๐…๐€๐ˆ๐‘๐˜๐“๐€๐‹๐„ โ˜ฝ sirius b...

By theslytherinwitch

11.5K 696 1.4K

โโ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐ˆ ๐จ๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ž๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ค ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฎ๐ง๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐ž ๐ญ๐จ๐ ๐ž๐ญ๐ก๐ž... More

๐–๐„๐‹๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐„๏ผใ€Š cast ใ€‹
1 โžฃ Destiny's Day One
2 โžฃ Poisoned Partners
3 โžฃ The Dreadful Dungeons
4 โžฃ Closer Against Will
5 โžฃ Rumours In All Colours
6 โžฃ Make A Deal
7 โžฃ Sealed With A Kiss
9 โžฃ A Day With The Marauders
10 โžฃ The Dared Kiss
11 โžฃ When The Stars Align

8 โžฃ Rules Of Fake Love

734 41 172
By theslytherinwitch


❛ i just need you and some sunsets. ❜


"You're one hell of a kisser, Larson."

Sirius stated teasingly, plopping down on the chair. He and I were in the Room of Requirement after the match, discussing what the fuck had just happened.

"Shut up, Black," I grumbled, sitting down opposite him, slapping a piece of parchment on the table.

"What is this for? Ooh, a love letter for me?" Sirius cooed.

"No," I deadpanned. "What happened, happened. We can't change that now. The whole school is now at least five hundred percent sure that we're dating."

"Oh yeah, since you grabbed my face and snogged me senseless."

"I am not done yet, my god," I said, already frustrated with the fact I kissed him. "If we're doing this whole fake dating thing, we need to do it right."

"Do it right? How?"

"We need to set some rules."

Sirius's smirk dropped. "I am not following."

"We need to set some rules," I repeated. "We don't want anyone to find out that this whole thing is fake, right? So if we set some rules and regulations, we can prevent this from going all over the place."

"O. . . kay, then," said Sirius.

"Also, we make cauldrons explode when we fight. We cannot stand each other. So let's face it, without preparation, this is bound to blow up in our face."

"Fair enough."

"We'll both write whatever rules we want in this parchment, okay? I'll go first."

I picked up the quill and started writing, but as soon as I wrote the first line, he snatched the parchment from me.

"'No kissing'?" He said in disbelief. "Larson, not even an eleven year old would believe we're dating if we don't kiss. Besides, it's not like we haven't done it before anyway."

And his smirk was back again.

"That was a- a spur of the moment thing!" I said, but part of me was wondering if it was true. "I wouldn't just willingly kiss you, alright?"

"Alright, don't come crying back to me when Rosier sees through our act and starts being creepy again."

I rolled my eyes. He had a point.

"Okay- okay, just. . . just not much," I managed out. "Just enough to make people believe and only when necessary!"

"That I can get behind," Sirius leaned back in his seat, watching me with an intense look.

For the next fifteen minutes, the parchment flew back and forth between us, both of us filling a rule and arguing whenever the other wrote a ridiculous one. And finally, we were done and I scanned through it.


(feat. Azura Larson and Sirius Black)

1. N̶o̶ kissing (only when necessary).

2. Azura and I will go to all the House parties together.

3. Sirius will NOT flirt with or kiss other people. (Yes, I know it's hard for you but you should follow this).

4. Azura will always be nice and flirty with me and not plan my murder every single minute.

5. Sirius will take me out on 'dates' during Hogsmeade trips and buy me everything I want.

6. Azura will compliment my hair once in a while.

7. Sirius will never lie to me (I know this is hard too but deal with it) and he will never try to control me or hurt me in any way.

8. Azura and I should let nobody know about this. Not even our best friends.

9. The main rule: both of us will never catch feelings and will never fall in love with each other.

Sirius Black ;)

Azura Larson♡


"So? What do you think?" I asked him. He was staring at the parchment, his eyes narrowed, and I soon realised that he was looking at the last rule.

"Shouldn't fall in love, huh?" He said airily.

"Well, pretty self-explanatory, isn't it?" I shifted in my seat. Sirius nodded wearily.

I couldn't help but follow his gaze and look back at the rule. It wasn't that hard to follow. I was only doing this to get both Sirius and Evan off my back, this was all just temporary. It wasn't like Sirius Black was a Prince Charming, anyway.

I wouldn't fall for him. . . would I?

"Don't you have a party to go to?" Sirius said, bringing me back from my thoughts. "You know, since Slytherin won and all. . ."

