Neo x Reader - Alone Wolf (RW...

By Obahar_

19.5K 415 368

A gender neutral Y/N was nothing but an old folktale to the people of their village. So when an imminent thre... More

Voting Ended: Neo is the CLEAR winner here!
Chapter 1: That Lone Guardian
Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 3: Initiation
Chapter 4: Sweet Encounters
Chapter 6: Everyone has a story
Chapter 7: Dastardly
Chapter 8: Christmas
Chapter 9: My Warning
Chapter 10: Under Her
Chapter 11: To Duel & Dance

Chapter 5: The girl with the coloured hair

1.3K 36 19
By Obahar_

It had been just under a week since Y/N had first arrived at Beacon Academy as entourage to Qrow. It had been even less time since their encounter with Mint, the small black-haired girl that Y/N had run into during their first outing into the strange new place that is Vale.

As promised, Blake had given Y/N the thing she called a Scroll, which confused Y/N as it wasn't made of paper like some of their Papa's scrolls were... Whilst exasperated with Y/N's naivety, Blake still kept her promise to teach them how to use a Scroll and how to add Mint's number to it as well as adding her own at the same time for future convenience.

* * *

After the weekend's end, it was time for you to attend classes finally, to catch up on all that you had missed in your years of solitude out in the wilderness. Which is why it was both a curse and a blessing that the first lesson was taught by a Dr. Oobleck who spoke at a speed so fast it was practically unintelligible to you!

Fortunately, team RWBY had made a point to save a space for you and so you sat besides Blake who helped you to take notes throughout the lesson.

You could feel that a lot of your fellow students were watching you with a curious eye, but you felt no malicious intent behind their gazes so you paid it no mind and instead focused on trying to learn as much as you could from the speedy-speaking professor... but it was no use, your way with words was already at what seemed to be a sub-par level for the new company you kept, and the more experienced also often struggled to grasp his caffeine-fuelled teachings too!

As such, it was incredibly fortunate that Blake was your neighbour, as not only was she the one most acclimated to your behaviour and ability to understand, but she also was one of two members of Team RWBY who seemed to actually pay attention and take notes in this class, with Weiss being the second.

After that class, the rest seemed far easier to acclimate to, you were definitely thrown into the deep end with Dr. Oobleck!

The rest of the week went rather plainly, especially when compared to your first weekend at Beacon!

You attended classes like everyone else, then retrieved a meal from the cafeteria which you would always take up to your dorm room alone and eat in solitude, like you were used to. And then you would spend your free time reading. Sometimes, Blake would drop by for the peace and quiet your room offered, but would help you with any queries you had whilst she was there.

* * *

It was now Friday evening, and you were reading again with the silent company of Blake.

Blake: "Have you heard from that friend of yours yet? Mint, right?"

Y/N: "No. No message. Maybe magic paper is broken?"

Blake: "No, your Scroll is fine - I sent you that message to test earlier this week, remember?"

Y/N: "I see. Maybe friend's magic pa-... Scroll is broken?"

Blake: "That could be the case, it is a little weird she didn't reply at all to say she received your message."

Y/N: "I sent message?"

Blake: "You... you didn't send a message to her, at all?"

Y/N: "No? Friend said she send me message when ready. Right?"

Blake: "Well, I mean... you're not wrong... b-but! How is she meant to send a message if she doesn't know your number?!"

Y/N: "This technology... too confusing..."

Blake: "It... it really isn't... look, just send her a message that says something like 'Hi, this is the scroll of Y/N'... and probably something about being sorry for how slow you were in getting in touch, maybe don't mention that it was because this was your first time with a Scroll... or maybe do? And..."


New Message:
Unknown Contact
Hi, this is the scroll of Y/N'
And probably something about being sorry for how slow you were in getting in touch.
Maybe don't mention that it was because this was your first time with a Scroll... or maybe do? And...

Wait, are you writing all this down?
Like everything?
You shouldn't send that!

Mint: ". . ."


Blake: "Wait, you didn't just send it... did you?!"

Y/N: "I pressed the button that says 'Send' so I don't have to make word appear with these small letter. Was that... bad?"

