Demon and the Dragon (Kiryu C...

By DemigodRyujin

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Nothing much, just a simple story dedicated to our cute Yakuza Dragon. More

Prologue: Return of a Demon
Chapter 1: One Hell of a Party
Chapter 2: Enter Tokuno'o Tokumichi
Chapter 3: Secrets Unveiled
Sayonara and Arigathanks Kaichou!
Chapter 4: Day of the Dragon
Chapter 5: Time flies doesn't it?

Epilogue: Party to Remember! (Y/N)'s Promise

513 15 2
By DemigodRyujin

Tokyo, 3rd Person POV

Looks like the time has finally arrived, the day that several people have been looking that everyone in Cover Corp has been looking forward to. Every single active idol the company had under it, from every different branch of Hololive and Holostars to important staff members and managers, to even Yagoo and (Y/N). All of whom were all in their own groups, having serious expressions on their faces. 

One person then walked to the center of the group, catching everyone's attention. This was of course the yakuza dragon of Hololive, Kiryu Coco. "So, you going to start?" (Y/N) asked, his arms crossed and his eyes looking directly at Coco, and were somehow glowing (f/c); in the corner Shion would be pointing her arm towards the male, which was glowing green, a smirk on her face. Coco then pulled out a large bottle of sparkling wine from her equally large chest, and yelled out "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED MOTHER FUCKERS!!" and popped of the cork. Everyone looked at each other and smiled and yelled in excitement alongside Coco, and with that Coco's farewell party started. Everyone then started conversing with others, eating and some even drinking alcohol already, surprisingly no chaos has started...for now at least. 

Lamy, Calli and a few others could be seen drinking copious amounts of alcohol in one of the corners of the room; in another the predator demi-humans could be seen eating and sharing a large amount of meat with one another; Marine and Matsuri were laughing together about something that is most probably not the most seiso; and the more idol-like members were laughing amongst one another; hell there was a betting ring on an arm wrestling competition between Kanata and Noel.  

"Come on Noel! Try harder! I put a lot of money on you!" Korone said cheering on the knight. "Kanatan! You better not loose, you hear me?~" Suisei said, obviously having some malicious intent if Kanata were to loose. Kanata's eyes widened as she said this, she gritted her teeth, clenched her teeth and (Y/N)'s voice played in her head yelling the phrase "Eat that horse!". She then suddenly pushed Noel's hand back a bit, surprising the knight 

"Oho? Is this your loosing gasp, or your second wind? Either way, I'll show you the power of my muscles!" she then pushed back, the two now trying to win this competition with all of their might. The table below the two started to shake, and started to crack...thankfully the tables in the break room were reinforced. 

"Come on Kanata!" Rikka cheered her on, as Flare was giving some encouragement to Flare at the same time. "Come on senpai! Ganbare Ganbare!" Ollie said cheering on whoever was winning, she didn't even place a bet on who she think would win. With the carnivores of hololive, well they'd just be eating copious amounts of meat, with Mio trying to make sure no one chokes themselves in the process. 

"Don't hog everything to yourself  friendo Shien" Fubuki says, while trying to reach for a turkey leg that was in the Jackal demi human's hand, while he just kept it away from her by making it be out of her reach. While all of this would be going on, Yagoo just watched with a smile, the managers at his side. 

"I'm kinda surprised they haven't broken anything yet..." A-chan said, pushing her glasses up. "As much as I hate to admit it, just give it some time...something is bound to happen" Enma said to her

"With them, something is always bound to happen, though I guess that's how its always been" J-chad said, with MaID-chan and JenMa agreeing. "What do you think Yagoo-sama?" Dave said looking at the CEO. He just slowly nodded "All that matters to me, is the smiles on all their faces, don't you guys agree?". They all looked at each other, and nodded in agreement. Though this would be interrupted by Coco yelling "Yeah! Go you mother fucker!!" in front of her would be (Y/N) standing on top of a large wooden plank, which itself was balancing on top of large barrels of booze. "No! Don't waste that! Give it to me instead!" Lamy said, her eyes glossy, Calli watched on a bit sad, and the others who were drinking with the two tried to stop the male, to no avail. 

