Mutated Ectoplasm

By HelplessLemon

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Karkat Vantas was almost eighteen, when he entered a very strange machine. That was only the start of a whole... More

1. Average Everyday
2. A Great Big Flash
3. Everything Changes
4. Molecules Rearranged
5. Mystery Meat
6. Gory Gourmet
7. Plans for the Future
8. One of a Kind
9. Million to One
10. Killer Garage Sale
11. Info Dumping
12. Dragon Bonding
13. Dance of the Dead
14. Fanning the Flames
15. My Sister's Keeper
16. Final Chorus
17. Summons
18. The Verdict
19. Bitter Reunions
20. High School Grudges
21. Thirteen
22. Unlucky
23. Splitting Images
24. Phantom Menace
25. Fright Knight
26. An Omen
27. A Curse
28. Paternal Instincts
29. Cabin in the Woods
30. Inhuman
31. Doctor's Disorders
32. Patient Patient's
33. Psychotic Psychiatric
34. Teachers Assistant of the Year
35. Research and Development
36. Social Experiments
37. Darker Aspects
38. Doom and Gloom
39. A Pulled Thread...
40. ...Unravels a Tapestry
41. Lucky In Love
42. Romance is Undead
44. Control Freaks
45. Clown Code
46. Public Enemies
47. Crossing Lines
48. Million Dollar Ghost
49. What You Want

43. Couples Therapy

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By HelplessLemon

I'm not going to lie; I didn't expect to publish this in the morning. However, I figured it was better to just publish it now before I forget to later.

Word of warning, though; this chapter does get a little dark on the implications. I've wanted to put my own twist on this episode and I always found it more messed up than most people consider.

Either way, I hope you all enjoy!

There were several emotions that flitted through Karkat as he stared down at Kitty, who had the fucking audacity to look so casual in Feferi's body. Some of them were obvious, others not.

If he had the time to analyze them, he would've been surprised that the first one wasn't rage. It was a close second, but it wasn't the one that took control.

The emotion that did was horror.

Karkat thought about how it was a good while since the incident at the water park, how he'd helpfully shoved Feferi into a bathroom alone. How he'd gone off afterward to face Johnny, who had been alone too. The fight hadn't been long, but that shit didn't matter. Kitty could've possessed her easily.

The thought that she could've done it later crossed his mind, but it was squashed as he remembered having appeared in another bathroom. Feferi had probably seen her and struggled, freaked out, resulting in them appearing there. He didn't remember anything being damaged, but that fact alone...

Was she awake in there?

"You have seconds to explain to me what the fuck you're doing in my friend's body." The halfa let the rage take the driver's seat. The horror would've made her happy to see. "Preferably outside of it."

"How about I just stay in the meat suit a little bit longer. You look ready to maul me, and a human shield seems really good right now." Feferi held her hands up as Karkat leaned forward. "And I wouldn't try to rip me out of her. I've heard bad things happen if you try to rip out a ghost overshadowing someone."

Karkat did pause, hand clenching into fists. He hadn't read up on that type of thing just yet, a fact he cursed himself for, so he didn't actually know if that was a bluff. Feferi's safety was top priority here, and he wasn't going to violate that in a moment of rage.

His obsession still rang out since she'd already violated Feferi's autonomy. It sang for blood.

"Then talk fast before I decide to risk it." Karkat wouldn't have, but that didn't mean it wasn't tempting. "Preferably, why the fuck you thought it was a good idea to take someone who kicked your ass to a secluded location."

"Fine, fine. God, you're still such a goddamn kill-joy." Feferi's voice saying that was horrible, and he wanted to make it stop. "I'm guessing you already know we escaped from jail or something?"

"Yeah, considering your boyfriend decided to show up and wreck a nice day." He needs to get to Terezi on that. Figure out who fucked up or fucked around. "I was talking more about why you're possessing my friend, so get on with that."

"Friend? I wouldn't have gotten that judging from how you were reacting just a few minutes ago." Kitty made a gesture that he Karkat didn't bother registering in his mind's eye. It only made his obsession go crazier at the sight. "I figured this girl would be a good pick, but man, the UST was a lot stronger than I thought."