Blake: "...well, I suppose it is certainly a... unique way of reintroducing yourself over Scroll!"

New Message:
Sender: Mint
It's about time!
I was worried that you'd forgotten about our arrangement,
but now I see you're just a total dunce with technology! :3

I've already gotten in contact with Neo Politan,
she'll be ready to meet you by the ice-cream parlour, okay?

She'll see you soon!

Blake: "Seems it all worked out in the end! You should probably reply on the day telling her when you'll be there. Well... if that's all, I think I'm going to go back to my totally-innocent-and-definitely-not-smut book now..."


It was now Saturday morning, you were on a bullhead heading towards the town, thanks to the assistance of Ruby who had pointed you in the right direction before she was caught by Weiss who dragged her back to the library to study.

You had sent a message to Mint ahead of your landing so that she could inform Neo to be there to receive the letter you had with her name on it.

New Message:
Sender: Mint
She's been excited for this all week.
She's already there waiting for you,
and I told her what you look like.

And she doesn't talk either, like me!

So play nice, for your sake!

You had finally reached your destination, and this time you knew somewhat where you were going.

The 'pavilion', as Weiss had named it, was very easy to see from the street you were on, so you would just need to walk in that direction until you were close enough to see the Parlour that Mint had introduced you to.

* * *

A short walk later and you had arrived to where you think you were meant to be, but you had no idea how this person would look, so you weren't sure what to do now-

*tap tap*

You felt a tap on your back from behind, you turn around to see what you could only assume to be an umbrella pointing into your face, blocking all of your vision until it was pulled back and laid to rest on the shoulder of the girl you presumed to have tapped you on the back.

She had her hand outstretched and a smug smile on her face, and so you guess that this is who you were looking for?

Y/N: "Hello? You are Neo, yes?"

The girl nods her head and further extends her hand in your direction, clearly waiting for you to hand over the letter. So you open up your bag and reach a hand in to retrieve the letter that her grandmother had given you before you parted to make your way towards what you now knew to be Beacon Academy with Qrow-... but as you find the letter you notice something weird about this girl in front of you now...

Y/N: "...similar... hmm?"

Neo's face seemed to show intrigue to what was confusing you but then was quickly overwritten with annoyance in still not having the letter, she was now repeatedly tapping her heeled boots on the floor and using her other hand to point to the one that she already had held outstretched towards you.

Y/N: "r-Right! Here, have letter that she gave me."

You place the envelope with Neo's name on it onto her open hand, she quickly pulls it in close and opens it, retrieving its contents and begins to read it.
You weren't sure exactly whether to leave or stay, so you waited a moment whilst Neo read the letter to wait until she signed to you otherwise.

A couple more moments had passed in complete silence until you noticed that the letter that Neo was reading seemed to have splotches of water droplets on it, but it wasn't raining... was it?

Y/N: "Maybe use umbrella? I think rain falling on letter?"

Neo: ". . ."

Neo then folded up the letter and stored it away, but that's when you noticed that her hand also had several water droplets on it, and so did the ground beneath her... but only the ground beneath her, nowhere else.

Neo: ". . ."

Neo then pulled out her Scroll and started typing on it...


Thanks for delivering this to me,
and thank you for looking out for my family out there.

I didn't even know that I had anyone out there!
Anyways... how does an ice cream sound to you?

I'd like to thank you for doing this with my favourite treat!

Y/N: "I have some time before need to go back. Okay, you like Nyahpolitan ice cream, right?"

Neo: "!"


I thought that Mint told you that it's Neapolitan!
It's not cat food!

Y/N: "But I thought...? n-No. Never minding my thoughts."

* * *

The two of you had headed over to the Ice Cream Parlour and found a spot to sit nearby, yet out of sight of the other members of the public who were going about their days.

Neo told you to sit still and wait for her, after a few moments passed she returned with two cones of Neapolitan ice cream and the two of you enjoyed your frozen treats in silence.

???: "HEY! YOU!"

Ah, it seems trouble has found you once again... leaving the forest is seeming to be a mistake the longer you've been gone!

<1699 words>

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