"Alright! I've always wanted to do this! Let's go!!" he then started surfing across the room, onto of his 'barrel board' giving a few people quite the scare. He was somehow able to stay balanced, and ram himself into the area where the carnovore demi-humans were, sending several food items flying. "Noooo!!! They were so innocent!" Fubuki said in sadness

"(Y/N) how could you?!" Shien said ready to use the worlds' greatest baseball bat, which he pulled out from no where. "I-i mean...its not so bad right? At least he didn't knock over everything..." Botan said calmly, though a bit of anger in her voice. "Don't worry about the food! What if he hurts himself! He won't be able to participate in the competition if he does!" Mio said trying to bring the male down, ultimately failing. "Woooo lets gooo!!" he yelled continuing to barrel surf, eventually he did lose his balance and fly forward, crashing into several members of Holostars, with a large grin on his face. The commotion caught Noel of guard, catching her attention as she looked towards their direction "Oh no...". Kanata saw this and to the opportunity to win, yelling in her mind "Now's my chance! Hraaa!" and started to push Noel's hand downwards, when the knight realized was too late as she could only say "OH NO!" before her hand was slammed into the table, giving Kanata the win. 

"Alright! Good job Kanata-senpai!" Polka cheered on. "Man, I'm relieved...I really betted an arm and a leg on Kanata" Ina said, giggling at her own joke, (Y/N) could be laughing at this in the distance, getting up "Good one Ina", he put his hand up for a high five to which she complied with. "Wooo! Let me get a turn! I wanna do what (Y/N) just did!" a certain red haired zombie exclaimed, only for her gen mates to turn down the idea due to the fact she was wearing a skirt. 

"That isn't stopping someone else though" Amelia said, pointing towards Coco who was also barrel surfing, eventually leading to her crashing into the rest of gen 4, except for Kanata. "Too heavy nanora!". "Watame did nothing to deserve this..." she said slowly losing consciousness. As for Towa, well she was completely knocked out by this, her face directly underneath Coco's arm. The dragon was laughing as this happened and helped the rest up. 

A certain lioness would then walk up to (Y/N) and wrap an arm around his shoulder "Ne (Y/N), I haven't tried your cooking in a while! Why don't you cook me up so mutton! Besides you owe me for ruining my meal a while ago" she said this, whilst looking at Watame who was able to hear everything and hid behind Coco a bit scared. He chuckled and ruffled her hair "Sure I don't see why not, also I'm not cooking Watame for you"

she shrugged "Worth a try, though not gonna complain, I'll accept the Kure style cooking anytime!" she said. Out of nowhere a male voice yelled out "Hey (Y/N)!"

 The two turned their gazes only to see Shien, who was now barrel surfing as well, he reached his hand out "(Y/N) C'mon! Let's double team!" the male grinned and looked at him and grabbed onto Shien's hand and got on alongside Shien; the two smiling and laughing all the way. Everyone jumping out of their way, and everyone having smiles on their faces; even the managers and Yagoo laughing alongside the idols, all of them laughing the night away. 

Timeskip: Tokyo, 3rd Person POV

In the first floor of the main building of Cover Corp could be seen (Y/N) Kure, softly singing to himself as he got ready for the day "Got my wristbands on" as he said this he placed wrist bands onto each wrist "And my boots are tied" he'd then tie all the laces on his boots "Gonna grab my friends and defeat Purgatory" he then stood up and started to leave the building "Doot doo doo, today's fighting day" as he was about to leave a certain fox friendo would stop him "Hey friendo (Y/N)!~". The male grinned and turned around high fived Fubuki, with a grin on his face "Hello foxy friendo!" 

"So you ready for today?" she asked as she stood next to him. "Mhm yeah, you guys will be watching right?"

"Of course we will! Yagoo-san even said we'll be getting a special viewing room to ourselves!" she said excitedly, even pumping her fists in the air, (Y/N) watched amused and with a grin on his face. "Calm down friendo, it hasn't even started yet and you're already excited as hell"

"Of course! I haven't seen any of your matches in a while...I haven't even seen your match with Nitoku! So I'm pumped to see you fight!" the male chuckles and warms an arm around the fox girl and starts playfully rubbing her hair "This is exactly why you're one of my best friends here!". Fubuki tried to get out of his grip, and pushing his hand away, to no success "O-oi! Yamero!" despite this, it seemed she didn't seem to dislike it as she had her signature smile on. He then let her go "So why're you still here? Is everyone else here?" 