Karkat stared her down. Kitty eventually sighed, shaking her head.

"Look, it isn't really that complicated; I'm doing it to get a reaction from Johnny." Somehow, the reasoning made it so much worse. "I was going to go after some rando, but then you showed up and your name slipped out of this mouth before I could stop it and I figured this was too good to pass up."

"Do what to get a reaction? I don't think your boyfriend would really care since you just disappeared..." Karkat blinked. A second wave of emotion hit this time with revulsion taking the helm. "...what did he do?"

"How's that important?" Kitty brushed off some hair from Feferi's shoulder, scowling. "If you're not going to play along, I'd suggest-"

Karkat moved forward, going intangible as his hand drifted into Feferi's body. Surprisingly, despite facing no physical resistance, he was able to feel something in there, something also intangible. He made sure to grab it and twist it, a part of him feeling satisfied with how Kitty's eyes flashed, and she went still.

"Tell. Me. Now." Karkat was almost afraid he was cutting off Feferi's air when Kitty seemed to struggle to say something. "I'm losing patience."

"He-he cheated on me. Sometime before we died, he slept with some random girl and never told me about it." Kitty shivered as she felt herself be manhandled like this. "I was trying to find a guy willing to help me get back at him, found a meatsuit, and then I ran into you. Figured you'd be the best target."

Kitty was given some room to breathe as Karkat's grip loosened. She didn't get it back when it suddenly got tighter, trying to squeeze the unlife out of her.

"And were planning on using somebody else's body to do it?" Karkat tried not to imagine what would've happened if he hadn't figured anything out. The thought hurt, and it made him want to hurt her even more. "Are you fucking insane?!"

"Hey, hey, quiet the hell down!" Kitty slapped his face, causing the obsession-crazy bullshit to pause. "I will start screaming my head off if I have to. Everyone'll be perfectly willing to believe a lone, defenseless girl is being harassed by some creepy dude. And while you're dealing with the police, I can easily just go on out and find a real creep if I have to."

Karkat took his hand out instantly, the suggestion making him obey for the time being. It was a begrudging gesture, and he honestly wished he'd been brave enough to try and take her out.

"That's better. And here I was, thinking you couldn't treat a lady all nice and shit." Kitty leaned back into the seat, still tense. "Now, I'd really suggest going along with whatever I say. There are tons of things I could do before the day even ends, much less before I have to leave this body behind."

"...what do you want me to do?" Karkat scowled. His hands had remained clenched in his lap to prevent a reaction. "What do I have to do to get you out of her?"

"Easy; all you have to do is help me get back at Johnny," Kitty said, like that wasn't a horrifying order no matter how she put it. "Otherwise, I go through with it anyway with someone else. Or people, depending on how I feel."

Karkat almost bared his teeth before forcing himself to take a deep breath. He looked into her eyes intensely and kept his cool.

"Give me a few hours. No offense, but all of this," Karkat waved halfheartedly, feeling dead inside. "Is a major mood killer. How about the park at five? Does that work with you?"

Kitty didn't say anything, narrowing her eyes. "Is this some kind of trick?"

"I'm not going to risk anything right now if that's what you're wondering." Karkat was lying. He was going to make a plan. At the very least, he wasn't going to let anything happen to anyone that didn't deserve it. "Just... give me a chance to calm down first. Don't you want me to be calm?"

That freaked her out, but enough to get her in line. That was exactly what he needed, along with time. Preferably a lot of it.

"Fine. Guess this was a bit of a downer." Kitty got up, and Karkat was again struck by how alien it looked to see Feferi move like that. "But don't do anything funny. I won't pull anything until then, but human bodies are pretty fragile."

Kitty left without another word. Karkat watched her go, waiting until she was most likely out of earshot before he grabbed at his phone.

When he called Aradia, she picked up on the first ring.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you heard everything?" Karkat could hear the sounds of a struggle on the other end, with Aradia cursing all the while. "What the hell is going on over there?"