I could tell he was trying to be as casual as he could, but was failing miserably.

"Yeah, but no one would be looking for me anyway," I said faintly. "Maybe Ray and Juliet, but the others? They'll probably be glad to not have me in their precious and pure common room."

Sirius's handsome face turned into a frown.

"I am sorry you have to go through stuff like that every day," he said seriously. "I know every Muggle-born gets that but being a Slytherin. . . That must be hard."

I shrugged, suddenly finding the caterpillar on a shelf fascinating.

"I am used to it by now."

Silence fell on the two of us, avoiding each other's eyes. "Guess I'll just go now," I said and got up but Sirius grabbed my hand, sending goosebumps all over my skin at his touch.

"What?" I said.

"I am coming with you to the party," he said, standing up.

"No, you're not," I laughed.

"Yes, I am," he picked up the rule list and shoved it in my face. "It's a rule."

"Black, they're partying because Slytherin just kicked Gryffindor's arse. And you're what, a Ravenclaw? Apparently not, if you want to come with me."

"Okay, first off, stop calling me Black because we're dating now," said Sirius. "Second of all, I am not afraid of a little snake party. I won't kiss random girls, I swear, I'll behave."

"You idiot, we won the match," I chuckled. "You can't come to the party. They'd tease you to death. Go back to your Tower, Black."

"It's Sirius, Larson."

"Oh yeah? It's Azura, Black."

We looked at each and burst into laughter for the first time in each other's company since our train ride in first year. It was sort of nice, laughing and talking as though we were friends, a normal couple and not rivals who were faking dating for mutual benefits.

"We're hopeless, aren't we?" I said, Sirius laughed again.

"Yes, we are. . . Azura."

I looked up at him, his gray eyes meeting my green ones.

"You know what?" I said softly. "I don't want to go to this party. I don't know how they'll react to the whole 'me dating a Gryffindor' thing, I'll probably just spoil the mood by going there. I mean we did put up quite a show back there on the pitch. You can go to your Tower, I'll just. . . stay here and go back for lunch or something."

I made a move to sit at the chair again, completely forgetting that my hand was still in his, and only remembered when he gave a light tug.

"Yeah, on second thoughts," he scratched the back of his neck. "I don't think I'll go back either. James'll be sobbing his eyes off since we lost," he chuckled throatily, "so I'll just stay here with. . . you. . . if that's okay?"

I searched his face, not even knowing what I was hoping to find. Then, to his surprise - and mine - I nodded.

He and I spent the next half-an-hour talking, just talking. About whatever topic we thought of, everything we had in common, Quidditch, Potions, how much we both disliked our mothers. It was just like the first day of Hogwarts on the train.

I think about that train ride a lot, don't I?

I was standing inside the Hogwarts Express with my trunk, looking around anxiously, almost wishing to just jump out of the train.

"Hello there," said a black-haired boy from behind me. I turned and sighed in relief, finally a boy who looked my age.

"Hello," I spoke in a small voice. "Do you know- do you know where I should sit? Everyone seems to know everyone here. . ."

The boy looked at me in a strange way and then grinned.

"You're a Muggle-born, aren't you?"

"Um- yes."

"Bloody brilliant!" The boy said excitedly. "Come with me! We'll find a compartment together. I am a first year too and you're my best friend from now on, sorry, I don't make the rules."

I laughed. "Thank you. My name's Azura Larson."

"Sirius Black, m'lady, at your service."

"You are the most annoying pest in the whole world," I said, as Sirius laughed again. He'd just told me that my fake dating partner was hotter than his.

"You know I am right, Azura." He winked at me.

"Why did I agree to this again?"

"To get your shitty ex to leave you alone forever?"

"Oh, right. That," I face slightly fell and Sirius noticed it.

"He really broke your heart, huh?" He asked after a pause, in a sympathetic way. The air changed between us.

I looked down at my lap, taking deep breaths, and said, "yes, he did."

Sirius became sincere at once, his voice kind. "Did you love him?"

I smiled snarkily at him. "Don't push it, Black. I am not going to pour all of my dark skeletons in the closets to you just because we're fake dating now."

Sirius grinned. "Alright, alright, hell. I was just being nice."

At this, I really couldn't help but laugh, and Sirius laughed too. Oh boy, look what my life had come to.

Lunchtime arrived, and Sirius and I decided to pack our things and go to the Great Hall, where I was sure everyone was waiting for us, to see if the Sirius Black and Azura Larson were eally dating or not.