"Hmm I could ask you the same thing (Y/N)! Buuut to answer your question, I'm only here cause the manager for Gamers needed us, and only me and the others are here, the rest went ahead". (Y/N) was about to say something when he darted his head to one direction and pulled his hands upwards, dodging an attack from Korone "Korone! I already told you, I ain't giving you my fingers! I need them" she would have then gone in once more if someone didn't tell her to stop

"Koro-san! Leave him be for now! You can have his fingers later!" Okayu said walking forward, Mio following the latter of the two sighed and shook her head and said "I'll have to stop you there, you can't take (Y/N)'s yubis, he's gonna need them for a long time" Mio said, before walking towards the before mentioned male and smiled sweetly at him "Are you ready for today?" 

"Course I am, well my ride's here I'll see you gals later, oh by the way only reason I was here Fubuki, was cause I was speaking to my new manager". The four of them looked at the male in surprise, then quick realization "Wait does that mean?-" before Fubuki could continue, (Y/N) just grinned at them and said "See ya gals later" and left the building, entering a car that was waiting for him outside. He was then taken to a private runway, with a small private plane on it. He left the car, and around him would be the other fighters 

"Took ya long enough, what was holding ya up?" a bald muscular male asked (Y/N). He just looked at him and shrugged "Eh, not telling anyways we have a competition to win, so let's get going". The bald male groaned, and the thirteen fighters then boarded the plane. On the ride, surprisingly, (Y/N) wasn't being affected by motion sickness at all, in fact, it looked like he was enjoying the view the ride gave him. 

"Looks like you're enjoying this, I thought you'd be suffering on the ground by offense of course" a deep male voice said to (Y/N), he turned around to see a very muscular and tall blonde male, and one of (Y/N)'s closest friends: The Wild Tiger, Wakatsuki Takeshi. "Oh hey, yeah makes sense, the thing is I never get motion sick on trains and planes...don't know why though"

Wakatsuki chuckles and takes a seat next to him, seeing as how the interior was basically the lobby to a five-star hotel there'd be plenty of seats. The older male smiled at his friend "So how are things at Cover Corp? Found a girlfriend yet? Or maybe you don't swing that way" he said to him. (Y/N) sighed at this question "You never change with that...I swear you're like an older brother sometimes" 

"You and Cosmo say that a lot, though I never hear you two denying nor hating it"

"What can I say? Better than most of my relatives" he chuckled at this statement. "Guess so, so about my question". (Y/N) groaned, whilst Wakatsuki chuckled. Eventually, the plane arrived at where the competition would take place, a literal arena built into a volcano. "Holy shit! Is that thing built on an actual volcano?! Won't that thing erupt or sum shit?!" the bald man exclaimed, pressing his face against the window. "I doubt that, from what I can tell it's probably not active anymore...not to mention it'd be a huge mess for Purgatory if it was built on an active volcano" a male with glasses said calmly. 

Timeskip, around 1-2 hours later

Eight rounds have already passed in the competition, and it was tied on both sides; each having four wins. "So who's going next?" Ohma asked looking at his allies, those who didn't yet fight looked at one another 

"I can go if it's fine with you all" Nitoku said, adjusting his glasses. He was about to walk forward, only for (Y/N) to place a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back a bit and the latter of the two started walking forward. "Alright then, think you can get us a win (Y/N)?" Wakatsuki asked

"Yeah, just leave it to me" he then took off his shirt, pants, and boots; only leaving him in MMA shorts. 

"And he's arrived!! The 'Roaring Demon: (Y/N) Kure has come!! Be sure you roar with all of your heart out there!" the announcer said as he walked into the stage. Unsurprisingly the loudest cheers came from the idols he works with, all of whom can be seen in a special room far from everyone. "Looks like he has his own fan club huh?" the second announcer asked, looking at where the cheers were coming from. "That's right, and for the Grim Reaper of Paris! Nicolas Le Banner!" as soon as the said male walked forward, several cheers were heard as well. "Guess you have your own fan club huh?"