"Sollux is trying to prevent Eridan from committing murder, that's what's happening." Aradia growled. She sounded angry, and it didn't take much of an imagination to figure out the cause. "What do you want us to do? At least give us something to use before Eridan actually gets free."

"I've got some ideas. I'll message our ghost friends with some questions, but I've got plenty of ideas already." Karkat mulled over the plan of action before making a quick decision. "First; we have to find Johnny..."

Kitty was going to pay for this.

Terezi may not have been directly involved with the situation at this time, but that didn't mean she didn't feel pissed off over it. Especially since she could only answer a few questions before she had to meet her mom back up in the office.

They'd already talked extensively about the situation and how they apparently needed to address for humans breaking in (something that would require some heavy reworking) along with stuff for halfa's. There was only the fact that the recent talks with the Far Frozen would help that made things better.

Of course, Terezi was more focused on the massive number of violations that Johnny, and Kitty (especially Kitty) were going to get charged with. Johnny would probably get off easy. Kitty might never see the sun again if she had anything to say about it.

That's why she was going to go report before deciding on whether or not to run straight out of the Infinite Realms and go absolutely berserk on the bikers or go get Nepeta to help.

"Jesus Christ, does Karkles get any kind of rest?" Terezi was actually almost concerned about that guy's life. He needed a break before something else broke. "Horuss better get those accessories ready soon so we can do patrols too."

"Yeah, are you sure you want to do that?"

Terezi suddenly, but calmly, held a sword to an instantly regretful Vriska, who just held her hands in the air. "Hey, just making conversation. Don't need to cut my head off."

"I think I'd prefer stabbing you, honestly." Terezi put the sword away. For now, at least. "What are you even doing here? You hate this place."

"Aranea's helping with the last of the paperwork to get me out of my sentence. I should be a free woman after this." Vriska felt smug about this, leaning forward to look into Terezi's eyes. "Hope you won't miss me too much if I decide to go on tour again."

"Please, you'd miss us before you even got out of town." Nepeta appeared, startling Vriska at the intrusion. "Besides, you two have a good set up here. Why ruin it?"

"And Phantom isn't exactly going to be happy if you just turn around and start pulling shit again. You can ask Johnny and Kitty when he brings them back later." Something Terezi hoped he did with them in one piece. He sounded pissed over Ghostian. "Or maybe not, since those two are going to be kept in lockdown for a while."

"What did they do other than escape?" Nepeta leaned in. Terezi's face cringing caused her to back out, frowning. "Is it really that bad?"

"We're probably going to be putting Kitty away for a long time for charges we hadn't had to make yet." Terezi was adding rules to the rule book. At least this meant they could prevent this from happening in the future if they were severe enough the first-time round. "And if you need attention that badly, just wait. We'll have the accessories ready soon."

"Damn, and I was hoping to do a concert after this to celebrate." Vriska tapped her chin in thought, thinking of something else to do. "You think I can convince Vantas to set up a fake fight then? Like a spar, but we get an audience to watch."

"Vrissy, I don't think talking about your pitch fantasies out loud. It's kind of inappropriate." Nepeta tried to stifle a chuckle as Vriska gave her a confused look. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised you're into that kind of stuff though."

"...The hell does any of that mean?"

"Don't think about it." Terezi made a mental note to explain more about quadrants to Vriska later. They must've forgotten to do that. "I need to talk to my mom really quickly."

They'd made it to the door to her mother's office when they heard some people talking.

"...can't seriously think that this is actually going down like this?" Aranea's voice wafted out, sounding like she was questioning a patient ranting about doomsday. "It isn't like any of that could actually happen."

"Considering that Phantom kid was able to even get in contact with the Far Frozen to get all that, I'd say something is going to happen whether we like it or not." Redglare sounded apprehensive. That was a rare thing nowadays. "And even before that we had to deal with a literal war criminal we thought was just a legend."