He took my hand in his again, interlocking our fingers.

"Just relax, okay?" whispered Sirius. "I'll be with you the whole time. What could go wrong?"


He and I finally reached the entrance of the Hall and just like I had imagined, every eye turned to us and whispers broke out all around the Hall.

"So it's true then?" A Hufflepuff asked her friend.

"Are they really dating?" came from the Ravenclaw table.

"Uh huh, Kevin owes me ten sickles," an amused voice from the Gryffindor table.

"Black and Larson? Really? I am high, right? This is a hallucination."

"Love potion. Damn sure of it."

Many people were whispering and pointing at us, some were grinning and some - who had a crush on me and Sirius - were scowling at us, which included two blondes, Marlene McKinnon and Evan Rosier.

"They're staring," I whispered to Sirius, wanting to be anywhere but here. "And talking. About us."

"That's the whole point, Larson," said Sirius casually, with a bit of smirk on his face.

"It's Azura, Black."

"It's Sirius, Larson."

We both smiled to ourselves, which did not go unnoticed by the entire Great Hall.

"Sit with me at the Gryffindor table," whispered Sirius, dragging me to where the rest of the Marauders were sitting.

"What?" I hissed. "Why?"

"So that you can meet my friends, Azura."

"I don't want to meet your stupid- oh, hello!" My whispers died in my throat as his friends came to view, Sirius pulled me to sit beside him.

James looked like an excited child, Peter looked fascinated and Remus looked politely bewildered.

"So. . . is it-" Remus started but James cut him off.


I jumped a little. Thank you so much, Potter. Shout it to the whole world, why don't you?

"Yes, Prongs," said Sirius confidently. "Meet my girlfriend- Azura Larson."

"Um- hello," I said, feeling stupid for repeating it.

James squealed, like actually squealed.

You would've thought he'd be pissed at me for beating him at Quidditch just this morning but nope. Man was basically jumping on his seat.

"I am so sorry but don't you two hate each other or something?" Remus asked incredulously. "Or was I too focused on my books that I missed a couple of years?"

"Yeah, how'd this happen?" James asked in an entirely different tone than Remus. "Tell us everything, Padfoot! Have you guys shagged yet?"

"What? No!" I said quickly, my cheeks burning at the thought.

"Look, we might've hated each other in the past, but we don't now," said Sirius. "All thanks to Slughorn, really. We started spending a lot of time together after he made us Potions partners and it just sort of. . . happened. And no, Prongs, we haven't shagged yet. Maybe in the future, though, let's see," he grinned cockily at me.

Too bad I couldn't punch him.

"I am so happy for you guys!" Peter squeaked, then he lowered his voice, "but Marlene doesn't look too happy, Padfoot."

The five of us turned collectively in her direction to the end of the table, where Marlene and her friends were sitting. With the way she was looking at me, I could tell she was undeniably planning how to kill me in two hundred different ways.

"I don't care about her, Wormtail," said Sirius, facing his friends once more. "I have a beautiful girlfriend, and I am in a normal, perfectly healthy relationship now. I am not gonna mess around with other girls anymore."

Not a single word he had just said was true.

"I always knew you had more chemistry with Larson than Marlene," said James. "The tension between you two- I swear to Merlin, anyone could sense it."

"The what?" I breathed, my cheeks burning once again. Bloody hell, I must be looking like a tomato now.

"Exactly what I am saying, Prongs!" Sirius said loudly enough for Marlene to hear. "We're meant to be."


I spent half of the lunch with Sirius and his friends, who were surprisingly fun to hang out with, if you ignored James making comments like that once in a while. I hated to admit it, but I did sort of like hanging out with his friends, even though it was so bloody hard to keep up our act in front of them.

Sirius was doing it flawlessly. Me, on the other hand? About to pass out in five minutes.

"You're leaving? Why?" Sirius pouted when I told him I wanted to go to my own table.

"Ray and Juliet have been giving me the 'get your arse here' look ever since I sat down," I said with a convincing smile. "I'll see you at dinner or something?"

Sirius frowned but nodded. He wasn't actually sad to get rid of me, was he? But then, oh shit, he smirked.

"Without a kiss?" He pouted mockingly.

I was tempted to say 'yEs' but his friends were watching us carefully. So was everyone in the Hall.

When I said nothing, he spun me back around and cupped my cheeks, smashing his lips onto mine in a gentle but quick kiss. I could hear some gasps but once again, my surroundings disappeared when I kissed him back.