"You can say that, well I'm glad I got you as an opponent, everyone else is so serious, they gotta lighten up...this is a festival after all" he then raised his left hand up for a handshake, only for (Y/N) to decline it by shrugging "Sorry, I'm not exactly one of those types...let's just get this started" he said before getting into a stretching his arms. Nicolas chuckled and tossed most of his clothing aside, leaving him only in shorts. The referee then spoke up and said to (Y/N) "You better restrain yourself, I'm no longer going to have another murder by the hands of your clan again". (Y/N) just looked at her and said "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about that...I don't kill anyways" 

Out of nowhere Nicolas then slapped (Y/N) across the face "Since you won't shake my hand, maybe you'll accept this? The left hand is an invite to a duel~". The referee went in to stop further action, only for (Y/N) to grin and block a punch Nicolas sent, and (Y/N) responded by palm striking him in the chest. Nicolas jumped back, and (Y/N) got into his stance "Both of you stop at once, or I'll disqualify you!" 

"Just start the match already Mon Cha Alisa!" Nicolas stated. "Yeah, we've already started clashing fists anyways". She sighed raised her one and yelled out "Ready!? Fight!" 

"Alright! The fight's finally been called! Will a demon be able to scare the reaper away with it's roars?! Or will this demon's soul be reaped?" 

As (Y/N) started to lightly hop in place, he'd feel something off and think to himself "The hell? I can't feel my arm" 

"Consider that my hand shake Monsieur, what'd you think?" 

"What'd ya think? I'll have you know, the Grimm Reaper's weapon isn't a scythe but a needle". (Y/N) grinned at him, feeling his arm once more, and said to his opponent "Oh you don't know how wrong you are about that one". The two then went into a swift exchange of blows, both fighters going at extreme speeds; surprising the audience. "Faq! Those two are fast!" Miko said surprised at the two's speed; their inhuman reflexes clearly showing. "Go beat that mother fucker up (Y/N)!" Coco cheered. 

With the two fighters, Nicolas would be sending a barrage of jabs with his left hand, all of which (Y/N) had to dodge, mostly by leaning backward, or moving to the side. Nicolas then went in for a punch, (Y/N) ready to parry and attempting to round house kick the male at the side of his head, only for it to be dodged. Quickly recovering from the failed kick, (Y/N) was able to parry a jab from Nicolas jumping back a short distance; to see Nicolas in a fencing-inspired stance. "En Garde, now let us have a duel to the death". The announcer then went to explain this was Nicolas' own custom martial art, a mixture of Fencing, Savate, and even a bit of Karate, calling it Sahate. "So he has his own huh? His reflexes are top tier as well, a bit faster than mine that's for sure" he was suddenly cut off from his thoughts, as he was forced to block a jab from his opponent, sending a right hook at Nicolas' way; the french male getting hit by it. Recovering quickly, the two once more went into a quick exchange of blows. Nicolas then successfully hit (Y/N) in his left shoulder, the latter going for a right uppercut, only for it to be dodged and Nicolas barely grazing (Y/N)'s left eye. 

"Is that fucker's reflexes as fast as Akoya's? Cause I can sure as hell tell it's a bit faster than (Y/N)'s" the bald male said, watching the fight from where the rest of Team Kengan watched. "No, Akoya's a bit faster than him...only reason (Y/N)'s able to keep up is cause he's got a lot of experience fighting us several times" Ohma explained to him. (Y/N) then went in to attack but suddenly stopped "The hell" he thought as the vision from his left eye went away for a moment; allowing for a direct punch to the face from Nicolas. The male staggered back a bit, blood dripping down his forehead, and the side of his mouth. 

"Looks like my vision's back, sure this isn't he's attacking my nerves huh? Looks like my fighting style is best suited against him" he said, rolling his shoulders, then grinning and once more got into his stance. Nicolas then went in for several quick jabs with his left hand, still in his fencing-inspired stance, all of which (Y/N) dodged, mostly by either leaning back or moving his body from side to side. He then went in for a right straight, which Nicolas dodged and hit (Y/N) in his right shoulder, temporarily paralyzing it. Nicolas then went in to attack, purposefully going for his right side; only for (Y/N) to quickly do a spinning side kick, hitting Nicolas square in the head, sending him straight to the ground. Nicolas went to jab (Y/N) in the chest, only for it to be parried, the latter of the two backing off a bit. Nicolas then got up, hunched over a bit, and asked "Monsieur (Y/N), may I ask you a question?"