"I haven't had time to research everything, but some of the stuff does line up with all the stuff that's going on." Nebit's words were followed by the sound of rustling paper. "I haven't found anything on the preacher and those child gods, but more than one person talking about them proves they exist."

"Which means we need all the help we can get. We definitely don't need anymore humans or halfa's just walking in certain places anymore." Redglare clicked her tongue and some more papers were shuffled. "You already talked to the Far Frozen about getting the defenses, right?"

"Yep. Still trying to get a read on the preacher they were talking about, though. Haven't seen him around at all." Nebit grumbled something at the end that could barely be heard. "Shame, it sounds like he's got a mysterious vibe around him too."

"What exactly do you even want my help for?" Aradia sounded annoyed at having been forgotten, despite being in the room.

"We need you to tell us what exactly you know about humans. We've been dead for a good while, and we obviously need to catch up." Redglare's voice got low, but not in an aggressive way. It resembled more of a warning giving in hushed whispers. "Remember; even if you leave, if anything happens the way these predictions will, it won't matter how far you are. When you hear a prophecy, it usually comes back to haunt you either way."

There was a silence before a loud sigh could be heard.

"Fine. But I'm not helping out in any fights unless they interest me." A scraping of a chair could be heard. "Now, what exactly would you like to know?"

Terezi sighed, putting her hand back up. Things were just getting more complicated every day.

Karkat waited in the park, a blanket set down under him. He had some food that he'd gotten from a local deli set out, making sure for the third time that nobody was around to see what would happen.

If everything were going exactly as planned, there wouldn't be any trouble whatsoever. If it didn't, they'd find a way around that.

His talk with Terezi had been brief, but it did give him the information he needed. Ghosts could be taken out of a person without harming the person getting hurt, but it was an exact procedure that would need some precision they didn't have time for, proving Kitty's bluff. But that didn't matter much since they did have a backup plan.

If things were going right, Kitty should be arriving right about...

"Huh. I didn't know if you actually would show up."

Karkat looked at Kitty, still in Feferi's body, with a tired look in his eyes. He did his best to hide it, wanting this all to go smoothly.

"It's not like you gave me a lot of choice, you know." Karkat didn't have to be polite to her, though. "Considering you're holding my friend's body hostage, I figured being punctual would be appreciated."

"Yeah, yeah, complain all you want, but at least I'm in a body you like." Kitty sat down. She gladly took one of the sandwiches, having become alien to the feeling of hunger. "I haven't done anything with this one yet. Make sure of it so you don't go psycho on me."

He knew that. Aradia had made it a point to keep an eye on Feferi's body. Kitty had basically just gone around town, most likely to see what other kind of fun she could have later. Nothing was done to Feferi like they promised.

(it wouldn't save her)

Kitty gave him a once over, suddenly feeling... unsafe. Some kind of ectoplasmic signature pulsed from him, and he didn't seem phased by it.

"So, did you lace these sandwiches or something?" Kitty figured something was going to happen. This had started off way too easy. "Pretty sure that wouldn't help you at all."

"Of course fucking not. You assume way too much." Karkat nonchalantly took a huge bite out of his own, deciding to discard manners for the time being. Not like she deserved it. "I did decide to invite a friend over, if you don't mind."

"What kind of friend?" Kitty heard the revving of a motorcycle, causing her to stop. "Oh, you've got to be-"

Eridan flew overhead causing the conversation to stifle instantly. Shadow and Johnny weren't far behind, the biker ghost trying to throw blasts at the guy. There was a lot of cursing involved, and it looked like Eridan had taken his anger out on Shadow, judging from its ragged appearance.

"I'm getting really tired of the fish schtick! If you know where Kitty is, you better tell me!" Johnny looked around as Eridan swiftly moved around, noticing Karkat. "Great, what do you want? You aren't involved in this."

"Actually, since your girlfriend is possessing my friend and seems to be looking to get some revenge on you, it is my problem." Karkat didn't bother getting up, pointing at Kitty lazily. "Isn't that right, Kitty?"

Kitty froze, irritation causing her eyes to flash. Johnny actually stopped, noticing it before groaning loudly.

