you return from your journey, we will discuss the Othyrus Castle."

Arion gasped with happiness, happiness he had never felt before. Finally, one of his dreams was coming true but he could not accept. "Thank you so much but you're right I have a lot to learn and this is the best place for it."

"Then I will await you here for more training, for you will be here for the next semester," said a positive Valliantious.

He proceeded to blow several small brown pouches to the four like sands in a dessert.

"These pouches contain the essentials for your journey. Remedies are there for almost every condition which might occur."

"There are healthy foods to build up your strength and I am sure on the way you can forage if food runs out."

"Also, I have instructed you on how to use the Safeguard Scroll when you set up the marquee for the night. Remember to rely on the various lessons taught to you by all the Hyods."

The four were about to say their goodbyes to Lord Valliantious but he interjected with a comment which could not wait.

"The four of you will encounter a lot of obstacles, enemies and friends on the way and each will test you, physically and emotionally. Be very lucid and think about where they are coming from."

"The Dark Warriors especially, will try to place doubts in your minds, about you, your journey, and your friends. Be very careful about your actions and reactions as they will guide your next move."

Each nodded in agreement. They placed the pouches onto their back, and said their final goodbyes to Lord Valliantious and the Apprentices who were staying at the Hall.

They exited the House of Wind and looked back at it, for what might be their last time. Each glared at its white marble staircase, the long pillars and the gorgeous eagle affixed on the roof. They desired to treasure the Reminiscence in their mind forever, just in case.

Draped in their respective Rudimental training attires, they looked up to see the sacred barrier unfold like little glass windows opening, giving them a chance to exit its protection which might be for the last time.

They materialized to the thick luscious forest beneath Apprentice Hall and looked up to see the barrier reappear like an invisible bubble and the Hall protected once more against all intruders.

Chi-taki greeted them and gave them words of praise and well wishes.

"I am proud of each and every one of you. I can see a lot has changed. I see it every time you all visit on the breaks. I know it will be the four of you whom will defeat The Messiah of Darkness and his Dark Empire."

Pyro clung to his father as long as he could, happy to see him before he left. He felt a bit guilty that he had his parent like Arion and Lord Valliantious to see them off unlike Shark and Troy, whom he witnessed were happy for him yet sad at the same time.

Shark and Troy wished they had once last hug and word with their parents before they moved from the spot. To have such would be worth more than millions of dollars and make them the riches men on Axial.

The four ventured deep into the unknown which awaited them. This was truly the start of their journey, a journey they did not know the lengths of or the outcome, something crossing each of their minds constantly.

But they had to be brave. They were the chosen warriors. They did not ask for it. It was bestowed upon them and it was an honour. They were going to do their best and nothing else.

They were going to bring about the end of the Messiah of Darkness, Omegon, even if it meant the unthinkable. They would prevent the Third Great War, a new Age of Dominance and return the Balance between Light and Dark to Order. 

Two more chapters and the Epilogue left, enjoy!!!

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