"You may not" he said with his signature grin on, though his answer didn't seem to stop Nicolas from asking "What's the difference between a Middle Weight and a Heavy Weight? And don't say weight. The answer is striking power" 

He then went in for a straight punch, for (Y/N) to move to the left, avoiding it and advancing forward landing a palm strike on Nicolas' chin. Nicolas staggered a bit, wiping of a bit of blood from the side of his mouth; and with a sadistic grin on his face said "Question two, what is the same between a Middle Weight and a Heavy Weight?" he then went in for a punch, at speeds quite faster than before; this sudden increase in speed threw his opponent a bit of guard, allowing Nicolas to land a solid hit at (Y/N)'s chin. This was able to knock the male's consciousness out for a short instant, his brain shaking in his skull, allowing Nicolas to land several strikes on the Kure clan member. 

"Come on (Y/N)! You can beat him!" Shien cheered from the special room, everyone joining alongside him. (Y/N) then kicked himself backward, and fell to his knees clutching the left side of his chest. "Tch, so he's finally gotten serious huh? Looks like it was better I went instead of Nitoku, this would've been a tough one for him". As he was in his thoughts, Nicolas went on to speak about what was the same between a Heavy and Middle weight, basically endurance and the amount of punishment one can take. (Y/N) then ducked a punch from Nicolas and did a successful Kani Basami on him, he then would've went in for a heel hook, if it weren't for Nicolas going in for a punch, forcing (Y/N) to push himself away. (Y/N) then stood up, only to see Nicolas with a pissed off look on his face

"I'm gonna kill you now...and I'm serious about that" Nicolas said. "So he's that kind of guy huh? Might as well get serious myself..." Nicolas then once more went in for a punch, (Y/N) moved one arm upwards and at the last moment; grabbed Nicolas' wrist and moved to the side a bit and pulled on Nicolas's wrist. The action forced Nicolas to move forward, and was immediately met with (Y/N)'s fist sending him staggering back; the latter letting go of his wrist as well. 

"Holy shit! Ohma ain't that the Redirection Kata?!" the bald male looked surprised, the other Kengan fighters having looks off surprise as well. "Mhm, yeah it is, he asked me to teach it to him, just watch, that isn't the best thing he has up his sleeve". The rest were surprised by this and complied with what Ohma said. 

Back with the fight, (Y/N) then activated his Removal; though not in the traditional way no, only his arms turned a shade of purple, though the shade was much darker than it actually was. He then ran towards Nicolas and sent several quick and powerful jabs towards him, at speeds much faster than before; the sudden increase threw Nicolas' timing of guard all of the jabs hitting him. The French male's face was now bleeding, with a few bruises on his body as well. "Tch, so it's gonna be like that huh? So you wanna die as well..." Nicolas thought before running towards his opponent, on the other hand (Y/N) was no longer grinning, instead, he has a serious expression on his face. He then sent several more jabs at Nicolas, a technique (Y/N) named 'Meteor Strikes'. Most of which hit, some missing Nicolas. 

With Team Kengan, they had looks of shock, except for a few, as they watched his "new technique" in action. "The hell is going on?! Why's he only using the removal on his arms?" the bald male exclaimed. Nitoku then adjusted his glasses and said "That's not the concerning part, it looks like his strikes look more powerful than his regular Removal"

"You going to explain Ohma?" Wakatsuki asked looking at the black-haired male. Ohma looked at him and nodded "To make things short, (Y/N) can now access more than 96% of his potential...though as you can see he can only do it on his limbs as of the moment, it's still a powerful ability none the less"

Back with the fight (Y/N) was currently dominating the fight, with Nicolas reeling, injuries all over his body, and yet he refused to give up. He then went in and sent several jabs towards his opponent, all of which were dodged, the last punch was then caught by (Y/N), and used the Redirection Kata of the Niko Style, specifically the Weeping Willow technique, altering Nicolas' attack's trajectory away from him; forcing the french male to lose his balance and be met with a powerful kick from (Y/N)'s right shin, which was now colored purple as well. Zooming back, it can be seen that one of his arms was now back to its regular state. 

With the idols watching, they all had smiles and looks of excitement on their faces. "Sugoi (Y/N)-san!" Nene said with stars in her eyes, a wide and innocent smile on her face, clapping happily as she watched her friend start to win the fight. "WOOOO! PUNCH HIM HARDER!" a clearly intoxicated Lamy cheered out. "Just win this already peko! Pekora has more carrots to eat!". Several more cheers were heard from them, all of them distinguishable from one another. 

(Y/N) was able to faintly hear this and sighs, looking back at them for a bit, and thinks "Still as loud as ever huh? Guess I can't let em down, besides I got a promise to keep". He then ran towards Nicolas once more using his 'Meteor Strikes' technique on him; by now Nicolas got quite used to it and was able to dodge all of them. He then sent a quick jab at (Y/N)'s chest, the latter then grabbed onto the back of Nicolas's head and kneed the male in the face, and threw him to the ground. "Down!" the referee called, out of nowhere (Y/N) then fell to his knees, clutching onto his chest. "Shit, he paralyzed my heart and left lung!" he then saw that Nicolas already gotten up and sent a kick towards his head, which he wasn't able to block in time; the referee stepped up to him, stopping him from continuing his attack. "Nicolas no! You can't attack during the count"

"Forget about it ref, I'm fine...let's continue" (Y/N) said getting back up, his limbs back to their normal state. "Can't hold it any longer monsieur? How disappointing, I expected more from you". The Kure clan member grinned as Nicolas went in for one more attack; in response (Y/N) used the Weeping Willow technique taught to him by Ohma, and spun the french male around, tossing him to the side and quickly running after him. He then activated his full removal, releasing 96% of his entire body's hidden potential, sending several powerful punches at Nicolas; though this weren't his regular boxing-inspired punches no...these were ones that Karate practitioners used; sacrificing range for more powerful blows. "Sacre bleu...he's recovered from his paralysis!". He would've gone in for a punch if it weren't for (Y/N) successfully landing a right hook punch to his stomach, the french male coughing our blood. (Y/N) wasn't down, seeing as how Nicolas was still conscious and hellbent on standing, he quickly did a Muay Thai spinning back elbow, possibly breaking Nicolas' nose. The french male staggered backward, his right hand over his nose, blood dripping down different parts of his body; unfortunately for him, this wasn't the end, as (Y/N) used the Kure Clan Mountain Breaker technique on him, hunching over from the impact. Lastly (Y/N) cocked his right arm back, reverting his entire body to normal, except for his right arm, he then sent a right hook towards Nicolas' head; though what differentiated this from any other right hook was that it drew inspiration from a Karate style right hook and a Boxing one, combining both into his very own. The Kure Style MMA Technique, God's Hand. Successfully landing on Nicolas' cheek, sending him to the ground, and finally knocking him out unconscious. "D-down!" the referee called, before calling the match into (Y/N)'s favor. 

He then raised his fist in the air and started to walk off the stage. He was congratulated by his team, and after thanking them for it, wore his regular clothing once more and started to leave their viewing area. "Where are you going?" Wakatsuki asked him, the male simply grinned at him and pointed to the viewing area of Cover Corp. Wakatsuki smiled at him and said, "Just don't do anything crazy alright?" 

"Knowing them, that's basically impossible". He then waved the group goodbye and made his way to the viewing area of Cover Corp. As he opened the door, he was met by the Nakirium Oni jumping in front of his face saying "Yo Dayo! (Y/N) you were so cool there!" she then went on rambling praising her friend, letting out her serotonin filled giggles every now and then. The male ruffled the Oni's hair, and said Oni just clung onto his back once more, much to Coco's dismay Nene wanted the same thing as Ayame, but settled with clinging onto his left arm, stars in her eyes as she complimented the male as well. He sheepishly chuckled and looked at Lamy, who was now drunk and basically passed out, then at Polka who was with Pekora and laughing with each other; he sighed and looked at Botan.

"Care to help me out with Nene-chi?". Botan nodded and pulled Nene away from the male, both of them ignoring her complaints. "What about Ayame (Y/N)?" Subaru asked. He thought about it and looked at the before mentioned girl and sheepishly chuckled "No thanks, plus we both know she's too cute to deny her this". Subaru sighed, placing her hands on her hips "You really like spoiling her huh?"

