Twenty-Eight | The Final Chapter

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A/N: Sorry for the wait!! p.s: don't listen to exile by t swift while reading this :(

Their weekend flew by quickly, with them both spending as much time as possible together before they had to part. Unfortunately, they did eventually make it to their final couple of days where the decision would officially be made on where to go from there.

They were stuck in a state of limbo, having both had sleepless nights - backs pressed to backs. They both knew the other was awake, but had nothing to say because they were thinking the same thing.

Logistically, it didn't make sense. Anna's fashion career was growing vastly with more opportunities falling into her lap than she could count. Harry's career was blossoming, going from strength to strength as he geared up for his tour and upcoming second album.

With careers and schedules as busy as theirs, it couldn't work? Could it?

On the day - which neither knew would be their last together, they awoke locked in each others embrace - the warmth engulfing them like sitting in front of a fire on a frosty day. Breakfast was brioche rolls, which they had baked the day before with warm coffees which was enjoyed alongside the view of Italy - out of Anna's window. They discussed the day ahead, the plans each had and what they would do later on.

Harry had a run planned with Gabriel - and Anna, work for the morning. However they had planned to meet for lunch at the orchard.


Harry met with Gabriel and as they jogged through Villa Borghese, he reflected to him how strange the week had been - with neither addressing the impending separation and the thick tension between them.

"Is it bad tension?" Gabriel had asked.

"Not bad as in we don't like each other - obviously. We love each other. Just awkward." Harry sighed.

"Do you think it can work?" Gabriel quizzed, curious to hear Harry's thoughts on the matter - since they hadn't discussed it yet.

"Yes. Well, no? I don't know, Gabe! This is what I'm saying, it's so confusing." Gabriel nodded in response.

"I asked her to go on tour with me." Harry spoke with a slightly solemn tone to his voice, the statement caught Gabriel off guard - who stopped to glance at Harry curiously.

"And?" He stared curiously.

"She said no."

"Oh." Gabriel replied, slowly walking along the path.

"Her career is going really well, she got that promotion and is very talented. I offered to network her with other designers worldwide-"

"But she declined. I can respect that, actually." Gabriel cut Harry off, presuming correctly what had happened.

"I know. I just don't know how we can work on different sides of the world." Harry vented.

"You need to share this with her, not me." Gabriel said supportively.

"I can't. What if it upsets her?"

"Sometimes the truth hurts less than a lie in the long term, Harry."


"Hello, darling!" Kevin spoke excitedly, plopping onto his seat on the opposite desk to Anna.

"Hi." She mellowly spoke, she had the most incredible, peaceful morning - but then as soon as she got to the quiet office where she was alone with her thoughts, her mood dropped.

"What's up?" Kevin asked, knowing that tone well.

"Nothing," she replied, eyes not gazing up from the screen.

"Has something happened?" He asked with concern now, scooting his desk chair over to her side of the desk.

"No," she whispered.

"Not yet anyway."

"Harry's going again." She whispered, looking up from her screen finally - to meet his concerned eyes.

"Going where?" Kevin asked.

"Away...on tour." She answered, swallowing heavily.

"He's leaving you again?"

"Yes. But he asked me to go with him," Kevin's expression lifted from one of sadness to one of confusion.

"Okay? Why are you sad about it? You get to travel with your hot, superstar boyfriend." He smiled at her warmly but she just looked back glumly.

"I said no, Kevin."

The surprise on his face was something she couldn't ignore. He told her honestly that if it were him - he would've snapped up the opportunity. Kevin didn't understand why she chose not to go.

She loved Harry, with every inch of her being. But she wanted to be independent, to build her career from the bottom with no shortcuts. Just to prove that she could do it.

Anna believed that if they were meant to be, they would find their way back.

Anna's POV

As we sit in the field together, his head heavy in my lap and my palms sunken into the grass - we both know it's the last time. Our romance had bid it's time. Who knew a summer romance would be so intense and grand.

"Harry," I whispered, it felt wrong to speak loudly amongst the beautiful flowers when it was just the two of us here.

"Hm?" He hummed, words not finding him.

"I need to ask you something." I told him and we moved so we were laying face to face on the bed of yellow flowers.

"What is it?" He asked me, and my throat felt dry. Now I was lost for words.

I looked into his eyes, shining and pure - yet filled with dull sadness for what was yet to come. I was sure mine were mirroring them. He placed one of his ring clad hands on my cheeks and brushed a tear that had happened to slip out away from my eye, before placing a delicate kiss on my lips.

"Promise you won't forget me." I whisper against his lips, eyes pinched shut - too anxious to look in his eyes.

He kissed me again, three times.

"Non potrei mai." [I could never] He whispered back into my ear, which sent chills down my spine. He then littered kisses from my earlobe down to my collarbone and sternum. I was upset, at him, at our circumstances, at life. I wish we had more time.

I shot my eyes open and held his face in my hands, his eyes were filled with sadness which had begun to spill from his too. I crashed my lips on his as a sob escaped my throat, he lifted me onto his lap and embraced my whole body with his arms as we continued our intense kiss.

I could've laid there all day, locked in his arms, held captive in his kiss.

"I love you. If by some miracle we cross paths in the future again, I hope you love me too."

"We've still got tonight." He whispered.



is someone cutting onions?

epilogue coming on saturday & some little extras 💛

Roman Holiday | h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora