10 ➣ The Dared Kiss

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❛ i wonder if your wandering thoughts ever wonder about me

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❛ i wonder if your wandering thoughts ever wonder about me. ❜


"This is the worst idea you've ever had in your entire life!"

I was being dragged through the dark hallways of Hogwarts by the imbecile I was fake dating.

"Just trust me, Larson," said Sirius, leading me through the corridors skillfully, with slightly impressive ease.

It was Sunday evening, the next day of our Hogsmeade trip. I was in my own peaceful common room, finishing my last-minute assignments when someone started banging the outside wall shouting, "LARSON! LARSON! LARSON!" for two minutes without catching a break. When I went outside to face him, he asked me to come with him to the Gryffindor Tower, to hang out with him and his friends.

"I can literally see them tomorrow morning, you daft dimbo," I argued, careful not to trip and fall flat on my face. But he wasn't listening at all. We reached the Tower and stopped just outside the Fat Lady portrait, who was dozing off against her frame. Sirius whispered the password in her ear and the painting swung open.

"Come on," Sirius pulled me inside. I flinched when my eyes fell on the common room inside. Sirius, worried that he'd hurt me, turned to me in concern. "Is everything okay?"

"Why is everything so bright and red. . . and more red?"

The banners, couches, carpets, walls- everything was a bright flashy red. The common room gave off more feisty and lively vibes, completely opposite to the Slytherin common, which always gave me a sense of serene and chill vibes.

Sirius chuckled but said nothing. He dragged me further into the room. For a Sunday night, there weren't many people in there but everyone who was there looked at me strangely, it made me slightly uncomfortable, being in a whole different territory.

"You really brought her!" I heard James say. He, Remus, and Peter were lounging near the fireplace, apparently playing Exploding Snaps. Well, only James and Peter were playing, Remus was curled up in the armchair, looking like he was going to throw up any second.

"Told you I would," Sirius grinned, flopping down on the couch and pulling me down with him. I felt my insides tickle when his thigh brushed against mine, and I waited for him to move it away, but he didn't, sending another wave of tickles down my leg.

Oh Merlin, it must be the November cold.

"Are you okay, Lupin?" I said, searching for a distraction. Sirius stirred beside me but Remus gave me a tired smile.

"Yeah," he said quietly. "Just a small headache, is all."

"When would you stop calling us by our last names?" James said, turning the attention back to him. "Told you you're one of us now."

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 ☽ sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now