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Our lovers have taken a spontaneous trip to Paris, a romantic place indeed. With memories to be made, beds to be unmade, and unfortunately some tragedy; I'm afraid.


"I can't believe you're making me watch this." Harry groaned, burying his face in the soft pillow.

"Hey, I love these movies. The best duo ever." Anna argued as she pressed play on Mamma Mia.

"It's cringey. My sister used to make us watch this all the time at home." Harry reflected, thinking about how his sister would come home from school most days and make Harry watch it with her.

"She has good taste." Anna complimented, with a wink.

"She'd love you, I think." He told her, fighting off a smile as he imagined how his family meeting Anna would go. He had no doubt that he wanted it to happen, he just didn't know how it would.

His mother had sent him screenshots of articles a few weeks ago, demanding information and wondering why he hadn't told her about Anna already. It was then that he confided in her about his feelings for Anna, and she encouraged him - as she always did, to follow his heart and tell her how he felt.

He knew that they'd all love her.

"Really? I'd be so scared to meet your family." She admitted shyly.

"Why? They like you already and all they've seen are photos." Harry assured her.

"They've seen photos?" She asked in shock.

"We're not exactly anonymous anymore, are we?" Harry reminded her softly, and recognition crossed her face.

"Oh yeah," she chuckled, How could I forget? she thought.

"I'd be nervous because the last time I met a boyfriends family it didn't go well." Anna told Harry, it was true. It wasn't awful, but it certainly wasn't good. In a way, she thought of it now as a pre-warning that the relationship wasn't destined for good things.

"What happened? You don't have to tell me." Harry asked curiously, yet cautiously as the opening music to the movie played.

"Anything that could've gone bad went bad, basically. I accidentally spilled coffee on my dress, on his mum, on him," she paused.

"I accidentally found some toys, in the house when looking for a candle lighter and his dad caught me. Highly embarrassing." Anna recalled, she left out the part where her boyfriend at the time had yelled at her the whole way home - telling her that she'd never meet them again, and that they didn't like her. They broke up shortly after.

"Oh, I would cry if I found that in someone's parents house, I wouldn't be able to get the images out of my head." Harry laughed.

"Believe me, I did. It was horrible, I do not recommend it." She shuddered, wrapping her arms around Harry's bare, toned torso and resting her head on his chest.

"You didn't touch them did you?" Harry asked curiously. When she remained silent, he looked at her in horror.

"You didn't!" His mouth was wide open and her eyes were squeezed shut.

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