"Not gonna answer that" he said to her and walked to Coco and sent his signature grin the dragon's way. She then raised her hand up, and the two gave each other a high five.  "Good job out there, you really kicked that mother fucker's ass"

"Course, it was my promise to win my fight, right?" . She walked towards him to wrap an arm around his shoulder, only for her and everyone else in the room to stop what they were doing as Ayame said "Mother faka?" in an innocent questioning voice. A menacing aura then came from (Y/N), glaring at Coco who was now sweating and out of no where grabbed Polka and put her in front of her, basically making her a shield. "E-eh?! Wait?! Why me?!" she complained. (Y/N) then got Ayame off her back, and patted her head before saying "Don't say that word again Ayame"

"E-eh? What're you going to do?" the Oni asked. "Don't worry about it, now go to mom" he said, Ayame quickly nodded and ran to Mio. "W-wait! (Y/N)! I didn't mean to make her say that! Yamete Kudasai!". Coco then threw Polka away, the fennec letting out a "Yabe!". (Y/N) then raised his hand and went in to hit Coco, only to stop at the last second. "E-eh?" Coco looked surprised, only to be flicked in the forehead by the male and have her cheeks pinched and pulled on them. "S-stop that!" she exclaimed. "You should really control your cursing, don't want the last ones to get corrupted". After a while of the two acting like a couple from a high school anime, everyone around laughing at their antics. Eventually, the tournament ended, with the victory going to Team Kenga, there were a few bumps after, but everything was handled well. 


Cover Corp HQ, 3rd Person POV

Looks the day has finally come huh? The day that Coco finally leaves Hololive and moves on forward with her own journey. (Y/N) can be seen laying down in one of the couches in Cover Corp's break room, headphones over his ears, his head bopping to the music, and drumming his thighs with the beat of the song. 

"So this is where you were? Thought you'd be at the gym or music room" Coco said walking up to him, and looking down at him, saying this after he took off his headphones. "Yeah, makes sense, so how was your last stream"

"It went great! Would've been better if you were there though" she said wrapping an arm around him, and bringing him close, a wide smile on her face. "I watched it, though I wanted to spend some time with you alone" he said grinning at her; the orange-haired Yakuza Dragon blushing immensely. "R-really? Well, I guess we can spend time together now...I have some time left anyways..."

He chuckled and hugged the female, smiling gently "You take care alright?" 

Coco smirked and hugged back saying "Just don't do anything stupid alright?". (Y/N) pulled back and looked at her "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you, you should be saying that to the rest". Coco playfully punched him in the shoulder "You get what I mean! Besides I know you're going to debut soon, so you'll be getting in the stupid as well!" 

"Heh nah! I'm gonna fulfill Yagoo-san's dreams and be a seiso idol!" he said jokingly looking at her; she laughed at this wholeheartedly. "I'm gonna miss you, you mother fucker" she said, whilst making sure Ayame or any other of the more pure idols were here. "Same here, Cover Corp ain't gonna be the same without you, even if we can see each other or not, it gonna be hella different either way"

"Mhm! Though I'm gonna be busy trying to prove Asacoco is the best product there is! So you better do your best to be the strongest fighter alright?". He nodded and looked at her "Of course, that's my plan after all". She let out one smile at him and finally asked "So how was the time you spent with me?"

"It was the absolute fucking best, Arigathanks for everything Coco". She looked a bit mad as the male spoke in Japanglish, only for her to sigh and let out a hearty laugh "Alright then, you take care of them alright?"

"Yeah I will, good luck Coco...I love you" he said smiling at her, holding back a few tears. She teared up a bit and quickly wiped it away and patted him on the head "I'll be off now". She walked to the window, and opened it "I'll see you later (Y/N), love ya too"  she then jumped out the window and in a flash vanished from sight; shortly following loud flapping sounds could be heard. (Y/N) started to cry, despite his overwhelming emotions he was able to smile as Coco flew away

"See you soon mother fucker" 

(AN: HI!! Yes sorry this took hella long, life got super busy, especially with school. Worry not though, I'll be publishing another Hololive fic soon, so keep your eyes out for that. I'll also try to update that one as much as possible. Arigathanks for all the support you gave this book)

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