An Executor's Will (RWBY x St...

By Synclair123

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During the Grimm's attack in the City of Vale, two students known as Lupin Fulgaras, a wolf Faunus and a huma... More

Prologue: Warping Problem
Episode 1: Encounter
Episode 2: Beacon Academy
Episode 3: Tag Team
Episode 4: School Life
Episode 5: Jaune's Struggle
Extra Chapter
Episode 6: Blake's Identity
Episode 7: Truth
Episode 8: Chaos
Episode 9: Recovery
Episode 10: Recuperation
Episode 11: Improvement
Episode 12: New Semester
Episode 13: Questions Asked
Episode 14: Day before the Dance
Episode 15: Dance Party
Episode 16: Warping Problem
Episode 17: Planet Char
Episode 19: New Enemy
Episode 20: The Dark Templar
Episode 21: Civil War 1
Episode 22: Civil War 2
Episode 23: Saving Tassadar
Episode 24: Before the Final Assault
Episode 25: War at Two Sides
Episode 26: A Noble Sacrifice
Episode 27: A Familiar Sight
Episode 28: Back to Remnant
Episode 29: Discovery
Episode 30: To Each their Own
Episode 31: Answers
Episode 32: Results after the Battle
Episode 33: Departure
Episode 34: Moving on

Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg

135 5 1
By Synclair123

A few hours has passed ever since our arrival here in Char. We were helping with the defense of their base as they prepare our battle armor.

We fought several Zerg units while waiting at the base. They always come in huge numbers so we had no choice but to defend the base from the ones that get through their defenses.

To be honest, Protoss firepower is really something.

Those photon cannons they call it? They are really strong and powerful. I don't think an Atlesian Paladin can ever survive such attacks.

While they create our armor, I lent them my scroll for more information and references because unlike them, Lupin and I can't use psionic energies to activate the energy shields.

I secretly saved Atlas information after all during that information gathering back at Remnant. They could be involved in that incident so, I need to know about how their tech works.

I also told them to create custom made weapons based on our designs since using a new one might affect our fighting style.

We had no choice but to keep our original weapons since they're useless against the Zerg. Especially dust rounds.

There are no dust shops in this place so, we can't afford to stick to the weapons we used to fight grimms back in Remnant.

I realized it when fighting against the Zerg. We were frustrated since the only thing we can do is kill them using our blades. But it still required maximum effort just to actually kill one of them, especially a Zergling.

We need those energy shields activated by consuming our aura whenever we're attacked directly. Well, it's a new armor design so, they might have a hard time creating those things.

Tassadar, Raynor and Artanis were thinking of a way to rescue Zeratul and discussing their plans for the future.

Well, I didn't join them since Lupin and I will be back in Remnant anyways after all this is done.

While taking a break, Lupin and I studied everything they have here. From Protoss Technology and Warriors. Same with the Zerg and the so-called Terran forces.

* * *

After spending 2 days with them, our equipments were finished.

Lupin got excited since he gets to use an alien technology for the first time. I was looking forward to it too since this is also my first time using an alien technology unknown to Remnant.

His odachi blade is now made of pure psionic energy and if it's activated, it'll slowly drain his aura. Plus the energy shields if it activates to defend him.

By using his semblance, he can now channel his lightning energy and use it as a ranged attack thanks to his new armor.

Our armor is black in color. I also have a helmet which will tell me how much aura I have left. This is pretty useful since I don't have to rely on my scroll this time unlike before.

My weapon adapted the same design but the edges are now coated with psionic energy.

It won't transform into a shotgun like before but when I use a ranged attack, my blade will split into two and will release a huge ball of energy like their Dragoons.

It's not as strong as the original Protoss gears since it was made from scratch based on human design but this will do.

Everything was finished. We were all ready for combat. We place our weapons in Raynor's care since he has a huge personal room. Especially on his personal battlecruiser.

* * *

We were all ready for our departure. This time, we wanted to test our new equipments so, we suggested to be on the frontline for once without any help. Call it a test run for the prototype battle gears.

I told them to kill any Zerg that gets through us. It's their turn to defend since we don't have time to waste in this place.

"Are you sure? This is your first time fighting them. There's just both of you and dozens of 'em." Raynor crossed his arms while his fingers tap on them.

"It's not good to be reckless. I don't think you can handle them. Especially those numbers." Says Tassadar.

Lupin and I look at each other in the eyes and nodded. Both of us grinned.

"I have a plan. It's been a while since we fought together, I wanted to see if our teamwork is still the same. And also, we're used to fighting a huge number of enemy if we're on the offensive." I said.

Well, the truth is...I just wanted to test our new equipment. To see how effective it will be against these enemies. I say in my mind.

Both of them still had doubts on their faces.

"This is a fool's errand Theo." Says Artanis.

"I don't want others to get caught by our opening act so, it's better this way. You'll have less casualties than before if this goes well." I explained.

"Hmm." Raynor pinched his chin.

"Well then, let's see why you're so confident in your...skills." Artanis emphasized the last word while raising his palm.

"Thank you." I said.

And then, we went on ahead. We stretched our arms and body to prepare for battle.

"Wait." Tassadar stopped us.

We turned around and met his gaze, silently waiting for him to continue.

Tassadar sighed. "Be careful."

"No worries." I said.

"We can handle it." Lupin gave a thumbs up.

* * *

They were preparing to leave. They left a few of their forces to guard this area since it'd be a waste to just leave this base alone, undefended.

They were boarding their airships, namely carriers and battlecruiser for Raynor's forces.

We went on ahead to clear the area from the incoming Zerg. There were a lot of them this time. It seems like they don't want us to leave but, that won't stop us.

"You ready?" I asked Lupin.

"Oh yeah." Lupin replied. He activated his weapon while I stood behind him.

I told him to use his trump card as an opening attack to lessen the Zerg forces since they are attacking in huge numbers.

Lupin took a deep breath and focused. "Here goes." He charged his semblance to the max. But unlike before, his energy is much stronger now. It was more focused and powerful.

I was surprised to see this upgrade. The armors really did their job very well. This could help us in the future if we're able to use this back in Remnant when fighting against grimm. If we get to keep them of course.

"What is that?" Raynor was focused on Lupin.

"That looks like our psionic storms." Says Tassadar.

Artanis squinted his eyes while waiting for us to make our first move.

There are a huge number of Zerglings, Hydralisks and 2 Ultralisks.

It was enough to fill the whole area with their numbers. The ground was shaking as they ran and were all growling, eager to attack us.

We waited until they were closer. After a few seconds, Lupin released his trump card.

"Hyaaah!" He shouted as he unleashed his attack.

A huge and compressed lightning slash was heading towards our enemy. It killed a huge number of Zerglings and Hydralisks.

The Ultralisks blocked it but also suffered damages since it created a crack on their blades.

Around 30% of the Zerg forces were annihilated. It surprised the spectators.

Raynor took a step forward and exclaimed. "What the hell!? It's on par with our nuclear weapons!"

"Interesting." Tassadar caressed his chin.

"Oh, I can see why they're so confident." Artanis widen his eyes in amazement.

The Zerg stopped their advanced and were confused. We took that as an opportunity to attack.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed and started to run.

"Heh!" Lupin smirked and started following me from behind.

The Zerg forces started their advance once again but this time, we got their attention.

Several Hydralisk attacked us all together. I used my semblance to block those attack as I ran.

Lupin activated his semblance again to move faster. He charged towards those Hydralisk while evading every attack. He slashed them one by one.

I deactivated my barrier and started my advance. The zerglings all growled and answered in kind with their blades. I evaded to the side and slashed through its head.

It was instantly decapitated since it cut through like butter.

I used a ranged attack and fired to my side. It was a powerful attack that killed several zerg broods.

There were no other friendlies besides the both of us so, we went on a rampage and killed every living being in sight.

Zerg blood painted our armor. Limbs and corpses scattered on the ground. Smoke rise from the corpses and filled the battlefield with the smell of their burnt flesh.

Lupin unleashed several lightning slashes and lightning waves from his gauntlet. He fought and killed a part of the zerg forces. He was smiling through it. He was enjoying it since he was fighting all out unlike before in Remnant.

The only moment he feels satisfied and entertained in fights is when he spars with me. But this is also a new feeling since there's no reason to hold back at all.

I kept a calm expression throughout the fight but on the inside, I was also enjoying it. But we can't be too reckless since there's only two of us here.

As Artanis mentioned earlier, this is a fool's errand. But I personally wanted to see the full extent of my skills.

Our hearts pumped faster as we fight. It was really exhilirating throughout the battle. Well, one can't really experience this in Remnant since grimms don't really attack in huge numbers like these Zergs.

And also, Ultralisks are a lot bigger, stronger and fiercer than the Goliaths back in Remnant.

I went on ahead and marked an Ultralisk as my new target. I jumped from barrier to barrier to reach its face and fired a single shot on its eye.

