Roman Holiday | h.s

Da cloudstpwk

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COMPLETE🤍 in which famous singer-songwriter, harry meets italian fashion intern, anna by chance and they beg... Altro

The Soundtrack
Nine *
Fifteen *
Twenty-Seven *
Twenty-Eight | The Final Chapter
Interlude - Harry's Letter
Harry by Anna
The Holiday Anthology


1.1K 21 4
Da cloudstpwk

"Where are we going?" Anna asked as she blindly took slow steps, following Harry's lead. Harry had driven them somewhere and given Anna a blindfold to wear.

"You might be able to guess," Harry pondered as he led her up the steps of his private jet. He wanted them to have some private time.

"Do I get a clue?" She questioned, not having a single clue where she was - just that she was climbing up some stairs right now.

"We spoke about it on our first date." Harry reminded Anna, smiling fondly at the memory.

"Do I get a second clue?" She said again after a few moments of silence, they had spoken about so much on their first date and she had so much on her mind as she had just been promoted too.

They had reached the plane now, so Harry led her to their seats - where a screen could be seen, displaying their destination.

"I asked you, if you could travel anywhere-"

"Where would you go?" She finished his sentence, suddenly realising. Surely not? Surely he hadn't?

"Yes, exactly. What did you say?" Harry asked, unable to hide the nervous smile from his face.

"I said that I'd love to go to Paris." She whispered in disbelief, scared to speak the words aloud.

"Bingo." Harry cheered and kissed her. She gasped and ripped the blindfold off.

"No way?!" She questioned in between kisses.

"Yes way."

"What about work? What about Cooper? How?" She had a million questions for Harry but before he could answer, the flight attendant came out to discuss plane safety with them.

"How do you fare on planes?" Harry asked as they set off, squeezing her hand tightly.

"I don't know, I haven't flown since I was a baby - and that was only within Italy." She informed him, squeezing his hand back. Harry had obviously had a lot of experience with flying so he had no issue with flights now, but he remembered how scared he used to be.

"Where is everyone else?" Anna asked, looking around to see if anyone else was boarding.

"It's just us," Harry clarified, he had used his stardom and wealth to his advantage. Getting a private plane ensured more privacy and security, which was what they desperately desired right now. 

"It's private." He followed up, Anna's eyes widened.

"Oh mio dio! You have to let me pay some toward it!" She exclaimed, she didn't have much saved but she couldn't let him pay for it all.

"No, I won't let you. Think of it as a birthday present if it makes you feel better." He laughed, there was no way he'd let her.

"My birthday isn't until February." She deadpanned.

"Maybe Christmas present then?" He smiled sweetly at Anna, who squinted her eyes in return.

"You do too much, Mr Styles."

"But thank you." She leaned up to kiss his cheek.


"Welcome to our home for the next couple of days." Harry grinned, swinging open the door to their hotel room which Harry made sure had a clear view of the Eiffel Tower.

"Wow." Anna paused, taking in her surroundings. She was still in shock of the last forty-eight hours. So much had happened. It was overwhelming. But Harry kept her anchored.

"Harry, look!" She exclaimed when she spied the balcony, running over and opening the curtains to reveal the tower in plain sight. She could see it so close now, it wasn't just a photograph. Harry followed her over, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Isn't this just the perfect view?" She pondered, looking up at him.

"It is. Perfect view with my perfect girl."

"That's a bit cringe, but I'll forgive it. Thank you so much, mi amor." She laughed at Harry's attempt to be romantic.

"You're welcome, I wanted to do something nice after yesterday." He murmured.

They stayed there for a few minutes, watching the bustling crowds below. Observing different people at the tower, there were people getting engaged, friends having a great time - taking photos, laughing, others walking home after work. Just people living their normal lives.

"Do you think your life will ever be normal?" Anna asked Harry curiously.

"No," he answered honestly, peering over at her to gage her reaction - which was just a wide eyed nod.

"My life has been a whirlwind since I was sixteen, it hasn't slowed down since. Unless I move to a desert island, I can't see it being 'normal' - per se. But, with that being said, I have my own normal." He clarified and it made sense. He was a big artist as part of his band, but also in his own right. Of course, it wouldn't be slowing down anytime soon.

"Do you ever wish it were normal?" She asked, prying deeper.

He thought about it for a few minutes. In a way, sometimes he longed for a normal life - to be able to go anywhere and know he wouldn't be recognised. But then, he loved his job - he loved creating things.

"No," he said sincerely.

"I wouldn't want it to be. I love my job too much." He was honest, which Anna respected. It wasn't as though her dream job would put her in the pipeline for a typical 'normal life' either. Depending on if she moved up in the company, or eventually started her own - and if it became successful, she could be working with the likes of celebrities like him. She could be taking collections to fashion week, mingling with the best people in fashion. That isn't 'normal', especially in comparison to her current life in Italy.


"Where should we go first?" Harry asked Anna as they looked through a pile of leaflets they had acquired from the information desk at the hotel.

"What are we doing?" Anna asked, there were so many things to do in Paris.

"We are here for two more full days after today so I thought that we could cram in some fun tourist activities in that time. Experience what we can?" He half-questioned.

"Okay. So you pick one and I'll pick one for tomorrow." She suggested, to which he nodded.

"Excellent idea, mi amor." He winked, Anna still blushed whenever he called her his love, or even uttered random words in her language. He was really taking the time to learn - as displayed by the sounds she heard from him when he thought she was asleep.


"Shut the fuck up, duolingo!" He hissed as it very loudly gave him words to repeat.

"Try again." It spoke loudly, he turned it down a little and she heard him repeating the sentence it had just said aloud. He pronounced the words badly, but he was trying so hard and he had used the sentence at breakfast the next day.

"A una regazza piace la calzone?" He had asked, which was sweet and she tried to keep a straight face.

"A girl likes calzone?" She asked, in feign confusion.

"No, breakfast." He clarified, which she nodded at.

"Colazione." She corrected him with a smile and he jotted it on his arm.

"Good try, though! Where did you learn?" She encouraged him.

"I'm not giving away my secrets for free, Anna." He laughed.


"Okay, I've chosen." Harry spoke with a proud grin.

"I've chosen too." Anna responded.

"Okay, on 3, 2, 1, we flip them over."


They flipped the leaflets over and Anna had chosen the Louvre Museum, Harry had chosen a river cruise and crepe tasting.

"Wow, great choice!" Harry exclaimed picking up the leaflet for the Louvre. He had been to Paris many times, but had never actually ventured inside.

"Great choice for you, also. I love a crepe." She told him with a smile.

"So it's a plan, tomorrow we venture out to do activities. But for tonight.." he trailed off.

"We have room service and watch a bad movie. We could go out for a walk when it's dark out?" She suggested, Harry could sense she was really waiting for his approval.

"Of course. Sounds great!" He encouraged her with a warm smile, which contagiously spread to her face too.

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