Interlude - Harry's Letter

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Later that evening, Harry had made plans for them to head out for dinner and a movie. Plans that had quickly been foiled as he had a call from his manager, telling him he needed to leave Italy on the next flight to finalise details for the tour.

No amount of pleading on Harry's part convinced Mallory to let up, so he found himself packing his little bag back up and leaving a note for Gabriel to pass on to Anna when she arrived.

In his head, he was hoping for her to change her mind. Almost as if he were trying to convince her with his thoughts, he knew she would have a blast. But he also knew that it would be selfish of him to make her give up her goals for him.

So he was reluctantly willing to leave her.

From an outsiders view - even the public perception, things had been quick. A "whirlwind summer fling" if you will. However, to them - it was so much more than that. Connecting on an emotional and physical level so quickly, and spending that much time with someone means that you catch feelings - and fast.

He knew the media would move on from it very quickly, as it always did - the second he breathed next to a female. He just hoped she would see through it and realise she was the one for him.

When she arrived at six forty-five that evening, Gabriel broke the news that he had left - which immediately made her face crumble in sadness. He handed her the note, which she took - while growing in anger. She felt so mad that he would leave without saying goodbye.

So she didn't even look at the note, until the next day.


Dearest, Anna.

We had plans this evening, I am terribly sorry I had to leave with no warning on one of our final nights together.

My flight leaves at 9:50pm. I have an extra ticket, just incase you change your mind.

Even if you don't, never forget..I love you. I hate waiting, but I'll wait forever for you.

Your girasole. <3

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