"That's how you've been doing this! Kitty, we need to go now before Redglare, and her goons catch up." Johnny flew downward, reaching a handout. "We really don't have a lot of time, especially with these two, so we need-"

"Oh, shut up! I don't want to go anywhere with you." Kitty stomped her foot on the ground. It looked positively bratty the way she did it. "Considering you cheated on me, I think I need to level the playing field."

"I keep on telling you we'll talk about it later! And would you at least talk to me with your own face?" Johnny reared his motorcycle back. The idiot seemed to forget that he was surrounded by enemies. "It's weird arguing with you when you have a stranger's face."

Kitty just growled and fell for the trap instantly. She flew out of Feferi up to Johnny's face, already shouting. Karkat moved fast in order to grab her.

"Feferi?" Karkat felt the girl stir but didn't wake up. He tapped her face lightly, causing a more noticeable response. "Come on, come on, wake up! I need to know if you're okay."

Feferi's eyes fluttered open, but too tired to fully register what was happening. "Karkat?"

"Yeah, it's me. Sorry to wake you up like this," Karkat shrugged, feeling relieved. "Are you okay? You haven't been yourself today."

Feferi just looked at him dully, blinking before she responded. "I thought I told you to put me down. Mom might see us."

Karkat's shoulders sagged, the sounds of Aradia and Sollux moving out of their hiding places to get to them. She must still think they're at the water park, carrying her around like it was nothing. She was falling asleep again, curling up to the closest warm thing (that being Karkat himself) while he couldn't help but think about how today had been nice, had been fun, had been normal-

"And maybe if you didn't look at other girls like it was a buffet line, I wouldn't have to-"

"I don't do it all the time! You just keep on getting insecure and-"

Karkat felt something go haywire as they kept arguing. This was all their goddamn fault.

"Guys," Karkat moved up, handing Feferi over to Aradia and Sollux. "I need you to get Feferi out of here. I think it's about time that I talk with those two."

"Are you sure? It doesn't look like it'll be hard to take them down with all of us here." Aradia took up most of Feferi's weight, an arm around her shoulder. "Then again, I guess we shouldn't leave her here if it starts getting-"

"Go. Now."

The two humans stopped, leaning back as Karkat turned and transformed. His eyes had already been deep red before the rings went down.

"...We'll have to come back to make sure he doesn't go overboard, right?" Sollux asked, getting a quick nod. "Good. Let's see if we can call an ambulance to get FF some medical attention."

The two left, if only to get Feferi away from the splash zone. Whatever was going to happen next, it wasn't going to be pretty.

"...And I shouldn't have to look for some other guy just to get some actual attention!" Kitty had started crying at some point during the argument. "If you paid even half the amount of attention to me as you do other girls, this wouldn't have even happened."

"I'm sorry, okay! I'm trying to work on it, but habits are hard to break." Johnny reached out a hand to her, pleadingly. "Let's work on that together, okay. I'll do my best from now on."

Kitty did give his hand a long, hard look, trying to figure out if she wanted to do that. She even felt herself relax as she started to reach for it.

"Isn't this touching."

A sickle and chain suddenly wrapped around Kitty's waist, pulling her downwards to the floor. The ghost let out a yelp as she hit the ground hard, looking up to glare at Phantom. She immediately froze as the twitchy, obsessed form of the halfa looked at them both with open disdain.

"To think that this all could've been solved just by talking to each other. Without any need to possess anyone and threaten to do things against their will." Karkat twirled a sickle, contempt clear in his movements. "I suppose the end result would've been the same, though. You two are idiots with a flair for the dramatic."

"We were just making up there!" Johnny started, but the glare he got effectively silenced him. "W-Wasn't this the whole point? To get us to make up?"

"The whole thing was pretty dramatic. The crowd cheered in dismay before committing mass suicide." The halfa cupped a hand near his ear, listening to the silence. He shook his head, an unstable chuckle slipping through. "You're not getting applause from me, that's for certain."