The Ultralisk roared and raised its head high in the air.

"It really is effective." I muttered.

I used my barrier to rush towards the ultralisk. I landed on its blade and ran. I was aiming for its head because it seems that its body is made of thick armor.

I fired consecutive shots on its face because it seems effective.

It took several step backwards and roared because of the pain. It was struggling to keep me away by moving its blades around.

I used my barrier again to jump up high in the air. I landed on its head and fired a barrage of energy bullets on a single point.

"Die you huge monster!" I exclaimed while firing continuously to kill the Ultralisk.

Its armor where I aimed is on the thinner side so, the attack was very effective.

It breathed and roared its last and then, it fell to the ground and crushed its allies. I slid through its blade and landed on the ground safely.

I continued my attacks against the Zerg as I ran around.

* * *

Lupin marked the remaining Ultralisk as his target and stood in front of it. He was standing on a bunch of corpses and pointed his weapon to the huge Zerg.

"Hehe!" He expressed a psychotic grin with widened eyes and then, he swings his weapon and ran towards it.

He used his speed to evade its attacks and unleashed several lightning slashes to its face.

"Haha! How do you like that!" Lupin exclaimed in joy.

The Ultralisk swings its blade to attack Lupin once again.

He leaped towards its blade and slashed it. He was able to cut through it and used it as a stepping tool to rush towards its face.

He coated his body in lightning to increase his speed and pierced his weapon on its forehead.

He twisted his weapon and activated his semblance on the inside, electrocuting the Ultralisk.

"There!" Says Lupin.

The Ultralisk shook while its body was electrocuted all over. It roared and fell to the ground, dead while crushing a portion of its ally like the previous Ultralisk. Its corpse was smoking and its eyes were burning.

Before it fell, he pulled his weapon and landed on the ground safely. He sniffed the air afterwards.

Snf snf.

"Ah yes, the smell of a cooked Zerg." He swings his weapon to the side and started running to his next target.

* * *

While we were fighting, the Protoss forces were almost finished with their preparations for departure.

"Damn, glad these guys are on our side." Raynor slowly caresses his chin.

"I can't believe it. They fought the Zerg forces on their own. Only a few got through them but still, to be able to kill a huge number of them while sustaining no heavy injuries at all is really...interesting." Artanis said in awe.

"They remind me of the fallen Praetor, Fenix. Their tenacity and strength matches his own." Says Tassadar.

Artanis lowered his head. "If only he were here to see it."

Tassadar places his hand on Artanis's shoulder.

And then, a Protoss High Templar approached them from behind.

"Executor, we are ready for departure." Says the High Templar.

"Understood. Raynor, tell those two to return at once. We're leaving." Says Tassadar as he turns around and started walking towards the main deck.

"Got it!" Raynor nodded and proceeded into the transmission room.

* * *

Lupin and I were now standing from back to back. We were panting like crazy but, we were smiling.

"Hey good?" I asked him as I shift my head to my right to talk.

He chuckled. "Hehe! Never felt this good before Theo!" Says Lupin.

I checked my aura. It's already at 30%. That means, it's already at the red if I refer to my scroll.

"Welp, we need to be careful. I'm almost empty." I said.

"Yeah, same here." He immediately answered.

And then, a transmission came through my helmet and Lupin's left arm gadget.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt your fun but, it's time to leave."

It was Raynor's voice.

"Perfect timing! Alright, we're coming." I said.

And then, the transmission ended. Lupin and I met each other's gaze. We nodded and then, we ran back to the base while defending ourselves from the remaining Zerg attack.

I fired several energy bullets to the zerglings that were following because they're faster than us. Lupin took care of the enemies on our front while I watched his back.

We were never afraid. Not even one bit because both of us trusts one another to keep each other safe.

As we ran, we reached the base. A few Protoss warriors covered our back. Leave it up to them to kill the zergs that easily.

Raynor was on the entrance on the Protoss ship, waiting for us.

"Yo, had your fun?" He asked.

We were panting and sweating like crazy. We had our fun and the battle equipments those Protoss made for us functioned really well.

"I could get used to this." I said.

"Heh, same here." Says Lupin.

"Well, glad you're both okay. Now get on board!" Raynor started walking to the ship.

We got on board and departed for the place where we believed Zeratul is hiding at the moment.

3 days after our arrival here in Char, we already killed hundreds of Zerg. It's not everyday you get to experience this.

A battle that is more dangerous and more exciting than fighting against usual grimms

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