9 ➣ A Day With The Marauders

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❛ you return like autumn and i fall every time

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❛ you return like autumn and i fall every time. ❜


The next few weeks were. . . interesting, to say the least. Dating Sirius Black was probably the wildest experience I'd ever experienced in my life. And the fact it was fake only added a bit of spice to it.

Sirius held my hand in the corridors, classrooms, in the Great Hall. He insisted on sitting next to me every chance he got, especially when Marlene was around. I was sure Remus was suspecting something but James and Peter were as clueless as ever.

Speaking of, they'd quite grown on me the past few days. I always thought the Marauders were these cool and dorky jerks who were, in reality, just idiots, but life was full of surprises. One of the good things that came out of hanging out with the Marauders was that Evan and his goons never approached me when I was with them. It was like having three protective older brothers. So. . . I'd call that a win.

Another thing I learned about the four boys was that they were the prankster gods.

I mean, sure, I'd seen them pull some tricks on a few students and teachers before, I'd also been their victim countless times but seeing them in action, getting a front row seat to the behind the scenes, I was impressed, to say the truth. And yes, they dragged me along to all of their pranks, and claimed that I was kind of 'one of them' now, being Sirius's first proper girlfriend and all that.

They had created a bloody map called 'The Marauder's map' that showed everyone and every place at the castle. Impressive, right? It took me a few seconds to bring myself out of the shock, believe me.

Soon, the weekend was here and it was our first Hogsmeade trip. According to our rules, Sirius and I had to go on dates to Hogsmeade so that was precisely what we were doing.

I was waiting in the Entrance Hall, saying goodbye to Ray and Juliet when Sirius climbed down the stairs, his face lightened the second he saw me. James, Remus, and Peter were trailing behind him, thumping him on the back and teasing him.

It brought a surge of thrill in me knowing they were teasing him because of me. I knew that was stupid of me since this whole facade was fake but it still felt nice. Evan's friends never cared about me while I was dating him, they treated me like dirt, if anything. So having your boyfriend's friends liking you was new to me.

"Hello, love," Sirius smiled at me, softly kissing my cheek as a greeting, already making me blush like cotton candy.

"Oooh, 'love'," teased James, putting a hand over his heart. "I want someone to call me that."

"I bet Evans would be delighted to do that, Potter," I said.

"If she doesn't kill him the next time he approaches her, that is," said Remus.

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 ☽ sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now