"Uh, Kar? Shouldn't we just thermos them already?" Eridan had the luxury of having never seen Karkat go obsession-crazy before, but that had changed today. "This wasn't part of the plan."

"Yeah, that is the simpler option. But we did that last time, and look where that got us? Right back here." Karkat looked at Kitty, tilting his head. "I'm thinking a new approach needs to be done here. You want to know what that is?"

Kitty just shivered. This is what that pulse of power meant. "W-what?"

"I need to make sure you two never think about setting foot in Amity Park ever again."Karkat's voice sent a chill, the scraping of metal completing the feeling of dread as scratched the blades of the sickles together. "And I'm going to make sure it sticks."

Karkat threw the first blow of many.

Kitty had to fly fast to avoid the slash of a chained sickle, grazing the earth that she was previously at. The second dodge wasn't as good, the blade missing, but the chain catching an arm as it flew past. The halfa jerked her towards him, kicking her hard as they met.

Johnny was going to intervene before Eridan threw a light blast at him. The biker ghost did his best to dodge an onslaught of blasts, not being able to summon Shadow due to the lack of break. He swung around in the air, though, trying to hit Eridan with the grill of his motorcycle.

Each attempt came closer and closer, Eridan dodging each time with little effort. Johnny did try to clothesline him, but the quarter ghost ducked, slashing at the biker's side. It was a solid hit, scratches that almost bled.

Karkat wasn't letting up on his assault on Kitty, who was more focused on running as fast as she could. She threw blast after blast at him, each one easily and eerily dodged by an emotionless Phantom.

"Why do you have to ruin everything?!" Kitty stopped, throwing a huge ectoblast at him with all of her might. "You could've just played along! It didn't have to be like this!"

Karkat dodged the beam, going under before hitting her in the jaw, knocking her upward. He threw several ecto blasts as he flew at her again, hitting her each time before grabbing her by the throat.

"The only one you can blame for this is yourself." Phantom's tranquil fury pierced her, red eyes pulsing as he looked into hers. "And you'll wish you never set foot in my town."

Karkat threw her up, a chain wrapping around her as he fired it up with ecto energy. He threw her down again, the ghost hitting the ground at top speed. The chase began again as he threw more blasts, the landscape changing more.

Johnny was still fighting Eridan, and neither of them seemed ready to stop. Eridan made sure to keep close, slashing at the biker ghost with everything he had, while Johnny did the same with whatever he could get his hands on. He landed a blow on the quarter ghost's face, but that ended with Eridan growling and grabbing the bike.

Eridan, whether her meant to or not, ripped the front wheel of the bike off, sending Johnny off kilter. The ghost jumped off the bike instinctually, even if the damn thing could still fly, throwing a strong enough ecto-blast that hit Eridan in the face. He was able to get himself enough time to notice his girlfriend losing her side of the fight.

"Shadow!" Johnny summoned the creature, pointing at Karkat's back. "Attack him, now!"

The creature was able to move before Eridan could recover. It closed the distance between the two quickly, reaching and pulling a claw back. The blow would've hit, but Karkat was able to turn around.

Instinct took over before the halfa could think.

The gas mask around Karkat's face seemed to separate, exposing a red maw that was barely covered by melted strands. Smoke came out in a large puff before a stream of fire flew outward, covering the construct that was Shadow. The shriek of the creature rose up before it was cut short as the fire turned it into nothing.

The plume of fire went out, Phantom's eyes turning over to Johnny, who was petrified in fear.

"What the fuck-"

Johnny didn't get to finish, as Kitty was thrown into his stomach. The two crumpled to the ground, Johnny gasping for air he didn't need while Kitty held her head. The sound of destroyed grass crunching under boots caused them to look up, the nightmarish form of Phantom stalking towards them. They cowered back weakly; the fight having left them as his "mouth" scowled.

Nobody knew what he was planning on doing, but Eridan was able to get in front of them, even if this was scaring him out of his mind too.

"Okay, I think they've had enough now." Eridan tried to sound joking, but the literal maw that still let out smoke kinda freaked him out. "Isn't it enough? I think they learned not to step outside here ever again."

