7 ➣ Sealed With A Kiss

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❛ i want to shine in your eyes like the stars do

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❛ i want to shine in your eyes like the stars do. ❜


As though someone had pushed the 'fast forward' button on my life, November arrived, and so did the first Quidditch match of the season.

I woke up on the day of the match, not having slept all night. My nerves were all over the place, I was anxious as hell. Juliet and Ray insisted on some breakfast but I didn't touch the food. I told my teammates to finish eating and meet me in the lockers.

"Alright, this is it, team," I said loudly when everyone was gathered for my speech. "Slytherin House hasn't lost the Quidditch cup in over years. We've all become accustomed to seeing the Cup in Slughorn's office and I won't let that record break under my watch.

"We don't have to worry anyway," I said breezily. "We have three excellent Chasers," I pointed at Mulciber, Avery, and Crouch. "I heard that Potter has recruited a new Keeper so you three, do. not. let. the. Quaffle. out. of. the. sight. Keep your eyes on that ball and we'll take care of the rest."

The Chasers gave a curt nod.

"Speaking of, you need not fuss about the Bludgers or the other team's Beaters, Nathan and I will not let them get near you. You might be new, Rutherford, but I believe in you."

Nathan beamed at me.

"The Keeper," I turned to Evan, who winked at me, "as much as I hate to admit, you're good. Pretty self-explanatory, don't let the Quaffles in. Especially Potter, keep an eye on him, he's been on the team for five years now."

"Don't sweat, babe, leave it to me," said Evan. I suppressed an eye roll.

"Lastly, but definitely the most important person," I looked at Regulus, "our Seeker. You know Meadowes is a good Seeker, you've played against her a lot of times. So I assume you know her moves by now. The Chasers might score every single goal but in the end, it all comes down to you, Regulus."

"I'll make you proud, Captain," said Regulus with a smile and a salute.

"Well," I sighed, "let's go win this game."

Hundreds of footsteps and voices could be heard outside as the students piled up on the stands, half of them wearing Slytherin green scarfs and flags while the other half were flashing red.

Cheers from the green side echoed in the cold sky as we stepped out of the lockers and into the pitch. I saw the Gryffindor team on the other side, Sirius stood with his Beater bat on his shoulder, running his hand through his hair against the wind. Marlene stood near him in her Chaser robes, giving me a hostile stare.

"Captains, shake hands!" Madam Hooch announced.

James and I clasped hands like professionals, his grip slightly loosened when he realised that I wasn't trying to crush his hand like the previous Captains.

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 ☽ sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now