God, I would never get used to the feeling.

This was only the third time we'd kissed but it felt like we'd already kissed a million times before but also like our first time. Does that make sense? No.

Then he pulled away, leaving me feeling short of breath and dizzy. I blinked and walked over to the Slytherin table in a daze but I was broken out of it when all the Slytherins cheered and clapped as soon I arrived.

"Give it up for our Captain!" Regulus yelled and they all roared and applauded again.

"What?" I said blankly.

"Cap, we absolutely crushed the Gryffindor team this morning!" Nathan said with excitement. "It's all because of you!"

"And you're dating Sirius Black!" Amanda shrieked. "Mad respect, girl! I don't know if I should hate you or worship you right now."

"I- well," I gave a nervous laugh. Yep, I was definitely going to blow it. Why couldn't I be as smooth and collected as Sirius was?

"I am sorry for er- underestimating you," said Barty. "You're a great leader."

I gave him a forced smile. After another round of congratulations and appreciation, I turned to Ray and Juliet at last.

"You - you and -"


Ray, you were lucky I loved you.

"Sirius and I what?" I said, as though this was a question of no real importance.

"Sirius?" Ray gasped. "Jules, is it just me or are you hearing this shit too?"

"Azu, we thought you hated him?" mumbled Juliet, concern written all over her face. "How did this even happen?"

I cleared my throat, preparing to tell the same story Sirius told his friends. After all, we needed to be on the same page, right? Also because I wasn't good at coming up with lies on spot like Sirius.

"I know I hated him," I started. "But after we got partnered with for Potions, we sort of er- started liking each other and um- now, we're dating."

Where was my Oscar? That was flawless.

Unfortunately, Ray and Juliet didn't think so. Their faces were still screaming, 'shut the hell up, Azura, we don't fucking believe you.'

"Guys, just be happy for me," I said quickly before either of them could open their mouths. "I like him. He likes me. We're dating now. End of the story."

"Honey, we are just worried about you," said Ray sincerely.

"Yeah, it's just- you had a pretty bad breakup last year," said Juliet, glancing at Evan. "Evan cheated on you. We thought you wouldn't want to date anyone else for a while but now you're dating Sirius Black! The biggest player at Hogwarts. We just don't want you to get heartbroken again."

"But with the way Black is acting," said Ray, "it looks like you've got him wrapped around your finger."

The three of us craned our necks to peek at the Gryffindor table; Sirius was already looking at me. He smiled and gave a small wave with his fingers.

I felt utterly horrible I was hiding something as big as this from them. Ever since first year, we'd never hidden anything from each other. Absolutely nothing. We knew literally everything about each of us. Screw you, Sirius, this was all your fault.

"Guys, can we talk about this later?" I said, pretending to stifle a yawn. "I am so tired, y'know, the match and all. I was thinking about going back to the dungeons and um- get some sleep."

Ray and Juliet shared a look but nodded at me nevertheless. I gave them a wave and sprinted out of the Hall, my eyes automatically glancing at the Gryffindor table, where Sirius blew me a kiss.

Halfway through the corridor, someone called my name. I turned around and was met with Regulus.

"Hey, you," I greeted as he stopped near me and took his breath.

"Cap, I'll cut to the chase," Regulus panted. "You can't date my brother."

I raised my eyebrows. "Well, too bad because I already am dating your brother."

"No- no! I didn't mean it like that," said Regulus. "What I meant was- our family. They're. . . They just won't want him dating you."

"It's because I am a Muggle-born, isn't it?" I smiled. "And the Black family is holier-than-thou and all that bullshit?"

Regulus chuckled, shaking his head.

"I wasn't going to say that but yes, that too," he said.

"What do you mean. . . there's more?"

Regulus gave me a long look and said, "well, I suppose my brother hasn't told you yet?"

"Told me what?"

"So he hasn't," said Regulus. "Oh god, I can't be the one to break it to you. Er- there's a reason Sirius has never been in a long-term relationship."

"Yeah, because he loves Marlene," I said. "No, I mean- loved. He likes me now. Not Marlene. Me. Not her."

Regulus sighed.

"I really can't do this. . . I'll just leave it for Sirius to. . . tell you. Just- just don't say I didn't warn you, yeah?" He started walking back to the Hall. "Take care, Cap! I hope everything. . . ends well for you."

With that, he disappeared into the Hall.

Why did all of my days end with a 'what the fuck just happened?'

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