Phantom- not Karkat, that couldn't be Karkat- stared him down, the gas mask mouth still in an open snarl.

"Please, man, I'm being serious." Eridan held a handout. He didn't charge it up with anything, but it wasn't like he wasn't ready for anything. "Just calm down. It's over."

Phantom calmed down slowly, the gaping maw morphing back into a regular gas mask. Karkat stood there for a few seconds before putting the weapons away, grabbing the thermos robotically. He gave the two ghosts a long look before speaking again.

"Go to Redglare and stay until your sentence is over." Karkat still sounded calm. It probably wasn't true at all. "If I ever see you here again, you'll wish you never came back from the dead."

He didn't wait for them to nod. Something about their fearful faces caused him to feel the guilt hit him like a wave, forcing him to suck them up before he could think of it anymore. He capped it as Eridan let out a sigh.

"You really had everyone going there. Even me, you know?" Eridan was doing his best to inject some levity, but Karkat kept his back to him. "It was pretty goddamn scary too. Was that just shapeshifting or-"

"This isn't a fucking game, Ampora."

Eridan blinked, Karkat walking away already. The halfa honestly looked exhausted, already transforming.

"Come on, we got a few lies to tell. Can't have anyone knowing the full truth." Karkat just didn't care anymore. He wanted today to be over. "Just... let's just go."

Karkat wasn't proud of the selfish thought that ended up in his head as he walked away, the cover story they'd prepared repeating in his head.

Today was supposed to be a normal day.

Feferi would admit that today hadn't gone how it should've. A day at the waterpark rarely results in visiting the hospital unless you were just learning how to swim.

The doctors said her friends had noticed her acting weird all day and followed her to a clearing that had been demolished during a ghost fight between Phantom, a biker ghost, and female ghost that had been possessing her for the entire day. An entire goddamn day. When they asked her about what she could remember, she said that she didn't remember a thing.

Feferi wasn't sure when her mom had finally left, but after a ton of ranting, threats against any doctor that she didn't see as doing anything, and a generous amount of promises to destroy a ghost, she was forced out to let her rest. At least she couldn't say that Crocker didn't care about her.

It was at least a couple hours in when Kanaya was able to finally sneak in.

"I am very sorry I asked you to go there. I didn't expect any of it, but..." Kanaya had been pacing from one end of the room to the other. "Out of all days!"

"Kanaya, I keep on telling you, it wasn't your fault." Feferi pinched the bridge of her nose, laughing quietly. "Some bitch decided to hijack my body. Probably could've happened to anyone else."

"Yes, I suppose that is true. That doesn't mean it isn't kind of frightening how it happened like that." Kanaya stopped pacing long enough to think up something. "When exactly did it happen again?"

"Right after that biker ghost decided to show up and fly around the place." Feferi was starting to get tired of talking about it over and over. She desperately wanted to move on to a new topic. "I actually wanted to talk to you about the plan."

"Wow, I actually forgot about that. Considering you kind of disappeared on me and everything else, that kind of went to the wayside." Kanaya moved to Feferi's hospital bed, sitting in the chair next to it. "Shouldn't we focus on knowing what happened while you were possessed first?"

Feferi looked around nervously at the mention of her memory. Kanaya paused as she noticed the girl shift, something occurring to her.

"Is there something wrong?" Kanaya frowned. "You did say that you didn't remember anything from until the waterpark incident until you woke up here."

"...That was a lie." Feferi slouched, face getting somber as she mentally prepared herself to explain. "I might have the answers to all of our questions. And it turns out we might've been right."

Kitty may have done something horrible, but Feferi had to thank her for one thing; at least she knew everything now.

Like I said before; the implications of this episode would've gone farther if it wasn't a children's show. It's seriously messed up how Kitty possessed someone just to make her boyfriend jealous and it's a good thing both the DP version and mine found their halfa's otherwise it would be pure nightmare fuel. If you all feel icky inside, then you know how badly possession must be like.

I hope you enjoyed and I'll se you next chapter.

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